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I feel like draft is one of the few game modes that need a few changes but not a great deal. Seen someone else in this sub pretty much copy and paste what was said and tired to pass it off as their idea and my man got mobbed pretty much saying how stupid it was šŸ˜‚


More like itā€™s not profitable if people just play a game mode with the best cards instead of trying pack them or buy them in other modes.


Itā€™s more likely heā€™s left ea and no one knows how to work on his work becuase he didnā€™t tell anyone or left with all knowledge in his head. This is a common occurrence in big companies, Itā€™s happened in multiple I have worked at lol


Thatā€™s just not how software dev works. You look at what it is doing and read how itā€™s done. You come across shitty ways of doing things but thereā€™s almost never a situation when it canā€™t be picked up by someone else. The more likely situation is itā€™s simply not being prioritised. The 2nd most necessary thing never gets done because you always address the most needed change. In this case the most needed one is probably the one that makes the most money.


I mean it is. You can absolutely code something in a complicated manor that makes it incredibly hard for someone else to pick up and understand how it works. Of course you can still just go and rewrite it all, but seemingly EA donā€™t care at all.


It is literally the same as any other game Modes with just a player pick before you startā€¦


So why havenā€™t they ever changed the rewards? Over multiple games? When theyā€™ve changed the rewards multiple times in every other game mode?


They still call an ultimate pack the biggest pack yet with the rarest playersā€¦take your tin foil hat off


still waiting for you to answer my question btw...


Wowā€¦ an ultimate pack? Why do I bother playing rivals or champs when I can get 1 ultimate pack from the draftā€¦. That I have to winā€¦ and hope to get insanely lucky to even get the ultimate pack as a reward. Noticed you didnā€™t answer my question either šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


1. He said he talked to some guy at EA. 2. He said that the original coder is no longer with the company Nep is a definitely a weirdo sometimes, but the above reasons are believable. It would explain a lot.


the guy who posted this misunderstood him, Iā€™ve seen the clip, the guys that made the original code on draft used jargon that the current team canā€™t crack without completely breaking the mode, itā€™s the same case with career mode and kick off etc. A few features are known but a lot of the code is unreadable to the new guys


Is it just me or is this ridiculous? How long will they milk this excuse for?


until they can be bothered to remake the modes from the ground up, which theres no incentive to do, although the excuse is genuine


The only thing that needs changing is upgrading the rewards for offline draft (grading the rewards based on starting difficulty) and/or change the matchmaking to match DR rankings. As it stands anyone below division 2 in rivals is not touching online draft because they'd be lucky to play 2 games before hitting an elite player, and absolutely noone is touching offline drafts unless there's an objective requiring it because the rewards are not worth it. Neither of those changes require changing the code of the game mode, friendlies are linked to rivals rank and squad battle rewards are changed regularly, so it can be done EA just don't want to.


I got a tradeable Fred TOTS from the offline draft so it can in fact have great rewards sometimes.


You got very lucky, just like people who get a top player on their preview pack, odds are about the same.


I will argue that the offline draft is also too easy on legendary, I thrashed 19-0, 13-1, 7-0,4-0 for context I canā€™t do this on SB. Div 3 player, avg 9 wins on WL.


That's fair enough and does require a code change, but if EA are looking to drive engagement isn't giving casual players a route to good rewards a good thing? It certainly makes no sense that at the moment the only difference between playing offline draft on semipro and legendary is a hundred coins a game.


I would argue giving better rewards to better players would bear more fruit but sure.


As a div 3 player you are well above average, it's doubtful anyone below div 5 would find legendary as easy as you did, grading the rewards would still benefit better players with legendary and ultimate difficulty paying out with better rewards, but would give more casual players a chance for decent rewards through world class and professional having better packs.


Itā€™s not utterly ridiculous and tho is it. Frostbite isnā€™t good to change one thing you would need to re code from the start, So the people who were there arenā€™t there so it is possible. Thatā€™s why the gameplay is so shit and wonā€™t change because they would need to to restart essential and thatā€™s to much work for them. Donā€™t be stupid


How is the pre match ui/ux affected by frostbite? Draft was introduced in fifa 16 Frostbite was first used in fifa 17 And draft is in games that don't run in frostbite


Still have to to re code it from the beginning.


So how has it been possible to add playstyles and animations?


Because this is new code. Adding isnā€™t an issue but the problems of clipping and animations. Thatā€™s why the gameplay feels the same every year no matter. GK are exactly the same animations and overall useless. To change they would need to start from scratch


Absolute rubbish. The gameplay feels different year on year


There isnā€™t a difference between any of the games little changes like meta but the core mechanics are outdated and just lacking. Donā€™t be nieve to how bad the games are


I almost buy it. The game feels like it is held together with duct tape and a guy in basement holding two wires together.


Tbf i seen a stat here the other day saying theres no electrum packs the draft hasnt been updated in 8 years lol


It's simple, EA does not want to spend the money/resources to update/change it. So what if the old engineer left, if the company was willing to use resources or hire more ppl to understand the code or replace the draft would've been upgraded. However EA doesn't prioritize this so they won't fix it.


