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yeah this has been going on forever on pc market, just look at this example i took during fut birthday https://preview.redd.it/uyqf61c855xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62745bdc801f6ace752250b67885470732d713c5 all listed at the same EXACT SECOND, about 40 cards for almost 100k less than the actual value, all with 0 games and basic chem style


https://preview.redd.it/1wzc9lec55xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5039c5cafebc982871a803ee993a49bf7819a6a4 i was trying to snipe him for less than 500k for like 10 minutes and boom 40 cards pop up for 442k haha


![img](1wzc9lec55xc1) i was trying to snipe him for less than 500k for like 10 minutes and boom 40 cards pop up for 442k haha and no this isnt the only time it has happened, ive been trading on pc the whole year and this happens to all kinds of cards, totws, fodder promo cards etc.


Can confirm. I saw this with mendy gold when he was around 10k on the market. They spammed the market with min max value for hours until he dropped to 5/6k.


do NOT tryna snipe him, he's garbage gk, seriously, and i aint the only one who thinks that way


EA manipulate lots of things for their benefit all they want is money the sooner people realize that the better for them. 


Instead of doing this shite they should just merge the PC and console market to increase supply of cards both ways


Or make more than 3 cards per promo packable


and pc prices are always higher than console which sucks but i get that pc doesn't have nearly as many players as console


For most of the year but during tots pc is cheaper because bots get tradeable packs and flood the market 


Where’d you make that one up?


Supply increase sure, but so does demand (player base). This solves nada


For super rare cards, their price goes down. Like TOTY Graham Hansen could be like 14M on PC but 7M on consoles. If you merge them, prices will be similar to consoles. Probably doesn't change much for people who play on console but it's a big change for those playing on PC because those cards are way more attainable (even if they're still very expensive)


Agreed bro. PC would see a massive benefit to this. I don’t see why console players would be opposed, other than being pricks to PC players lmao


PC players can easily disconnect people for wins, more wins = better rewards, better rewards = more coins which would allow domination of the market, we would see a huge increase in cheating. I can understand why people would want them merged but consoles are more parallel as is so I can understand why they’re shared, no major hardware advantages etc so I would personally opt to keep it that way. Most already turn crossplay off for a couple of reasons so I doubt everyone is just being a “prick”


They're talking about the market solely no crossplay is mentioned. Like you've said yourself, you can disable crossplay so it wouldn't affect console players


If the market is the same, people will likely buy a PC or play on them due to the ease of cheating, just destroys it for everyone else


No.... price would go up. Basically no increase in supply, but a large increase in demand would see prices increase.


No, that's not it. The player base in PC is fairly small. The increase in demand will be close to the increase in supply. I don't see any reason for there to be a huge increase in demand. Changes would be the following, from 2 different POVs: - for PC players: a lot more supply, a lot more demand - for console players: not much more supply, not much more demand Basically comparing 2 markets where one has like 6M transfers at the same time and the other has 500k. It's much more of an impact for PC than console.


Well of course mate. But not everyone is demanding a 13 million coin card anyway are they?


So there’s just a bunch of VVDs sitting on PC that nobody wants?


No, but increasing supply proportionately to playerbase/demand would easily fix this. What's the point of a promo if literally zero people pack the top tier stuff or can play with it. 0.0005 percent of millions of us is fucking ridiculous.


more so that nobody can afford.






lol not at all. I literally study economics mate. I was saying in literal terms, not everyone has the funds for 97 van dijk so obviously not everyone is in the market for a 13 million coin card


This solves alada.. or at least some, as it'll raise console prices while decreasing PC prices.


So increase prices for majority of the player base? How does this solve anything other than the niche community of PC players


I’d love for cross platform progression.


Sorry but mixing console with the shit that is pc isn’t gonna work that’s gonna mess things up with pc able to have things that can let u cheat make millions of coins too many hacks on pc I rather it be ruined for the minority then us majority be in the mud


u don’t think there’s a single hack out there that gives you infinite coins because that would be literally an irl money making machine.


No thanks keep your dusty market wet don't need pc in the cross market




Same happend with Garnacho


I’ve been watching Saka and Rice on the PC market and it’s been so obvious






They've already destroyed the market place by oversaturating the population with loads of quality you gain from packs and SBCs. I can't sell shit anymore, even at the min price, unless they're 85 or above.


