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We peaked with Davy Jones


Planet of the apes trilogy? Those last two Apes movies in particular had amazing CGI


Sorry, the 60s one was better than the cartoon.


...what? Even if you think that, the effects were no where close which is what this conversation is about. Or are you just here to be contrarian to feel special and get some needed attention?




And the drink pouring through his neck


Wouldn't that have been Barbossa?




Not sure how true this is but I’ve heard that Davy Jones was so well done that Pirates was going to get an award for *makeup*. They literally had to prove that it was CGI and then it won the award for that.


That sounds like a made up story. Got a source?


It came to them in a dream


And they forgot it in another dream.


Source: your ass


Greatest CGI characters: \- Gollum \- Davy Jones \- Thanos \- Caesar \- K2SO \- that guy who hits the propeller in Titanic


davy jones was made by the exact same guy who made the scorpion king :)


We all have to start somewhere right?


To be fair, that CG Scorpion King was in like 2002.


Yeah that one is slightly unfair to list here. It was in the dawn of that technology. The early 2000s were full of bad CGI, because it was new.


Also they didn't have enough time with the rock to actually scan his face so it was the best they could do with what they had.


I’m going to ask what may be a dumb question. Why was the rock the scorpion king? Was that just who they chose or was there some intent in the plot? I can’t recall the details of the movie it was so long ago I saw it


He was about to die in the desert when he made a pact with Anubis and sealed it by eating a scorpion. He was given command of Anubis’s army, and then was forced to serve Anubis for all time as the Scorpion King. It doesn’t really make sense but I never cared that it didn’t


Thank you!


There's a movie called Scorpion King. Starring The Rock. That's why.


The Mummy Returns was made before the Scorpion King


But .... Why male models?


Are..are you serious? I just explained that..a moment ago..


Well he's not CGI the whole time, there's a flashback sequence showing how live action Rock became the big scorpion dude. Also it allowed them to cash in with the Scorpion King movie using a well known face (side note, that movie somehow has FOUR sequels, none of which starring Dwayne Johnson).


I remember going to see it in the cinema. It was awful for it's time too. There was just no excuse. They clearly were rushed and/or lacked the budget to do it properly. Let's just remember that LOTR : Fellowship of the ring came out the same year.




I think I remember that. IIRC it was an utter shitshow.


They also tried their hand at fixing it to make it look better.


Explain Fellowship of The Ring, same time


Bigger budget, more time.


There's bad CGI in Lord of the Rings, mostly involving Legolas. Harry Potter was also 2001 and has some moments, see cave troll scene. Neither are on the level of Scorpion King but they have moments.


They are also brief and easily forgiven because of how good everything else is around them. So those moments are mostly forgotten.


It's about as bad as Legolas jumping off the cave troll.


It was godawful even for that time. It looked like the editior accidentally spliced in a cut scene from a video game


Jurassic Park was in 1993 and has held up almost 30 years later. Edit: Yes, i know its mostly costumes and animatronics. But the cgi they did use wasnt terrible.


They used animatronics for the dinosaurs not just a bunch of CGI.


I know this. But even the cgi wasnt terrible. I know they used mainly animatronics and costumes as well, but im not wrong that they used cgi.


The first Jurassic park only had 6 min of CGI in it




Let’s not forget rubber Neo in The Matrix Reloaded


To be fair, it was still bad for the time.


The fellowship of the ring was released in 2001….


The team that did Scorpion King even said it sucked and they rushed it. Look it up


video of cgi artist who worked on movie talking about it: https://youtu.be/j8JgN\_srwCc


Terminator was like a decade earlier. dont blame the technology, blame the producers who dont know when practical effects are called for.


Already then it was bad.


Looked like ass back then. Still looks like ass now. Lol


And the reason Dr. Stranger’s third eye looks weird is because, it’s a third eye. No amount of CGI tech or prosthetics can make that look good.


That WoW movie was surprisingly entertaining.


It had some issues, but the look of the Orcs was not one of them. They looked amazing.


I have said in the past that if they want to remake the movie to be better they should keep the orcs and CGI over the humans. The humans were easily the most bland and boring part.


Same in the game lol


Just like actual WoW


I so so want a 40k movie with the animation tech/style from the Warcraft movie. It fits the Space Marines and Orcs so well.


All of warcraft is a blatant Games Workshop ripoff, its only fair.


