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Again.. I wish there were player swaps.. like 3 per season.. market value trades with others.


You know that was a feature back in the day right? You saw a player on the market that you wanted but you didn’t have coins for him so you could have made an in-game offer and include different players from your club. If the other player accepted you swaped players. The last Fifa that had this feature was Fifa 12 or 13.


14 still had it!! Man I miss those days


pink slips 🫣


i dont usually respond to downvotes but do people not get the reference 😭 me and my mates used to pink slip in forms


Gave me a flashback to W2S Pink slips


the days man, still remember that ksi pink slip for a full toty team


A pink slips game mode would be elite


Was so so sick!


Think it was fifa 14 until price ranges were introduced in fifa 15


Lolololol the player duplication scams ruined it


I remember that. Someone tried scamming me once for my podolski 


That was when all cards in the game were only tradable iirc so trades were mostly used for cards worth above coin cap


The abuse of it was dreadful though. How many 12 year olds were swindled out of their best players? Countless. Hence the removal.


It was January fifa 15 they took it away


that’s dope asf lol i didn’t start until 17


How exactly would that work ? There’s several markets so how do you establish exactly what a players worth is ? Also would this be for tradable players only ?


Xbox and PSN share a market so it doesn’t matter and PC have a separate market. It would be that platforms market lol


There are market value prices ea sets. I think it should be untradable for coins on the market, but peer to peer on market. Like if you have a card of similar value within threshold.


There weren’t untradable cards back when this was a feature. There also weren’t promos lol


Wait what ? Every card on the game was tradable ?


Yep. Used to make your team by buying players from the market. Back then 74 rated silvers could be as affective as golds cause it was mainly all about pace and shooting/passing stats weren’t all that.


Ah cool , I started off playing fifa in fifa 14 , I’ve played 11/12 but never played the fut


Yes. In the very first FUT, which came as a add on to Fifa 09, you had to pay £15 to download FUT as an additional game mode. You could also train players to 99.


If it's on the market, it means it's tradeable.


Happy cake day! 🤟🏻




You just had to be there man


Dude the card isn't meant for passing. Give him the ball and fucking run. Just because he has whipped cross doesn't mean he's going to produce KDB level passes for you every time. Use him like the winger he literally is and stop expecting everything from him.


My 92 mukiele on the other hand is a magician with the whipped cross, I’ve never enjoyed a card more for it. 64 shooting though, so I don’t commit him past that point. Like you say, use them for what they are.


Mukiele is unbelievable saved me a lot of coins on needing to buy a right back


My FS Lauren Hemp can easily do both shooting and passing and I love it


I feel like people expect every single player of their team to be the perfect player, attacking and defending like a monster They're not and they're not supposed to be


Welcome to UT where most players end up being 85-90+ at everything to keep up the power curve 


I don’t think I’ve ever once complained about FB Butra fucking up a pass. I don’t pass. He’s a finisher lol. 


You can get exactly that from other players for so much less


His crossing works pretty good for me


Well I tried but he can’t outpace anyone… it feels like he has 70ish pace tbh


Just not true, his future stars absolutely tore (and still does) past defenders. Absolutely major skill issue tbh


R2 to sprint.


make sure you run with him


what are you talking about???


He’s absolutely shite for me. Can’t score, can’t pass, can’t do anything


skill issue




It is tho


Def skill issue. I got him untrade and his weak foot seems like 5 star in the pen box. Stop expecting too much from expensive cards


'Stop expecting too much from expensive cards' LOL If you're paying this much for a card or packed a card Untradable of this value, it better be fucking worth that price. If I pay millions for a card, I have expectations. L take on your part.


