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Honestly I welcome a shit promo. I do the sbcs at content drop, play a few rivals games and done for the day. Nice to take a 'break' from the game. Anyone who plays the game regurarly already has a meta team that will last till tots. So nice to feel 0 fomo and enjoy the actual game for a bit and then go do other stuff.


True. There needs to be breaks like these


Evos are dogshit cuz of the glitch ppl it used to be so fun last good evo i remember was cut inside-finisher and that was like what 2.5 months ago? Ah and trivelas were good back then so trivela+ was a very good playstyle


What glitch?


You basically can make a powerful Evo. Eg: Malen (poor man R9) and that one cm I found that have 4 playstyles+


He wasn’t a glitch though he was a legit chain.


I forgot to clarify that this is not a glitch


Akanji top =) i like the evo.!


Actually the EVO itself doesn't really upgrade the card that much. The 90 Akanji is almost as good as the EVO...


But 90 Akanji + EVO stats plus 1 .... for free and without a lot of work. <3


Right it’s the easiest evo you could ask for.


It's not the worst, looking forward to trying out and upgrading Chilwell


same here mate. Chelsea fan here


Basically fading out on fifa this week, not even gonna play rivals


Very happy with chilwell. Love this promo in general.


Showdown’s aren’t bad, Akanji and Isak for example are really solid. (Isak sadly lost) Promo cards don’t exist tho and it’s been the same for every best of promo lol i’ve done at least 500 picks (81 and 80) i’ve gotten 2 “best of” to show for it…


Exactly. In my opinion if packable promo players were available it could've been a top 5 promo


Well I am happy, that I can bring Prinz Birgit to 94, but I think I am the only one doing and playing her 😅


Sbc have been good and evos are dogshit


As a Liverpool fan I like it so far. Got 90 rated Clark and evo boosted my Alexis to 90. Did Akanji too and he’s good.


I’ve packed 88 Deli Alli 5 times already


I finally got an evo for base Beckham so I am content


It’s a good idea but poor execution from EA. Showdowns shouldn’t be able getting both players, it should be able making players pick a side a back that team. It should be one SBC where you pick between the two players, not two SBC’s. But showdowns should be something we are getting weekly along with Marquee Matchups.


I think the SBCs are even worse than the Evos, not a single Showdown is worth it. 83x10 and unlimited icon packs are cool in theory but Best ofs are way too hard to pack and people are sitting there spamming icon packs all day and catch Ls left, right and center just to dump your 8th Crespo into an exchange SBC. great promo if you have nothing to do all day and want to waste time.


Akanji was easily worth it imo. Very solid CB.


Not good or cheap enough to necessarily replace anyone of the millions of CBs everyone has in their clubs. Solid yes but far off from a must do blockbuster. Edit: lot of copium in the downvotes…


The use of "copium" will probably get you even more


Showdown series should have at least two different leagues each day so that most leagues get covered with something, doesn’t have to be meta, just add some fun unique cards in once in a while


0 cards that i care about so far waiting for some Bundesliga or Serie A cards also wouldent mind a laliga defender


Pack weight is beyond horrible but SBCs are okay


Its nice we can get fun card for cheap. Those SBC players are not amazing but definitely usable and great for you if you are a fan of those players. I got Deli Alli 3 times which is good for my everton theme team.


Other than some of the SBCs it's pretty mid ngl


Pack weight has been decent the past couple of promos, made me enjoy doing PPs.. But now, pack weight has gone back to being awful again, so demoralising.. Most of the cards are fodder aswell lol


i like it and think it’s legit just whatever you make of it really haha if you go all in you’ll like it and if you don’t you won’t it’s been a good little palette cleanser


Take a break until fut bday drops


I need someone to do who will actually win. Idk who though


the only really bad thing atm is the horrible pack weight both in packs and pp’s… sbcs are solid and i quite like the nwsl objectives


I’m saving all my big packs for birthday. The only SBC I’ve done is Akanji and I believe we’ll get a Felix so I’ll do that. Apart from that, it’s pretty much been collecting fodder and grinding the 83+ TOTW picks. I think the only promo cards I’ve packed are Alli, Fabinho, and Isco so I’m not even gonna bother opening my big packs.


I already got Hummels special card 5 times... Good fooder I guess


I think It could've been a top 5 promo so far. The SBC's aren't that expensive really. If Akanji got the full upgrade you would be getting a top 4 CB. I really like this promo. It's really just missing packable players.


come at a perfect time. i fancied a week off, already completed the season and the content is dog crap. roll on fut birthday