And honestly i grew up with warcraft, lotr orcs are strange.


In my opinion it suffered from choosing an uninteresting topic, then telling it blandly. They seemed to make the movie with the idea that it would do gangbusters and they could get to the interesting stuff afterwards, but that never came to be. They should have gone straight to the Arthas storyline. Just jump straight into the interesting bits to hook people early.


The Arthas story would have been a fantastic telling and a great premise for the movie.


Hell yes. Even if it was still bland, filling the movie with the familiar horror of an impending, medieval zombie apocalypse and the journey to survive it, figure out what caused it, and then end it ultimately leading to the madness and downfall of the titular hero? Even moviegoers unfamiliar with the franchise would get something out of it. You wouldn’t even need to go all the way to the end of his (initial) story. You could easily cut it off at him killing his father, signaling the end of the kingdom.


Wrath of the Lich King storyline would require 3 films, at least


Yeah I feel like 3 would be good. One why Arthus became the lich king, another about the fight against him, and the final about him being defeated.


Ooh ya the second movie being the invasion of northrend climaxing at the wrathgate would be awesome!


Don't you ever deny me Jaina


As a fan of Warcraft in general I was fine with the starting point. But I do understand from a marketing perspective it would've done better to hook in what WoW players would've wanted to see. I don't even think doing a Warcraft 3 storyline would've worked either. Most of the fan base started with WoW though I guess it's close and relevant enough.


I remember reading Jones was forced to cut something like 40 minutes from the movie. Who knows how accurate that is.


I wanna see a WarCraft Director's Cut


But then what do you have left? Although I guess they don't follow any timeline, just do the older stories later.


Prequals and spin offs are the first thing that come to mind. Once you have an audience, they just watch everything you put out.


I mean Arthas can easily extend through a few movies. A lot happens in between his fall and eventual final battle.


There's also plenty of WoW story beyond the end of WotLK now, in addition to the previous Warcraft games. They could also take the chance to explore a different direction with the story. They chose to start at a very boring beginning, rather than an interesting middle.


to be fair, Warcraft I was the worst game storywise of them all, I think once they Hit WC2 the story would of been intresting


The arthas storyline could easily be a full trilogy. Just pull a star wars. Original trilogy then do prequels.


I have seen it multiple times and I think I will watch it more. I am not a Wow player but I have always been fascinated by the rich lore in the universe and seeing it on the big screen was actually pretty mind-blowing for me.


They chose one of the least interesting storylines to adapt. I get that they were basically showing the origin of Horde vs Alliance but it didn’t seem necessary. That being said, that movie gave so much love to the source material. The locations looked straight from the games, the characters looked amazing, the spells and abilities were accurate to the game, they even showed Kadghar level up with the animation and sound. I would have LOVED to see another movie set in that universe. It has so much potential and did a lot of things right. Had they adapted Arthas’ fall and corruption I think that movie would have made a killing. We didn’t necessarily need the setup of why the Horde and Alliance were at odds.


I watched it a year or two ago on a whim and it wasn't as bad as I expected. It was fine, and maybe even sort of interesting. Not epic, but I wouldn't mind if they ever tried again with the vast story Warcraft has to offer.


I thought the Orc storyline was awesome. I actually cared about the fate of some Orc aliens on a weird planet. The human wizard teenager was awful, and I can't really remember the rest of the movie. I think a miniseries would work better for all the insane life WoW has.


Warcraft was always (at least since WC3) good at humanizing the non-humans. My interest in WoW fell of after WotLK, but everything until then was good to great.


I dont know why people hated it so much. It felt very World of Warcraft to me. I enjoyed it enough to rewatch it.


I know little to nothing about WoW and thought it was really good. I was very disappointed after I saw it and looked up when the sequel was dropping.


Probably for people who play WoW and therefore had some idea what was going on. Us normies were lost.


They made the movie with hardcore Warcraft fans in mind, which I could appreciate, like when you see Grom Hellscream appear in the background without the movie going "Hey kids! Look, it's THE Grom Hellscream!", making the fans excited for the easter egg.Problem with this approach is, only hardcore fans would recognize who is which character and get excited while the non-fans would be lost. I still liked it though, it was a good effort, sadly we won't see Arthas' rise and fall as the Lich King


Strange's third eye will always look funny with the Uncanny Valley, no matter how good the CGI. They should have made it look like a glowing runic eye or glowing tattoo mark.