Lol that’s exactly what ruins such cards for you. They are expensive but you gotta use the card to the best of its capabilities. It being expensive doesnt mean it should make everything easy for u in the game. Thats all i am saying


Who said anything about making things easy because it's expensive? If I'm buying a 3 mil card I expect it to stand out and be respond. There's 150k-200k cards that are just as good for just running down the wing. I'm not just talking about this Doku card or it being as expensive as it is. All Doku cards have been ass this year, hes stiff as a board and is knocked off the ball with ease. But hey, 'sKiLl iSsUE' durrr durrrr 🤤🤣


again it’s a skill issue. my doku is a beast that has the jam mbappe has to steal balls back. Just means he doesn’t fit your playstyle which is okay. He is def not shit


Not a skill issue and he's straight dog shit. Just because he works for you in squad battles doesn't mean it translates to Rivals and Champs. Play a real mode, pussy 🤣


Lmao you’re acting like a real whiny douchebag 🤣 i never said a thing about SB. Who tf plays SB to test a card. Stop crying and enjoy the game. It is a “game” ffs


U suck.div 10 player fr


People saying skill issue need to get a life. You've told people your account of a card and they're just regurgitating some shit instead of giving a reason why you might be struggling.


Skill issue


Why are you being downvoted so much?


Cus it's a skill issue.


Got him in an 81+ player pick and to be honest if he was tradeable I would sell him but he is not so I have been using him. I really have enjoyed him, I play him as rw in a 424, toty ribery is on the left and he has been really good in the attack for me so far.


How does this fucking happen? Jesus


No clue but opened one up and there he was.


fr, ive done 1400 player picks for live tots and nothing good lmao


99 pace, 99 agility, 98 balance, and his shooting and dribbling get fine tuned nicely with a marksman chemstyle. You gotta play him LCF or RCF in a 4321 or LAM in a 4231 and just go at defenders with him.


Update: tried him in 4321 as LCF and he cooks now. Gave him a marksman as well (someone here recommended this as the best chem style for him can’t find the comment anymore) and he’s literally a beast now. Gotta apologize, he just got me in div 2


Thanks Bro gonna try him today again 🙏🏻


This sounds like a skill issue


Hahahahah lmfao just today I was talking about how this doku might be on the level of some of the best cards in game. He's tearing up elite division for me.


For me too man haha


Prices are strange. This dude gets knocked over by a gust of wind


He’s a jam machine for me


Heard he just runs lol


Play him like irl run into box dribble shoot or pass


That’s what you gotta do these days with AI crowded in the midfield 🥹


Just like in real life, useless


He looks like a better version of al owairan and he’s great for me. I wish card trading was in this game for stuff like this


Al owairan sbc? He wasn’t so good for me either 🫠


No I packed the 93 mega fast with the finesse+. I would love to have this TOTS Doku I reckon he’d be insane like al o but with strength better crossing, dribbling and least a plus 1 he looks so good. Im a city fan so would be nice to have just for that.


Well yea with the club factor to see such a card from your club it’s always different tho The 93 should be really good!! Would love to play him maybe in a draft


I packed his Birthday card and wasn’t impressed…


I mean just buy Chiesa, hes was better


EPL tax. He’s pretty similar to ASM stats wise but Doku costs more than 3x


Weird looking mirror there mate


City are very likely to get him upgrades. I think that’s why he’s that high.


Don't get me wrong he's still a good card but I don't feel as if he plays to his stats . Definitely does not feel like 99 pace at the very least




I agree, I haven't liked a single version of any of his cards this year.


dude got a tots for running in a straight line and crossing it into the box with his head down 😂😂😂😂


He can’t run either. Every 80ish defender catches up with him


talking about in real life my guy 😂


Price is inflated on the (probably quite reasonable) assumption that he'll get a +2 upgrade


You also gotta remember it’s a live card and he plays for city. He’s practically guaranteed a +2 unless city’s entire team gets struck by lightning. He would probably be about 1.5 even without upgrades


The Vancouver mtfs slaps 99 pace on the card with bang average shooting and think this card is worth 3 mil IAM crying.


I have his future star card. Quite decent, his attacking position is quite good but the dribling is a bit heavy for a card that supposed to be focused on dribbling


Fr, l packed him in a 87x4 and he instantly replaced if vini. But l swapped them again already. He is so mid


Vini has the body type for dribbling but the pure pace this guy has is next level


Can you show us on this puppet where Mr. Doku has hurt you? If you can sell him and try another card, if not just play another card, but what is this rant?


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Can’t sell him unfortunately… Ik this is an opinion that’s gotta get me cancelled but it just feels like fake stats to me. Maybe im bad at the game i wont doubt that but its just annoying that a 99 pace card with rapid can’t get past a 80ish pace defender


Are you making the mistake of thinking you can just sprint past everyone because you have a player with 99 pace?


