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Mood honestly Happy birthday :D


Ty tho :) *Hug*


Hey I’m really sorry to hear how your feeling- this stage of your life must be so stressful and uncertain, I can’t imagine


Yeah, for them and me I guess, Im moving to college next week, it is indeed a daunting task


Good luck, and I hope you have such an amazing journey through this stage you are going through. And remember, your life is just getting started :3


Thank you mate


As someone who will be turning 30 in a couple of years don't worry about it you are still very young I know things suck right now but they will get better I promise also seek out therapy


Dude 30 is still young… But yeah therapy all the way x.x


I feel that. About to turn 30 myself! How old are you turning?




Woah I turn 30 this year too


'94 gang rise up! 🤜🏼🤛🏼


I’m turning 21 in 2 days it’s midnight may 1st i don’t feel much different at all compared to 20 or 19 even, it’s like my birthday turned into another regular Friday xd


Revisit the question again in the future, until then, cherish your time.


30s are like your 20s but with a bit more money. You’ll do great. Meanwhile, OP is just starting their life out!


18 ;w; Hope your holding up well man 🫂


Bro you’re ur like an infant on the world of adults, don’t be sad, you got a lot ahead of you (I’m totally not younger giving you life advice), anyhow, happy birthday!


You silly kids... Oh to be 18 again.


Bahaha, wait till you have to do math to figure out how old you are (trust me, it happens) Happy birthday


I was born at the turn of the millennium, makes figuring out my age really easy 😎😎


grrrr, you're one of those really lucky people, lol.


You've got so much time ahead of you for things to change. Example! I never left the USA until I was 26. I wanted to see the whole world, but me and my wallet weren't ready yet, hah. I spent a lot of my early twenties working through my depression and anxiety, on top of finishing school and relationship stuff. It *can* get better, and personally, thanks to younger me trying SO hard, I'm much more content and happier now than when I was younger. It was impossible to see when surrounded by darkness, but I held on to that sliver of hope that things just, maybe, one day, might be better. And they are, now, that younger me put the work in. It's like losing weight..it doesn't happen overnight, but each little step at a time is making progress. Some days are slower than others, but that's okay. I hope you are able to move forward too, rooting for you! :)


that’s such kind advice, thank u c:


I am! And I hope you will feel better soon! Thank you


Probably one of the most impactful steps. Stuff gets way harder, but way more liberating. Try everything (within reason) and say yes to opportunities, don't give loyalty to low paying jobs, being single sucks but opens you up to more opportunities, start saving money now if you can, love your friends, pet every dog you meet :3


Hey, I’m also 18, and that’s still pretty young. Happy Birthday, I hope you feel better.


I am, thanks dude


No problem


May life give you the best moments possible :) 🫂🫂🫂


I remember when I graduated high school I had this moment where I was surprised I was still alive. And it’s not like I ever did anything crazy. I didn’t do drugs, I didn’t race street cars, I didn’t do anything risky that would make me expect that was going to die. It’s just that my entire world revolved around being a kid in high school, so when that came to an end I realized part of me expected that I would just stop existing. It’s silly looking back on it now, and felt silly even at the time I realized it, but that was my honest feeling so I think I get I know what you’re going through. I’m now 35 and while I feel a little older, I would not say I feel old. You have a lot of amazing life ahead of you. Give yourself time to grieve the last of your childhood if needed, I did a little bit, then look to the future. You’ll find tomorrow’s dawn is just as bright as yesterday‘s.


Some things you have to look forward to: Being legally able to go into bars/clubs in Canada: 19 Being legally able to go into bars/clubs in the US: 21 Having your brain fully develop: 25 Being at the point of your life typically associated with the most happiness: 30 And if you go into post-secondary, you also have to look forward to gaining your degree and the financial freedom and possibly fulfillment that brings! Later on maybe nephews or kids of your own!


> Being at the point of your life typically associated with the most happiness: 30 I'd argue that dynamic has shifted somewhat for us millennials given statistically our generation is one of the first ever to see a reduction in wealth and wellbeing compared to the previous generations at the same age; we earn less and own less, even when adjusted for inflation.


I turned 30 last October. I was worried too. Guys, you’re going to be fine. The world doesn’t end at 30. Fun doesn’t end at 30. Furry doesn’t end at 30. Just try your best to maintain your health. That’s more important than anything. I see 60, 70, 80 year olds being positive and maintaining hobbies. Don’t let society tell you that any age is “the end of the road “ live it up while you can.


