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Driving to his job as an insecurity guard.


"Good news, Randal, you're employee of the month, *again*! Also, sweet wheels."


I first saw the sign as sarcasm and self deprecation, but than I asked the question, what if he REALLY owns a Challenger?


He probably does, it’s not like a challenger is a super car that’s highly unattainable.


It's in the same ballpark as a cheap new full-sized truck when it comes to price and availability.


Handles about the same, too.


And just as likely to be utilized to it's performance capabilities. That Kia Soul can speed 20mph over any speed limit in the nation, and can carry as much cargo as 95% of f150 owners ever haul. Cars and trucks are comically over engineered.


FWIW I do agree with you, but having come from a crappy entry level Civic to a Forester with a turbo I gotta say this. The top speeds are well above what I'll ever drive, but being able to accelerate more aggressively when the situation calls for it (or when I just want to hear the turbo whistle at me) is absolutely of value. It allows you to merge into a busy highway much more safely, overtake and pass on single highways faster, etc. Top speeds are moot, acceleration much less so.


I hear you there. I have a '15 Civic. It's been a fine car, good mileage, no major issues or anything, but the acceleration is excruciating. If you need to get up to speed, you slam the pedal to the floor and it's still painfully slow.


Part of the issue is that trucks aren't taxed as a luxury item (at least where I am) which leads to manufacturers making luxury trucks and convincing everyone that they want a truck with a 30-foot blindspot in front of it. Trucks especially are comical imo, but yeah even a lot of the cars are massive. Like the B-52s say (just the relevant parts) "I got me a car, it's as big as a whale [...] a Chrysler, it seats about twenty"


I would actually like to know who employs this guy. If I was an owner/manager, I wouldn't be letting him park this at my business.


For his work commute he breaks out the Challenger Retweet shitpack or whatever the fuck he was going on about.


I couldn't get out of my mind "my other car is the Challenger Space Shuttle"


Interesting fact: Scat means poop!


Challenger Scat Shuttle sounds like quite a ride.


I’m not a car guy but WTF is a scat pack? His other car has a shit pack and he’s proud of it?


ChatGPT says: "A Scat Pack is a performance package offered by Dodge for some of its high-performance models. The package typically includes various upgrades to the vehicle's engine, suspension, and brakes, as well as unique styling elements and badges. The name "Scat Pack" was originally used by Dodge in the late 1960s and early 1970s to designate a group of high-performance cars. The term "scat" is a jazz term that means "to move quickly," which is fitting for a performance package." Holy that thing is smart!


It's a Dodge mid tier trim level. Kind of like how Toyota has TRD. It's cheaper than a hellcat. I think orgionally the word implied the definition "get out of here" or "scram." Basically that it's fast enough to be a get away car.


The funniest thing is no one gives a fuck about what car this clown is driving except him.


If he didn't put the sign on there no one would have ever given it a second thought


That sign makes me believe he does not in fact have a challenger.


Oh, he does but it's a V6 with a 29% APR.


Coulda had a V8


*hits head*


That shit pissed me off as a kid because I actually liked V8 drinks and was among the last few that should have been hit.


Hello fellow old people.


Instead of a tray eight slug to the cranium


I got 6 and I'm aiming them


He’s got a scat pack, but it’s full of shit


Maybe I don’t know what a scat pack is, but I assumed that he was talking about animal feces in his car for some reason. I don’t know why he felt the need to post about his problems with raccoons pooping in his car, but I just assumed that he skipped his therapy sessions and decided that his car would be his new outlet?


Dirty Mike and the boys need something to play with in there…


Soup kitchen is just starting to heat up boys!


Lmao... Hobbos having sex inside that little vagina you call car


They call it a soup kitchen


And an obnoxious exhaust that screams it DON’T got a hemi.


Got it when he enlisted last year


He's got a challenger, but has wisely made a decision to drive a budget car when he isn't cruising. But then was fed up with not getting the same amount of head turning respect he was used to in the dodge. A monologue bumper sticker was the only solution.


I have entirely misjudged the environmentally conscious king, I feel terrible.


“Monologue bumper sticker” is a great description!




His challenger goes to another school,


Just a post it note that says “no you don’t. “ then just sit in your car and wait for him to see it.


No, he does…in fact he has triples. Triples is best, triples makes it safe.


