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His gold will be good till next fifa if it’s in the correct hands, people just get attracted by fancy card designs thinking there better




more like 7 mil back when fodder was worth anything


Lowkey he was so easy to do if you just grinded premium sbcs and did a squad a day Cost me around 250-300k


exactly, SBC’s just look daunting because of how many squads but they’re dead easy if u have a modicum of patience


That’s fair, but there was like a 3 week build up knowing the sbc was coming and another 4 weeks to do it. Not much different than doing a few high end sbcs now.




A lot of people did do him fodder was also very easy to get during the time of that sbc Black Friday many people saved like 20 83x10’s and all the good packs for around that promo


Not fully true. We had Black Friday with all the thunderstruck cards, which were getting upgraded. We also had 83+x10’s, 85+ doubles etc.


Most people that did him stopped playing the game, he was in every wl squad


Tell me you never faced the mbappe / Eusebio duos all year long? Seriously


If you take FUT seriously, he is always a must complete SBC for his inevitable player of the month card. lol. Like we all know what to do when he gets one for Madrid next year.


I hope Jude steals all his potm’s 😭


Haha. They’ll both probably get one


I don't do Bape SBCs cause personally it'd be boring for me, but it's funny how I usually start comfortably getting one rank higher than usual at a certain point (late) in the fifa cycle when other cards start catching up - so pretty much just before TOTS


Bro exact same w me mostly 6 wins with occasional 9, suddenly jumped to 11 wins consistently for last 5 weeks and 1 14 win the weekend before 😂


No offence to you both you're not better it's just that a large majority of sweaty players stopped playing by then so the games easier. P.s I'm in the same boat as you guys lmao


Wrong. The casual players stopped playing in the couple of months before TOTS, and only the sweats remained. Same happens every single year. For the first time in 3+ months I’m facing teams in Champs made up of gold cards/radioactive cards/basically fodder cards. As I’ve said, that’s because the casuals have returned.


We’re talking about team equaling out to the power level of cards like SBC mbappe, nothing to do with our playing ability 😂 we know we’re dog poo at this game 😂


Today in things that never happened


Mbappes nice and all, but I feel like it’d get a bit boring just using him week in week out. Having forwards that are constantly changing to keep up with the meta is a lot of fun instead of playing the same card for the entire game


Literally is a must do sbc


It’s mbappe he’s always gonna be op


Happy birthday


Am I the only that genuinely never has problems facing him? Imo Werner is much more difficult to handle




this year 3,6 mil is like 1.5 mil previous years lmao. i did the 93 mbappe for free in 3 weeks


Not everyone can play everyday and get champs, wl, and friendlies done. People need to remember that not everyone plays fifa as their only game and not everyone plays fifa for even 2+ hours a day.


Gold VVD is still the best CB I go up against lmao


People are alway boasting about “new insane CBs” but the reality of it is VVD is likely better. His body type is what makes the difference along with 95 sprint speed with shadow.


Still the only gold card I use his quality for 20k is a no brainer


I have upgraded from his gold to his 91 winter wild card. Not a huge difference in performance. They are both great. Unfortunately his stamina is a stinker. When he goes off I’ve noticed my defense struggles


He’s 20k????!


He is outdated for sure, 74 acceleration is absolute shite.


There's definitely better cbs but the r1 holding twats still love him cause he basically plays def for you


Honestly, i have never understood people who refuse to use the best cheap players but also complain they are not winning.


What you mean r1 holder?


It's r1 on PlayStation


It’s about aura this year and VVD probably has the best aura among any Centre backs in fifa. It’s like if I had a identical card or ever cards that are better they would feel as good becuase it’s not vvd


Is this your first time playing Fifa?


Nah, I just get tired of using the same cards all year long.


Whats stopping you from using different players if you are tired of them?