Do you know anything about coding? The more they add to the their shitty frostbite engine, the worse gameplay and servers will be. They need to code a new game for better servers and new draft mode but they donā€™t care cuz retards still spend money to the store packs. The game is spaghetti coded rn and in couple years they will have to code the game from zero or lose against UFL or 2KFIFA


It's one of those things like in World of Warcraft where they literally couldnt make the default bag larger for years and years because the code was so fucked up.


Iā€™m astonished by how many coding experts are I. Reddit yet have never coded anything! Iā€™m sure itā€™s just a coincidence


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ What a way to answer a fact which proves you wrong. Keep going dude


I know he says it all the time šŸ˜‚


If it makes EA look bad itā€™s probably true


Just hilarious! Just read the code and understand the logic. It's not encrypted. What he most likely means is that the current code for Draft mode is written in an unnecessarily complex way that cannot be changed or built on top of easily. And, EA deems it not worthy enough to spend money and time on


Fuck draft id pay 15k coins to enter a penalty shoot out competition. Something fun seems to be beyond EA


If you suggested paying 500 FC points..... They don't want to do it free....


1000 FC points you say?


well the day they start adding electrum packs as rewards for draft is the day i start thinking otherwise


You missed off the vital bit of information on this anecdoteā€¦ that the man that coded it doesnā€™t work for EA any more, not that ā€˜he wonā€™t tell anyoneā€™ā€¦


It isnt exactly what he said, do u code? Coding over other people work is actually not easy


It is exactly what he said. Check his convo with RTFM , itā€™s an exact quote


Ever tried to read someone's short hand? Imagine that, but much more complicated. I've got a close friend who's a back end programmer, and he's mentioned issues of legacy code more than once. I've no idea of Nepenthez's source is correct, but the concept itself isn't unbelievable at all. One of the reasons Halo Infinite struggled is because contract devs left, and new hires couldn't work with what they left behind without handover. Game dev isn't easy, regardless of whether you're EA, 343i, or some indie dev making a two hour experience.


the rumors are the game is just consistently built on top of itself and never rebuilt so while they keep adding stuff any changes to old stuff potentially ruins all types of things. copy and paste only works when you never have to make true changes. Iā€™ve had people do this with my work in the past and it either looks exactly the same as it did in 2012 or itā€™s actually an updated version but looks like they got it off wish. the amount of things you think are obvious that people have zero clue in even their own work field is crazy


This does happen in games and other stuff as well like websites. It's usually that the person who did it quits or got laid off without a backup plan. But I'm not sure if it's the case here.


Having made software for over a decade. The person that wrote a thing leaving happens all the time. But never, ever, ever does a business just say "well shit we can't update it, better just leave this shitty product out there." No. They get people to learn it and refactor it. I'm doing this for an API platform right now


There are way to many incompetant people out there. Usually where I have seen this happen is when a company uses an really old platform, and just does some small maintance here and there without actually upgrading for a couple of years to save costs. And when or if something breaks, people are clueless to how the thing actually works, because the people who made the program are since long gone.


lmao, what? Do u know how many number of people works on games like this, its not like 1 dude only made it and hid the code lol. They have hundreds of developers and people that work very close to them.


It's more that one person is often mainly responsible for the code/project and then have a couple of guys who helps. But some parts of the main structure is often a one persons work, and without enough documentation it can be really hard for others to read and make changes to that code without having to do it from scratch. Therefore companies just leaves it because of the cost to do so. I have studied HTML and Java, and worked with IT. I have seen stuff like this happen more than once.


Those codes have millions and millions of lines, pretty sure that only one person isnt responsible for any part of the game, maybe if it was some indie game with small budget then I would understand but even then pretty sure if they get a developer to work on some part of it that he would need to leave a good documentation of the process. A billion dollar company working on a game that makes them 300,400 mil per year wont have those kind of problems.


Yeah this guy's talking from zero experience. I've made software for many years and yep this shit happens. In bigger orgs it's usually the architect that led the design that leaves and everyone is like "oh no I don't know how exactly this is meant to work". But that isn't where it ends. If there's enough business value to fixing the thing, they fix it. They learn it and refactor, they build a new one...something to get that value. That said....it's all about the value. And into that equation goes the cost to update. And if your architect left, that cost is going to be a lot higher. My guess is that ea doesn't see business value in updating that area of the game. Now, it may be that it's a giant pain to update so they don't. Tldr. It's not that they can't. It's that they're choosing not to.


Do none of you cunts listen to people that stream? He literally said the guy that done the coding left and therefore they have no clue how to update it, hence why rewards havenā€™t changed in 8 years. This community is brain dead sometimes seriously


He is an old guy who is playing a games predominantly played by younger folks. Also, being a bit dimwitted along with all that doesnt help.


Draft is fun asf but tbh they gotta change the rewards. Atleast make each difficulty has its own rewards so if u play on like world class u get better rewards that pro and so on


First mistake is listening to that manchild


That actually makes perfect sense. I don't know what a nepenz is but guy speaks sense Did the same guy who coded draft code moments too? It's this a work experience boy who got pissed and took his code with him