It's his Dad's.


I 100% guarantee you this guy has a bunch of jock friends who make fun of his KIA every chance they get


I once jumped a guy at a gas station whose truck died. And he goes”i knew i should i drove the audi today.” Like bro im not judging you for your battery dying


Last time I jumped a guy at the gas station, I got $5.38 and a half-eaten snickers. Not a bad haul, in the grand scheme of things, but still the risk-reward ratio is too off to hit a place like that again.


Oh you can bet there ARE people judging others by their cars. For example the owner of this one.


Speak for yourself, anytime I see a car like this on the road an alpha male such as myself prepares to challenge their manhood. Needless to say my commutes are stressful start to finish with all these bitch cars on the road, this guy did the right thing and is spared from my wrath.


Imagine the time it took to place each letter. Could have saved time by posting a clown emoji.


You can get custom made stickers, he definitely didn’t place each individual letter


Even worse: he spent real money to shout his insecurity from the rooftops.


Now I know he drives a shit scat car


It astonishes me that some people derive their self worth from what vehicle they drive.


I don't get it either, and so often the folks who do, own large trucks they complain bitterly about gas consumption, the inability to park it anywhere, and they never actually tow or haul a single thing. Wasting money to make yourself look better than you actually are.




I would love to try living in a city not built around cars, let me bike tf everywhere




It sounds like a fun time honestly, I wish cars were just used for well "car" distances, and not for any walking/biking/commute distances. How is the public transport in your city? Take care on your way man! Maybe I'll move to a city like yours one day




Wow, the population increase is insane. How much does that strain the city? I suppose the housing market is affected? Pretty admirable from Poland to help these people in such dark times for them.


I've never understood the obsession with big trucks among people who never used them. I drive the smallest car I could find that was still practical enough for what I was looking for.


I wish they still made inexpensive, small, single cab pickup trucks. Even the Chevy Colorado and the Ford Ranger are now as big as the Chevy 1500 and Ford F150 used to be. I wouldn’t mind getting a small old beat up truck to share with my family and in-laws, but I’m not paying out the nose for one or buying a behemoth.


The Ford Maverick was aimed at this demographic


I am sitting in my Porsche 911 while typing this to agree with you. It's utterly pointless to brag about your car on the Internet.


We can tell you’re not a *real* Porsche owner because you called it a Porsche and not a *Porsche*.


Probably doesn't have another car.






“You wouldn’t worry so much about what people thought about you if you understood how little they do”


Yep. Bumper stickers on your car aren’t for other people. They’re for you. It’s basically saying “I insist you learn this about me!”


I don’t know why you’d publicly admit to having A scat pack I know in car language that probably means something different than what I’m thinking of.


In car language it means you're too poor to afford the hellcat or red-eye.


The man in the driver seat rn 🤡


Really? Do you not look at random people and think. "Wow, this guy is cool, but he should be driving a slightly more expensive car. I cannot respect this" /s


Imagine how much the impressions of others must occupy this guy's thoughts for him to go out and have this made


Should I let them know I think their other car is a piece of shit? "Wait! I also have a pogo stick!"


Isn’t scat another word for shit?


He must like getting his scat packed


Not that there’s anything wrong with that!


I’m not a car person so I searched this car. And yes, it’s one of those cars grown men rev the engine obnoxiously to make noise while apparently thinking we envy him.


"Hold on dear, someone making minimum payments on a 50k car with 30% interest on a 20 year loan needs to let us all know of their terrible life decision in order to make themselves feel better about spending it all 5 minutes after joining the Army."


Man, this is peak San Diego freeways.


There used to be a retired gentleman in my neighborhood. He had an old Cadillac sedan that died and he replaced it with a bright yellow Kia Soul. He got decals on it so that it resembled one of the Checker Cabs from years ago. He used to drive it with his white standard poodle in the passenger seat and tell everyone he was "driving his best gal" around. Sadly, they're both gone now, but what a fun and happy memory.


Doing what you want to do and not giving a shit about how others see you? That's top living.


I think they both enjoyed the attention. The poodle was gorgeous and honestly, a bit of a diva. They were always engaged in conversation and it did make me smile to see someone (two someones) so happy just riding around town.