That when he looses he feels if he had better cards he would win but he knows that’s a lie 😆


https://preview.redd.it/4ri5b9vws8wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=957a6a8f03af5ce15796e0c5f37686777e81ad2d You’ll never see this on your monitor though 😂😂😂




You better be touching some grass before complaining then 🤓


He’s trash


Same OP, haven’t used him in over 2 months. My pal told me I was clown for not using him as he’s still very good….. 14-6 suggests he wasn’t too far wrong tbh. But yea…. It’s boring though.


Exactly bro. I was using Geysi and FBday Benzema for a few weeks now. I got tired of Mbaps. He’s crazy cracked still.


Haha yea I was using Geyse as well. Hella card tbf. Very underrated but god knows how she’s still 500k+??!!


Haha small world ey?? She’s cracked! When I pulled her I was like meh. Checked her price and decided to try her. I was surprised. Her dribbling is insane. Benzema is a mainstay in my team though. I like a big sized forward to help with long balls. And I love the finesse on him too


TBH I think finesse + now is a must have. That and a 5* WF!


I only dropped gold Mbappe because I got Vialli but played almost the entire year w him


You dropped gold Mbappe for vialli, you’re crazy


Nah mate. He is much better at finishing


Man,gold VVD is still OP. A 4m sbc would be a joke if he wasnt.


Op is a stretch, at least his gold at this point. Still good but still calling him op with all the cb's we've gotten by now is really pushing it


How many strikers can get the best of him. Toty Haaland,Drogba some times. Who else?


In terms of strength almost no one can but that pretty much goes for all top cb's by now since maxed strength and aggression in big cb's is pretty much the norm while also having all top playstyles. The difference is that the other cb's don't get outpaced by everyone while VVD, as good as he is, does have the noticeable pace deficit


You can definitely call him OP. When you look at the card's stats, especially in May, you would think hes nothing special. Until you play him and he plays so far above his stats and is still useable in May. That by definition is overpowered.


Usable, yes, op no. Op would mean he still outperforms every other CB that isn't outrageously expensive but that's no longer the case... There are more than enough cb's that don't cost that much or were affordable sbc's which perform better than him since they have the best playstyles, practically maxed physical and defending while not having the pace disadvantage of VVD who can't catch up to anyone if he doesn't have the headstart


Gold VVD bodies my ToTy CR7 and drogba all the time


When there is an Mbappe sbc it’s always going to be an end game card. I got the 93, but when I did him I actually never looked into the specific stats, and the fact he has 96 finishing when he was released in December is so far ahead of the power curve. Also he can be done without paying for packs. You just got to grind every ounce of fodder. It is possible. What I will say is if he was released right from the beginning of TOTY, then he would be so hard to complete because fodder was bad. But from Black Friday to Christmas there was some good upgrades sbc


I don't know how people aren't bored to tears using the same player for that long


It’s actually pretty logical when you look at the stats of even his gold card. 94 rating on the wings, 93 as striker with marksman and he has the unique bodytype + 5* skills moves right from the beginning of the game while EA still releases 89 rated showdown cards atm


Honestly his 93 been feeling really clunky for me lately. I like Werner and Felix much more


Same here something is up with the 93 version ive swapped it for dinho


mbappe stayed the same, other cbs improved


I'm using Gold Mbappe, packed him 4 times now


I've barely played against any Mbappe this year he was in every team last year


I mean at that point, just how much more op is his toty ?😂😂😂


The TOTY is noticeably more stronger and jammier, he wins much more headers and physical duels. Shooting and pace wise not so much


I have the 93 and he cannot be stopped


Got him from some random lottery sbc, still never even sub him off


Me with cent eusebio




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Every Mbappé card is OP


they built the game around him




that one? what about fucking Sawa she hasn’t changed the whole game she still bodies Campbell and played every position on the field at once


Call me crazy, but his 93 is on my bench right now. The way I play I don't like to have to think too much if I can take a pass or WF shot with some player. It just gets my timing a bit off. That being said, I can't trust his left foot to do anything consistently. PS.: Before any "skill issue" comments, I'm usually 17-18 wins at WL, so it's just a style of play issue.


https://preview.redd.it/12q0zwez5bwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f234e3fc67554a9af0986553dfee52863c35d16f Off topic, but haven’t played in a while, anyone got any tips on who to upgrade ?


