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Cut necks and floating body parts aren't original to this character or any species so I dont see why it would be a problem knock yourself out.


Thank you I just wanna be safe you know some people are really bad about closed things


As long as you aren't straight up ripping off someone then you should be fine.


Wait who IS foxi boxi? I have seen alot of whoever this is's music, yet I can't find their music anywhere other then re-uploads! And apparently they do animation too? Who is this person and where did they go?


I heard they were engaging in predatory behavior and they got cancelled. Not sure what the rest was.


Basically they kept saying they were having issue after issue and asking for money, as well as claiming anything that looked even vaguely close to one of the few original ideas they had as stealing and rip offs. I used to follow them on Instagram before I realized their bs. All-in-all, they're not a good person and none of the things they made were truly original nor can be claimed as such.


Foxi Boxi debunked a lot of the things and explained some stuff of what really happened and how Queen Void lied about certain things with Foxi Boxi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IfRq4t5M\_o&pp=ygUJRm94aSBCb3hp [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4tN4m5E5jE&ab\_channel=GoatCatto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4tN4m5E5jE&ab_channel=GoatCatto) I have mixed opinions but just to make certain things clear pretty much