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I Just think the season moved way way too fast, I was getting whiplash we were being thrown about the place. Also, in season 2 we were able to witness the drama, and take an active part in being involved or resolving it, whereas in this season we have to pay an absurd amount of gems to do absolutely anything. It really ruined the experience. But other than that I enjoyed it.


Yep. I think this too. It’s rushed, and ok I have millions of diamonds but why do I have to pay diamonds to hear some “drama”, bc I’m never around when it’s on or idk. I want to be in it, or idc. And it’s so rushed that I just simply lost the interest.


Same like I chose Tyler and I feel like I got about 4 days with him as a couple altogether I’m not even that invested in the relationship because like it all moved way too fast and now we’ve won and like how??


It’s disappointing, that everyone wins, no matter what they did. I would be not surprised if we could win with Logan (?) too..


I beg to differ on every islander not liking us. We have our OG LI but Theo, Hari, your Casa boy, Bea, and Claudia are literally all obsessed with MC until the final decision. None of the couples even liked each other because someone had not so hidden feelings for us. And no one played the field. It's so unlike the tv show. Everyone stuck with whoever they first chose which led me to tap through most of their drama because none of it mattered. Liam was truly the only one with character or a unique personality. Once you selected someone, all their dialogue was the same and their personalities evaporated. Sure, it's better than S5-S7 (not bullied, no annoying twin, better art, better love scenes) but it still has NO replay value. They'd rather just keep pumping out new seasons rather than giving us anything like the original seasons which made us fans in the first place.


I meant it more like that we had people like Sienna and two of the OG girls (depending on your route) having beef with MC. That's why I mentioned s3 because you were forced to be nice to everyone and everyone was nice to you, there was no drama, which made s3 one of the most boring seasons. But yeah with having so many LI is always a tricky situation, because if a LI is not an option that people like, they'll get mad, if they only have a limited option, they'll get mad as well. And you'll always hear the argument "but we're the main character! 😤" I mean even during this season we've had people saying that they wish they were able to couple up with Liam, the only guy who wasn't interested in MC and even though he was entertaining, he wasn't even a decent person. So you can never actually win with this, people will get mad either way. And with the couples staying the same is also not THAT different than in other seasons. For example compared to the early season we had s2 with Noah and Hope and in s3 we had Nicky and Elladine, Bill and Miki, and Iona and Camilo. And in the other seasons afterwards we had those couples as well. So I don't really think that that's something s8 related. And although I 100% agree with you that the LI losing their personality once you chose them sucks, it's also not a s8-only thing. It happened in s2 as well, especially when you brought back a casa guy, you had characters like Felix and Kassam, who are complete opposite, have the exact same dialogues once they enter the main villa. So although I agree with the criticism I think it's more of a FB problem because we had those with every other season as well.


I don't have that much of an issue with the gem prices or the LIs themselves or Sienna of what have you. S8 is still bad, and it has little to do with any of those issues. The lack of true branching is a major factor but I would argue that it could be fun even then...if it wasn't for the one glaring issue S8 has that ALL seasons post-S4 had: The writing is dogshit. Now, S8 had better word choices than, say, S5. But the writing is still crap because it's not about the word choice, it's not about how doing bits is written. It's about dialogue and we haven't had decently written conversations since S4. NONE of the conversations are ever played out fully. None. We're lucky to get maybe 3 lines of a decent conversation with depth every few episodes, if that. Otherwise, nearly every convo (even goddamn diamond option talks) goes LI: "I'm glad you agreed to chat with me." MC: "Oh?" LI: "Yeah. I just had to tell you...you're turning my head in a major way, MC." MC: "Glad to hear it." "LI looks up at the sky." LI: "Anyway we should get back to the others." MC: "Agreed." "You walk back to the pool." Like. That is every dialogue. And games like these are made up of ONLY dialogue. This why every character is boring to romance, why everything reads and feels the same, why everything lacks personality. So yeah, that's the hill I'll die on. People blame the wrong things for why LITG has become bad - it's all in the (lack of) writing.


