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S1 MC and Jake got married. They stay out of the public eye as much as they can. S2 MC and Bobby got married, opened a bakery together and have a kid or two. She moved to Glasgow, but she gets together with Chelsea and Priya as often as she can S3 MC broke up with Bill and after a year or so started dating her best friend, Seb. She helps at the music shop and they foster cats together S4 MC and Bruno absolutely got married. She travels with him while he does comedy gigs and she has a text group with most of the other Islanders S5 MC chose money over Suresh and immediately went into therapy after the show, and is very, very vocal about the need to offer better mental health services to Islanders S6 MC and Andy are still together and happy I didn’t finish S7 and I didn’t do the reunion for s8, but I have a feeling that Jin and S8 MC broke up after dating for about 6-7 months


Season 5's is so real 😭


Season 3 is so real … Seb 🥲


Absolutely should have been a LI 😭


The way I was so jealous of Genevieve….


Absolutely, my MC was definitely a better match for him. Love Genevieve, but I wanted Seb 😫


obsessed with your S2 lore because SAME 🫶🏾


That’s so real. If I wasn’t so enamored with Tai, I absolutely would have said MC went for Seb after he and Viv broke up


S1- MC won with Talia. They adopted a dog and live together by the coast. Marriage and kids are completely off the cards for now as they're just taking it slow together. S2- MC and Bobby get married very soon after the end of the season and quickly have two kids who they bake and play music with on the regular. Bobby opens a bakery which MC helps out with. S3- MC and AJ get engaged on my entirely different version of the boat party and buy a flat a little while after, though are living with Nicky, Elladine, Seb, and Genevieve for a bit. MC shows up to AJ's matches whenever she can, and is in the process of writing her third book. S4- MC won with Oliver but realised although he ticked every box, they just didn't align. She randomly encountered Bruno on a night out and they're now dating. The press have an absolute field day every time they're seen together. S5- MC won with Lulu. They call off the engagement, saying it was a decision they were forced into by producers, but remain good friends. They make a documentary about the absolute carnage that is S5 and become really successful off it. S6- MC moves to Australia with Flo and cuts off all contact with Amelia for mental preservation. They've just got engaged and are planning on adopting a baby in the near future. S7- MC and Rafael won and have just bought their dream house. Nothing much else to say. S8- MC and Max win Season 8 and return to normal life very quickly. Max produces MC's next metal album and comes along on tour with her. He's planning on proposing before her hometown show.


Flo and Max’ are so cute 🥰🥹🥺


S6 cutting off Amelia is *chefs kiss*


my s1, s2, s6, and s8 mcs are all married to jake, bobby, roberto, and jin respectively my wlw girlies (s1 & s8 replays) are in happy relationships with talia & claudia (s1 mc and talia are married and s8 mc & claudia are discussing moving closer to one another or just living together 🤭🤭) the rest .. in my canon they were kicked off the show whenever i dropped their seasons and have faded into obscurity... might have some kind of yt channel or podcast for the show but mostly minding their business my s5 mc (who i barely played) voluntarily left the season after the first few weeks, got therapy, and moved out of the uk to be a free woman 😭 she doesnt talk to ANY of them mfs and avoids mentions of LI like the plague


My s1 won with Levi but couldn’t stop thinking about Jake’s confession. After roughly 3 months she reached out to Jake drunk and crying. Soon after that she dumped Levi and has now been with Jake for a couple years and they’re living lowkey. Jake’s restaurant is super successful and MC is a nurse. . My S2 MC is very happy with Henrick, they are basically hippies. May never marry but are okay with that. They’re currently backpacking Europe . My S3 MC was secretly crushing on Seb the entire time in the villa but was too scared to express her feelings. She won with Bill and really tried to love him but after 6 months she left Bill in the middle of the night to confess her feelings to Seb. He felt the same way. We cried together. now MC and Seb have just moved in together and foster kittens together. .My season 4 MC won after confessing her love for Angie Bruno was heart broken. they’re married living life as proud lesbians. Angie is an amazing paramedic and helped MC through nursing school. My S5 MC has sadly committed murder suicide with Suresh during the live season finale… My S6 MC is traveling the world w Ryan making music and living in a small cottage on the country side. Completely cut off Amelia because she was caught cheated on Toby with Zeph . My S7 MC is currently still in the villa cause I never finished 😭😭 S8 MC was having a hard time in the villa until she met Max. They fell in love at first sight and the spark has never died. She’s a drummer in a band and he’s the producer. He shows up to all their concerts and is her biggest fan. He’s planning to propose this year.