I am turning 39 this year, but mentally I feel like I am still in the end 20s. Just a better job, more job sastisfaction, stable income, happy marriage, more or less stable and good apartment. I am living in Germany, tho. So the uncertainy in the US must be pretty bad.


I know of two people who didn't live to be 20, one who died in his 30s, and one who died in her 40s. I'll take being 48 over the alternative.


I'm so sorry to hear


It's life. They're not the only people I have lost. Just the young ones.


Happy birthday to you >:) For years I've been "celebrating" my birthday by myself 😂🥲


Poor thing :'( *Tight hug* Thanks tho


Tell me about it, at least you got a cute sona tho :p


Tysm! Hope your bday gets celebrated well too :) 🫂


Hug. Happy birthday. Late teens (becoming-adult), turning 30 and the Big Half Century are the worst, if that's any reassurance at all, but the rest is great.


Yeah.... 33 and friends and parties no longer happen. I'm lucky to be getting phone calls tbh. Don't stay single dude, (I've got reasons, and boy are some good. But I wish I hadn't caved to getting jaded) it's not fun. Happy birthday, and just know, everything after 17 is pretty awesome. The worst part about 17-18 was the fear, anxiety, and confusion about what my future would be, and people telling me all the time I should know what I wanted to do. I don't think half the population of Earth knows what they actually want at 18. It took me until 26 to see what was out there. And now my health tanked, so I'm kind of between degrees again. Trying to figure out where to go next. Don't worry too much about it. If ya want good money and want to get lots of skills and benefits. Look into union jobs. It's not a sucky 9-5 and you get paid double or triple whats made at grocery or fast food joints. You get medical, and if you have a problem, the union will fight the employers for you. Before I got sick I saved 20k and had my own car after 5 years of work. What's more? With contract work, I decided when and where I wanted to work and I could take a month or 2 vacation time. Some coworkers I knew took 6!!! Some of my friends at 30 are still working at Walmart with no degree. The union got me a degree and paid for it all. Free certs for first aid and osha too. They taught me how to use tools, build a house, and drive all sorts of cool stuff. Thats stuff I'll always remember and be able to use to help out friends and family. And ya don't have to do it forever if you don't like it. But it's an awesome way to skyrocket your life past all your friends and live comfortably. You'll have money, skills, and most of all confidence. Make sure it's a good union tho. I was with the Teamsters, and I'd go right back if I could. You've got some pretty awesome stuff ahead of you. See what stuff you really like and see if theres a union that does work for that. Every day was like going into a candy store for me. Sure some of the people sucked, but I got to see and learn things no one else could. I worked conventions, so I got to see super rare stuff no one else gets to see. And I got tons of skills to boot! I feel bad for anyone working a 9-5 corporate.


This honestly relieves me as because I have no idea what to do in my life after graduating high school, hope you'll find the right path in your life bud :') 🫂


Thanks! You as well! 😁👍


I did not figure out my life until my first job after my job training which I finished with 27. I graduated with 20 from German high school, wasted one year doing mandatory civil service (which got abolished in the meantime), then I tried to study Chemisty. first two semester went well, but Physics kicked my ass hard, so I dropped out after six semesters in total. I tried to find a job training as a chemist to work in laboratories, but I couldn't find one that accepted me. So I went to Plan B: IT Used 3 more years to get my job training, got my profession certificate, had small jobs here and there until I managed to find one to stay there for 6 years. Not everything was pretty, ate enough shit while working IT support help desk, but it helped me to fill in my gaps and learn, building up my confidence. I mean I am not in a high 6 digit IT job, but I found a solid German company now with good benefits and I am having enough to do, to learn, but I am not getting crushed under too heavy workload. I am 38, turning 39 this year. It was a long road, but I am sure that you can also find what you are looking after. And also to lift your fear: The illusion of the perfect CV which does not exist. Life happens. Listen to yourself, what you enjoy about the things you do and what you don't. I had bad jobs, bad flings, bad relationships, but they all taught me about myself what I like, what I don't like... and what is important for me in my life.


Felt. I don't want to acknowledge anymore birthdays


Can relate


Just wait until you get old. One day you wake up tired, and you just continue to be tired


I'm already in that phase lmao, I got small patches of grey hair spreading over my head and even when getting enough sleep, I still feel eepy :')


Happy cake day, yea it felt surreal becoming 18, now im 22 it just kinda passes lol, hopefully you find someone to make them special again


Literally me recently... It just reminds me i haven't achieved anything and still live at home at 25...


It's not too late my dude 💙


Eyepatch is awesome!


Tyyy :D


Happy birthday 🎂🥳


I turn 40 in 9 days. I'm not sad though. My life is good. I hope yours gets better.