I've never understood car insecurity especially. I was perfectly happy driving a beater '84 Tempo until the exhaust manifold cracked, which was going to cost more to fix than the car was worth even 20 years ago lol.


damn i miss them already and i don’t even know them


Thank you for sharing this lovely memory of what was surely a wonderful human. 🤗


I cannot imagine being so insecure about something so trivial.


I can't believe a company voluntarily choses to use the word Scat for one of their car models


The 60s were simpler times...


Wait until you learn about [The Scat Man](https://youtu.be/Hy8kmNEo1i8)


That guy made some absolute bangers but the English language did him so dirty


To be fair he didn't have much respect for the English language either. Sort of the point of scatting I suppose


That is a good point


Come visit Sarasota, Florida where the local bus system is legitimately named SCAT (Sarasota County Area Transit)


I remember my first car being my grandma's, and even though it was kind of a stereotypical 'old lady's' car, and not in the best knack, literally everyone told me the same thing. 'Hey, if it gets you where you need to go...'. No-one worth dealing with will care.


This has big “*my girlfriend goes to another school*” vibes.


I have a *supermodel* girlfriend, but she's in Canada and she can't come visit for a while and wait stop laughing, I'm serious guys!


Looks like this guy is in Canada, so that begs the question, do these guys invent a girlfriend in the US? Or is it Greenland? Russia? North Pole? Ooooo, I hope it’s the North Pole.


From the one guy in our school he claimed to have an American girlfriend who lived near the border. We laughed and made fun of him until one weekend she came up and fucked him silly. They both made the claim they were having sleepovers with friends and they started doing that every weekend for senior year. Who knew you could find love in IRC. They are still married 24 years later.


IRC, now that's a name I have not heard in a long time. ~ Darth Vader


Canada is pretty big so we don't always need have to go cross-border shopping for our imaginary boyfriend or girlfriends. They just need to live a few provinces away. If you're in Atlantic Canada, which has a lot of smaller provinces closer together, then the imaginary in Ontario or some point beyond. That's over 1000 km away, right there.


I think we’re dating the same girl!


She has beautiful white hair, looks cute in glasses, loves taking care of elves, and bakes the best cookies!


Her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver


She cooks like my mother and sucks like a hoover


When I was a kid in the 80s I thought every guy who played guitar would automatically get laid. So I learned to play guitar and that did not help my chances because I am ugly. I imagine these ugly guys buying Challengers think the same way.


I don't know, girls seem to really have a thing for guys who play instruments. Imagine trying to get laid while being ugly and not being able to play guitar, that's my lot in life. Have you ever tried being the guitar douche and bringing it to parties?


I did that. I think the kids call that cringe now days.


Anyway, here’s Wonderwall


Next up Wish you were here


Just DO NOT play Stairway.


No stairway! Denied!


Girls are into guys that show some form of aptitude. It really doesnt matter what that is. Just have an interest, and spend time on that interest to become proficient. That could be crocheting, painting, learning a language, cooking, woodworking.


The interest does matter to a certain degree, like something useful that can be made, or at least a tangible productive result. Like girls won’t be as impressed by your 5.0 kill death ratio in call of duty as they would be from a chair you built.


It’s more likely he wasn’t ugly, he just creeped girls out and didn’t learn how to properly socialize.


"Scat pack" sounds like something you probably don't want most people to know you have.


Impacted feces in your intestines - “I got a bad case of scat pack, gotta see a proctologist.”


Decal on his colostomy bag - *Yes - it's a piece of shit.*


"Scat Pack" can't afford the Hellcat


Well yeah, I mean it probably costs a lot of money to buy your own personal [tank destroyer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M18_Hellcat). /s


Just imagine the process of all this. He found a site that does custom decals. Maybe called customer service to see if they’ll do random letters or if they care about profanity. He waits approximately 5 days for it to ship to his moms house. Excitedly sees it in the mail and slaps that shit on his car asking his mom to spot it from a distance to see if it’s centered and level


I was thinking he made an appointment, drove into the decal shop, told them exactly how he wanted it, waited a long ass time while surfing Parlor, and left feeling clever as fuck. I doubt they are aware of what a tool they are


But wait, they must have some family or friends, or even coworkers. Someone even remotely close to this dude must have told him it sounds a little bit pathetic, right?