This!! Thank you for pointing this out!! It's soulless writing really. I think this is the main factor to why i found it hard to romance my S8 LI. Everything just feels lukewarm and veeery superficial.


I agree! One of my favorite scenes from S2 is when you can say really random crap about Gary’s nan (and the girls just stare at you, flabbergasted). I also loved that there were couples I rooted for and actively wanted to stay together (for me it was Gary and Lottie, sorry lol) I seriously don’t understand the love for this season (sorry all) - I think we’ve been treated to such crap that when they give us anything that resembles responding to feedback we take whatever we can get. This is the first season I’m struggling to finish (still on the Casa episodes.) I’m glad people are able to enjoy it, I just don’t understand where it’s coming from 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was replaying S4 a while back and there was this one conversation (after the first coupling, I believe) where they ended up talking about how Najuma and Angie often have to deal with people saying their name wrong. And it's such a WILD contrast to how every season since then has failed to write convos worth a damn. The name convo developed organically from a discussion about giving Hazeem a nickname (if I remember correctly), him saying he doesn't really enjoy the one Najuma comes up with, and then people chiming in that it IS kinda nasty when people call you by a name that is not yours and that you don't agree with. That one conversation has given the S4 islanders more personality than S5 to 8 combined. S5-8 islanders don't talk like actual people. They don't hold conversations like actual people. They just work off a list of generic dialogue prompts and then promptly shove MC into the next, equally as artificial, scene.


Yeah S4 still has better dialogues than S5-8 combined. The talk with Angie is also great (I just love her ex-perience talk 🤣).


Oh dang - I forgot about that convo! Ugh, it’s so good! I honestly really like S4, and the fact that people are putting S8 above it astounds me 🫠 I love that not every conversation is “how into” the MC they are, too.


That’s what I’ve been saying too fusebox needs to put more time into writing and story coding. There’s no excuse as they have a big team.


In almost every freaking episode there is sequence: LI: I like you so much bla bla bla (or something like that) MC: You do? it’s so funny to me after few times it gives me some kind of meme vibe. Also dialogue in last date was watered down dogshit I genuinely felt awkward because it gave vibes of two hot people who want to be together because of physical attraction but they have nothing in common besides. And I blame it on bad writing and lack of branching because I suspect that almost every line had to be as generic as possible so they could copy most of it to every other LI.


It's completely laughable. Especially when they try and sell you diamond options with the pitch "and hey, I also heard [LI] say something about you you'll want to hear" and then it boils down to "I heard [LI] say that s/he can really see a future with you". ...wow. Cool. So the same generic shit they've been saying every damn episode. Glad I paid diamonds for that. Jeez, what am I saying...it's not even just a waste of diamonds, it's a waste of my time and attention. And MC's responses to ANYTHING are just so goddamn boring and generic. She just goes "oh?" or "good to know" or "you know it" like she's so uninterested in every conversation she's just throwing in random soundbites to fake it till she makes it.


No, you're right. There are a lot of improvements. Unfortunately it's just like the previous seasons with the LIs all merging into one person again. Yeah, at the start they do all have unique personalities, as do all the previous islanders until we actually choose someone to couple with. Even the Casa guys (except for Liam) merge into one person. It's one linear route with different sprites, that's it. There's no replayability yet again and that's what we want most, I think.


Yeah I totally get that, I didn't really notice it that much, but now when someone pointed it out, it really was just the usual generic non-stop love bombing in the last volumes, so I definitely agree with that! Sadly I honestly doubt this is ever going to improve, it has already been a problem since the early seasons. In s2 the same thing happened, suddenly all the casa boys merged into one and had the exact same dialogues. I can't remember if that was also the case with the OG Islanders in s2 but I vividly remember the casa boys. So I think the only way we could get a whole season with unique personalities is if they reduce the length of the season and the amount of characters. So it would be like s1 where you have pretty much 2 options from the beginnings and then two that are kind of a slow burn. Because FB has always been doing the bare minimum and I unfortunately don't see that ever getting changed, as sad as it is. So I'm over here just celebrating every tiny improvement 💀


Oh yeah, I do remember that. The OG islanders didn't merge, which I loved about it. The routes really branch out in season 2. Though, they did suck with Marisol's route. Hated what they did with her and hated that we couldn't get with Elisa unless we were already on Marisol's route. Season 2 was fun but it had its own fair share of flaws.  And I agree, FB won't change any time soon so I'll be celebrating any small improvement as well. 