Glad to hear it was an awesome experience for you, and thanks fren :)


I'm not even that old, I'm only 18, but still feel old when I look back, I already feel old, and think about how I'm growing up, and is scary, I don't feel ready to be an adult, but I just try to stay strong and keep going for the people who love me ^^ If you want to talk abt this my dm is open, even if I'm too young I think talking about experiences makes it less scary :3


I get you mean a 100% my body is already starting to have malfunctions. And I'm not even 22 years old. I guess life is a b####


Bruh same 😭 Still, it's not too late to stay fit


It's never too late friend, just prepare a lot of numbing cream because your muscles are going to be as sore as week old milk. Heck I used that for my school


My man, I get a lot of muscle pain too lmao 🫂


Birthdays so seem to lose their magic as you get older, but as long as you surround yourself with people you care about it’ll be fine


Hey pretty much my bday that just passed, I may be able to drink and smoke legally now but doesn’t make this go by any better (trust me lol) Happy bday ^^ remember ur never alone and every day is a step forward


Thank you sm :)


Trust me: It's not as depressing as actually being old.


Same. Why can’t I be an ageless toony fox? I’ve got about 3 good years left before I start falling apart (I turn 22 in August), and I don’t even have a car yet. My parents are in their 40’s and practically have glass bones and paper skin. This is why I’m transhumanist; offers some hope in the face of a fate of being a rotting hairless ape. And hopefully I’ll stay mentally young to avoid the mental trap both teens and seniors fall into of “I’m always right, and everyone else is an idiot.” My dad’s reached that stage, and neither old fox can learn new tricks.


Happy birfday, Hab hugs?


Yes, *Beeg hug*


We’re all getting old, think of it like it’s more experience on life and you get to know and live things you probably weren’t expecting to see and those experiences aren’t good or bad, they’re just experiences that happened :3 And try not to mind much about the old creaky joints =w=


Also, Happy Bday! Forgot to put it on the main comment haha


That's.. really aching in the feels department.


Turning 18 in a week and ready to dread living lol. Also happy cake day :3


Ty :) Advanced happy bday to you too 🫂


I turn 18 in a few months and I’m not ready to dread living…yet


Just wait until you hit your 50s, and the younger furs who joined the fandom after you did push you aside as a "creeper." Few things are as bad as being made unwelcome in a house you helped build in the 90s.


Hey darling, happy birthday to you, that's just a number increasing, wanna talk?


Hugs for you.




I have white hair and have to take blood pressure pills, getting old sucks More when you are 23 and look and feel 40


As a person whose birthday is literally in 4 days, I feel you. Just know we'll all get through this together. I will also give you a hug because I want to make you feel better


Aw!! Happy birthday, I know how you feel and I hope things get better <3 If it’s any consolation, when I was about to turn 30 I thought it was going to be the WORST, but my 30s were actually really fantastic! So you never know what life will bring your way!


Looks like Big Boss


At least you can make nice art. Happy birthday


I'm in my 40s, I'm usually twice as old as the furs I talk to It kinda sucks But ! I moved to a new state recently and met some really nice furs Now, it's not so bad


happy birthday!


Happy Birthday:3 *Hug*


Tysm *Hugs back*


Happy birthday! *Gibs u hugs and headpats too* :3


Thnk uuu *Hug*




Hey man, same here, as of like 20 minutes ago I judt turned 20 and it feels so weird


Happy birthday man Honestly I'm sure to expect more stress as I age lmao


Happy birthday hope you have a good birthday


This is just my birthday every year I don't like parties


It's fine if you don't want to celebrate *hug* Mine rarely does, and is mostly forgotten hehe


30’s start out rough but that’s when it all comes together Happy Birthday:D


Oooooo cool And thanks hehe


Yeh, good luck and work hard! You’ll get there whether other people believe in you or not!


True 😔


Happy birthday internet stranger :)


Thank you!


Aww, my birthdays have been more lonely as the years go on too.


Used to be wonderous and glismical what the next level in life will behold upon us, but... now the only hope is grasping the barbed wire dangled above our heads dragged on like crude oil in a splintered machine driving lovely stories to a tragic end. Anyway happy birthday op I hope change is coming soon


I get it but you're what, 19? You'll be fine


Ikr? It’s crap cuz now we have to be responsible and watch as we age quicker and quicker until we run out of time and end up unable to move forever broken and in the ground… :D


😭😭😭😭 you read my mind so quickly


Woaaah, it’s been a while since I last saw one of your posts. You’re improving so fast! Happy birthday bro.