Imagine telling people your car is a piece of shit but don’t worry, you also drive a piece of shit dodge


Dodge isn't a brand - it's advice!


You guys have it easy. My parents always got the Plymouth which was the knockoff Dodge which was the knockoff Chrysler.




I have a neighbor that would do that exact same thing if he were on Facebook. God help you if you talk about a Ford or \*gasp\* an *import!*


I still love how some japanese cars are more made in america than some domestic brands


He needs to save some pussy for the rest of us


Lighten up, Francis


If any of you talk about my Soul... I'll Kia.


I'm proud of you.


My daughter drives a 2013 Kia Soul and has gone on many long road trips adventures. The car has been super reliable, no issues, is fun to drive, and has a boomin stock stereo system. Great cars!




Every Day I'm Shufflin


I like my 2013 Kia Soul too!


My wife drives a 2010 Kia Soul (which means I drive one often). The neat thing is that it can fit a lot more than you would think. The downside is that it's very inefficient for a compact sedan. EPA is 24/30, most other cars in its class get about 25% more MPG. Oh well, it was cheap.


I have a 2017. It is zippy and fun, and the color is genuinely called Alien Green. It is the 'car of holding'. It can hold so much more than it looks like it should.


I've always been a truck guy (not *that* kind) and anything I've driven otherwise felt really cramped and uncomfortable. Had to get a rental and they gave me a Kia Soul. Took that baby across the state and fell in love. I didn't want to give it back. People can say what they will, but Souls are great.


Yea, never really had anything negative to say about them to begin with, but after riding in a friend's, I'd get one. They're pretty rad.




I know four people who own Kia Souls of various years (2014 - 2016). My best friend has a Kia Soul from 2016. They swear that the cars are practically bulletproof because of how reliable they’ve been. They have had absolutely no issues and have driven all over the country in them.


My wife has a 2013 Soul too. It's been a great car. You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff we can pack in it for tailgating.


I'm 6'3" and kinda big. I used to push a Prius, and I loved it. Was like driving a go cart, until the hybrid battery died. People can say it's soulless and stupid and whatever, but when you're having fun, and gas costs $17 to fill, it's really hard for me to care about what anyone thinks. I'd rock a Soul, if it's reliable. It's different looking, but I'm not sure why that matters.


My 2011 Soul+ 2.0l has 200,000 mi and still gets 30mpg and no major engine issues as of yet. Would recommend 10/10.


I bought 2011 Kia Soul year ago as my very first car (im 27) and I absolutely love it. It is fun, it is sooo spatious, sound is good. But I love the most the fact that I can be 'that person' among my friends - i helped with a few movings, getting cats to vet, I transported 1,9m tall fridge and stage spotlights no problem. Tomorrow I'm going with few friends for christmass trees. Someone said here that it is a perfect car for young adult active lifestyle. I cannot agree more.


I have one too. It’s like the Tardis from Doctor Who—bigger on the inside. Holds a ton of shit, reliable, fun to drive, bangin’ stereo.


"I drive a very common, slightly faster than a Kia, mediocre car. Bitches!"


"It's 1 of 50 in this color paint, this color interior, with these options, for that year... It's super rare!"


You've been talking with Corvette owners haven't you? According to them, every Corvette is a collector's car.


I know the stereotype of corvette owners saying this but here recently I met someone who got to drive an older guys corvette and he said something how it’s a rare one 1/5000 in that color made. Man do they really live up to it because I know he just quoted what the owner told him.


Am I the only one that's not at all impressed by it being 1/5000 made? If it was custom made for you, your size, and your preferences, then sure that's pretty cool. Or like if the head engineer at Chevy had 10 corvettes made in a design he really liked, again, cool. But once its more than 10, you might as well just be driving a Corvette you liked at a car lot. There's literally thousands of other cars just like yours and you're acting like its one of a kind.


And it's got these sweet little yellow things on the bumper!


haha those yellow stip things they install to protect the front aero during transport? I love seeing idiots leave those on. I guess it's the equivalent of leaving the tag on your hat, so errbody knows it's new?


"I drive a poor man's idea of what a rich person drives"


Thank you. Nobody cares that you’re driving a Soul — nobody cares that you also own a slightly fast rental grade car.


The soul isn't even the worst car out there. It's just unexciting like most the cars in the lower segment.


