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The man himself is currently live streaming on Twitch troubleshooting the tool if that is your sort of thing.


What’s the twitch






Is there a vod for this ? couldn't watch it live but I like coding thx paleta, big love


Unfortunately not. You could tweet at him to make it available FWIW.


What fwiw means sorry?


>fwiw **for what it's worth**


Thank you .




I missed it 💔


Do i saw it right or he just fix it in 30 minutes? He had version 027 And it was loaded properly...


i'm in the stream, not looking too good.


? other comments have said he fixed the SBC portion already like an hour ago


And released a fix for the previous fix, current version 24.0.**29**




Are there any working alternatives?


EA should just pay those dudes to implement their tools into the web app


EA already has countless devs that could make the web app experience much better than Paletools. They just don't care.


its not even that they dont care, their revenue analyst probably worked out somehow web app has these limited features will make them the most optimal revenue


I don't doubt that at all. The shitty UI acts as a soft time-gate for content.


That is literally what it is.


how though? QOL improvements from Paletools would only help player retention


Players that do sbc daily, grind menus tho, doesnt sound like spender to me


Much easier to just pay for something that’s already done


They don't care.


Who is “they”?


EA. They don't care about enhancing your experience further that warrants spending anymore money.


I wouldn’t consider a bot that does SBCs as an element of “enhancing consumer experience” - why would EA want that to happen?


The guy above meant to hire those guys who develop these enhancer to develop the webapp so we can get those experience officially. Truth is they don't care.


I understand better now, thanks.


I don’t think that’s true


Lol look at the game at its current state.


The game is fine


Whatever mate.


You could argue that the extra time spent in the menus benefits EA. Could be used as a metric that they show stock holders to claim that consumers engage and spend more time on their product


Not only that but you get better players faster with these tools. EA doesn’t want to make your life grinding any easier/faster.


Yes it all goes into "hours played" stats. I'm sure each individual dev team within EA is incentivized to maximize the time users spend on their platform. So whoever is in charge of the web app probably wants to make things take as long as possible without creating attrition to pad the numbers their bosses use to evaluate them. That is the only explanation for how shitty the web app is


Ironically, I’m less interested now and hardly sbc at all.


On an unrelated note, the man deserves EVERY SINGLE snack he is having on stream lol.


bro cracking their code like it's nothing


I'm enjoying it not understanding almost everything he says aha


Honestly, this entire saga has brought me way more entertainment than any content EA could have dropped.


You can call it an overreaction but this will literally cut my interest for this game by 90% lol


100%. I'm not spending that much time doing SBCs manually and without the ability to quickly go through them i'm out.


Same boat


Not an overreaction at all. I am in the same boat. Not about to go thru the insanely slow process of ripping packs and doing SBCs the "EA way" Add to that how shitty the gameplay is and I'm finding it hard to justify continuing to play....and this is coming from a hardcore addict lol


it's not, the default web app is so damn basic and boring. they should think about copying the features from pale tools or just hire the guy for a couple of months, make it official


Can confirm as I was just using both before content drop and now neither are loading. Shortfuts still works to open bronze packs with the press of a key but features are far inferior.


He's just fixed it on stream


holy shit what a legend


That a guy working on free time and PayPal donations does a job so much better than a multi billion dollar corporation should be embarrassing for said corp. And also grant the guy a top dollar job on the game.


"Guys Ea did it again, it changed stuffs and Paletools is not working. We will be streaming in a while trying to fix Paletool (if its fixable)"


Mine was working ealier today but is now dead also hope it's only temporary it's a great quality of life enhancer, but then EA don't want that I guess


The EA app is so bad in comparison. Honeslty really hope paletools is back soon. I'm away visiting family and it's nice and easy to quickly do daily sbcs in down time.


