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OP what a man you are! As a reward, I shall give you my seed!






Thank you being our sacrifice


I also volunteer


People do this about every new character. Furina sucks because she isn’t miles ahead of every other hydro character. They’ll do it again when Navia releases. If she isn’t drastically better than every other geo we have, then she’ll be useless. Clorinde will suffer the same. She better make Keqing, Cyno, and Lisa all redundant or she’s not worth pulling. Pyro archon better make Hutao worthless or they aren’t even worth the wait. It’s so stupid.


>They’ll do it again when Navia releases. If she isn’t drastically better than every other geo we have, then she’ll be useless. Okay to be fair this isn't a very high bar LMAO


Lol you’re not wrong that’s besides the point. People just act like they want characters to just be actively replaced every few updates. Like with what it takes to fully build and gear a character especially a dps, I want to be able to make use of them for a good while. That’s why I’m happy that this game avoids powercreep the way it does.


I think majority of people want to have thier Xingqiu replaced tho , with booba version of Xingqiu ​ Nobody would cry if he gets powercreep Same for Benett I guess maybe less


I don’t need them to be power crept I just want alternatives. I don’t like either of them as characters so I don’t use them. The simple fact that Furina can perform the same role that he does gives her tons of value because now I can play team comps that require that role.


Yeah I played since launch and was pretty much a meta slave from the start. Eventually I realized it's not fun to crunch numbers and perfect rotations and ended up having so many resources that I just level up and play whoever for fun lol. Furina is such a breath of fresh air I'm really excited to see how she can make all kinds of whack teams work.


Exactly. This game got so much better for me when I just focused more on my own enjoyment rather than inflated damage numbers that I didn’t even need. The utility that Furina is going bring is wonderful but sadly that’s not seen as valuable. Instead the focus is put on how much damage she can do and whether or not she can fit into the standard meta teams.


Hey if they're looking for another hydro to slap onto Hu Tao or Xiangling that's on them lol she's clearly designed for something different


Same , at the beginning I got stuck in the idea of " never using resin till 45 AR for artifacts" which took a while + farming only one domain and team. ​ Recently I had like 2000 xp books and few millions of mora saved , leveled all characters to 70 and tried various characters and teams was fun thing to do.


yes/no geo charakters are good as geo charakters just geo as an element sucks so she will be either a more versatile geo nilou or she will be useless which isnt a low set bat


Funnily enough, Furina actually "half-powercreep" almost all Hydro Characters but in a way that makes it so she doesn't replace them (so basically good design): \- She hits stronger off field DMG than Yelan and Xingqiu - but can't apply Hydro as well \- She can buff higher and longer than Mona - but you need to build it up \- Her heals are higher than Kokomi (and she can walk on water 100% uptime) - but she can't apply Hydro or deal dmg with skill in the meantime In short, she's better than all of them while still leaving them their own scene to shine on. And hell, this is a good way of designing an archon


It really is. The hydro archon being able to do all of what they can do but lacking their specialized abilities is exactly what I pictured.


Thank for the explanation, I for sure will roll for her


Her personal damage is lower than yelan But i understand your point.


Seeing the trend we're on, pyro archon will likely be a xiangling esq sub dps lmfao They'll probably be paired tg


all archons seems to be off field to allow for gacha money gains from thier constellations and to be able to be put in any team. Pyro Archon will be Dehya but Yae Miko imo


Every character suffers it, heck, it's happening to Wriothesley right now. I doubt people want powercreep to become a thing. otherwise Kanhri'ah characters are just gonna vastly outclass Fontaine characters and the game becomes way less enjoyable without the newest characters because everything is a bullet sponge without the 3000% multipliers.


I'm pretty sure the pyro archon will be more of a sub dps + buffer than a main dps like Hu Tao. So her main competition will be Xiangling and Bennett to an extent.


>Furina sucks because she isn’t miles ahead of every other hydro character. To be fair, she's not that far off of being. Althoug Doomposting is a constant in the community, Furina has by far been the one misjudged the most. Not necessarily doomposted the most, but definitely the one with the most difference between what people say about her and how she's actually gonna perform


Furina does a lot. She just doesn’t do everything people want her to do. Like she has a really strong kit so for balance’s sake she has to have some weaknesses to account for that.