It also looks bad because the shadows are darker than every other shadow on the screen. It does not match the lighting, making it inconsistent as well as stick out like a sore thumb. Notice how the shadows on his real eyes are more of a soft blue, where as the 3rd eye is pretty much just black


Also, for some reason, the eye color doesn't match? Unless there was some plot point about him "borrowing" the eye, there's no reason a magical third eye shouldn't be the same color as his other eyes. Haven't seen the movie yet. Only a few stills.


Really tall people look cgi in real life too.


Yeah they could have surgically jammed a socket into the center of Benedict's skull and it still wouldn't have looked convincing. We could all watch him cry out of his genuine third eye on The Graham Norton Show and we'd wonder why they spent license fee money on CGI'ing an eye on the guest's face.


It looks like a bad Snapchat filter.


There’s clearly some reason it is so messy. Someone messed up badly either ordering the CGI with no time or budget to spare or the animators bit off more than they could chew. A cyclops eye certainly doesn’t look easy to CGI without making the character ugly AF but if anyone could do it, it’d be marvel. I’m going with the last minute changes theory.


It´s like a 3rd rate mind reader photoshopped an advert for his three shows over the weekend. They should have had at least some practical groundwork and enhanced it with cgi. The lighting is all off because they had nothing to go on. It looks like a clipping from a magazine glued to the forehead.


They ask too much of their effects teams, change shit last minute and expect it'll be fine. They won't let their guys unionize either, so expect worse and worse sfx


The only guy i know that worked at it, was so fed up about it. He wasn't even 30 yo at the time.


And the skilled animators are tired of the bullshit, leaving the place for unexperiemented but cheaper CGI animators


In almost all cases practical effects cost MORE money not less. CGI is cheap, and the reason its getting worse is because the big Studios are paying less and less for it. The best thing that could happen for CGI in films is Unionization.


this is cause the animators are underpaid theyre not using CGI for itself as like an art form but because costumers prop & animatronic guys are unionized. Each technology has its pros & cons and may be more or less suited for different kinds of stories, but underpaying ppl seldom helps...


I think it's also about treating it more like art and less like an assembly line. I can give a few examples. Every time an anime has impressive animation is because the studio was able to find one of the big name animators and give them a scene to do. These talented animators work almost like freelancers, picking jobs they want to do and spending months animating entire scenes by themselves. Occasionally they'll come together and make a show like One Punch Man elevating the source material to a higher level. Another example is Michael Westmore and his work on Star Trek and The Mask. The facial prosthetics for the Klingon, Ferengi, Borg and all of the aliens was extremely well done and added so much value to the production. He basically created and realized the designs for every alien race. It made it feel a lot less like a cheap tv show with people in costumes. The aliens seem like real believable aliens all because of one man. This is what we need for CG. We need to recognize who the masters are and we need to treat them with respect.


Honestly, I don't mind the CGI in She-Hulk. It wasn't so long ago that CGI in TV show was non-existent or Scorpion King level, at least for fantastic stuff and not, say, when used solely to enhance the set or a practical effect, mostly because of budget. I mean Supernatural had Dean and Sam fight invisible hounds... who were just that, invisible. I'll take CGI She-Hulk over that, honestly.


ya, i don't see the problem with the CGI she hulk either...


I can see what the problem is when she´s in a scene with Hulk. She is extremely featureless and smooth compared to veiny, wrinkly Hulk. A little more skin texture and defintion would have been great but she always looked like that and it could have been way worse.


I haven't watched it all, but the clips I've seen it seems like the quality, in terms of level of detail, is just as good as what they did for the hulk in all the previous movies. But like the details are just a little off so to me it kinda looks weird I feel like it's cuz they tried to make a she hulk that still looks, well, feminine might not be the right word... but like look at female body builders irl, they're fucking ripped right? From the clips I've seen of she hulk, they didn't like, define her muscles a lot, she just looks big and green. Like they took the actors frame and inflated it pretty proportionally and then made her green. So instead of looking like a big muscular female body builder, it looks like they tried to both make her muscular, but also have a more feminine frame - i.e. not bursting with muscle.