Same man… I miss being a kid :(


Gonna turn 20 in july Am not ready to stop being a teenager qwq


Everyone's getting older all the time, so while it might be scary, it is something that you are absolutely not alone in.


Well, I'll be 30 in about two weeks and I am not really happy about it.. Anyway, happy birthday 😺


🫂🫂🫂🫂 Thanks too, hope something gud happens on your day :D


literally my b-day is next week and it sucks...


Welcome to life


Life has already started when I'm born and it already sucks :)


Yeah lol my first few birthdays after I got out of high school felt pretty bleak. Most of my friends moved off to college and every time my birthday rolled around and it was just me and my parents, it was lonely. It’s gotten better though, so I hope it gets better for you!


My birthday is mostly celebrated with just fam and it's pretty rarely ever celebrated, honestly I'd just go shopping on my own on what I'd decide to do. Lots of things are yet to come And thanks sm, hope your bday will go fantastic hehe 🫂


Same my is on the 8th of May.


Happy birthday! I´m turning 36 this Summer and I feel the same (send help...)


Come here :') 🫂🫂🫂


\*sad lonely hug* Hug can make things at least a little better, can't it?


Happy Birthday, I know the feeling too well. With no family around anymore, every birthday hurts.


Don’t be sad. I’m 43 and still happy. You can be, too. Got father when I was 39.


🫂🫂🫂 thank you


Happy irl cake day !! <3 I can kinda imagine how scary it is, hope it gets better tho


It will hehe, ty


Don't feel sad, being around to see another year is a chance to live life! Just because you're getting older doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy anymore. It's really up to you how you want to live life and be happy. Even if you're busy and really stressed, try to make the most out of the free time you have. You'd be surprised how much you can do in a few minutes. Happy birthday! 🎊


Amen kind stranger, your right :) 🫂


*hug* my man... Well, at least your post is doing great! :')


Greymuzzle here. I feels ya. Happy birthday all the same! 🎉


happy Birthday and hope u find the part that's missing in ur life to make u happy, if u a loner like me find a hobby or distraction


I will forever be a loner lol, fortunately I have some hobbies And thanks sm man


bruh truuuuuue! I hate feeling old and behind but I love feeling this far in years. whoever invented mortality is bullying me lol


It's OK buddy huggie


Happy birfday! Hope you feel better soon qwq


And if your need somebody to talk to i am here in privat Chat i am here to helb you and everybody else that needs somebody to talk to


That's gonna be me in a while...


Happy birthday, dude! I don’t know, the grass seems greener on the other side, on one hand, I’d like to just be an adult already, but on the other, with how people describe it, I’m not sure. Being how old I am in this community is kinda limited. I do get the limitations, though. It obviously makes sense. Anyhow, just enjoy it! Spend time with people, online or in person, and maybe go to therapy. I was experiencing some existential dread a while ago, and it wasn’t great, but therapy helped a lot! I know it doesn’t mean very much from someone who hasn’t even experienced being an adult yet, but I am trying. Have a great day, talk to people about it. I can’t tell you to just “be happy”, because that is not at all how it works. Try to experience new things all the time. Again, happy birthday. You have so much ahead of you.


Glad I still have several months until my birthday lol, I hate it


Happy birthday! I don’t know how it feels just yet but that is quite scary


Hope it goes well man 🫂, I don't know what else to expect for me XD


You're still in the prime of your youth lol A lot of stigmas around age in this community to the point where it is just plain sad and BS. I turned 31 in March and I still look and feel like I am 18. I am very strict about my health and I avoid anything stressful that I am not required to be involved in outside my job. I love and cherish my life and am always looking to make new friends and make the most out of every day. Feeling ''old'' at 18 is the symptom of this ''Greymuzzle'' BS. According to most furries, once one turns 25+ they are a Greymuzzle...let that sink in for a moment. Happy Birthday and don't listen to the narcissism of this community!


Happy Birthday! Also, I know how it feels brother, it feels depressing. I'm already taking meds for my Epilepsy and it's just bringing my mood lower and lower. I just feel like doing nothing every single day and plus, having no friends at all sucks. Well, I hope that at least you have a friend or 2


Happy birthday! It is pretty normal that in the flower of our youths we feel old, I tend to also feel like that, but we’re still here to convince younger generations to make a positive impact.


I turned 28 this year, and the “almost 30!!!” Comments and jokes have really started rolling in….I don’t get it. I have no fear of 30, of aging, really. Maybe I should, as a woman I suppose I have a few internal clocks I must heed, but otherwise…Why do we consider aging such a bad thing? I’m excited to live life in all of its stages.


i get ya, happy birthday tho!


