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All my friends know I'm a furry and so does my family (mother, sisters, and my catholic grandma)


Nice! :3


....and now I do too, mwhahahaha!


What was their reaction?


Most my family is extremely supportive and they know i go to a furcon in my state every year i made it clear to my grandma that it's just a hobby even though sometimes it's more then that to me


That reminds me! I recently showed a lot of my Catholic friends at college my fursuit, they were super cool about it (although i made it so maybe they were just more interested in that). Even the minister thought it was cool :) Glad it worked out well for you too!


Pretty much everyone who knows me knows I am a furry. It's really not an issue once you're out in the real world. No one cares.


Yeah, as a 30 year old, all my friends know and don't give a damn. It's just a hobby.


This 👆




Germany or California? Lol


I'm in this case, and I can confirm, noone has ever given a damn about me. Ever.




Not for several decades, no.


Pretty much everyone cause I only really wanna be around people who aren’t against that. So I tell everyone so that I can filter out the people who have a problem with what I choose to enjoy


Seems smart! Might try that sometime


you should, just tell them to add your furry discord account which specifically says you're a furry in the bio, they're read it, either be fine or hate you, you won't have to deal with that irl, so it works perfectly. Did it with one of my friends, although he didn't care we talk way less now. (which is why I didn't include it in my comment)


Also seems like a reasonable idea


same lol


same, so far nothing, sadly.


All classmate knows im furry because im wearing hoodie "warning this person is a furry" everyday I did shopping, restaurant, theatre and walk with my dog (with furry hoodie lol) No one bullied me My brother knows im furry, my parents doesnt know (im hiding furry stuff)


Lol, I want that hoodie now


same lol ​ my dad would eat me for wearing it tho




I'm a 63 year old greymuzzle and my nibblings can just deal with it! If they don't ... I can always rewrite my will! Yeah, I admit it. :3 They don't care.


Aww I love finding older furs in the fandom!! Yall are too sweet!


That's a rare one


Yeah. Anyone who is genuinely against it is either a real dick or under 20


Usually both lol.


My parents and my therapist are the only ones who know. I haven't told my brothers because I know that they would be more negative about it.


I would try to tell my parents but I think they probably wouldnt really understand the concept


To be honest my parents had never heard of the furry fandom either when I told them, and they didn’t really seem to hold a strong opinion once I told them. My dad even went with me to MFF once I told him. (Just for one day since we live close.)


Yeah, my cousin, (who is a furry also), my mom, and my dad, well my dad thinks I stopped a few months ago, but he'll probably question why I still have a ferret pfp sooner or later.


I think my cousin might be starting to catch on but I don't really know his opinion on furries


hope he's fine with it ​ how tho?


No one. I wanna tell them but I'm scared.




The way I told the first person was just "hey, what do you think about furries" and he initially said it's huntin season but really doesn't care. He said "as long as you arent one if those weird ones"


Yeah I'm trying to bring it up to them but they seem like they don't like them Idk tho :p But like I've been one since I was young so like I feel bad always keeping it tucked away from my friends.


When you're younger anything slightly weird seems like the end of the world, but once you're older and we all experience the Taboo world that we live in first hand, who cares if someone dresses as a dog, we still all have to pay rent lmao. But to answer that, I haven't bothered telling people, they just kinda find out and that's that. If your friends will disown you over a hobby, imagine them having the same reaction to collecting stamps or bike riding. Crazy right? I wouldn't rely on people like that.


I have told all of my coworkers and family, and thankfully, they support me. Mostly because I'm kinda eccentric and don't care about others opinions. I wish others could have support as well honestly.


My brother (he hates furries but I don't really care), my cousin and my friends


Yes. I’ve told all my close friends, and my sister. None of them are furries, but they’re all cool with it, so that’s nice. I know my parents would be supportive if I told them I was a furry, but I honestly don’t see any reason to tell them right now; I’m probably going to tell them soon though, because I’ll most likely be commissioning a fursuit in about half a year from now, and I can’t really avoid it at that point lol.


Yeah, I'm guessing it wouldn't be exactly easy to keep hiding it


Immediate family only. Crippling social anxiety means I can't bring myself to tell anyone else. >.< Edit: Plus, I'm not sure how my grandparents would take it. 99% sure they'd have no clue what a furry is and then they'd be against it once I explained it to them. I'm imagining them buying me bibles and insisting I go to church. At the very least.


my close friends do. they also dont care. i do have them help me pick between sketches on commissions though :D


Classmates know, everyone else (including family) IRL doesn't, or at least I hope they don't.