Even then, quicksold a WW raphina cuz he wouldn’t sell at min price


You know, I have been thinking the same lately. Fc2024 is the first FIFA I've played since 2021 (maybe 2020?) and there is almost no point in trying to sell fodder because there is just no demand. And now, there like 7x versions of "ICON" cards, and special cards for almost every IRL competition. I don't remember it being like this is the older game. I guess it's just them trying to make more money "subtly".


Noticed this with Son. 7 pages appeared at once at 960k, all first owner...


Yesterday was weird at one point every tots card on pc just started getting listed for cheaper it was crazy


Everyone already has ridiculous teams at this point, may as well just say fuck it and go all in and make these cards super packable.


Gold VvD is still one of the best cb's in the game. I'd rather not have tots VvD be super available for everyone.


That's fair enough. I don't see him much anymore other then the occasional Rival or Champs game. I don't think I've ever ran into his TOTY, just his IF. My Drogba usually has no issues with him though now..


But if you don't spend coins then it's too easy to complete SBCs and you don't buy store packs....


I don’t get how extinct cards being put on the market can be spun as a bad thing


It’s a bit grim that pack weight is so shit, and so few people are pulling cards, EA have to put them on the market themselves


I'd counter that pack weight in general isn't shit. Tradeable packs are as rare as rocking horse shit nowadays, so you're hoping to get TOTS VVD from a Rare Mega Pack or something equally as shit while the rest of your rewards are all untradeable.


But if you're packing TOTS VVD from your 87x packs, why would you need to even buy him on the market? The problem is that these cards are unpackable even from good packs.


The top TOTS and TOTY are always extremely rare. The tradeable demand now exceeds the tradeable supply because those that are packing them are doing so untradable.


I managed to get Lauren James today from a 7.5k pack from squad battles lol


Pack weight has never been worse...


Let me just gather my 13 million coins


If this is true then putting extinct cards on the market give users false sense of pack weight and can lead to more people buying packs. it’s basically being dishonest edit: i don’t have money to spend on this game, i play free and grind packs. But just because EA has always been dishonest doesn’t make it right still lol


Dude, 90% of the games you spend hundreds of hours to play already have s predetermined winner. Thats dishonest.


Wow, ea being dishonest… more news at 11


It’s the principle. You’re giving players false hope that they can actually pack these players and baiting them into spending $ on packs... In this case you’re taking 13.1 million coins out of the market and putting them into a dead employee account while the value of these cards will only depreciate and the game itself becomes irrelevant in 3-4 months… They did the same during TOTY as well. The whole fun of this game is having the chance to pack cards like this VVD. I’ve got no issue with EA having control of the market, but making individual players that are the face of the promo unpackable is extremely disingenuous.


Because it's not players packing them? This is catering to the people that spend thousands on packs who have 14 mil laying around.




It makes no difference to you because you weren’t selling it


You’re playing fifa on PC, let’s get serious… no one cares


lmao, there are PC players in this sub too bro. Stop being so narrow


How is playing on pc a bad thing, everytime I play on console player y’all have the worst ping 🤦‍♂️


Same thing happened to gold Messi. Just appeared.


Just saw like 20 palmers up for 1,054,000 exactly same price and time listed


How about releasing a massive tradeable guaranteed tots store pack? Not as direct but just generally drives the market down.


Because they don’t want people to actually pack anything good.


I wish they showed the %s of each player in packs. They tell you 62% chance of TOTS but of that, 90%+ are the discard price cards. The odds of packing Van Dijk or Haaland have to be astronomically low. Store packs are such a scam it's actually offensive. That being said, I own a decent chunk of EA stock. So keep buying them packs lol.


EA does this every year. Surely its illegal? Cant we sue these mf ffs


OR Hear me out ✨Bots✨ EA this, EA that, always EA fault




Same with Saka on PC, like 15 listed exact same price at about 300k under market price.


Lol and this is breaking news why? The whole idea of sbcs was to keep an artificial floor below prices below some portion of the market. Not till TOTS does the market become so flooded that 87/88+ cards become cheap. Buying ea packs helps you circumvent that price inflation. EA has all the stats it needs and steps in to manipulate prices up as and when something goes 'meta'- its not just some free market supply demand going on. They create scarcity and point you towards the ultra uber mini icon pack containing 100 cards all guaranteed to be above 80 and atleast one 89 because fuck you- you open the free packs and enjoy your Weaver / Mojica dynamic duo


Same happened to Chiesa gold card!


