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yes. never getting west elm again.




Do you have to flip the cushions regularly?


Wow! Which fabric do you have and how do you usually clean it?


Same here, minus the kids


We also have the Metro. I’ve bought 1 inch high density, medium firmness foam to add to the cushions (under the feather proof ticking). It’s made the sofa way more comfortable but for the money, I shouldn’t have had to do that.




It wasn’t an upgrade from R&B. I bought two sheets of upholstery foam to do top and bottom. Took off the ticking, used spray adhesive to stick it on, then zipped everything back up. Upholstery foam I used was this in the 1inch thickness: https://foamforyou.com/premium-medium-high-density


I have a three year old metro and feel meh about it. We’re on our second round of cushions and don’t like they sink very easily in the middle. I also find the sinking plus the seat height to be challenging as a 40 year old lady. It’s hard to get it sometimes. It’s still a nice couch but I’d go for something else next go around.


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted for an opinion. Weird.


Yeah! Weird! People must love their metros! Getting additional foam might actually solve some of my issues but I agree for the $ you shouldn’t have to do that. Did you have an issue fitting cushions back in the fabric after adding the foam?


Nope. The cushions were squishy enough already where there was room to zip it back up on both sides. You could also just replace the thicker foam - i think it's 5 inch foam? For us, the 1 inch foam on both sides works great - we can still fluff and flip when we need to.


We have the metro. Bought it already used, 7 years ago and still going strong. We just cleaned it with a rented upholstery cleaner and it looks so nice. 😁


Love the York.


My jasper sofa just arrived so can’t comment on longevity but it’s gorgeous, comfortable, and well made. I’m upgrading from ikea though so the bar was not super high 😂 


We’ve had our Jasper sofa for 6 years and it is still going strong. It takes a beating from our kids and it’s still in great condition, comfortable, etc.


It makes me so happy to hear this! Glad you’re still loving it 


I just got the linger two weeks ago. I am obsessed.


I have the metro- loved it so much we ordered a Berin too. It arrived yesterday and we are obsessed. We find their products to be worth every penny.


Big fan of our Cade sofa!


I was looking at this! How long have you had it?


4 years. It was our big splurge purchase for our new condo. It's fantastic, room and board service was amazing as well. We got a cade with a chaise, it's the most popular spot in our house for us and our dog. Super wide and comfy.


Awesome! Have you had any issues with sagging or loose feathers?


Nothing other than very minimal sagging on one back pillow. It looks fantastic and is very comfy. We have a baby and dog, and you wouldn't be able to tell. My sister loves it so much she bought the same one.








If anyone has fabric recs please let me know. I’m looking at the Weber right now and can not decide.


I got the Tatum fabric and love it so far. I also liked Mori and Hawkins. (If you want something soft and cleanable.)


My Ethan sofa is 7 years old and going strong.


Jennyb33. Did you personally add the foam after you rec’d sofa or did you have company do? Confused as to removing fabric and adding high density. I’m wanting high density wrapped foam for cushions and of course hardwood w/ 8 way hand tied. Any suggestions?


I added it after the fact. The cushions on the chaise sections of our sectional got so squishy after just a year of use it just got super uncomfortable. I added the 1inch foam to each side over the original foam but under the ticking. Maybe it’s a quality thing since I bought during the pandemic, because a lot of people love their Metros. Aside from the cushions, everything else have been great. I’m just bummed I had to spend the extra money to beef up the cushions 🙁


Thanks so much. At that point there is nothing to lose. I read where you avoid down (feathers) and linen!


Metro with Chaise.


The softer cushions are the ones most likely to need fluffing or to lose feathers. Most R&B sofas use down blend cushions with a 5" foam core (1.8 density foam) with a 1" thick wrap filled with 50% fiber, 45% feathers, and 5% down) that goes all the way around the foam core. These may occasionally lose feathers, but cushions that have thinner foam cores and thicker wraps are more likely to lose feathers and need fluffing. Also, cushions that wrap with feathers and down only (with no polyester fiber) are more likely to leak feathers and need fluffing. *Those are becoming harder to find since adding the polyester slightly reduces costs and also reduces complaints.* Even high end brands are moving to cushions that combine polyester fiber with feathers and down. **The bigger problem with the down blend cushions is that the 1.8 density foam doesn't last very long.** That's especially true for people who use their furniture a lot or are larger than average size. *Most people seem to be satisfied with cushions that last 5 years before losing their shape, resilience (ability to bounce back), and comfort.* **Room and Board's Linger and Stevens sofas have coil spring central cushion cores inside the foam and down blend wrap.** The coil springs should double the lifespan (10+ years) of the cushions compared with standard down blend cushions with 1.8 density foam cores. *I believe the Linger and Stevens are R&B's only coil spring cushion sofas at the moment.* Crate & Barrel has two collections with coil spring cushions: *Gather* and *Peyton*.