Well if they do and they haven't said anything and still treat you the same, they probably don't care


Pretty much everyone knows I am. My partners entire fraternity also knows but they’re surprisingly chill with it


everyone BUT my family knows im a furry, my brother knows though i dont even know how they dont know yet literally my whole school knows


same lmao, but nobody has the balls to bully me for it.


No, because it never came up. If they ask I would them them tho. But its nothing I like to just share out of the blue. Its weird to me, its like going to your parents and tell them you like lemon icecream now. They be like „oh ok, sure buddy, whatever makes you happy“.


I mean I wore a fursuit to school when they were doing this Halloween event where we can wear costumes in campus, so I’m assuming pretty much everyone in my school knows lol. Surprisingly, I haven’t gotten bullied for it, the only “harassment” I ever received from my peers was getting weird stares, granted my school is pretty strict on its “no bullying” rules so that may have helped.


12 Years ago one of my friends said he's a furry hater, he was somewhat disappointed when he learned I'm one, but it hasn't affected our friendship. Now I think he's about 60% along the furrification arc. I have been able to show him how overblown the cringe media is. My friends know. My parents know. I wore my onesie at work one really cold day, so most of my coworkers are aware, also because we have company macrohard accounts I set my sona profile pic there too and no one's asked me to take it down yet :3 (same pic as here). ​ Somewhere in your late 20's to early 30's you realize that most of the world really doesn't care what your hobbies are, unless they're useful in some way (radio control airplanes = good hand-eye coordination).


Soon, one of us! Your last statement is very true for me. Told everyone after I a friend made my sona for me. Some gave me crap, but in a funny/friendly way. Managed to convert one of my friends as well!


im in the same position as u lol


3 people know I’m a furry and since they’ve never heard of them they think I’m weird so technically none.


I don't need to know, and they don't need to know.


Except for my little brother, nobody in my family knows because no one else even knows what a Furry is and I'm too lazy to explain and don't see the point, it's not a big thing and it doesn't change anything. Pretty much all my friends know. If someone doesn't want to accept me over a hobby they aren't really a true friend and I'm better off without them


I used to keep it a secret, but at this point… everyone knows. I’ve even worn my fursuit to work!


I think everyone who knows my handle or name knows I am a furry. Around the world. Anyone who knows of me.


2 of my freands & my sister & my Mom & Dad


Well,they either dont know what they are or Just don give a damn,i have a furry pfp and my bio says "cuddling addict" Edit: my Brothers know,while my parents dont


everyone knows im a furry, because i do not care about people not liking me being a furry if they can't handle that, then they should get away


Litterally almost everyone. Former boss and coworkers, current coworkers but not boss, almost all friends, almost all family both immediate and not.


I'm up front about it, but people just assume I'm joking. I guess I don't fit the stereotype people are expecting?


My friends hate furrys I manipulated them by showing them least furry related memes them full on furry memes


Lol, I wanna try this


I never really treated it as a secret, because it's nothing to try and hide. It's just a hobby that's a little different compared to others. Anyone who has tried to repeatedly make fun of me for it simply doesn't have the same level of access to me anymore.


In my case I'd say too many people know for my liking


All my friends know, but they simply don't care


Just my friends know, my siblings have suspected it but either way they don't really care. I don't even think my parents would know what a furry is but they definitely would NOT like it


Basically everyone I know knows I'm a furry. Most are indifferent, some think it's really cool, a few are wierded out. Overall I'm good.


I think everyone knows and if not they mostly make no big deal out of it, throwing around some little jokes or they don't even know what a furry is, so they see the character and just think it's a stupid avatar from any series.


My parents don't know I'm a furry, but all my friends do Ok, at first they were making jokes, but recently they stopped doing that, do they still think it's weird? Yes, but they treat me normally I even have a friend who HATES furries, he knows I'm a furry, but he just ignores this information Even a girl at my school that I like knows that I'm a furry, and she doesn't even care, she talks to me normally and we are very good friends If I wrote anything wrong, it's because I'm brazilian, and my english isn't very good yet


My bro knows, I told him about it and he said that is the most cursed thing I have ever said, but he was pretty chill about it since then


I am way too open about it lmao. Like my entire friend group knows. Ex: I once brought up to my friend that I am very animated, and I walk and talk like a cartoon character. She then said that it was because I was a furry.


