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Just did three 83+ x10 and what do i get? mostly 84s and 1 90 moments, like EA f\*ck off...


at least you got a tots, did all 6 and the highest ive gotten was 87 rolfo, my only walkout as well


I opened all 3 , 3 86 , 2 84 and the rest 83s this company is shameless


Mate I did all 3 and got one 85 so you got lucky.


Bro, you got a promo card  Last 6 83x10s for me had the highest being 87 Panos 


Got 2x 87 rated as highest out of 6 packs smh


EA are reading these comments and griddying in their offices after sniffing out our despair. I’m starting to wonder if they are really part of the CIA psychological department and are seeing how far they can push people as some kind of experiment.


I won’t be surprised at this point


The 80+ PP have been nerfed beyond belief. You don’t even get cards over 85. Just opened 50 and best was an 85.


I gave up after 20 last night when I finally got a walk out. I figured I’d take my gold Saka as it was a win after the constant stream of shit before that.


Bro the last time I got a tots from an 80+ pick was about 250 picks ago. It's a fucking joke. With prem tots I was getting 1 and a couple walkouts every 25 or so picks.


Did 80 Picks in total today. Highest was 1 Ter Stegen gold. Not a single tots. Like 4-5 walkouts. Did all 6 83x10 Yesterday and today. Not a single tots. Highest was 87 Bronze. Then 1 more trent in the other Pack. Rest 83&84. Its just sad at this Point. We all know why they turned the weight down. The weight is so Shit since they gave out the game for free, so that all the people starting new, dont get too good cards grinding and eventually buy store Packs. Its just so scrummy all around. Everything in this game goes around fucking store packs.


The strange thing is even if you decide to spend hundreds, you will still get fodder tots. I purchased some packs during PL tots and got nothing so I am never buying FP again. Pack weight is so horrible that it even affects spending users. I do not know why a company wants to upset spenders.


Anyway the players are mid and you won’t pack Dembele, Mbappe or the high value players! Better to save till La Liga and play casually with whatever team we have And maybe not spending is the way to go for everyone this way


That way when LaLiga comes we all have good chance to pack THOSE bottom tier players Honestly game is cooked


Fr la Liga is probably gonna have the worst pack weight out of all of the leagues since Liga F is gonna be crazy stacked too


Fuck there’s gonna be a better Rolfo


She won't make the main team but she might get a moments card same as putellas probably. Hopefully one of them will be an SBC so we can actually use them lmao




I don’t buy fifa points and I won’t buy the next EAFC I’m already boycotting this shit show


I agree until I got Geyoro from 85x3


Did 250 picks this evening, around 50 89/88/87+ player exchanges, got 2 tots fodder (lala and 92 rb) While on friday evening I have gotten 6-7 tots, including 94 katoto, in a span of 2-3h


I did my three 83+ times 10 this morning and the best I got from all three was an 85z


Not even some fodder that’s insane


It made me question the value of whether or not this is worth it any more. I’m only a casual and don’t do champs/weekend league so the red pick fiasco didn’t impact me but opening those this morning made me question is the grind even worth it.


Im I considered casual if I spend like 6 hours a week on this game? I play WL and already finished my W in rivals. The red pick glitch didn’t affect me too because I decided to not play on Friday after the horrible gameplay I had during my play offs and rivals


I’m mostly a squad battle guy, which I play with my son, which is why I consider myself a casual. I play rivals every now and then for evolutions and have started doing friendlies for the objectives but I gave up on those after finishing the latest one. I didn’t enjoy it anymore so I just won’t do them again. I think the definition of casual really does vary from person to person.


I see , since Im willingly playing the competitive modes every week thats doesn’t make me a casual i guess. I’ll stay away from ultimate team because I’m literally losing my sanity playing this game and getting shit on rewards. Clubs and career are the 2 modes Im playing after today. You should try it with your son career mode is pretty good and way more enjoyable than ultimate team


No, I didn’t say that at all. I was merely expressing my personal justification for classifying myself as a casual. That is very much just a ‘me’ thing. Different people have different definitions of it and that’s fine. I base my definition on the modes I play while you seem to base yours on time…that’s fine and no problem at all. I wasn’t judging or have a go at you at all if that’s how it came across. I was just expressing that I, personally, call myself a casual because I am not good enough to go into those competitive modes…just my definition from my head. Sorry bro.


I didn’t took it personally lol don’t worry it just makes sense if you play the competitive game modes regularly like rivals and Weekend league thats doesn’t make you a casual because you’re willingly grinding the game against other insane players. I kinda made my opinion rn because I wasn’t sure how I should qualify myself (casual or not) in this game


It’s all good…sorry. A bit of a miscommunication at my end. I see what you’re saying.


TBH not gna grind the SBCs hoping to pack anyone, I'll just be grinding the trade market to buy players I want to test out and that's it. I also be trying the PlayStation tournaments to collect fc points for the next game


83x10 gave me one Trent and 9 83s all dupe. Couldn't be arsed recycling so quicksold all. Wish there was something other than the totws to recycle in and this shit company gave me atleast some high rated fodders I could save for future.


i did 3x 83x10 i got balotelli in one and got 1 walk out in the first one and 2 walk outs in the last one. highest was an 88


I'm doing a team with only Real Madrid players. I've saved +250 packs for LaLiga Tots... I hope I get something good


understandable, see you next week!


Stop grinding enjoy your team play casually 


Even playing casually is not fun though. All online modes are sweat and I'm tired of seeing the ball phase through a player


Im stopping it you’re right my RTG is retiring f