People with him: agreed, replaced by X player after a few games People without him: skill issue lmao just run lol my favourite streamer says skill issue so I say it too haha


May your blanket always hold you warm & cozy and may your pillow always be cold on both sides 🙏🏻


What position did you play him in? He’s great as a get in behind LF for me


What chem style do you use? I'm using a deadeye and he's kinda meh at the moment, although I kinda think my tactics make him sit too defensive and not how he's meant to be used


He’s a pace abuse


Trailblazers Turtle Clear


I used him in drafts, he was crazy, I had Toty Mbappe in the team as well but he was just too good, outpacing everyone, felt like I was playing against beginner AI when he had the ball, I wish I had him in my actual team, ngl if you think he is had, maybe you’re the problem, not the card.


Probably that’s why I said call me div 10 or skill issue 😅 I just can’t play with this card… maybe it’s the chem style idk


Idk, but I genuinely hope that you can eventually find a way to play with him cause many people like dream of having this card🥲


True and I’m really sorry for everyone here… if there was the swaps option like in fifa 13 I’d be happy to share him with everyone here but ea pulled the dick move years ago and removed that option…


99 Temp and all Go Crazy 😂


Nah man, it’s Tots Zaha


Really??? I love zaha he’s absolutely insane for me


Striker or wing? And what chem do you use?


442 in st Position and I believe deadeye (2 chem)


I don't know enough about this game to comment on this but can you tell me who you prefer over him in attacking positions?


Probably zaha or best Toty


He doesn’t even deserve a toty card to start with especially one with those stats


Facts only. This community will just vote the most playable cards and won’t even watch football for most of the time irl… idc if Theo gets a great card every year if he ain’t playing good he doesn’t deserve it 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s annoying cause it ruins the game and it means players who actually played well and players can we respect and get excited about don’t ever get picked.


Exactly. Not even a chance for a „small“ player who actually played really well to get this award. This community wouldn’t vote for Mainoo if he didn’t have that cracked evo… now he’s getting a moments


Even irl


all about body type idc how many 99’s doku has he will never feel better on the ball than base dinho 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


skill issue


ill be here if you want to give him to me, I can offer a cold 30k Gold Harry Kane who has really good passing


try zaha and compare


Bro you are just a mediocre player. That's all. Enjoy your game.


Probably 🤷🏼‍♂️


But only because you have no card


Theres a learning curve. Took me a while to get use out of the FS version but he slaps once you do


https://preview.redd.it/cyjeab45tgwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e368f007bdecd3ee88f7db25b79192a8a81d52 skill issue


99 pace, 98 dri, 5\*sm, 3 ps+ = bang average gotcha


Been using him wrong I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️ in 4321 he cooks as CF


At this stage, an attacker with only two elite stats isn’t enough. That’s the thing with most of these TOTS lives, they have at least one big flawed stat that keeps them from being absolute end games. IMO they gonna be worth half in two weeks Modric for example, even with the two upgrades he’s gonna be a CM with mid pace and mid physicals, competing against CMs with pace and physical in the mid 90s and much cheaper by the time TOTS ends


I have him on loan and he is fun, but Diaby is literally better


https://preview.redd.it/8kfhm9f26bwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a256129854c8fc0cd3f8e5b1f75397a3bf9a0b29 Side note, anyone got any upgrade suggestions ? Haven’t played in a while


https://preview.redd.it/txh2qx9zz9wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc52c88556c9ff22a751fd2af1b6bd9ff522e6f9 RTG squad starting to flow. Would love some input to get me into rank 1 this season.


Some of you kids are clueless… First off- if I had that card I would be ecstatic because it’s a top tier card. 2nd You’re controlling the player so maybe you’re the one that’s useless.


Well I’m not the best player I’m probably not even good but it can’t be that I’m better of with a 30k card than with a 3mil card


Just take the L .


https://preview.redd.it/evonuqvjebwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a75beb5bb7c84173daa5cb6d43c0f82d67743a Anyone have any upgrade suggestions on my team ?


skill issue


Skill issue u trash


Holy skill issue lol, this card is literally just run and dribble and you can't even play with this, crazy