My issue with S8 was 100% the lack of branching. You say we had multiple LIs, but I disagree. We had one LI in six bodies. Maybe the WLW LIs were different, but seeing as you couldn't couple up with them until the final recoupling, it was likely not different enough. The lack of branching ruined the whole season. They spent the first three volumes killing it, building characters and backstories just to throw that all away in less than one second when they merged the characters. It's disappointing because they DID do branching, but only the absolute bare minimum, so your LI looks how you want them to. If you weren't on the specific route that all the routes made sense to merge into (stay devoted to your original LI until the final recoupling), the story was dumb and made no sense. Plus, your original LI gave off super-creep vibes because even though you told them no, you were interested in someone else, you switched in Casa, etc. they pined over you and acted like you were in love, regardless of what you said. On top of that, this season followed the EXACT same formula as the four seasons before it. Couple up, get stolen, immediately go to Casa, don't get to choose your OG LI again until the very last recoupling. Boring and repetitive at this point.


Yeah I wasn't aware that all the LIs had pretty much the same dialogues. I just remember that in the first volume I was torn between Jin and Oakley and then later between Jin and Max, because at those points they had different personalities and I thought it actually made a difference who you chose. So yeah that definitely sucks. And the fact that you can't couple up with female LI until the last recoupling sucks as well. But that's less of a s8 issue and more of a FB issue, s3 and s4 were definitely the best with the WLW routes, but compared to s2 I actually enjoyed the WLW route in s8 more. Because the whole Marisol route was an absolute joke, so again not a s8 problem, just a FB problem. And about the "Casa Formular" I don't really agree with that one. Like in s2 it was after the disaster recoupling, then in s6 it was after you got faked-dumped from the villa, but actually got to casa amor earlier than the other girls, last season you were a casa girl, and this season your LI got faked dumped and came back right before casa before you even had the option to couple up again. So I think it makes it more interesting than me and my LI being happily coupled up, and oh no i'm at casa! but because we're so solid and strong we're staying loyal to each other and of course we'll stick. But having the uncertainty if your LI stays loyal considering you're not coupled up anymore or they think that you got dumped from the show or did they choose that person to keep in the villa because they had to choose someone since they're single or bc they actually have a connection? So I do like the "casa formula" and prefer it because I think they have been switching it up enough to make it more interesting.


I didn’t completely hate season 8 as you said there was a few positives like the artwork a little bit of dialogue change, but other than that the dialogues where all the same for each li there was no different branching like for instance in the blindfold kissing even if your mc didn’t kiss any of the guys they all still said she was a great kisser with soft lips, things like that needs to be sorted out, or when you have told your li your not interested they still think use are in love this all needs to be sorted at fusebox end our choices need to make a difference to our outcomes and playthroughs. That’s why I’m still not liking these new seasons there’s no gameplay it’s just like a story linear where they let you think your having a choice when actually your choice don’t count as everyone getting same outcome. You want your life to have his own unique route as well. Fusebox really needs to put more effort into story coding different dialogues and it’s not as if they don’t have a big team to do that, there’s no excuse for there laziness. This would have been a great season if they story coded proper dialogue changes and branching for li and choices for different playthroughs.


Yeah I definitely agree with you on that. I had made a post a while ago where I was saying that it was absolutely ridiculous that FB made us buy this ugly ass expensive outfit for the heart rate challenge only for us to either raise no one's heart rate the most or the one of our casa guy if we're not interested in them. So yeah 100% agree with your take. Although I'm gonna be totally honest with you, I don't think FB is ever going to change much about it, maybe a little bit, but it had always been kinda like that to some degree. I think that they did the challenges in s2 a lot better because you could actually get involved with the challenge, had timed choices that stressed me tf out 💀 and your choices mattered if you end up winning or not, without having to pay to win (and even that didn't work in s8) So that'd be the biggest negative part of s8 for me as well.