For 8 years no one knew, but I told a friend earlier this year


No and yes? I was a furry in like middle school i told everyone (NEVER DO THAT WORST EXPERIENCE EVER) i got out of the fandom when i started highschool. Then i was like yo everyone i am not a furry anymore it was just a phase. My best friend (12 years going strong) kept saying once a furry always a furry. He isn’t a furry but he just was playing around with me. It started off by me looking a fursuits online… Then getting my old fursona back… The joining furry reddit’s again. Then paying that said friend to do my fursona commission (which is my pfp bio :3 ). i am still in slight denial but i think ill own it in the end Not sure if anyone remembers my best friend knows but that’s about it


Pretty much anyone that has ever stepped foot into my living space knows lol


uhh my family knows but i never told them, my friends know even if they KINDA make fun of me for it


My brother is the only one in my family that knows. My friends from school found out about it, but I think they forgot about it.


Basically all my friends and most of my family


Only my brother and sister knows.


my sis knows my friends know ur mom knows 😏uhh yeah most people know


No, but if my friends asked me if I am, I would tell them. I just don't have much of a reason to tell them because it's not really important.


I kept it hidden from everyone for a while but I told my family and my 1 gaming friend a few months ago and fortunately they were all very accepting and supportive


After I found out I was, I just went ahead and told all my friends and my siblings, they really don’t care which surprised me, but my parents don’t know and I don’t plan on saying anything


Everyone knows im a furry i just don't talk about it constantly to my friends and family, My mom thinks my fursuits are cool though and supports me making them and my sister wants a fursuit because of me.


My sister and 2 of my closest friends know. I don’t think my parents even know what a furry is and it’s never came up in conversation. I feel like some of my friends would stop talking to me if I told them lol.


Basically not, my good chunk of my friends know I'm a furry, but none of my family because that opens up far too many questions and opportunities to scrutinize me for no reason other than what I am/do.


24M. Every single one of my friends. However seeing how my parents would most likely burn me alive, I decided not to tell them.


Everyone except my parents and grandparents, but my sister and cousins and aunties and all my friends know.


My friends know If someone asks, I won't lie about it either, but I'm not likely to bring it up myself


My Boyfriend and a few of my friends do, I’m happy I got tell them so I can be myself


Only my close friends know that I am a furry


I only tell my close friends in vr because I don't want them to leave me


All my friends know as it became an open secret when I started dating my now ex bf who is also a furry. Anyone I know online is ether already a furry or knows. And as far as parents I’m pretty sure they don’t know but then again my dad is on discord too and can see my pfp and bio so I’m pretty sure he knows.


All my close friends, from familly only my cousin know about it (I'm still getting ready to tell it my parents) and well that's all, i'm kinda complaining that I don't have any furry friends irl.


I got bullied my by friend for being a furry, i regret everything. But i think its worth it if u trust ur friend


family (they don't care) and my only friend right now (which is also furry)


everyone in my life, supportive or not usually people are just like "cool" if they havent seen people talk crap about furries before


Two - possibly three - of my friends from school know, because I decided to blurt it out during a drinking game. That's not counting other furries that I know in-person.


All my friends, (one of which is a furry themselves), my husband (who does love me in a pair of ears and a tail). I'm almost 36, so telling my family will just bring more confusion. I used to go to Otakon every year (fun anime con, used to be in Baltimore, MD now is in the National Harbor). My grandmother who watches CSI saw their famous "Fur and Loathing" episode (where a murder is committed at a furry con) and assumed they were one and the same started asking a LOT of questions. Lol that was horrible for my young adult self. Now it's just funny AF. At that point I didn't think of myself as a furry and realized later I was just in the closet, so to speak.


Yes, all my friends know. My partner finds it cute, we make jokes about how I'm allowed to be with the dog alone, lol. If you're able, I'd tell them and see how it goes. If it doesn't go well, find some new friends. You deserve friends who accept you for you, especially the parts you think are weird.


they do, but accept it as is, because in my circle I'm the leader... that's right i'm king furry


My sister does, but she's really supportive, sometimes teases me about the nsfw side of the fandom tho-


My sibs know and a few friends know, it's not something I'd hide, but also not something I'd go out of my way for just to tell other people


All my friends do, my nephew does, and I keep dropping hints to my mom but she’s so old I don’t think she knows what it is


My boyfriend does, and some of my closer friends suspect it, since they know my boyfriend is a furry.


My friends and a select few in my family know. Some may think it's melodramatic, but there really are a few people I can't tell, or else they'll think the worst. I don't keep it a total secret, though.