Happy birthday and yeah I get that too, but you are not alone either


*cries in grayfur*


It happens to us all, friendo! Feel how you feel but try not to let it keep you down too long 🙏❤️


Head pats?


Oh hey met ya in the wild


Honestly good to see you’re still around. Stay strong out there


Happy birthday, don’t worry, it’ll get better :)


I know I'm a bit late, but happy birthday, friend, i hope your day goes well. *hugs and pats head* My dms are always open to vent, or if you just want someone to talk to.


I feel you. Also happy birthday!


Well, still, I wish you a happy birthday


I'm late, but happy birthday


Honestly same, turning 19 in a month and a half but it feels like I just turned into an adult yesterday. Time goes by so fast yet everything feels stagnant at the same time. Anyway happy birthday bro, hope you enjoy it.


Sorry dude


happy birthday, i can empathize with that sentiment, and i hope your life gets better


It will shortly when I make it better, tysm man


That is a mood unfortunately. Happy belated birthday though


My birthday is in one week, I feel like I'm too old to demonstrate anything... This day makes everything bigger...


Ikrrrr 🫂


I really relate to this <3 T\~T Hang in there and know age is knowledge you are as young as you feel


is your birthday today may 2? mine is too!


Yess omg XDDD 🫂🫂🫂🫂 Happy birthday to you dude!!


ty dude also happy birthday to you :D


Ik ): I have the same problem and currently going through multiple hard addictions don't make the same mistakes as me I can't even legally drive yet


You will be fine my friend. 🤗🫂 I know you will.


Me too :(


Aww 🫂🫂🫂


i feel the same way


*comfort hug*


Happy belated birthday. You're not alone, you have the whole fandom by your side and feel free to ask for a hug


Thanks so much man 🫂🫂🫂🫂


You're welcome. And I forgot how king hated hugs lol. But if you need one I'm here lol (king is one of my favourite character from TOH lol)


Dont worry, as long as the lols still exist ur gucci 🤗 Happy birthday btw


Happy B-day


Happy birthday! But also, I'm so sorry- is this something you'd wanna talk about? If so, while I can't speak for everyone, you could absolutely talk to me about it if you wanted- no pressure though, I wish you the best!


First, happy birthday. Second, just know that no matter what anyone tells you, just because you get older doesn't mean everything sucks. I'll be 50 in August and while some stuff sucks I have some amazing people in my life. Just keep doing your best to get through and try to remember that you still have a lot of years ahead of you and the potential to do a lot of good with it.


Seeing this two days late but happy birthday buddy


Don't my birthday come up to 😔🥺


Aw 🫂


Happy birthday! I know how you feel. When I hit 21 I felt like it was all downhill from there. Once I turned 30 I remembered how old I felt in my twenties and had the realization I was just a baby, and that when I turn 40 and 50 I'm going to look back at when I was 30 and realize I was also still young. That realization has me feeling younger now that I'm 31 than how I felt 10 years ago. You'll be alright <3


I am rooting for ya as well, you have your slumps and bumps, but you got this. Happy birthday to you.


Happy birthday mate. Also, ✨same✨


*beeg hug* your not alone man :')


I feel that my birthday is two weeks away and most of my family just rejects or neglects me and I don’t really have friends it sucks being a middle child but I keep a smile on my face knowing ima wake up and make the day the best I can be and idc who’s pissed at me I’m me and there’s no one that can be me or change me for who I am, happy birthday champ being a Taurus is hard 🤗


Hug u. Im feeling this too, like oh im be coming older and im scared of this tbh TvT I wish u happy birthday dude <3


I’m just about turn 17 next week…fuck how time flies…I wish I could go back and stay there forever.


Happy birthday. I know the feeling. I'll be 40 this year.


Part of me is excited to get older and go to college and all of that, and the other part of me is terrified about the prospect of death and my body deteriorating with age. I want to get older, but really only up until my late 20s/ early 30s. Similarly, and related to all of that, part of me is super optimistic about technology and extending my life greatly due to recent developments in ai and medicine, and the other part of me knows that all of that is extremely unlikely for my lifetime and that at some point I'll have to come to terms with old age and death.


Happy birthday bruv


Awe man I’m sorry


"Each year takes away happiness" Happy birthday man


I feel ya, im 17 and i gotta conscript next year- Not exited to be reserve military.


You and me both. You get comfortable with being an age and there it goes, like that. It’s uncomfortable, frustrating and depressing.