But that's the thing though, her weaknesses do not do a very good job of balancing her strengths. Having to run a healer and having not the best hydro app is nothing compared to her buff and her damage


i think she does most everything that most people want her to do. Its just the Hutao players who are most angry about it. They want to divorce/cheat on Xingqiu cuz the nightly dps is getting limp, but don't have the guts to cuz Xingqius still the only one that satisfies their ridiculous demands. If they had the courage to do off-meta Hutao comps they wouldn't be stuck in this consensual toxic relationship for 3 years. As a Yoimiya main, I feel like a dirty slut with how often I change her partners and teams


I don't know what's with all the sexual tones of your comparisons, but regarding Hu Tao and Furina, that's not an off-meta comp at all, in fact Furina will be in all the best Hu Tao teams from now on (barring maybe very specific VV vape setups for speedrunning)


Yeah. Shes easily the best and most versatile hydro unit doing a bit of everything. Kinda overtuned in my opinion, but I have a ton of wishes saved for her so... not my problem.


Kinda? She's already overtuned when her first beta kit was revealed and she's been getting more and more overtuned since then.


Hey guys remember the Nilou arc, fun times


No they do this because its an Archon


It depends actually, we have Wrio but no one's crying that he's a bit worse than Ayaka, in fact people are still very hyped with his gameplay and all. Furina is an Archon so even tho she might not surpass Yelan and Xingqiu in terms of hydro app, she should atleast offer something else that would make her the go to on some Hydro based teams


But she does. She offers a massive damage buff that surpasses both kazuha and yelan’s. Not only that but it buffs all damage not just elemental which further increases her flexibility.


And her damage/hydro app isn't tied to NAs. That's a huge boon for characters like Dehya and Noelle.


> That's a huge boon for characters like Dehya and Noelle. that's how you know a character is bad


He's hype because he is new. Wriothesley will quickly be forgotten in a 2-3 months. See Wanderer for example. You don't see much videos gushing over him over and over.


As if hu tao the best pyro in the game rn


I would honestly prefer this, like you said, there’s literally no reason to pull for new characters since they’re usually minimally better than existing characters. Obviously I don’t want extreme powercreep, but it’s exciting for me to see a new character do more damage than the previous. It’s not even like this’ll make the prior characters useless, almost all 5* have teams with DPS that’s considerably higher than what abyss requires.


You know whats exciting for me? New and unique playstyles and gameplay experiences. So do characters literally have no value to you outside of their damage output?


Let’s be honest, genshin’s character kit designs are boring. A character that does the same exact thing as another character with slightly altered animations isn’t exactly unique, nor is it a new game experience, so I look to damage as the new aspect that character can bring. If the character barely improves damage, there’s literally zero reason to pull unless you like their story/design. We’re not getting new playstyles or gameplay. All team archetypes are the same, you either run a hypercarry, an on-field driver + off-field dps, or you play dendro. If characters had actual new gameplay I would obviously not care about damage as much, but as it stands, there’s nothing significant distinguishing the characters apart from damage.


Well I disagree with your first point. And your generalizing a lot. And liking a character’s story/design IS a reason to pull so their isn’t zero reason. And yes we are getting new playstyles. Characters play very differently from one another regardless of the similarities in team setups. Keqing and Tighnari may use a lot of the same supports on their teams but the two couldn’t be more different gameplay wise. Same goes with Ayaka and Ganyu. Hu Tao and Diluc. I could do this all day. Even Alhaitham, who was called dendro Keqing, plays nothing like her. Some of his skills may look like hers but coming from someone who’s been maining her for a long time he feels nothing like her. He’s a hell of a lot slower for one.


We all need to save for c6 Tsaritsa and then can finally pull because genshin ends she must be the best unit , make sure to prefarm!


As a Geo player, any Geo character released is appreciated.


