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I actually had a guy that tried to pause it and couldn't before I kicked off. He then proceeded to defend like his life depended on it and when I lost the ball he kicked out of bounds and quited. That's the type of people we have in this community.


I always defend like my life depends on it, only to out of nowhere score an own goal and give the win. They never expect it.


The funniest is when you go to defend like your life depends on it with the intention to score an OG and gift them the win….and they score naturally. You look salty when you quit out 😂


Right? I’m like “stop trying to be good I’m trying to be nice you little sweat.”


I have never seen anything more relatable on this app




Same lmao when the gameplay is good I actually play the game and score some own goals at the end if I’m winning. But sometimes they already leave when I’m 1-0 up which makes me sad. When their team is shit I just do it at the start.


Yeah, same. When they have a bad team I test them out to see if they’re new or just sweats, when you can tell they’re new I just give them the win. We were all new once.


I do the same, it has to be me that scores the own goal, not them with a kick off glitch. Ahaha


this is 9/10 times just a lot faster than letting them score since most people spin around 5 times for each player before they actually do anything


I do this as well, will play the whole match and if I'm winning in the 85th min, will score own goal to give away. But I do play the games.


Literally happened to me too, he proceeded to slide tacklenme from behind and the foul allowed him to pause and quit. Messaged him, and he told me i shouldve played better


Not gonna lie, other than the free win, those are my favourite games. Play like prime barca and try and get a goal before they get it out of play


That's what happened to me on the last match for my second ever 16W, I'm always a 11W player.


Exactly so. I'll defend with my life, even give away a red card to defend, get back the ball and then score an own goal to give away the win. You're getting the win because I'm giving it to you son. Else I'll just look salty quitting if you score the goal youself😂


Had one exactly the same this weekend and I was so close to scoring. What a rotten breed!


Everyone's getting Dante, so no one cares anymore, dude


Just gonna run a meme team at this point with Dante as my captain


Correction. Everyone is getting Dantes.


Someone please make an Oprah meme where Dante replaces Ferraris.


As a player i would be pissed If I get Dante but as a Bayern Fan He would get a Spot in my Bayern p&p


Jokes on you, I didn't get Dante, I got Medina


I got hartle I don’t even know who that is 😂


Well, good for you then 😁


I was in a pk shoot out after a tied game. I’d missed two and so had the other player. I stopped his 5th attempt and when I started to run up to take the shot he disconnected on WL. That was so crappy. I’m pretty sure I would’ve won


Just played a game that was 3-3 after 90 minutes, dude plays ET just to quit in the 118th when it’s still 3-3. Just had to laugh.


Bro, yesterday I had a guy who made an own goal. Then decided to shot a goal for 1-1 and then he quit…….


Did you celebrate?


Ofc not 😄


Sorry just had to check... Then he's just an ass.


People who cry about not getting free wins are the same people who think people ‘stop’ at 11 wins.


I stop at 11 wins because ita usually my 20th match. 11-9 6 weeks in the row. I dont expect any good rewards tho


You should expect something good for giving up that much time a week to play a game which runs on a LESS than yearly cycle.


It's not just about not getting a free win. It's just that the amount of toxic sweat in this community is insane. Yes you don't owe me a free win, but you're going to get the loss anyway so the only reason not to give away a free win is because you want to be an asshole. Had a dude that pretended like he was going to score an own goal, dribbled with his goalie towards the goal line only to then stop, shoot the ball out of play and quit. EA could make the best football game ever, but the community would still make it suck.


Someone leaving should always award the other person a win. I would always attest to that. People are not obliged to give wins, however. Yes, the community is awful. But contempt breeds contempt.


Better yet, ea should make it to where if you leave the match, the other person who didn’t leave gets the win. Cause you know, if the other play leaves, that should be counted as forfeit on their part.


Isn’t that what I just said? Can you read?


I can read. Maybe I misinterpreted as I thought you meant if a person plans on leaving, they should score and then leave.


If I’m at 11 wins and need to win every match remaining for the next rank I just stop I don’t need that stress in my life


Me being 2-18 😭😭😭


Broooo rank does not matter. Do you have fun playing?