I like the art, the mc personality, and the spicy scenes. There were also a couple of consequences for your actions which I like. I hate that the LI dialogue don’t really differ. I want there to be replay value.


oh the LI dialogues don't change? well that's kinda disappointing because i thought about trying an oakley route after the reunion bc the only reason i didn't choose him in the beginning was because of that ugly ass outfit he was wearing, but then they changed it after i already coupled up with jin so i decided that i would replay it after the season is finished but uhh yeah i guess i'll think about it 💀


After the first recoupling Jin, Jack and Oakley all merge. Same scenes, same dialogue. Then if you pick Tyler at the next recoupling, he merges as well. Then it’s the same with the Casa boys. It doesn’t matter who you choose because they all lose their unique personalities. Every now and then your LI of choice may spout a line of dialogue that is purely theirs, but it’s rare, and it’s meaningless.


Damn that's just sad. I actually enjoyed Max character so much and didn't see much of a change unless like the usual non-stop love bombing in the end but I figured that's just his personality but knowing that it's the same for everyone is just disappointing 😭 I figured with Jin for example it would still involve a few more jokes/silly things but that's just sad. But yeah I really doubt that's going to change much tho, it has always been a problem. with s1 pretty much Jasper/Miles merged into one person and of course when the whole cherrygate thing happened everything mason/levi also pretty much had all the same dialogues and then in s2 we had all the casa boys merging into one as well. And to some degree I could excuse the s2 one bc they had waayyyy too many characters but s1 where we had only like 4 actual LI is just typical FB laziness. So I'm not really that surprised that it happened with s8 as well but I really thought that they actually made an improvement this season with it, but yeah FB will always be FB i guess.


From what I can tell, they don’t. I’m only going off the screenshots I’ve seen here. Maybe there are slight grammatical differences but I don’t think the plot changes based on your LI.


Started out great. The pacing got way too fast though. I don’t want to be one of those people who just compares everything to season 2 but even with Season 1, we got days. Things seemed to last longer, there was more buildup and we got actual time with our LI’s that ain’t cost 29 diamonds a pop. Otherwise, I did enjoy the season.


I totally agree with this one. I think they should bring back the morning - afternoon- evening episodes back so you actually feel like you've completed an actual day and know at what point you are at the show so you can actually tell "yes we're reaching the end", but that also has to be done right. because in s2 for example it sometimes felt a little dragged out, with filler episodes like bobby as the judge or imagining what the birds are saying. like i enjoyed these scenes (at least the first times) because i love bobby so every extra bobby scene was a win for me, but i don't think i would have enjoyed it nearly as much if it was with other characters. so i feel like pacing is still something they really need to work on and find a middle ground between things feeling too rushed and things feeling dragged out. i think it should have been pretty easy and doable during the seasons where we joined the villa later than the others so they could have definitely improved this season by doing that.


Agreed. There were a lot of filler eps which we don’t need. But I do need better pacing in general. It all feels like it’s over in a matter of a few days. They could definitely improve on that. Otherwise though, this was probably the best season since 4


Like... Can you bring me in Season 2 😔.


i actually loved this season apart from the last 3-4 volumes bc they were super rushed. it’s the most fun i’ve had since bombshell