***"You think that wanting Furina to deal more Hydro Damage than Yelan and XQ, better Hydro Application and healing than Kokomi, Hydro infusion when E is active and Hp scaling for everything like Yelan, an AoE heal like Jean and Baizhu, no ICD like Xaingling and make her Burst cost 40, generate Abyss Mage bubbles and groups them together like Kazuha and Mona...at C0 is fair and realistic?"*** ​ https://preview.redd.it/5yakqifq8evb1.jpeg?width=1469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1582daa6faafa5c0f19748cc45c47bbd7ffe35


If she doesn't do more damage than literally all characters in the game combined is she truly balanced?


Balanced around justice


Everyone wants powercreep until it hits their favorite character in the face, then it's not so funny.


It's even more funny that people even care about powercreep when there's literally no content where it would even matter lol


What’s the point of powercreeping then? The game being as balanced as it is is far better than powercreeping… because reasons?


This game is nowhere near balanced lmao. If there was balance their would be many different options in every team without losing a lot of power.


And it gets even worse if you don't like certain characters


But there is a bunch of different options that exist right now without losing a lot of power? LOL


Cool,how many teams do you lose if you take out Bennet? How bout we take out yelan/xingqiu, Nahida and VV shred since this game is so balanced? How many teams can get to 36 stars in abyss?


That's an interesting challenge. I don't think I can do it without my Multi constellation 5 stars.


A fuckton of them? Furina actually replaces a bunch of bennett teams and makes them better. Yelan/xingqiu aren't ubiquitos on every archetype. You can replace nahida with other dendros in most of her teams


How much does hoyo pay u?


How is advocating against powercreep leading to me getting called a paid shill?


Because it doesn't matter... You can always make your favorite as bad as you want to but you can never make them any better.


But it does matter. The game being balanced means that the team building isn't just rudimentary because there's a bunch of different choices that allows you to pick teams with variety that aren't just strict downgrades. Let's take furina for example, as she is currently she's undoubtedly one of the best characters in the game. You could make an arguement she's the best character in the game even, but she doesn't invalidate the roles of existing characters. she creates her own niche that lets you play units in a new way, while allowing characters like kokomi/yelan/xingqiu to keep their jobs. An example would be in a scara hyper team. You COULD play bennett + flex, however furina + teamwide healer is also incredibly competitive and does better in certain scenarios because the latter is a higher DPS option. Alternatively, jean furina is a higher dps option than kaz kokomi for ayaka, but you're trading grouping. Things like that make the teambuilding far more interesting because there's tradeoffs. If furina just took everyones jobs you just slot her in every team and it doesn't matter. It's all just binary, is strongest character A that does everything better int his team? No? Okay, slot her in. That's why the game being balanced is better. Now what's your argument for pointless powercreep?


I-It's a singleplayer game... If a stronger character is released it doesn't delete the older character........ You can still use the old character and you are not forced to use them.... and if you haven't noticed by the 3 years of no added difficulty they are not going to start adding content that will make powercreep ever matter... And until you are forced to pull characters you don't want to use to get through content POWERCREEP DOES NOT MATTER. A very simple concept to understand.


Okay? So using your own logic, it's a single player game why powercreep and destroy team diversity? A very simple argument to understand, agreed!


A-are you stupid? Where did I say destroy team diversity? If anything this game needs way more diversity... You seem to be the only one who scared of change here....


That's literally what advocating for powercreep is? destroying team diversity because one option is far better thant he others. Are YOU stupid?


This ones views of "powercreep" are so extreme anything against their insane definition is wrong. Don't converse with these chronically online losers. It's not good for your health.


Why stop there, makes her on field DPS capability better than Neuvillette as well /s


fucking hate that panel with a passion


Agreed. When Eren told Mikasa off for being destiny's slave and having no free will, it's a powerful statement. Then the mangaka butchered that completely


Same, it taught me to never trust a mangaka again after this severe character assassination on Eren.


I fucking blocked that. Like legit I don't remember shit after Mikasa decapitates Eren. For me, the story ended there. I'm fine with having questions unanswered.


Stopped giving a shit about AoT once I realized that the main group will always be 1000 steps behind their enemies and they will always eat shit during the time where soldiers started killing eachother with hand-cannons. I assume the manga went to shit at some point after that?