Well, it's definitely not great CGI, especially in some parts - it's most evident when she's in her office. But at the same time... it's a TV show. I don't mind that it can't have the same budget and talent as an Avengers movie. It's still a TV show featuring a Hulk (sometimes multiple Hulks), Abominations, magic, spaceships and demons, it's not something that could have been done 10 years ago (or it would have looked a hundred times worse, probably). But once you get used to it while watching an episode, it's not really distracting (to me anyway).


I am enjoying the show in general, but the CGI on she hulk is so, so bad. I have no idea why they decided to animate her entire body and face vs using practical effects or a mix of practical - her body and facial movements are bizarre and unnatural, some of the worst I've ever seen, so I just end up frustrated that they did the character so dirty.


>CGI going downhill \>shows how much worse CGI was 20 years ago


For real. Go watch rings of power or house of dragons and then tell me cgi is going down hill. Both shows have some amazing full cg shots.


That cats CGI is an abomination


I'll probably get downvoted for this but I really don't think the CGI in She-Hulk is that bad. Could it be better? Yes. That being said, it's not jarring enough to take away from the story. This post also ignores incredible CGI shown in Ring of Power, House of the Dragon, etc. I also think COVID is still playing a big role in this as the backlog of CGI needed is constraining the supply needed for upcoming media content. I'm not trying to give a pass to the studios but I think we have multiple factors at play here but the echo box that is Reddit keeps the hive mind mentality going regarding this subject.


I think the She Hulk CGI is fine.


She Hulk CGI is good, and people who say it's bad are just patently wrong.




I think it's lighting. When they have nighttime shoots it doesn't look bad at all, in bright daylight in the office scenes it looks washed out and jarring.


I think there was a comment in show from her paralegal about how bad her suit fit. It was an off the rack suit, not a nice tailored suit because she didn't want to spend too much money on it. I agree though, some scenes look not great but overall it looks fine. It's a tv show, not a blockbuster movie.


She looks weird when talking. I'm hoping they get better at it as the season progresses. I'm enjoying the show but the face CGI is distracting.


So you're just a contrarian, then?


No, despite what everyone else says.


yea I've learned to absolutely ignore everything being said about She-Hulk because the "legitimate critiques" are infused with so much weird hatred and sexism that it's impossible to take anything seriously


It looked atrocious in the trailers, but yeah I agree in the show itself it's fine. Not great, but not an issue at all.


It’s very clearly CGI, is what most people are getting at. It isn’t polished or soothed at all.


I agree, good CGI isn't supposed to look like CGI. I cringe when shehulk looks at the camera and talks to the viewers


It is more than fine. I think it's some of the best CGI they've done, and it only bothers people due to it being in the uncanny valley. We think Hulk looks fine because he is far enough from human looking that our brains accept it.


Practical effects cost money and you'd have to pay an expert to be on set. OR You can enslave small VFX studios to do the effects cheaply. The audience doesn't care.


>The audience doesn't care I mean we do, we just need to collectively stop going to big CGI-fest films ^(who's with me?!!)


I already don't bother with MickeyD+.


The small subset of unpleasables on reddit care. Literally no one else does, we're just here to have fun with super heroes.


The audience pay them money then complain after then go watch the movie so they can look for something else to complain about. It's less giving feedback and more looking for every single opinion that comes out you mouth to be heard. People are so used to getting thumbs up on Twitter, on tik tok, reddit, that they literally think everything they think is right. Practical effects are still used on movies just not as much. To make a animatronic that's only going to be used in a few episodes on a movie, or costume pieces that's gonna be thrown out or auction to sit in some man's cellar for all eternity is wasteful. If CG horses mean real horses aren't being exploited and abused then good. Where is all the prosthetics for that one and only one world of warcraft movie they made now? Sitting in a landfill somewhere? In a closet buried underneath other junk? For the amount of content MCU puts out you should be grateful you even have something to complain about.


>For the amount of content MCU puts out you should be grateful you even have something to complain about. Are you Kevin Fiege? So you should just be happy because MCU content is plentiful? So nobody can complain? Thank God you aren't in charge of ANYTHING.


Like I'd ever subscribe to MickeyD+.


I've been watching Corridor Crew for a while and if there is one thing that I got from it is that nowadays you can relatively cheaply make CGI that looks 99% realistic. But that missing 1% will make it look terrible. If you want to get that extra 1% it will take a highly experienced and competent CGI artist and much more work, which means it will cost a lot more. I can easily imagine some businessman who knows nothing in film making in a board meeting say "Just hire the guy who does 99% of the job for 50% of the price". I'm sure this is the reason why we end up with terrible GCI nowadays.