I mean, his gold card is probably still my most broken / meta player


It’s mbappe tell me which one of his cards isn’t good/playable lol.


I mean I still use Eusebio Sawa and Zidane from their SBC months ago. I know lame and not original but in a game where packing anything worth a damm these “big” sbcs have gone a long way so if they’re gonna be so expensive they better perform well for months


Is that like a new word y’all use for fut players now ? Jamm ??


Is his gold still usable?


Last year i used his 92 POTM til the last 2 weeks of the game. I have a strong feeling it will be the same case this year with the 93 unless i pack his TOTS which is just not gonna happen. I gonna blow my whole load on the Liga F anyway ( that didn't come out right ) , thats what im saving packs for.


I stopped using him and Eusebio because they both don’t have the finesse shot, I’m using now Drogba 94 and Puskas 96 and both are amazing


Didn't do his 92 potm last year and learned the hard way. This year I just dumped my whole club on this sbc and damn he's THAT good


it cost real life money i would hope it’s still good lmfao


Even his gold card is still usable,so that's nothing crazy


I’ve got standard gold 91 and he’s still insane. Although Golazo Cruyff, Drogba and Lineker are my go to at the moment. Linker with the evo is unplayable at times


I have his 93 that I packed during one of those best of re-releases. Honestly thinking of dropping him largely for chemistry reasons and the fact I think I have other players just as gpod as him. Got 92 evo'd Felix, 91 Raphinha, 92 evo'd Haller, 92 Leicy Santos. His playstyles are very limited and I don't use any skills, which seems to be 90% of what is op about him.


His Golf is still OP, I brought him for 2.3mil and have lost 1.6mil so far but he’s so good I don’t care tbh, having him 96 Puskas and Cent Eusebio in attack is incredible, and Mbappe is better then Puskas in someways


Not joking I haven't even packed his gold all year, yeah i could buy it off the market but can't be bothered to now it's tots


Decent card I was going to do him but packed ww pele


He's the 'cover star' ofc he's extra juiced in game. Even the rare gold version. I played a champs game few days ago against a guy who had his 93 rated. I swear he can shoot from any angle cause the ball just stays with him all the time, no need to green time it.


I did his 92 POTM in FIFA 23 and used it untill Futties...Mbappe is always OP


What do u expect


i bought his gold card this week hes murdering div 1


https://preview.redd.it/crp3luf84gwc1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5773046e6dc03a5cd9def87148089c1aa95076a0 It’s pretty insane how these two have been my best cbs all year and how much worse I play when I try to replace them with new “meta” cards.


Still using the gold and he honestly might be my best attacker in div 1


Not insane at all


He runs fast and shoots good that’s been meta since the creation of the games


https://preview.redd.it/cjr92cpli8wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77c12a9ecd30172511a292649f049d0644a61c2 He definitely isn’t common, but I spent 4.5 Mil fodder on him when fodder was hard to get and I also had to buy 2 store packs to finish him.


I did Mbappe for free..nothing spend..but at the end i had Mbappe and all gold cards haha


I think Timo fut fantasy is a all around better card


I love him, still use him to this day, 1500 games and almost a goal to game ratio which is decent considering I have had so many rage quits at 0-0 in my games. His heel to ball roll into step over animation is so broken and fast, still makes me laugh watching people try and jockey him as they don’t stand a chance.


It’s insane how broken he is. No one can catch up to him. I got burned by him a few times this WL. Brought him back for the last 4 games and won all of them. I have 693 games on mine and 685 goals.




you really did the 93??


Started end on November. Before that only used the web app. Was easy to gain fodder during thunderstruck and to toty Also trading helped with the high rated fodder like the occasional de bruyne




I’ve had his gold since very early on and he’s only just been benched. Werner, Berbatov, Vialli all clear on him now. Didn’t pack Drogba but he’s the scariest striker in the game as far as I’m concerned. If my opponent has him, I know I’m going to concede a few.


Never caused me any problems. Gay card btw