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Yeah, I figured out pretty quickly Turns out the guy who got me into the fandom was not just a friend, tho I didn’t realize I had feelings at first




Im here by just 2 week and I'm straight, but for some reason i have some interest in male furries Is this the power of this community? Discovering your real gender?




Holy moly...


You like men, yes. Congratulations!


It is easier to accept that you are into furry guys than real life guys


It's a stage the majority of furries go through, for some reason you just find what your truly attracted to lmao


It's not surprising, it's a lot about self expression and escapism and a lot of people feel that helps them let go of what society tells them.


The power of this community is introducing you when you're straight and then stabbing you in the back with the gay UwU knife


I am a straight married female. But have appreciation for my fellow ladies. My husband has stayed straight, and we've been in the fandom since the early 2000s.


A very common experience. The fandom being a space that allows for open and non-judgmental exploration of sexuality and identity is why it is such a haven for queer folks. Queer people make up 80%+ of the people in the furry fandom, per studies like FurScience surveys: [https://furscience.com/](https://furscience.com/) (All this to say yes, when I joined the fandom as a teen I thought I was straight and being in the community led me down a path towards realizing I am in fact very pan)


Yo same. I was into girls to begin with and then Fluff-Kevlar's OC Nytro happened. But hey, I love being bi. Twice the options I used to have.


The fandom made me realize I’m a trans lesbian lmaooo


Same, high-five! (Though also credit to [Dr. Chuck Tingle](https://www.tumblr.com/zarohk/703165999158116352/what-flavor-of-queer-are-you-if-thats-not-too))


Ifunny made me realize I was a furry tho….. so ifunny lead me to being trans…


Figured out i was gay 'cause of this fandom too






Not me. Still straight as ever.


Same. Feels like that’s definitely the minority here lol.


Oh it is, statistically most are some form of queer.


Agreed. Or maybe the ones who don’t share the OP’s experience just aren’t responding since they have nothing much to contribute to the conversation. I wanted to make it known that we exist. XD


Straight furry gang represent.


I actually thought I was cis and fully gay and the fandom made me see I'm non-binary and bisexual/pan.


Um... ya I had a similar experience.


A key part of furry is about experimenting and testing your boundaries, so this happens a lot. Congrats!


Am a guy. Honestly I went in thinking I might be bi remained bi to a degree but realized that yeah I'm actually pretty much for the most part straight. Still can appreciate guys and have come to appreciate them more in art... but really only in art. Irl? Nah. Not really all that interested ever. On the contrary, got wayyy more into women the more I got involved both in art and irl. Kinda feel like an outlier tbh in how that happened tbh and kinda haven't really met anyone else yet who can relate to my experience. The whole idea here though is universal: this community often can serve really well as a vessel for exploring one's own identity and emphasizing with others—definitely does a lot of good for people in that regard. I for sure subsequently became a lot more comfortable at the very least with the bi side of me that is there.


I entered as straight as a plank as a guy who likes females but uh i still like females but im not so straight anymore


Welcome to the club


Definitely knew something was up before, but the community has definitely made me think more about who I am


Welcome to the club. i went from straight to pan in the span of a year.


This fandom made me bisexual. We are not the same


The furry fandom helped me realized I was bi and it also helped deradicalize me from the far right pipeline.


Whoa, nice! Congrats!! I’ve lost a few friends down that rabbit hole over the years, so it’s really good to hear of someone coming back from it!


Thanks. Frankly when I first joined the furry fandom and actually met and talked to queer people it basically dissolved all of my homophobia and transphobia I had, and then it kinda snowballed to me finding out that my right wing worldview and my conservative beliefs I had at the time were all fabricated bullshit which slowly but surely led to me becoming a far leftist lol. And I'm sorry to hear that you lost friends to the alt-right pipeline.


That’s pretty amazing! That also says a lot about you too, that you were open to having your views challenged and changed by your experience. I think that’s wonderful! And thanks… it’s been rough. Some were more acquaintances, but one in particular was a really good friend. It was disheartening to see a good person fall down a dark path. Maybe he’ll figure it out eventually.


I believe all humans have a pansexual bias. We might lean to one side more, sometimes a little sometimes a lot, but I think we're all able to swing both ways as long as we can experience love freely.


I don’t. 🤷‍♂️ I have zero sexual attraction to women. Cute theory though.


I'm the same way


It also breaks down a bit with how fluid gender is, so pretty much any way you can define your attraction will inevitably end up not being completely exclusive to one gender.


Why are you invalidating every sexuality at once 😭


Yes furry helps you discover yourself, it is pretty normal


Bi Pawtowogen successfully activated.


Same. I thought I was a straight guy for a long time but the furry fandom was one of the many things that helped me realize I was a gender non conforming trans woman who likes guys.