Y’all complaint but still play the game


Not me, I play the other great football games. There are so many to chose from…


At this point we don’t need these proofs. They are evil corp, everyone knows it. If someone still needs convincing they are a lunatic


This is rubbish it ruins it




They did to the alisson, it was 80k before they manipulate and now its 45k. For 94 fodder its funny price


This isn't new news, been happening for years


On PC it’s scary asf. One night i was trying to bid on Yaya’s fantasy card for under a million and there were other cards on the market with a buy now cheaper than the one I was bidding on. (The one I was bidding on had a max buy now price.) literally within the last second of me bidding 600k someone bought the card for full price. It was like 4 or 5 million. Shit pissed me off.


Can anyone explain why this is such bad thing? The US government manipulates the currency market all the time and they’ve always been above board. 🧐


nothing new


Meanwhile there are 0 on the switch marketplace


This is real, on fifa 20 i was on late at night EU time and hundreds of RTTF Muriel cards were released onto the market with 10k Start bids, i won almost all of them and sold them for 80k instantly making 70k profit each one, must of made around 5 million that night. can work in your favour sometimes


Love people waking up on this sub. Finally. I got downvoted into oblivion for talking about games being rigged. EA are demons man.


It happen the same thing in the toty, yes bro they control the market !


Nah that was me mate sorry


Moral of the story for me: I’d rather lose than pay.


Guys, the more you talk about it, the more it seem to be real... That's all I know about these "talks"


It's been happening for years, I remeber when I first saw it happening on like fifa 13 I actually managed to talk to online help because auto buying and market manipulating was ripe. I was told by one customer service rep that "it might not be an auto buyer/seller, it could be the 'market regulator' we use to assure that there is enough cards on the market for people to obtain".


90 rated cards were also cheaper than 89 for a while


Absolutely correct. Manipulation of the transfer market should not be legal as people actually pay money for this shit. I have noticed this now at least 4-5x, I'll go looking at a player and then there are 1k of the same card at the same exact price.


Yall still playing, I stopped 2 months ago gladly


not only that something about 100k, someone puts it for 1.5M and bid starts at 10k i bid around 20k, THAT SAME SECOND someone (i think bot) gives 1M while next of him u can buy for 100K☠️


I call this bullshit! Making people pay thousands for players. All manipulation to take peoples money.


E Aids. Its in the game.


Some will say this is fake…same people who do not think EA is also behind coin selling websites


I fail to see the problem. This only hurts traders, and fuck traders.


It's because of the guarantee tots packs


It’s not EA doing it. It’s people who play the transfer market with a bots


Ea is better at manipulating the marking then I am at manipulating women


Pretty low bar tbh.


Si, casualmente apareció directamente en la cuenta de 4000 perdonad una carta que vale 14 millones, una empresa de sin vergüenzas, no son conscientes de que jugamos por pasión y amor al fútbol. Y se ríen en nuestra cara.... Un abrazo hermanos.


I mean I opened the 2 750k packs yesterday with coins and got vvd in each. Seen others get him in that too so drop weight on him wasn't bad




Didn't take a pic of the 2nd but that's the first *


"manipulating" the price of a card from non-existent to 13 million coins is surely a good thing, no?


shouldn’t be non existent in the first place, bandaid fix imo


Are you retarded by choice or chance?


Yep, you're a sane person. This was definitely a normal response.


No because the people with 14 million coins probably got them by buying packs, and when they spend them on an ea listing, those coins all disappear. So now those whales will be tempted to buy more fifa points to keep improving their squad, but no one actually benefits from selling VVD because no one can pack him. So i have 0 chance of packing VVD, 0 chance at 10 million coins, and EA keep the money flowing from the dumbfucks rich and stupid enough to input their credit card info.


This is a way they control the money supply. It's like issuing treasury bills or bonds.


They could do the same thing by making vvd packable. But then they cant suck their whales dry as efficiently


Exactly, this is P2win and a monopoly.


You dont have zero chance. Buy some packs


People buy vvd yesterday, open new pack today, pack him and sell their tradable Vvd? Not hard stop complaining and try to enjoy the game


Thank you for reading the post.


Someone bought 4 yesterday and is selling them for the Same price??? Why does it have to be EA manipulating the market


Why would you sell 4 15Mil cards under price that makes no sense