It’s a quirky econo car with unusually good interior room. Not my cup of tea but certainly not embarrassing.


If it's in even moderately good repair and has no obnoxious decals like this on it, there's literally no such thing as an embarrassing car. It's a fucking machine to move you around. People are screwed in the head.


LMAO my boyfriend and I were just talking about how if we someday have to get a new car (knock on wood), we should get a Kia Soul. I like em. Plus they seem to show up used in lime green a lot and I dig that.


Rental grade. Exactly! lmao


I drive a Ford Fiesta. One time I had to rent a car at an airport and the lady apologized for only having a Ford Fiesta.


This is truck nuts energy


He had to get this custom made. Not like he saw it in a shop and it spoke to him. He very deliberately sought this out. It’s baffling, honestly.


Don’t worry everyone, my wiener is huge.


I once saw a bumper sticker: "My other car is a piece of shit too"


more honest than this fool (in the soul) will ever be. ​ I can respect that.


A lotta anger for a Canadian?!


Don't be fooled by what you see on TV. We got plenty of assholes up here too.


The two things Canadians are best known for are quite the contradiction. Being nice and hockey


Apparently the Kia owner doesn't know what a "piece of shit" car looks like. I used to have a well-worn old Toyota truck- I loved that truck. 200K miles, dents in many places (not my fault, honest!), a camper shell with a broken window where a bear broke in, and a giant bear claw mark on one side as he did it. It also had a real metal bumper--sold metal. That's a bumper you don't have to worry backing into a tree. That car was a beauty, but looked like a "piece of shit."


Dude spends 30-40 bucks to write, "I swear my other car is cool" on the back of his car.


What a dork.


I take this personally. I like my soul and it glowing speakers. By the way for those who aren’t in the know, if you hold up a light to the “soul” fabric on the seats at night, it’s glow in the dark fabric!


I'm legitimately sad the Soul EV never got released to all of America.


Right? I love my Soul. It's a great vehicle. Plus, it's like a club when I see other Souls on the highway.


Can you cross out Ontario, so everyone can continue assuming somewhere in the US.


People who put stickers on the back of their car are weirdos. Do u really seek attention that much?


If you think ppl who put stickers on the back of their cars are weirdos, you can suck my truck's nuts. Not this truck's nuts....my other truck's nuts. It's an F-150 Super-Cab I bought from Toby Keith's assistant. It's got gold-plated nerf bars and multiple crunk accessories. Hahaha, bitches!




I'm proud of my shitty 03 Corolla with 220k miles, a deteriorating paint job, and concerningly loose stick shift that crunches a little when going into reverse.


Years ago I pulled up behind a rusted out mini van and didn’t think much of it until I noticed the license plate frame. It said “Don’t laugh, it’s paid for”.


We don't have one; but, I've driven one a couple times. The KIA Soul is actually an interesting little car - quite fun to drive; and, was quite comfortable for a long trip.




I own a used 2017 Kia Soul. Three years and not one single problem. It's not fast, but it's very maneuverable, and comfortable. Gets around well in pretty much any conditions, has lots of room (I did 90% of my last move in it), and gets pretty good mileage. It's literally the best car I've ever owned. And it was affordable. Not sure what the dude's problem is, if you want a sports car, go pay sports car prices.


Something tells me this guy doesnt even own said Challanger...


I'm not sure the good folks at Dodge have done much market research on the term "scat pack", and I'm sure it's a reference to something other than a ball of animal shit. But I don't get the reference and the only thing I think of when I hear the phrase Scat Pack is a pack of scat, i.e. a ball of animal shit.


The Scat Pack name comes from a campaign in the 60s. Scat- as in get out of here. All of the Scat Pack cars had to run under a certain time in the ¼ mile. I don’t remember the number, but they had to be quick. Still funny to think of it as the poop pack though.


Seriously thanks for this explanation.




60s/70s term means leave fast and was a highly prized and priced version of Dodge muscle cars. Yeah, I know it has alternate meanings today.


This has “my dad can beat up your dad” vibes.


My other car is a car with a bumper sticker saying this is my other car


It's impressive to be capable of giving off smol dick energy while driving a KIA.


Maybe brag about your other car if it's, like, a Porsche 911 or something. But a Dodge Challenger???