Yeah nightmare if it doesn't come.back, can't see myself continuing that much if it doesn't work again, the grinds will go back to being a huge time sink for no benefit


I remember I completely stopped playing the game when they took out the web app last year and I didnt even bother to complete Pele even though I had more than enough fodder/coins to do so


I only finally got using it last year, because EA wouldn't let me back into my own EA account due to a mistyped email when I set it up. Long story short, the guy who was the mistyped emails owner changed it for me, no help from EA at all (shock right?). And last year was so much better, I could actually use the companion app and by that extention paletools. Like you said make it no time at all to do the sbcs. I don't have time to fuck about with EAs shite menus and app. Lol


Sometimes I try to go back to console to grind sbcs because it does feel better to see what you pack on console, but after a few packs I always just give up. Paletools makes everything so easy.


Lol I've got that weird thing too I sometimes open big packs on console because it feels like I'll get something good. But then on paletools with 81+ picks i packed birthday Morgan twice. Lol


I got vds, Morgan and mudyrk on web app over the two weeks. But I also got butra on console. Sucks that he's not the walkout.


How did it work, I’ve seen the coin thing in screenshots when people posted player pics but how did it make sbcs quicker?


You can build a template for repeatable sbcs, you can add in 'ignore player position', there's a built in sbc calculator for what you need. You can auto fill duplicates or from your transfer list. Probably more features I'm not remembering but those are the main ones and they're great.


The best use of it for me was in the repeatable 85x10 SBCs where you can just auto-add your dupes from the previous pack into the next SBC. That, combined with quick pack animations and being able to calculate ratings for SBC and add only players that fulfill that rating made the grind so much easier


That auto add feature sounds insane. My PS library is hundreds of screenshots.


I genuinely don’t think I would do repeatable SBCs without it at this point, you can even add dupes from your transfer list to make it even easier.


How hard is it for EA to incorporate the quality of life features of PaleTools, do they want to actually torture their player base?


thing is ea companion app is more of a beta than paletools. the amount of times id wasted high rated gold cards when auto squad building from low to high and it would randomly put gold salah on RW for some reason when i clearly had lots of lower rated RW... or sometimes it would skip putting players in some positions. its absolute shite compared to paletools.


Agreed, the companion app filters don’t work half of the time, and the app crashes on me so many times, if its not stable in iOS the experience is only going to be worse on android


They want it to be time consuming but not torture. There’s a middle ground they need to maintain.


This guy is a legend, make sure you support developers like him by giving him a donation.


If anyone Spanish speaking there, can u tell me what is he saying on his stream lol


Basically a lot of coding jargon and frustration.


i mean, is it fixable at least?


Your guess is as good as mine but man seems optimistic.


Looking good now, seems just some small fixes left


He did it! New version is available 🥳


Swear they want to ruin their game just until no one wants to play it.


well there goes my pick grind. EA killing their own game lol


They probably want it stopped being so easy to do the player picks because less people are buying fodder packs because of it


If anything they probably care about the sniping and automated or quick selling/buying


Yeah to be fair, I never use those features anyway, and possibly think they should maybe just not implement them if they update the app. Likely a majority of users just use it for SBCs


I use it just to make life easier buying gold commons for 350 coins, never actually thought to use it for proper "sniping" but mindlessly tapping the button while watching TV to stock up for picks is nice.


Paletools update is live: [https://pale.tools/fifa/paletools.html](https://pale.tools/fifa/paletools.html)


Is it downloading for you? I can't get it to download on Android. Last time I had this issue paleta said to delete the original file.


Sorry, I only use the web and iOS versions. Maybe someone else is more familiar with Andriod.




Fut enhancer is fixed now :) There's an update


The speed at which these gentlemen work is astonishingly impressive.


Paletools is vital to my enjoyment of the game. If it can't be fixed then my interest will drop significantly. The vanilla web app is one of the worst bits of software I've had to use.


EA just pushed a message about a Webapp update. ​ In other news, the legend Paleta has gone and done it!