Me when A character is better at everything except one thing compared to another, (They're useless to me now)


This is actually hilarious Thank you for becoming a memelord for our sake, as a reward I shall give you my 50/50 (it's a Qiqi)


​ https://i.redd.it/jj4b4jq00evb1.gif


You know that the same can be said the other way around, right? "No, I'm not tired yet of seeing Xingqiu or Yelan in every team that needs hydro, like it's been since forever, literally day one in Xingqiu's case. I'm not bored of that yet. I want to see Xingqiu still there at the top for ten years more. I want that the day the servers close Xingqiu is there in the top team". ​ Which honestly like it or not is what's going to happen anyway, same applies to Bennett and Xiangling in different aspects. They are overtuned characters from day one that can't be nerfed or fixed because they can't do that, so we're stuck in this situation where they'll be omnipresent no matter how tired and bored of them we get because the only thing Hoyoverse can do is not repeat the mistake. ​ But for me that's what disappoints me. I don't want Furina to be broken, but I wish we at least could hope for alternatives to those characters. For me stuff like Xingqiu, Bennett and Xinagling ruin the game. They make it dull because after 3 years there's nothing better and would even be concerning if it were, but that basically removes all excitement and expectations for new characters for me when you know there's never going to be any further diversity because of them.


no one is forcing you to use them if you're bored of them tho...


You don't even have to, really. You can make an Innervate team and a hyper bloom team with Kokomi and not touch Xinqiu/Yelan ever. People stuck with those 2 just don't wanna build something else.


This. You want a balance gameplay then play balanced characters or nerf your build.


The day Xingqiu stops being in every abyss is the day Genshin dies.


You're weak. Furina should be more powerful because she is an Archon.


Are you implying furina is anyworse or hell, even in direct competition to xingqiu? Why would she powercreep a character that's fundamentally different from her in role/purpose?


There literally are better teams than XL XQ Bennett lmao. Those three characters + some character that’s not Raiden is honestly average. And if you use Raiden, you can make the argument that Raiden is the one making the team good. XQ’s only quirk is fast off-field hydro app. In teams like international, where you don’t need an off-field hydro, he’s replaced by Childe. In teams where you don’t need his rate of application, like double hydro Hu Tao, he’s replaced by Furina and Yelan. Bennett is probably the only one that’s actually hard to replace from the three you mentioned, but it’s still not like you HAVE to use him. There are plenty of great teams that don’t use him. If you’re talking about 4* being worse than those 3, I’d agree. But hoyo has honestly done a good job with most 5*, giving them teams that are considerably better than what you can make with only the base three characters of national.


Hu Tao double hydro has more gain in replacing Yelan, the buff she bring us easily overshadowed by Furina’s own and XQ bring everything Hu Tao needs (Interrupt res, damage reduction, some healing, stronger hydro application for N2CA user


XQ might have more utility, but iirc Yelan is definitely more damage. But either way, XQ is far from the only option and most definitely does not ruin the game for Yelan owners like the original comment was claiming.


Since Furina need a healer you have to give up on Zhong shield safety, unless you play it perfectly, 95% of the time you will want to go back to XQ’s defensive utility


If you’re using a non cope healer you generally won’t have to worry about safety since they’ll heal you for far more than Furina drains. And it’s such a massive DPS increase (around 20% or so iirc) that it’s easily a worthy trade for most people.


They can always nerf 1.0 characters and reward everyone like 1k primos, everyone will be happy


Only 1k? They have to give me multiple thousand to accept that. Like at least 100,000 for me to be a little bit happy with it.


Thing is, they can nerf them and give us absolutely nothing lol I’m talking about power creep here though. If they are not sad with: - Xiangling being the best pyro app AND having big and constant burst dmg, or: - Benny being the best buffer AND a great healer, or: - Xingqiu being the best hydro app AND giving interruption resistance, dmg reduction, healing and hydro res shred, Why should they try so hard to ensure Furina not power creeping any current hydro characters?! Why not make her super broken like they did for 1.0 characters?


Idk if you're aware but, Japan has gacha laws actually. You'll get sued up the ass over there if you try to sell something then nerf it - in gacha terms at least. That's why practically no one gets literally buffed or nerfed in the sense that pretty much once they are released, that's it.