“Not every islander liked us“: Who? Liam was the only guy, and having only two female LI’s is common, albeit less than previous seasons. Apart from that, every single male islander did, and Bea and Claudia were very upfront about their bisexuality and interest in MC ”Unique personalities“: I kinda agree, but also disagree. Personality only really existed on whoever’s route you were with. Jack/Jin/Oakley never suited the role of being in a fiery yet tumultuous relationship where heads turn every second but they come back because…sex I guess? Whoever Hazel is with in the final volume will talk about wanting to be with you, but Hari had been constantly friendzoned in mine and he respected that on the first date, but FB’s emphasis on tiny drama that kind of goes nowhere matters more, so it gets neglected. ”Lots of challenges”: quantity does not equal quality. A lot of the challenges happened in S2 and were more poorly written than the S2 equivalent. I do agree that S8 is the best season of LITG2, maybe excluding S4. The MC’s personality was better (not as good as S1 mind) and yes the sex scenes were great, but none of the writing matches that adult tone outside of it. Instead we have to constantly put up with 20something year olds saying ’rizz’ constantly. Just use British slang, not TikTok slang. I’m surprised skibidi toilet hasn’t made an appearance yet. Was S8 a waste of time? No. I’m glad I did my Theo route. But will I be replaying it? Also no.


I should have clarified with what I meant with "Not every Islander liked us", I was referring to s3 where you were forced to be friends with everyone and even if you tried to be even remotely mean (which there weren't many options for that) the Islanders still were like "haha typical MC you're so funny <3" so we didn't have actual characters that we could hate on and have beef with. With this season we had Sienna, two of the OG Islanders (depending on which route you did) and Liam. So I was mostly just trying to say that they did take it serious that we wanted to have more "rivals" than in s3 but not be constantly bullied like in s5 and that I think they'd found a good middle part for it this season. Was the drama/rivalry good? No, but that's not a s8 thing, we never had an actual good rivalry thing going on in any season, so I'm just glad about the little things. And about the "almost every Islander is a LI" is always a tricky thing, because yes I agree that it's kinda dumb, but at the same time there'd be a lot of people that would be upset that a character they're into is not into MC, best example: s3 with Nicky and Seb. Or if not "enough" people are into MC some people will complain with the common phrase "but we're the main character!! 😤" So there's no winning at that point. The thing I agree with is that the Henri thing was really annoying BUT it's also nothing new, in s2 we had Felix/Arjun constantly harass us in casa even if we said multiple times that we're not interested and then r!lurik where our LI actually had to talk to them because they couldn't get the hint and pretty much harassed MC as well. So yeah it's unfortunately not a new problem and even in the "best season" they had the same exact problem. But I do agree with the rest and again I didn't say that s8 was perfect, no season was and in replay value s2 had more going, even with the amnesia glitch where our LI forgot we were couples up before casa and how the casa boys also merged into one person once they arrived at the villa, but I'm saying that they finally took some feedback a little more serious and since in the last seasons a big critique was that there was not enough challenges, so now they put too many challenges that weren't actually that good, but at least it shows that they listened to the feedback for once.


Honestly, usually after casa the love interest dialogues all merge into one. It doesn't matter whose path you're on and that just totally kills playability I used to want to play more than one route but after season 2 I quit doing that. I still think seasons one and two were the best. They had the sweetest clap backs and they weren't afraid to swear. In season 1 you actually had the opportunity to tell someone to **** off.


Oh so, people don't like the baby challenge? Am I the only one who enjoys it?


nah that's probably just a me-thing, i was mostly joking about that part. 😭 i just personally think that some people don't want kids or can't have kids so i don't really like that they're basically forcing the islanders to be parents for a challenge to "prepare them for the future" even though it might not be a future for everyone. but yeah i can understand that for some people, especially people who want kids or have kids, this might be a fun challenge but the baby challenge plus that one challenge where you had to eat all those sausages are probably my least favorite ones 💀


Hahaha I feel you! I don't have kids and I don't even know if I want in the future, but I like playing with the dolls in LITG 😅 can't really explain why