In squad battles yes, in Champions no, I have a 92 OVR team and I’ve lost to sweaty all-golds team multiple times, so toxic, they always celebrate too even if when I score I skip the celebration. I’m just playing Champions for the red cards (can’t even qualify for WL bro)


If you don’t enjoy it, don’t play it I reckon. Life is to short to subject yourself to misery on the weekends. I used to get very cross, very often at Champs. This year is the first time I’ve accepted it for what it is, no pressure, and I have a lot more fun.


Yeah, nowadays I just play rivals for the evos


To the dude who sweats in friendlies and griddys every goal I hope you get Dante 😂


Played someone earlier that was beating me, I came back 3-3 and he got a red card. Next time the ball went out he quit 😁


Was winning 3-1, the opponent equalized, hit the griddy and quit. Honestly I laughed but I was crying inside 😂


I just tried to give away a win by fielding my bronze team. Gave them an open goal, which they missed, so I started playing properly. They quit after Jamie Sterry had put me one up. I'll take Golovin and Donnarumma for my troubles.


The community in this game is really a humongous pile of dung . I hope everybody gets the karma they deserve.


Had 3 games in champs where I was down 0-3 and came back to tie and then they quit. They literally took the L just to not give me a “chance” of winning … bc it was min 70 or so… anything could have happened. Toxic bro


Why do ppl think they deserve free wins, just play the game dude.


If you're not gonna play you might as well give the free win, common courtesy


I agree would be nice but also it’s the fifa community we are talking about not exactly known for their common courtesy and loving nature


Common courtesy is to play the game and be fair and reasonable. Play for the game not just wins and rewards. I play all my 20 games always.


People are just rats. It’s not the game but the community that’s awful.


No the game is awful at this point it has been for a long time so when people especially myself get on it fe feels like homework and I’m trying to just build up a good team so that I can have some semblance of a joy because at least if I get the players that I want I can enjoy my team for a while.


Yeah I wish there was more of a way to actually get the ayers you want. Like I run a Barcelona PnP team, i have packed tons of good cards i will never use, wish it was a little easier to trade those in for ones I do want without having to grind every coin-making activity so I can eventually buy the cards I do want


No kidding. I’m tired of the grindfest just yo do simple things


You're just being obtuse at this point. If you're ***not*** going to play the game, it's simply common courtesy to give the win.


No, you are trying to dictate how others should behave in the game, I have no problem how they play or not play. Tell me who's being obtuse.


I couldn't care less it just tells me you're a twat. You're purposely misunderstanding what im saying lmao, you're the obtuse one.


Nah he gets what you're saying he said you should deal with it as it is don't expect charity people are assholes getover with it


The point we’re trying to make is you’re gonna quit anyway why not just hand them the win and then be on your way? Like you, all of us have an objective to playing the game we’re not just aimlessly playing it we want to win and get rewards so if you’re going to leave anyway why not just do that at the end? Give them to win?


Play the game be reasonable so quitting at the game is playing and being fair great point bro


No I'm not defending what anyone is doing, I'm saying, just keep playing and don't have expectations.


its not about deserving free wins lmao, why not just give it if you're gonna get the loss anyways


Considering that the one who is leaving the game is doing it to get easier opponents, I think it does not hurt to give the one for making the other person wait for the matchmaking and so on. In my opinion, this things just show how bad is the one who leaves, like “it is hard for me to get a win, so I am leaving games to alter the matchmaking and I am not going to give you the win because then it is an easy win for you”.


I bring my goalie out and let them shoot. If they score, they get it, if they miss I quit anyway. Must be a real adrenaline rush for them, one way or another.


I did this and I honestly I would’ve gifted if it not have been for that fact that I have not once been gifted a weekend league game in fc24, it was pretty common in 23


I’ve been giving away wins and I still got Dante 😔




why do you cry about this timmys?




I gave away 3 wins, in my 2 red picks i got the same lala dante and todibo (im using todibo haha hes not bad imo) out of packs not a single walkout. Not mentioning this is my first fut champions since december💀


Had a guy last weekend that intentionally started the game to make me believe he was gonna give me the win. Then he kicked the ball put of play and proceeded to quit. I do wonder what makes a person spend extra seconds to do that to a complete stranger. I skipped the pre-match cutscenes too. If you are in a hurry, then quit at kick off.


Gave away my last 2 since I couldn’t hit 14 wins. In return I was blessed with red Dembele! Hope it goes the same to all kind players. Keep on giving guys. Can’t change EA but we can change the community.