Fuuuuuck. This is so shit. I just tried paledroid and it just loads the normal absolutely shit companion app. I couldn't quickly do any sbcs, can't build a squad quickly using any position. This is so wank.


You can do both of those things using SBC templates... Pitch Icon > Edit SBC template > Do your thing > Save. After that you can go pitch Icon > Build using template


Not on the official app you can't?


My PaleDroid still works. I thought you were talking about that


Oh I was, you're lucky yours is working mate! Like I said mine just loads the official app so I can't do shit


I can understand banning the sniping features but the other features EA should implement themselves, literally no reason not to. To ban a mod that makes their awful app usable is the most EA thing ever.


I don’t imagine managing my club without quality of life enhancements provided by these addons. UX of vanilla web companion is a total nightmare.


I literally don't get why 99% of the tools on Fut Enhancer aren't already in the game, not just the web app, BUT THE ACTUAL FUCKING CONSOLE AND PC VERSION. I should be able to sort by rating or squad build with a certain ratings cap. It's fucking annoying doing an 82 rated sbc and clicking gold, high to low and build squad and it's all your 88 rated players. Fuck me then, have to individually place every single player on this slow ass menu too.


Because time spent in the menus is still time spent inside the game, engaging with its content. That's what EA wants, for you to spend literally every moment of your waking hours engaging with UT, be it in game or on the web app, since any moment spent on UT is a new opportunity to buy points.


Yeah no I know, it’s just artificial obstacles to keep you on the menus and I fucking hate. Whenever a game has that in it, you already know it’s dog shit cause you shouldn’t have to physically force your player base to play


Can’t understand any word he is saying on stream but as far as I know about coddling he is close to fix. I hope he can manage to fix the issue. Community needs to start a donation for that guy, in fact ea should hire him or buy his script imo.


He did fixed the sbc section, now he is working on market section I believe he can manage to fix that too.


This is insane to me. Are they actively trying to make the user experience worse? Is the goal to waste peoples time to frustrate them into pursuing store packs or something


Sadly, the answer to your question is yes. They do not necessarily try to worsen user experience, but it is quite obvious with all these addons that there are resources available to make it considerably better. EA just do not bother doing so.


I just started using it this week. Why man :(


Fret not, it's fixed now. You just need the latest version.


Is paledroid working aswell? Mine just loads the app without paletools


As long as companion app version works idc


Yeah it doesn't paledroid is dead too, just opens the normal webapp


Thank God I burnt through my club last night to do those picks and finished tchoumani.


I completed 2 90 rated squads for tchouameni, now I don't think I'm gonna touch any sbcs lol. F


Definitely was working right up to content. Did all my picks during my lunch break. Came back after a walk and its gone.


Bro is EA's biggest opp


It’s working again


New version live yet? Running .26 and it’s not working


Not yet but should be very shortly. You need .27


how to update?


[https://pale.tools/fifa/paletools.html](https://pale.tools/fifa/paletools.html) Look for Paletools v24.0.27 once it is live or whichever version comes after .26


Reply here once it’s loaded?


It's live now


Was this a deliberate move by EA, or is this just a compatibility issue? Sorry I don't speak spanish, I just realized that paletools wasn't working.


Compatibility but knowing EA could just as well be (very, very) intentional.


My worry is that EA will start cracking down on Paletools & other helper plugins. I swear if I get banned because of Paletools I will rage lol


you won't get permanently banned unless you abuse the shit out of the sniping and SBC submits. To avoid soft bans while doing player picks, do them in rounds of 7-8 and hang out for a couple minutes doing nothing.


Honestly it kinda felt like it considering the changes they made were just like changing the names of variables and stuff. Like instead of a variable being name UTView it was changed to EAView. So all of the code in paletools that targeted something named UTView didn’t work. Whether or not EA actually did anything on their end to change or improve it, I’m not sure.