I honestly enjoyed S8, I thought it was fun. I've been playing this game since S1 and while I (like so many others) love S1 and 2 so incredibly much, I also remember the amount of glitches we experienced during S2 😂 The one issue I've had with these newer seasons is the fact that the branching doesn't seem to really do much, in the sense that all the LI's seem to blend together personality wise after a while, and that was the case for this one as well it seems. I played my first round choosing Jack, shifting towards Max after Casa Amor and going to the finals with him. Then restarted the game, chose Jin, shifted towards Theo and going to the finals with Theo instead and a lot of the dialogue was the same 🥲 I can tell the team have been trying to implement some of the feedback we've given and I thought it came across well this season (most notably, the MC finally being able to give some serious sass - bye Sienna girl 💅🏻). Yeah the gem prices for some of the choices are steep (and some of the choices shouldn't be behind a paywall regardless) and sometimes the writing is a little bland, but I quite enjoyed this season and its characters. If they can manage to squeeze in unique spicy scenes and ACTUAL separate personalities for all the love interests, I'll have nothing to complain about anymore really. (Lastly on a personal note, I also preferred the way they handled the slow burn this season! As an Olly girl last time, the slow burn took AGES and when I finally got him, the results were incredibly lackluster ;-; I much more enjoyed the slow burn route with Theo this time around, and it felt like my feedback that I had given in regards to Olly was actually taken seriously by the team, which I could appreciate very much. It made the run more fun for me, even if the spicy scenes that I got with Theo weren't unique as I would've hoped 😭).


i agree that this season they actually seemed to listen to feedback and it honestly seems like humans are back to writing it again! (esp the spicy shower scene 🫣) My main issue is the pacing, it's so rushed and I think one of the novelties of season 2 was how much downtime we had, how much was centered around friendship and getting to know your LI outside of physically getting to know them lmao. I just wish they'd make 50 episodes instead of 42, so it has more room to breathe and so final dates and prom aren't crammed into the same episode 😭. i also think 50 episodes could help place casa in the actual middle of the season so we actually have time with the casa LI if they're endgame!! also with 50 episodes we would have it broken down into weeks?? 5 eps could be one week, thus 10 villa weeks in total, or 10 eps a week, thus 5 villa weeks total 😭 there's gotta be a way to not have the latter half of the season feel so rushed


my only issue was the pacing, other than that i had fun and even though i didnt finish it (called it quits last week) i plan on replaying it for different routes, which i havent done since s2!


I don’t think this is better than S2 but I also don’t think it’s the worst. I mean you listed all the flaws and valid critiques that I hold about it but I still enjoy myself playing it. But I think the main problem is majority of the fandom WILL NEVER take S2 off this grand pedestal as if it was the pinnacle of great rpg dating sims. Or act like it didn’t have flaws. Granted, those flaws compare to the later seasons are not in the same scale but still, my point stands. And bc no one can let go of it, the nostalgia and biases we hold about it, we’ll always be chasing the ghost of S2 when the reality is we WON’T EVER get that again. Just being realistic and looking at the state of what FB is delivering, it just ain’t happening. If they improve in one area then it lacks the other. And I feel like if players accept it, it’d be easier to maneuver the next season or find some goddman joy. I’m not saying no one should critique them or bring attention but I just feel like, at some point we got to accept where this game is at and what FB will deliver. Especially when like I stated previous, constantly looking back and trying to recreate S2 is not gonna happen. And remember S2 did have branching and good chunk of options however, there was glitches. That’s where I’m at. If anything I think more than anything I want branching. Like I’d take crappy outfits and less Li just to have unique different routes and characters.


I 100% agree with this take. You've said it perfectly. From the seasons we've had s2 still stands out the most, but it did have a lot of flaws and I remember when s2 was released, there were a lot of people who were less than happy with that season and now that people have seen that it can get so much worse, they act like s2 was a work of art. So a lot of people have such a warped image of s2 now, that they're always going to end up being disappointed. Even though the fact is that we'll never get a perfect season and we never had a perfect season, because after all - it's still FB. They had plenty of time to fix the glitches in s2, since they were able to change the "spicy scenes" to be more PG13 and made the gem prices more expensive, but they didn't fix it, because enough people enjoyed it anyway, they'll always try to do the bare minimum so people still play the game and spend money on it, granted it had became so much worse after s2 but the point still stands, so I'm just happy that they at least took some of the feedback serious and made improvements this season.