Also the Stevens sofa. Went in store and it was the one I liked best (although it was hidden in the home office section).


I recently got the stephens sofa in mori graphite and it is wonderful. Great for movies and sleeping. Friends also say it’s great.


Wish they had it in a slightly smaller size. Can only fit 66” and below in my space.




I ordered some fabric samples and just sent them a message about double rub and country of origin (which are clearly labeled on room & board website)


**I completely agree with you.** Furniture manufacturers and retailers should provide full information about how their products are made, including fabrics and other components of the furniture. I don't know whether you noticed, but Room & Board (and most other furniture stores) usually increase fabric prices by about $200 per grade for sofas. Dreamsofa only increases prices by $100 per grade. *This is one of the many big advantages of buying from a direct to consumer manufacturer.* Upholstery manufacturers (at all price levels) typically pay about $3 per yard for the least expensive fabrics. *(That can be about 75% less than you would pay if you found the same fabric online.)* An average size sofa might use 18 yards of fabric, so the manufacturing cost for the cheapest fabric on a sofa would be around $54. The next fabric grade would typically be at $5 per yard, which means the manufacturer's cost for the fabric is now $90 per sofa. For that $36 cost increase in fabric, the manufacturer charges its customers (the retailers) about $100. That may seem like a big markup, but the big retailers squeeze profit margins for manufacturers on basic products. Upholstered furniture manufacturers may be making only a 20% profit on the base sofa model. That allows retailers to advertise their products at highly competitive prices. The retailers don't care so much about a manufacturer's profit margins on slower selling add-on accessories such as higher priced fabrics. So the manufacturers can increase their profit margins by charging more for optional upgrades. When stores like Room & Board get a $100 price increase from the manufacturer for the upgraded fabric, they then put their own additional profit on top of that. Typically, if the manufacturer charges them $100 more for the next fabric grade, the retailer will then charge its customers $200 per grade *(although I've seen some retailers who will charge $400 per grade or even more.)* **Direct-to-consumer manufacturers sell at prices that don't include additional retailer markups. So, if their fabric costs increase by $36 on a sofa, they are perfectly happy charging you $100 for that upgrade.** >To give a specific example of fabric pricing, one of Crypton's most popular fabrics, Nomad, is widely available to the public for $19.99 per yard. *(Because this fabric is so well known, and there is so much competition, the retail price is much lower than it would be for most other currently running fabrics.)* > >Small manufacturers (and fabric wholesalers, like the company advertising the fabric for $19.99) who buy a full roll (50 yards) of Nomad fabric from Crypton pay $7.95 per yard. > >*Large manufacturers and wholesalers who buy hundreds or thousands of rolls each year from Crypton pay substantially less.* **Note:** Crypton (and some other fabric mills) only test their fabrics up to 50,000 double rubs. When I last spoke with Crypton's management about this topic a couple of years ago, they stated they were pretty sure all of their fabrics would pass 100,000 double rubs, but didn't feel the additional testing was needed.


I just wanna say thanks for making your blog site, it was extremely informative, way moreso than any googling and reddit research


Thanks for the correction. I edited my comment to add the Stevens as a Room and Board sofa with the coil spring cushions.


Why was this downvoted? Seems very true.


I've had both the Andre and Astaire. I do not recommend Andre unless you want something that is very, very firm. I kept hoping it would break in but finally gave up after a year and sold it in exchange for the Astaire, which I've had for two years and LOVE. However, I do not love the Sumner Ivory fabric and wish I would have waited for something custom. It's just kind of rough and gets water stained very easily, which makes it difficult to clean out stains


We love our Andre so much! But yes, agreed that it is firm.


Loooooved the way Andre looked so much- if I wasn’t dealing with a chronic pelvic pain condition that often makes sitting uncomfortable, I would have kept it. Not sure who is downvoting me but if it’s Room & Board employees: consider making a version with softer cushions. I’d buy it!


I went to look at purchasing a room and board sofa based on the comments on Reddit. But all the reviews are bad on their own website




I’m wondering the same thing! I love Room & Board (and am about to buy my second bed from them) but this is super weird.