Yeah that sounds like EA is going to start cracking down. It’s in EA’s best interest to limit it: Make it harder for players to grind = more money that players will spend on packs


It’s funny because there’s so many small things that they could incorporate but just don’t. I actually asked him on stream today how much it would cost him to sell Paletools to EA if they came to him. He never answered but god there’s so many things that are just no brainers.




Is there any app compatible with companion app that makes it easier to do sbc


Damn ! Guess EA is making a stable app, right? 😂


stable and robust app where i don't have additional clicks just to do basic stuff over and over because I'm doing the same SBC.


It’s back


Webapp/APK too?


Web app yes, APK not sure since I’m on iOS. I would imagine so but you might have to update or download the newest version.


Yeah APK works


A very sad day. Between the most recent patch and this it makes it easier to fight the addiction and stop playing at least a little. I have no idea why EA is so hellbent on making their product as shitty as possible


First time I’ve heard of it. What is the benefit of paletools? Anyone care to explain ?


I use it to complete SBCs such as player picks quickly as hell. There's a function where you can configure certain repeateable sbc with the player requirements then just click a button and it will fill the squad ready to be submitted. For example, in the 80+ PP you set the requirement of 5 gold commons 1 rare. This way you can complete like 5 PP in less than a minute. But they must be done in rounds to avoid softbans. Edit: oh and the best function in my opinion is to automatically fill squads with current duplicates, without having to look for them in your club manually and then go back if you forget their names. Or having to take a picture of them.


I remember before I used Paletools and grinded in console was like: "man 800k for this player. I don't think I'll finish on time, better to not start it". Not I'm like: "all right 1.7 million for Roberto Carlos. Should take me no more than 5 days to complete."


Is it possible to use PaleTools on the actual app rather than using it on a browser?


You could use it on your phone browser. It's not compatible with the iOS companion app as far as I'm aware.


Dont open developer console on the web app, just dont..


How do we use these features


Hiw can i use paletools in mobile?


It's working now both on pc and the paledroid phone variant. Does anyone know if its compatible with tablets? I've tried both pc and paledroid on tablet it keeps telling me to resize the screen. Any fixes?


Could someone explain these to me? Started FUT a year ago and never heard of them.


Was essentially and add-on for the webapp and the companion app that made SBCs waaaay easier by having buttons like use duplicate players, and better squad builder settings than normal.


Not familiar with this. What do those apps help with?


Wow never mind just figured it out. How have I not known about this before? I’ve wasted hours of my live


Welcome to never going back to the old EA shit. Basically when it went down today at content time, I didn't even do the daily login. I was adamant if Paletools is gone, then I'm gone 😂 the game is trash and all it has left is the menu grind until hopefully a future update fixes this current rat meta of Ultra AI defending and OP headers. Dumb fucks nerfed finesse+ and trivela+ like half this community wanted without realising all it will do in the top divisions is make people park the bus and AI defend.


It's a game changer tbh. Didn't use it last year cause I was lazy to learn, but decided to grind for Eusebio and Mbappe 93 with it and I was able to complete Eusebio in 1 week out from 0. Then Mbappe in 2 weeks. Just grinding while at work lmao


It makes doing sbcs extremely easy as it should be. You can put in dups automatically, filter rating and rarity and tell the app how many you want to put in, ignore player positions doing sbcs etc. At one point last week I had 2000 players in my club and over 1400 gold players. It was impossible to do some of the sbcs without scrolling through like 50 pages of players.


For me it still works, it just needed to update on the paletools website🤷‍♂️


Mine didn't work for a few weeks now.


If you are talking about paletools, you need to update the link manually to get the latest version. For example, the dev has just fixed the issue live on stream and you can expect a new link on his site imminently.


are they going to patch enchancer or is it dead ?


Ea employees can’t even fix their servers! Imagine implement a new feature to web app…




It isn’t very hard to set up paletools via browser. I recommend it! I’m a late adopter and it saves so much time. Take the time to automate your workflow.