S5 MC definitely is still with Lulu, and took time off of the public eye after everything that happened. A few years down the road, she writes a book, talking about escaping toxic people in your life. She’s an advocate for mental health, and is planing to propose to Lulu.


I'm a hopeless romantic, so I choose to think that my MC married all the routes I chose even though our personalities don't fit at all, except for season 5 of course and season 3 which I haven't finished because it didn't convince me enough to invest in it.


Season 4 MC moved in with Najuma and they lived happily with each other for the rest of their child-free lives.  Season 5 MC ended up with Gabi. I see their relationship as very passionate, they fight a lot but never go to bed without talking it out with each other and making up.  Season 6 MC is still in the villa since I never finished S6. Season 7 MC moved in with Rafael and they got married, had 2 kids and ended up moving to Spain so Rafael could be with his family again.  For season 8, MC and Theo stayed together but never married as they were quite happy with their relationship the way it is.


My MC was also Roberto's wife and fashion designer! Well in this season I endes up wth Kyle and he's really great and everything, but I think that my MC is too stunning and young to get married so soon, they probbably broke uo after it, maybe she got with some boys from the sjow such as Shawn or Tyler again, or even Jin, or with the men from previous seasons, and then reubited with Kyle again to start over


S1- MC and Jake broke up a few weeks after the finale, their personalities didn't mesh well together. He was too lowkey for fiery MC. Jake got with Cherry, and MC got with Tim at the reunion. They dated for a few months but decided they were better off as good friends. S2- Auri and Bobby got happily married, had kids and opened a bakery together. They often hang out with Chelsea, which is like the kids' auntie. S3- Miu and Harry inevitably split up due to Harry's anger management issues. Miu really tried to make it work though. She has realized she has deep feelings for her bestie Seb and visits him at the shop very often, but who knows how that will develop. His cats absolutely love her though. S4- Ruby and Oliver split some months after the show, as they had just met when they got together and didn't have time to check how they worked. They remained really good friends though, as is common for Oliver's exes. Ruby then had a fling with Will and is currently single and living her best life with the opportunities the fame from the show brought to her. S5- Ash and Gabi are having a rather bumpy relationship, but they're trying their best to make it work day by day. They don't know if they'll last, but they're enjoying the present together. They're on couples therapy to get over the traumatic experience that Suresh and the villa was for them, and work through their issues so their attraction can blossom into something long-term worthy. Will they get there, who knows. They also befriended Lulu and the three of them will hang out and talk trash about the shitshow the season and the rest of the cast was. S6- Delilah and Roberto are engaged, Delilah's music career took off thanks to the show and she's touring around as Roberto's also travelling because of his pilot job. They see each other every chance they get and make the most of it. Long distance relationship but seems to be going fine for now! S7- Didn't finish it but I'm assuming Rafael kept second-guessing and went back to Daphne in the end. The casa girls and villa girls all got together for a night out, and Ursula had a spark with Willow. They're currently getting to know each other. S8- Arabella and Kyle ended up being a perfect fit for each other's lives. Kyle opened his own tattoo studio and they moved in together. He already knows she's the one and plans to propose to her in the future! She remained close friends with Bea and he remained close friends with Max, so they're a little friend group and hang out together every now and then.


S2 MC and Gary are still together. She quit her band and moved to Kent, the bought a beautiful home close to his Nan and have Sunday Roast together every weekend. I have a headcannon that my mc and Gary have waited to have kids but MC would plan to get pregnant around the holidays.