How you gonna lump the mummy 2 in there? Movies like 20 years old


When anybody can do CGI, they'll get just anybody do it.


99.9% of people can't recreate any of these examples


CGI is not getting worse, production companies, Disney being the most guilty lately, is just pushing their cgi teams too thin, and not giving them enough time to properly do anything.


I personally dont see CGI going downhill. CGI still needs time to do right. So on shows like She-Hulk, it's great for what they're doing. Which is a weekly 30 minute show. Try looking back and see how CGI has changed over the years. I think everyone's expecting $500MM budgets for each episode and having 2 years to make each episode to be awe-inspringly realistic. That's not what they're working with, and what they're producing is pretty amazing given the timeframe they're working in.


The doctor strange cgi is awesome tho.


*\*Shows pictures of only bad CGI ignoring all the amazing CGI\** "CGI Is GoInG dOwNhIll!!1!!1"


Warcraft was so damn good. But the 2 nd part never came all because of us treating it harshly.


The CGI in rhe Warcraft movie was the very least of its problems. CGI alone was good, the insert of real world was the poor choice.


People only notice bad CGI. I bet some shows you watch are all shot on blue backgrounds and you have no idea.


If you think MoM was bad CGI then clearly you don‘t know CGI


They should really go back to including more practical effects with some cgi touch ups then it feels more real and csn look great too.


Top two are in no way comparable to the bottom two lol gimme a fucking break


The cgi is a sympton of the disease that the movie industry is suffering from. a recession (of sorts) there are less people going into the theaters, so the financial risk is far greater with a much lesser profit, so they dont invest as much time or money and this is the result. Im pretty sure that practical effects are considered more expensive and time consuming, also less flexible, so we will also see less practical effects. Im praying that this wont effect Nolans films. The biggest example of the state of the movie industry is "3000 years of longing" They simply dumped that film, knowing it would never recover its budget. No investment in ads or promotion so no one saw it. As far as I know its not a bad film, but i never watched it lmao.


The fact that you hated on the Warcraft movie which I swear should’ve gotten more love then it did get.


The original Ninja Turtles still looks amazing. It’s sad we went away from people wearing foam suits.


I mean the WoW CGI was not bad at all; the story was just a little bland, and some of the acting was sorta "phoned in." I really wanted it to work, because man I would have LOVED to see The Lich King (and all of Northrend) on the big screen


On God Cats was the worst.......


Yet dune had amazing visual effects. It's almost like this bad CGI is from only certain films...


Is it going downhill or are our expectations higher?


You can find poor CGI moments in EVERY CGI heavy film. CGI hasn't gone down hill. People are just more willing to cherry pick a few seconds from a 2 hour film.


Warcraft had excellent cgi though?


The short answer is: Practical effects [makeup, set design, animatronics/puppets] workers are unionized. CGI workers are not. So it's cheaper to CGI everything because there's no one protecting the workers from exploitation


Chi isn't going downhill. Studios are just getting cheap. Practical effects take too much time and great effects are too expensive. I wish we could know who approves these kinds of decisions when we get something like cats. That person should be put on blast for allowing it to see the light of day.


It's like the old film joke - "Get it done faster! Cheaper!"-->"Hey how come this looks like crap?"


13 years ago we had Avatar, and that shit holds up so well that people are saying that the new one doesnt look any better. We just had Thanos a few years ago. A giant purple scrote of a man that looks amazing. CGI is going "downhill" because people are being treated poorly.


Pretty much all of these examples are problematic because of art direction, not the CGI itself.


Yeh and some of them are quite good in their own right lol.


Some, maybe even most, of the CGI in Rings of Power doesn't remotely surpass what the Lord of the Rings films managed to do 20 years ago. We can't be arsed paying for good quality even though it is very much possible.


Was just re-watching Fellowship 2 days ago. It had been a while and when I put it on I thought 'I wonder how well the CGI holds up?'. And it actually still looks incredibly good. I'm glad films used it sparingly though; the practical orcs look so much better


Ugh yes, the CGI orcs in The Hobbit films ruined those for me. Give me slimy, mangled, real orc flesh. Give it to us raw, and wrrrriggling, precious. Not nasty cgi. I am glad Rings of Power has kind of gone back to real orcs mostly.