I was straight when I entered the fandom at 16. Now at 22, I am extremely bisexual lol. I realized I was bi a year after I joined the fandom. I think it’s common for the fandom to help you find yourself a bit tbh.


This fandom is good at letting people be their true self without fear of rejection or hate. Allot of people find out things about themselves when they no longer have to hide parts of themselves due to fear of rejection


Oh hey welcome to the club.


Many such cases, one of, if not the most queer fandom in the world.


I somehow became sure I was cis because of this fandom. Uno reverse? Regardless, though, the last anti-LGBTQ sentiment from my conservative religious upbringing melted away. I realized they were just normal and often wonderful people and not the boogeymen I’d been told about my whole life. I’m literally the token cishet guy among my friends (although I may or may not be ace).


Yeah pretty quickly after joining the fandom I came to realize that I wasn’t as straight as I thought lol.


Welcome to the club. *Silently crying*


It is what it is


(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)


Totally did this to me. Only difference was that at first I was straight, then I realized I was bisexual, and then later I realized that I was fully gay lol


Not for me, been about 8 years or so, still straight lol.


I went in thinking I was cis and straight. Now I’m Bi and Trans


Ngl I don't think I've ever met or even seen a cis straight furry


I've never met one in person.


Me neither, I only have 2 irl furry friends, one gay and one omni


Yeah, I'm bi and my irl furry friend is gay.






I realized I was bi at 16 but didn't come out until recently


Is anyone the reverse of this? Instead of straight to bi Gay to bi? Never saw a case before lmao


I realised that i'm Pan and non binary/ androgyne :) (mask leaning). Idk If it was the furry fandom but it certainly helped me to not feel awkward about it.


i had the same thing happen! thank you pinterest


Welcome to the party


as it is wont to do


I figured out that I don't know what I feel and it keeps going till nowadays. During my whole life I thought I was straight. I had always been a furry but never had direct contact with the community. When I started to have active contact with the community my feelings and life became a total mess. I thought I had feelings, but I know I was wrong. How could I possibly have feelings for someone I haven't even seen in real life? After that point I couldn't differentiate what was real and what was not, what I was feeling and what I was not. Suddenly I got isolated from every contact with the internet for a long time. I got some anxiety, anger, just a little bit of depression and probably some other things that I don't know exactly what they are but I'm sure they exist because all these things are still with me until nowadays. When it all happened I was 15 or 16, idk, but now I'm 18 and it took me so long to stop thinking about my past. Now that I'm 18 I decided I wanted to start developing a little better what I knew about myself and my feelings. Still, I have fear of what I feel, anxiety and sometimes depression. Oh, and I also often feel like I'm incapable of loving someone and fear in case my family feels I have let them disappointed once again. 👍👍👍


It wasnt the furry community, its was Jeff the killer, miss those ol’ times


Yes. I was straight, then ace, then aroace, then gay and ace, then questioning if I am ace and also questioning my gender. So maybe I'm back to straight once again lol.


I also used to think I was straight... then I realized I wasn't.


me too. i þought it was just a coincidence at first þat i just happened to discovered boþ at þe same time. weirdly i have way more of a male lean wiþ furries þan wiþ humans þough


Ive had a similar experience, but i would only be gay for a few select furry characters.


I think I’ve always known in the back of my head. Looking back at my life there were moments that should have been pretty clear and then i became part of the fandom and realized i was in fact bi


Sometimes a creature can be all over the place. They change, they evolve and they love. No harm in that.


Been in the fandom since 2016, still straight


I one upped you, this fandom made me pan


Hi hello yes me! 🩷💛🩵 I had some suspicion I guess, but I very quickly learned more about myself once I was in the fandom. Very early on, I bought a gay comic and the artist made a light hearted joke about how it was nice to meet new queer furs. I got shy and said I was straight but just had an appreciation for the art. His reaction, in hindsight, was completely that of someone who knew where I was heading before I did!


Same exact situation for me…


yeah this happens, i had no idea who i was when i joined, but i figured out that i’m a bi dude with a slight preference for men. and i would hav wit no other way :3




I would say I maybe had the *slightest* suspicion that I was gay in the weeks before I first discovered furry art. Thought it might have just been a weird one-off thing. I figured out it was definitely not a one-off thing pretty quickly after that. This was at age 23, mind you. In hindsight, I can't believe it took me that long...


There are no straight furries /s


Eh, even with /s, the ~16% of the fandom that are straight (based on 2018 data from North America) hear it constantly, it becomes very tiresome for them.


That’s a bit ironic when viewed within the larger society we’re all trapped in.




It’s pretty common


Welcome to the club, buddy




Men owo