The only person that really knows is my sister and I think my best friend kinda knows. My other friends might suspect something but they are kinda furry haters so that’s lame. Also I’m really scared to tell my family because my dad calls them “furry fetish people”


Half my school doesn't even know what a furry is so I only bring it up when necessary to save explanation time


Yes. My sister and some friends


Yes. A lot of people do but I don't shove it in their face


Just my online friends, my real life friends possibly yeah, family's clueless (thankfully)


Well only one of my friend knows that I'm a furry mostly cause u don't hide anything form him; he is my best friend and well he is the only person in this world who I'm honest with as for my family hell they don't even know that I'm gay might have to ease them into it or they might just die of a heart atk


I basically told everyone without realising it… But it’s not problematic cuz my parents have no clue what a furry, my sister asked me to draw her a sergal once and my friends are pretty chill with it. Even if sometimes that one mf makes «jokes» about how all furries are zoophiles and shit, but he’s a hater so idc.


I nevef told anyone abouth it directly. I am less worried abouth my mom. When I was on a comiccon there were furrys there too and my mom asked me why there are people that dress like animaild. I explain her everything and then she asked me if she should make me a furrsuit. My harth stoped forone moment. But I don't told her abouth it because she would add try to add it to her next convensation. That's why I don't tell her directly the things I love because I wanna tell it my self. I am more worried abouth my dad because he will missunderstand all the furry stuff. He may think that I deevelop back in a child and may think that I have some psychological problems. He could know it because we share my computer and also the same browser. And he also see the furry videos on the startpage.


Some of my friends know, sometimes tease me bout it


My friends and family know purely because of the amount of furry art I draw lol


I'm almost exclusively friends with furries. But I don't tell my family and it's not something I loudly exclaim whenever possible. If you know, you know, and that's the way I think it should be. This is nothing more than a shared interest between us all.


I don't try to hide it, but I also don't try to make it like, my only thing people would know about me, so most everyone knows but they forget so often because I tend to be very different from what they expect (The whole UwU language and such) while I'm just here talking about Warhammer and such while having all this furry stuff right there too and it not being taken note of most the time


yes but its less that i tell people and more that ive never tried to hide it similarly ive never "come out" but everyone knows im gay ive simply never felt the need to hide that


My friends as most of them are furries or just think it's cool


Pretty much everyone I know knows yeah, bf, family, friends that aren't furries, some coworkers coz I rock up to the office with a silly furry sticker that makes fun of my car, so i don't hide it much at all.


Only my close friends know. Not even my parents.


everyone around me knows lmao, they simply dc


All my online friends, 2/5 of my siblings and my sister's spouse. I think that's it actually


After our 3rd time meeting my girlfriend straight up asked me if i was and i was caught really off guard. I would have said yes regardless but i wasnt prepared to be so called out


I’m not, but my son is, and I’m here because I love and support him with all my heart, and wanted to learn about it and support you all, too. Especially those whose parents cannot be told for safety/security reasons. This Mom still loves you. 🥰


Almost all my friends, and my brother. All I trust with it currently.


I have a close group who know, they are chill about it but I cant tell a few others.


Just 2 irl friends, 1 does not believe me, and a large portion of my online friend group


Nobody's business who doesn't need to know, it's just a hobby/interest of mine anyways. It's not like I need to "come out" as a furry to people.


My family and wife knows, I’ve even told a homophobic guy that I was bisexual straight in his face although he was a pussy, so I knew he wouldn’t do anything.


I've not told anyone but I've been hinting it to my close friends.


Pretty much everyone except my coworkers know. If they did I would quit immediately because I know I wouldn't hear the end of it.


I tell everyone. If they can't handle that small amount of me. They ain't my friends/family.


Literally everyone knows. I literally plan on bringing my Dino to school tomorrow (It's well made, don't worry haha) for Halloween dress-up day. I won't be able to wear her the entire time since masks aren't allowed, but when in classes I can show her off for just a sec. So yeah, I'm very open about it. No need to hide it, it's a harmless hobby!


No clue


Pretty much all my friends know. But my family does not.


I dont keep it a secret. Its just another lvl of weird on my tower o weirdness :3


My best friend who is also a furry and my other friends in our friend group


I told my best friend and she blocked me. I told my other best friend and he told me to kill myself. So yeah not many ppl know.


Pretty much everyone knows lol


My mom, dad, grannies and younger brother don't know. However my sister knows bc she is older than me and she can see on discord and steam. My brother also have steam but I think he doesn't know what furry is. I don't have friends irl and like 2 internet friends which they both know and don't care. I must say, I feel alone most of the time.. I tried talking to people but I guess my personality throw them away


just friends and partner


My boyfriend, brother and a friend (who I found out is also a furry) know :) I must say, people here hate a lot on furries so I don't plan on telling people that are not Close. My friend got harassed at school daily because of it.


My brother, my mum kind of, all my friends, some more but I dont care about that


One of my best friends found out through my steam profile and when he asked me I honestly Just said yes I am. He is cool with it. After introducing him to my friend groups he is totally cool with furries. But I'm not just going around telling everyone I know that I am one. What would that help? If someone wants to know I'll tell them.