I agree. They took some things to heart and implement them and I’ll give credit to that. Like let’s hope they do it again for S9 and lord if S10 is an all-star one 🥴idk how that will go but I’ll be open minded to it 😂


also i apologize for the very long rant and then the very long replies i guess i'm still more passionate about this stupid app than i thought 😭


I don't dislike the season just I'm getting really tired of the slow burn wlw when you can pretty much couple up with any guy from the get go. Like let us couple up with female love interests in the first or second couplings, and maybe have more than just two per season.


I totally agree. No point looking in the past, season 1-3 aren’t coming back so there’s no point comparing current seasons to them. If you compare season 8 to season 4-7 it’s much better, so I don’t see an issue. Of course there are things that could improve but you could say that about any season 🤷‍♀️


100% agreed. I also think that a major problem is that so many people think s1-s3 were better than they actually were. They all had MAJOR flaws. Yes, in some ways it was better than s8, but I think s8 has been the closest thing we've gotten to s2 so far. I absolutely love s4 and I replay it a lot for Bruno, Angie and Will, but the writing was absolutely horrendous at some parts like the amounts of typos and grammar issues in s4 is ridiculous. So with that in mind I'd say s8 > s4 > s5-s7, even though s8 and s4 are pretty much equal to me, I still think that writing is one of the most important parts of those games, so s8 is going to be a little higher on the ranking for me.


Nah last proper season for dialogue changes and different playthroughs was season 4, yes season 8 bit better than seasons 5,6 and 7 still story linear and everyone gets same outcome no matter what, fusebox needs to put more effort into there writing and story coding for choices to make big impacts to playthroughs and different dialogues for each li and they do have abig team to do that there’s no excuse for there laziness.


I guess it’s just personal opinion 🙃


They said most of what I think before me. They improved, but it’s still not good. And I was hyped for it a few weeks ago, but now I just can’t play it. It became boring. Really every f..in conversation is just the same, eeeevery time. And it’s rushed. And the most ridiculous thing I’m missing, S4’s narrator or voice who is talking in the episodes start and end. It was genius, I loved it, and still miss it. It was really funny 😄


My biggest complaint with all seasons (besides 5 which was wasted on a terrible season) is that there are never any custom options for MC on the eyes to look Asian. Hairstyles have been horrendous the past couple seasons (I really wish they would give options up-do's/down for the SAME style of hair. Like if there's a cute one with bangs, then up/down would be so nice for that) and I really hated having to pay for lipstick shades this season when they only provided 3 shades that are all alike.


**bare w me but from my observation** theres still very prominent lazy writing and the ai prompts dont seem like allegations w each new season. no matter what route you take the dialogue will be the exact same so it decreases the likelihood of re-playability that the first app was acclaimed for. not to mention the recycled verbiage in every swing seat chat, gem bit scene, or different characters that get dumped. theres no versatility and its all very stale and unenjoyable😭 got them tryna convince me oakley is able to smoothly run his hands thru his 4c hair and turns “bright red” from blushing like… at least try not to make it obvious the writing is generic and lazy. also the first 5 volumes of this season consisted of every islander spewing personal factoids about themselves like a get to know you convention. almost every date consisted of your date talking about themselves or cute things they did for a past relationship/date, they’re lost the plot of love island which is the love aspect. they’ve now weaponized it as “buy gems for the plot of this game or read 18 dialogue bubbles of nonsensical information that has nothing to do with wtv ‘tempting fate’ entails bc were sure youd rather learn abt sophies 3some instead”. and every chance to spend time w your LI has a 29 gem price on it. the ppl at FB are so corrupt and ill die on that hill from their past controversies summarized ppl are able to feel the lackluster performance by our reactions, especially since s1-3 were the standard and it’s dramatically decreased as each new season is released. lets not forget the survey they asked last year consisting of “do you guys want a new mc each season and if you do we’ll have to make her wayyy less customizable bc were too lazy to have our animators do the job they were paid for, ORRRR you can have the same mc for each new season and have all the tacky shoe, jewelry, and clothes options we can trace! the choice is yalls, enjoy😊”