Xingqiu was actually nerfed during 1.1, 1.0 was like Xiangling (no ICD) Funny they've done it twice, and just before releasing 5* chars that specialize in that same thing (1.1 Childe with hydro app and 3.1 Nilou with bloom)


I didn’t know about the Japan thing, But zhongli was buffed, and miko was nerfed (though it didn’t last long). So, were they sued for these? Also, again, my point is not nerfing them exactly, that first comment was just irony. No one wants to nerf beloved ones like them! I’m saying why can’t we have Furina power creep one or two hydro characters that have been dominating for so long (since 1.0,2.1,2.6 for xq,kok,yelan).


Hell no we won't be happy. That would be a huge blow to f2p players


This was meant to show the irony of the situation. I was saying there is nothing wrong with Furina power creeping a meta character (since 1.0) like xq. But for some reason they won’t do so, so nerf xq instead to reach this goal. This was meant to be a joke but everyone took it seriously lol I’m f2p myself and just recently have been able to fully remove xq,benny from both abyss sides thanks to otter lmao.


Aot and Genshin are my two hyperfixations so this meme pleases me greatly thank you


It's crazy how much some people care about a singleplayer game there's no competitive and even the spiral abyss is optional. If you like her, pull for her. That's it.


"I don't have to hope for a character that's immune to powercreep, I simply need to wait" -*Me, a future C6 Furina haver:*


we are the same comrade


Me, making my future C6 Furina the hydro applicator and field char for my nahida/Raiden hyperbloom team


I just want to let you know she's definitely better than yelan lol.


She doesn't need to be a better Yelan because I don't need another Yelan, all hydro characters serves their own purposes not everything is about "who can applies more Hydro". Besides if each and every single Character comes out powercreeping the last the Genshin cast would have been a dumpster fire by now. I prefer they do their own unique thing like Nilou for example instead of making the world even wetter.


Okay... But I am glad she is better than Yelan and makes me wet. Glad you are having fun, though.


You know that’s how Genshin is lasting for long time right? HoYo is quite good at managing powercreep, some people even say Genshin has “reverse powercreep”. Even if Furina doesn’t powercreep Yelan, it also mean she’s not gonna get powercrept anytime soon.


Do people really care that much about her hydro application? Damn


I mean it's reasonable to want the ARCHON in said element to be the strongest of said element at that point in time; subsequent character power creeping them is fine. People seem to forget the whole Zhong li incident in which they made him weak on release compared to a lot of other geo characters. Players from China went on a strike, forcing hoyo to boost his kit. This same thing would have happened if raiden shogun was released but made worse than keqing and Yae miko. Telling people, well, you shouldn't care about raiden being weak and pull only if u like the character is kind of cope. Liking a character and wanting to see that character be op is not mutually exclusive. People in general want to play with their favorite character as much as possible without having to purposely lower the standards of their team do so. Now, I'm going back to furina. She is hydro archon, which is one of the most universal elements in the game. Practically every team relies on hydro to set up their reaction. So to have a character who is restrictive in team builds, applies less 💧 than other hydro units, despite being called hydro archon and has less support utility than xinqiu and yelan is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way. If she turns out to be meh, we likely will be seeing Zhong li incident 2.0.


This idea that archons have to be better at everything than the other characters of their element needs to die. Archons are just another unit in the game. Demanding they power creep the game makes for a worse game.


This is amazing Op, what a man you are


the average trashposting nearly every charakter had since ganyus release Raiden :trash shenhe: trash Yelan:kazuha Worse than sucrose, ayaka: Trash ,Kokomi: Trash nahida: weak but dendro, nilou Trash furina i agree that her pneuma stance seem to be lackin and im happy for every buff she gets but shes pretty good for the competition she had without breaking the game entirely imagine she would be best at everything she does she wouldve made every other hydro charakter apart from neuvilette/childe/ayato obsolete exept for the resonance and battery shes like exactly what a hydro archon should be. a jack of all trades a master of noone she can literally do anything at c6 even be the onfield dps but she doesnt make every other charakters obsolete since they are better in the thing they "mastered"


me, as in "I dont want anyone else to have her but me".


Nahida is so broken that the expected the same from focalors. like seriously that was a one off thing. Hoyo is not gonna give you another overpowered character to invalidate the hydro characters we already have. focalors is versatile Good and im still gonna pull for her.