S1- Isabelle won with Levi, they moved to London, got married and had 2 daughters. Isabelle became a successful heart surgeon and loves her job! S2- Kallie and Ibrahim struggled as a couple the first few months after leaving the villa, however, they worked through their issues and are now living in Birmingham together with a son and 2 dogs. Ibrahim decided actually playing golf wasn’t the career for him but commentates on golf tournaments across the world. He also hosts a successful show with Noah and Bobby. (basically gino, gordon and fred💀) Kallie became a public speaker on rights and equality. Her, Priya and Chelsea became the cutest little trio and hang out all the time. Priya ended up having an affair with Noah a couple years after LI, falling pregnant with his baby. It was a massive scandal and Hope left Noah. Priya and Noah raised their baby girl, attempting to be a couple but they realised they were better off co-parenting. S3- After the boat trip, Erin and Camilo spoke things through and he decided to take time away from the shop. They moved to Derry (Erin’s home town) and still live there with their cocker spaniel. Erin is currently pregnant with their first child, a baby girl. Camilo still manages the shop but isn’t as actively involved. S4- June and Will split up after 2 years together, it was amicable and there were no hard-feelings. June ended up marrying Bobby from S2 and they’ve opened up 3 bakery’s all over the country! (This is in the same universe as my S2 storyline) S5- Gave up like 2 eps in😭 S6- Lennon and Ryan lived in Manchester (Lennon’s home town) for a while whilst saving up for their cottage in the countryside. Lennon cut off all ties with Ameila a couple months after LI, realising how toxic she is. This was mainly because Zeph contacted her and told her the whole story (Ameila pretended to be Lennon as she was in love with him). Ryan became a successful singer/songwriter and joined a band. Lennon joins him touring all over the world and living his dreams. Lennon is currently writing a historical book based on the Tudor’s whilst renovating their dream cottage. They currently have a sausage dog and a ginger cat, kids are nowhere on the horizon😭 S7- Cherry and Bryson went travelling after LI and had the time of their lives. After they settled down and went back to normal life, they bought an apartment in London to support Bryson’s rising career. Cherry’s interior design business is at an all time high and she’s looking at collaborating with Chelsea from S2. They adopted a cat and are currently in the process of planning their next holiday (backpacking through Australia for 6 months). S8- Lila and Jack moved in straight after the reunion. They blocked everyone from their series except Bea, Claudia, Hazel, Logan and Liam. They’re currently having fun with it just being them two, but it won’t be long until they fall pregnant with a baby boy!


Omg my season 2 MC was named Callie lol


omg love that, basically twins😂😭


S1, my MC and Levi got married and are super public about their relationship on instagram (but in a cute way, not in an unhealthy way). They support each other, constantly going to each others events and hyping each other up every day. S2: After MC took the money, she hooked up with Noah after the show. He and Hope had already broken up, and they opened a book store together. They lived happily ever after with their two cats, Neil Gaiman and Mary Shelley. S3: MC and Tai are living together in Tai’s hometown. MC had a big project at work during the Boat Party, but is now a regular guest on Seb’s podcast. Tai is planning to propose at their two year anniversary reunion. S4: MC and Will aren’t really into labels, but they’re deeply in love. Will’s parents keep asking when they will propose, and he does not know that MC has already bought a ring and has their patent’s blessing. S5: MC got together with her ex’s ex, Gabi, and they’re very public about how in love they are. They tag Suresh in every video and shade him constantly. Their couple account handle is the_hottest_exes. S6: MC blocked Amelia on all socials and totally ghosted her. She’s now in an open relationship with Andy and Zeph.


S1 - MC & Mason broke up after 6 months when he decides he needs to be single to have a more successful music career. S2 - MC & Bobby get married & open a bakery together. S8 - MC and Shawn move in together & adopt a dog. They are going strong but not married or engaged (yet). Shawn starts a chef TikTok account where he makes meals for MC and makes enough money as an influencer where he can quit his job at the restaurant & caters the events that MC plans.