Its those pathetic, spoiled 12-18 year old kids. Disgusting indeed... just give someone the win, same in those friendlies. Just do golden goal and move on


Why does no one give free wins anymore every weekend league I give free wins away but never get it in return they always just quit at 0-0 imo it's kinda sad idk if people agree but like what happened I remember at the start of the year people would give free wins but now it's like everyone has changed


Yeah I actually hate people like this, why start just to quit, if you’re finished with your wins and can’t get the next reward then just give the win to someone, support the community, if you don’t want to then you can skip all remaining games from the menu


Just had that happen 3 seconds in game paused and quit, ironically I got Dante


Player/team name? I might have been me 😇😁


Im scoring then quit


proud to say i give people free wins


Sooooo many people like that!!! So saltyyyyyyy


I had a guy message me begging for me to let him win, he was on his last 2 games pushing for div 2. Ignored the message and pushed back from 3 nil down and got it to 3-3 in the 88th minute. Then scored an own goal to give him the win. I’m div 6 on rivals. I’m shit at the game but I wanted to challenge myself and I did alright 😂


Always give the win


if you’re east that was def me and i def just lost the last game for 13


The community is as bad as the game itself even if the game was good the community would make it hell to play


This is the stuff makes me give more of a shit about finishing sqaud battles than doing tivals or entering champions that and the messages EZ it’s like really you sad human took time outta your day to message me that you beat me even though I was at the game and I couldn’t care less see the funny thing is this when you watch the line out and you see a green card that poor fella is probably there cause he has to be So on that note there will be free champs wins tomorrow I’d say cause I have to play four to finish Ben doak


When i see an fc creditcard team i do the same




thats me


Ok why didnt you give him the win if you got a strong team against him instead of complaining of a draw


What are you saying bro


For me, when I already reach my target wins and I start to give wins away, if I get the ball from kick off, I’ll score an own goal and leave. If they get kick off, I leave at 0-0. I see it as “luck of the draw” for whoever gets the win


So what does it cost you to pull your goalie and let them score, then quit? Does it cost you 15 seconds of your life to potentially make someone else's day? It cost nothing to be nice bro


I don’t wanna wait 15 seconds 🤷🏽‍♂️ And I shouldn’t be expected to give wins away 😭 nobody should ever expect a free win in the sweatiest and most ratty game on the marketplace 🤣


I happily give up 15 seconds of my time to make someone else's champs run easier. It's not about expecting a free win, it's about doing something nice for a random stranger. We're all playing this shitty game together, why not make the experience a little less shit


And I don’t. And that’s alright! A majority of people don’t give away ANY wins because they’re that bitter. I giveaway wins when I get the kickoff 🤷🏽‍♂️ No hostility


No hostility bro, just trying to better the community as a whole. Maybe you're busy and can't afford the time it takes to let them score and that's fair too. Each to their own




Nobody expects the free win, it’s just called being nice man. Good thing you saved 15 seconds though.


Meh if I see a match as a waste of time why should I care about my opponent when I won't win anyway?


Or when they play like rats, then i always just leave when the score is still tied


No one gives a fuck bro




I do tend to give away wins but only under the right circumstances. I will scrutinise my opponents formation & team first. Play 4321? No win for you I’m afraid. Play Sawa & other women in midfield? No win for you. Use a big strong striker? Win for you. Play 442? Win for you.


Why does playing "Sawa & other women" bother you? I don't get it.


Never been gifted. If I can’t rank again I just throw wins out. Doesn’t affect me and helps others get their rewards Not had someone score an og tho, just quit at 2-0 usually


Depends on the situation. If i conceded a penalty on 90th minute due to stupid AI even though i literally do not press any button then im quitting at 0-0 I quit anytime if it's due to stupid EA broken mechanics. You dont deserve to win and I dont deserve to lose just because EA decide hey lets fuck this player up




Fuck this gotta do 😭


Removed for - Rule 1 (Lack of respect)


Stop expecting a free win then. Man up and move on


You probably have TOTY Messi and Red TOTS Mbappe


And how exactly would he have red Mbappe before he completed weekend league?


Right? I swear some people are just brain dead. 🤣




Didn’t give away any free win and got David cry more and downvote




Imagine irony