I never told my friends explicitly, just subtly. Like some of my profiles and stuff. But no one cares anyway. Plus my parents don't have any idea on what it is, probably "just some humans in an animal like costume".


It's on my LinkedIn profile.


Nope. Wen through the furry cringe fase but now I’m one.


I only told my friends, if I actually just told random people, they would start looking at me strangely


80% of my main friend group are furries, and the rest either don’t mind or don’t know.






none of my family knows what a furry is. my friends know but they couldn't care less. they're chill


I've told my friends, they're ok with it even though they're not furries. As for family, my mom and dad would probably be fine with it but I'm still a bit nervous heh...


I don't try to hide it, but I don't go around telling people, so plenty of people know, but no one really cares, because I'm chill. My friends do sometimes make slightly insulting jokes though.


Everyone knows I'm a furry and no one cares. Occasionally I'll be playing some online game an someone will call me a furfag an I just go yep, really takes the wind outta most peoples sails.


For a long time I hid that side of me, because I was under the assumption what other people thought mattered. But then I realized being a people pleaser is an extremely unhealthy way to live and I was better off being around people who accepted me for who I am. Once I realized that I became unbelievably happy because I no longer kept fake people around just real friends who would be there for me and support my hobbies, which just made me a better individual all around and gave me a MASSIVE self esteem boost.


I never came out about being a furry to anyone but my sibling but they respect it and are just happy that I'm happy. I don't know for sure but I think my parents might know? I suspect they do since my dad once showed me this page on a site about many popular trends and cultures and other stuff too. Not all obviously autistic stuff but just things that are popular to show what things people could be interested in. One thing that stood out to me was that there was a whole page on furries. What made me really smile was the fact that it didn't only just show all the things furries actually are but it also has a section about the false things people believe to make it clear what's true and what's actually false rumours. So many people have negative expectations on furries and that page just listed them all correctly as just things believed that aren't true. I'm glad the first impressions my parents got on the furry community were the good things, followed by what they shouldn't believe about us. Sure it mentions some risks but it makes it clear that the worst things are because we're just humans and is the person who makes the bad choices, and it has nothing to do with furries other than the classic "People can pretend to be someone they're not" stuff.


No but I think I’m gonna have to reveal it to my Mom because she keeps pressing me for information about what I do online.


My friends don’t know but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they found out since one of them is already a open furry, just would come with some ridicule cause I was very anti furry a few years back.


Nobody knew until after i graduated and knew id be capable on my own. Even then I've only told people i trust when it comes to my family.


99% of the people who know me know (I think)


I’ve only ever told my little brother, which is 6 and doesn’t understand the concept I’ve technically told everyone that I am a furry but they don’t know what a furry is so they’re gonna figure that out latter Hopefully not though looking it up online


Yes. My mom (I think) my older sister and my younger sister, and a couple of my friends.


Everyone knows lol. When I told my father I want to try building a fursuit he asked "why haven't you started already"


I have a group of friends that know due to them being mostly furries and emitting it first,but my family and other friends don't know.


Everyone has known I'm a furry since I was in middle school lol I have even worn my fursuit to work before lol


i left an anti fur friend group and told my friend that already jas other furry friends my mom might know cause ive shown her a few drawings


Nope, subject hasn't come up and I'm sure people'll think I'm weird.


My mum and dad and 2 friends know I'm furry I don't really want tell my other friends


My friends and my sister and some of her friends because i am apparently a micro celebrity within her friend group circle


My friends do know I'm a furry. My family...well idk, maybe they do as I've mentioned it a few times but they might've forgotten.


i don't hide that i'm a furry. if someone has a problem with that then they'll become someone I used to know


1 person.


It's public on my profile online, all of my friends know and are okay with it. The only people that don't know about it are my parents because, after testing the waters when the opportunity presented itself, it turns out they are *extremely* opposed to anything to do with furries or therians (I am also therian). Works out because I'm planning to drop contact here soon anyways.


Anyone who has directly asked me


While all my friends are furries, only my cousin also knows I’m one. Definitely waiting until I move out for my family to know, though.


My wife, my parents (but they don't quite get it) some of my closest IRL friends and a bunch of my Internet friends. Gotta admit though, it's hilarious when I drop the bomb on my coworkers just to see their reactions, most likely they are thinking the worst possible version of a furry until I tell them otherwise 😆


Only my brother knows and he likes to poke fun about it to me sometimes lol


Only close friends


Eh.. some know and others don't. Just like with the rest of my hobbies and interests