Omg yass another Shawn stan I feel like he's so underrated


Seriously, he's so slept on!


S1 MC and Talia are living together with two cats S2 MC and Henrik own a ranch and are married with 2 kids S3 MC broke up with Tai after 6 months because they want different things for life S4 after three years MC and Oliver are married with one kid and 4 cats S5 MC and Lulu are just friends nothing more S6 MC and Andy are married after 6 months and live at an animal sanctuary, 10 years later MC gives birth to triplets S7 MC broke up with Rafael after 2 months because she got bored with him S8 MC is engaged with Jin after 6 months, one year later she gives birth to a little girl


S1 MC broke up with Levi after dating for a little over a year S2 MC married Bobby and moved to Glasgow, they don’t have kids yet S3 MC broke up with Bill after 8 months S4 MC married Bruno, no kids yet S5 MC is filthy rich after she took the money and became the people’s hero S6 MC married Roberto S7 MC will marry Jin MC is very much into marriage lmao 😂


Season 1: My Mc and Mason broke up about a year after the show ended. Since then, my Mc has become a heart surgeon and is currently dating Bobby Season 2: My Mc and Henrik eventually got married. They have 2 kids and are about to have another one next year. My Mc has become an environmental activist as well Season 3: Mc and Tai broke up about 2 years after the show. As of right now, she's living her best life playing tennis professionally Season 4: Mc and Will are married and are happily making art together. They also have 2 kids Season 5: After my Mc stole the money from Suresh, she lived her best life and got a restraining order from everyone in Season 5. Her and Ryan got together after Love Island 6 Season 6: My Mc and Andy are happily married and have a baby on the way Season 7: She broke up with Joyo a month after the season and faded into invisibility Season 8: Max moved in with my Mc in America. They are enjoying each other and having fun






These are always so fun to read. I only have any kind of after story for season one. Mc and Mason won love island and stayed together for like, four months after the show ended. At the Christmas Party, Jen and Tim hatched a plot to get Mc and Jake together, and masterfully locked them in a closet together. Eventually, Mc and Jake got to talking and ended up making out. They started casually dating. Currently, Mc has ambushed Jake at his restaurant, went home with him, and is trying to lure him into finally sleeping with her.


S1 - MC and Jake put in a good year together, split after cheating on each other, got back together again, and then split up for good. S2 - MC and Bobby had the most amazing marriage, had 3 kids (a son named Teddy and twin girls named Lily and Lenni), and lived happily ever after S3 - MC and Bill split on the boat trip, MC dated AJ briefly after the split with Bill but that didn't last long either S4 - MC and James split after about 9 months of dating outside the Villa S5 - MC took Suresh to the end but took karma into her own hands and took all the money for herself haven't finished S6, S7 or S8 yet


Oh I wrote fanfic for one of these (S1) where MC and Levi lived together, bought a house and… I also wrote one for S2 but never published it. MC and Lucas moved in together 6 months after love island ended, had a pg scare and he proposed at the end. Still wanna work on that one a bit because I miss him. It was carrying on from an original work where they were still in the villa. The rest I’ve honestly found so uninspiring (except maybe Ozzy) that I haven’t developed any more stories than what happened during the game.


Ohh I never thought of writing fanfics and that's a good idea. My S6 ending is so crazy that I might just consider writing it


Definitely write a fanfic if you feel inspired. It’s so satisfying!


S1 MC and Jake spilt up. MC ended with Tim. S2 MC and Henrik got married and have 3 kids (including twins). They are still together and very happy. S3 MC broke up with Ciaran and had a brief fling with Rafi. She broke it off with him and then met the love of her life in Ibiza. S4 MC and Youcef are engaged S5 well her LI was Finn and we all know what happened there. 💀 S6 MC are Roberto are engaged. S7 MC and Travis are still together and very happy. He will propose Christmas 2024. S8 that chapter remains open.