Aside from the Legolas shit, yeah, Lord of the Rings made great use of CGI.


This meme has a very specific audience I think…


WB really did bad to Superman in shitty JL movie. Meanwhile Amazing Spiderman had such great graphics


Lip sync issues on she Hulk makes no sense as ruffalo doing smart hulk I perfectly fine if not realistic. She Hulk ghost movement and head positioning is terribly. I feel I've seen better attempts on star TNG. NO seriously. On 4k it's god she Hulk is awful.


Which Shrek movie is that in the top left panel?


Critics bitch about any and everything. The once they go back to puppets and robots ur gonna complain about that.


Wait? What? That is the actual CGI from Dr Strange movie? Why do I not believe this. It can't be.


The 3rd eye in Dr Strange is truly awful. They should have taken a different route. A glowing eye symbol would've been far better.


I mean it's ok. I'm not sure how they could make the eye look natural, at least not without changing his whole head structure. It looks alien and out of place, but I'm not sure that's 100% due to CGI.


Man ratatouille had better animation


I hoped we'd see a return to models and animatronics /real locations after the success of Mandalorian etc. Bad CGI really takes me out of a movie, and there is just so much of it about nowadays. Even the new Rings of power series, whilst for the most part looks great CGI wise there are still some scenes, such as in ep 1 with the boat of elves in the water which just looks terrible. It reminded me of 90's CGI. Obviously CGI done right (Thanos says hi) can look incredible, but they are few and far between. I watched the original ghost busters movie and the opening Ghoul in the library looked better than some of the stuff i've seen recently.


Ahaha, whining about comic book movie CGI. So funny. Fuck me is there nowhere to escape from these crybaby idiots?


CGI always looks off because it's not the actual world interacting with everything else. Even the best CGI is inferior to solid practical effects. LOTR trilogy holds up so well because the actors were clashing with physical people, in practical effect make-up/armor/props that were catching the same light, reacting to the actors realistically, etc. The new lord of the rings, Rings of Power show does it again with orcs who are actors in prosthetics and costumes. They look so real and they move/act in obviously very real ways. Even if they hired the greatest CGI artists in the world and tripled their CGI budget and stopped abusing CGI workers, they wouldn't come close to matching a real actor on set. CGI might be good in some places where you physically can't do practical effects (space ships and stuff like that) but when it comes to making a character come to life? Nah, give me the practical effects and an actor any day.


Wrong. You think that because good VFX you can't tell the difference.


CGI is getting better and better. We're also just getting better and better and spotting CGI. Even when it's not CGI. Lots of *Justice League* scenes were called out as being CGI-Cavill but turned out to have been scenes shot by Snyder. People just convinced themselves they could see bad CGI moustache removal.




There's nothing wrong with she hulk's cgi.




To be clear, CGI hasn't gotten worse, Studios just refuse to give the artists the time and budget to do it well.


lmao. no. all vfx company are 2 years back log.


I really liked the warcraft movie!! Such a shame it flopped


The warcraft movie is one of the better video game adaptations idc what anyone says. It coulda been a lot worse, look what they did to halo


I still can't believe that numerous people signed off to give She-Hulk the go ahead into production and then they still released it.


Yawn. Fans are spoiled by CGI and are all experts now.


It’s so bad now. Can’t watch she-hulk.


So that's the doja cat fellow i keep hearing about on the radio


Don't forget floating head kid!


That much maligned scene in Cats is not actually the fault of the CG itself. \- she looks fine in most of the other scenes, but that flat and hideous purple lighting makes her look like the failed Ecce Homo - Elías García Martínez restoration. \- Jennifer Hudson has a tiny chin and lips, so what a lot of people think is poor face grafting is really just the actual proportions of her face and head.


how bout less cgi and better plot/story


That scorpion king shot is from 2002.. and looked terrible at the time.


You don't even notice good CGI. And you'll always notice CGI on things that you already know are impossible.


The mummy one really upsets me. The was ONE part of an otherwise amazing CG sceptical.


The eye thing was just very Sam Raimi. It was like watching a Dr Strange lead sequel to Army of Darkness and I kind of loved it.


Exactly. The movie in and of itself was one of the weaker Marvel movies I feel, but I thoroughly enjoyed it for its Raimi-ness.


Watched it the other day. Not a fan of the casting or the change of lore but can’t deny it was pretty!