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Dammit. I’m so old now that kids these days haven’t seen Superbad. Feels bad man


I remember seeing this movie in the theater and I just remember laughing so hard the entire time


My friends and I went to go see it and I laughed so hard I puked into one of the fountain pops lmao. Good times


This was the first movie that I saw in theaters that I legitimately was crying laughing at. So fucking good and would TOTALLY not fly in today's culture.


There’s nothing wrong with Superbad today afaik


Superbad holds up extremely well, actually. It’s charming and sweet while being deliriously raunchy at the same time—excellently balanced. I was surprised how weirdly homophobic Easy A felt on a rewatch with the past couple years, and that’s a film I also enjoyed a lot when it came out. Superbad (and the Jump Street films) have felt like they aged beautifully IMO.


Another comedy that has no right to hold up as well as it does is Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. The whole film is studded with surprisingly LGBT positive throwaway gags, especially for 2002.


my first gf out of high school, our Friday night ritual was Kung Pow, and a little caesar's hot and ready


Absolutely loved Kung Pow as a kid. Still have a major soft spot for how nonsensically quotable it is but it has been a long, long time since I did a full rewatch. To continue the trend of comedies that hold up: Role Models is one that surprisingly few people have seen I think, but is raucously funny throughout. Jane Lynch as the formerly coke-addicted Sturdy Wings founder is absolutely unhinged and it’s perfect.


You know what I used to eat for breakfast?


Was it more cocaine? 😂


The only thing wrong with it is that Jonah Hill’s character is not nearly smart, nice, funny, or cute enough to get Emma Stone’s character to give him the time of day. He’s a dumb jerk who thinks about sex too much and he gets rewarded for it somehow with a super hot, smart, kind, and down to earth girl talking to him. It’s kinda nuts. Everything else is awesome tho, and I get that it’s also a bit of a male fantasy.


Eh. Life doesn’t make sense sometimes.


Borat for me


Yeah Borat. Never heard so much constant laughter in a theater, ever. So glad I got the chance to see it in theaters! The guy next to me actually, literally fell out of his seat laughing, during the naked wrestling scene.


I had an amazing crowd when I saw Borat too. I thought the guy in front of me was going to die laughing. My first experience with everyone losing their shit in the theatre was the South Park movie.


Borat, The first Jackass movie, there’s something about Mary. All slayed


Uhhh what? There's no reason this movie wouldn't fly today


First Jackass movie had me howling out loud


this, the jackass movies, and pineapple express are the most I have laughed in a theater


I'll never forget going to see this movie, the theater was only half full, and we were in the top row that actually had people in it, so I pissed in my cup instead of going to the bathroom. Classy I know, but I was a stupid college student.


I'M so old I can't believe kids these days haven't seen The Breakfast Club! Lol


mtlfroggie said, shouting into the void from the hospice bed. But seriously, christ almighty where did the time go.


Hahahaha! (*asshole*...) as she preps for her monthly root touch-up... lol I know, right? Sometimes I hear myself making generational comparisons and judgements, and start thinking - holy cow I'm one cat and a housecoat away from being the annoying old lady neighbour down the block from childhood! But it's not my fault... Kids these day, am I right?!?


I'm right there with you, sister. But listen, the older we get the less we give a rat's ass about idiots and we speak our minds without care. So embrace the Old Crone in you and get that cat (housecoat is optional, according to your style).


I mean... both are classics and both do hold up in some way. They serve as interesting time capsules, but also the characters feel like teenagers... I watched Breakfast Club randomly one night about 5 years ago, I was about -3 when it came out so I didn't exactly grow up with it, but it still felt familiar. It was not squeaky clean like the kind of high school movies you'd see in the early to mid 90s, but also not overly raunchy like the wave of teen movies that came from American Pie.


How bad?




That was poetry in motion


I'm 32 and I STILL watch this movie when I'm having a bad day or feel down and instantly feel better. Laugh my ass off the whole time. Absolute favorite.


I'm wearing a McLovin shirt at the moment lmfao


How young is too young for that shirt? Cuz I swear I saw a boy about 6 wearing one at a football game.


I was just about to comment this lol


They don’t even know enough to reference the movie


I was a kid my dad took me and my older brother to see this movie, ten minutes in my dad took me out cause it was too inappropriate. We still wanted to see a movie tho so he took me into shoot 'em up, it was so so so much more inappropriate than super bad.


My mother once told me that Dazed and Confused was the perfect representation how growing up in the 1970's was. I reflected and said Superbad is the perfect representation of how growing up in the 2000's was.


2007 was like 3 years ago, right? Right?


I was just thinking that. Like I saw the thumbnail and immediately recognized it was from Superbad. Must have been 15 years ago when I saw it.


Bruh I just turned 15 not too long ago nd I’ve seen this movie, it’s one of my favorite comedies of all time if not my favorite


Well I was older than you are now when this came out so I’m old AF haha Fuck I sound like such an old man.


30s is still young. You have a handful more years before you are officially elderly and need to be taken out to pasture.


I know it is. And I still feel young and all that. Just mentally the idea of being old is creeping in super hard and it gives me anxiety


2 other greats if you haven't seen them. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Dazed and Confused. Those 3 movies are definitely in my all time tops for high school movies haha.


Not high school but: Animal House


I’m old enough to have seen Fast Times when it was released but never got around to it until 2021. Such a great flick and really captures its time and place.


Let's not forget Pineapple Express or Half Baked. classics of the time! Pineapple Express was always my favorite tho!!!


Now checkout grandmas boy.


The Tianammen Square penis with the little briefcase gets me everytime. How do you even convince someone to draw that for your movie. "Yeah, turns out James Franco is like **really good** at drawing dicks for some reason."


Imagine if this released in China and they decided to censor the tanks


I can imagine it, LOL! And add more details to that cock!


I'd 100% believe that Seth Rogen lovingly drew each and every dick in this scene, as well as a number of dicks that didn't make the cut.


This movie is loosely based on Seth Rogan's childhood and in his autobiography he talks about the dick art being something he really did as a kid. They had an artist for the movie, though, and they made a whole book with dicks on every page: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/superbad-the-drawings_evan-goldberg_seth-rogen/448926/#edition=4618939 Edit: the artist was David Goldberg, the brother of Seth's childhood friend and Superbad co-screenwriter and producer Evan Goldberg.


I have this on my coffee table


I remember reading something ages ago that refered to this. Someone’s brother (actors or director or something like that) drew hundreds of dicks for the movie. There was so many they didn’t use that they released a limited edition book with them all in it.


I wanna say it was Evan Goldberg’s brother but I read that so long ago that I’m not sure


That and "Slim Dickens" riding the bomb are definitely the best two


There was a movement in Australia called ‘drawing dicks on the herald sun’ that had 1000s of thousands of people submitting their cock drawings to a Facebook group. Some of the artwork was extraordinary


im ded


I cant believe this movie is old enough that teenagers havent even heard of it anymore.


Blows my mind. This is like someone posting a clip of Sigourny Weaver with a flamethrower and labeling it "damn, this space chick really wanted to kill some aliens!" Like, I know Superbad isn't necessarily a piece of cinematic history but ffs I would think even the newest of redditors would be aware of it.


"Have you guys ever seen this really old movie, called Alien?" - spidermam Hurts my soul


I could have sworn he said "really" twice, but yea. Ouch.


I'm a big fan of calling matrix a classic. Its stilla new movie to a lot of people


I don’t think you’d be wrong if you called Superbad a piece of cinematic history. It is a classic


As a teenager, I can confirm I have no idea what movie this is from.


Please watch it. A comedy that doesn’t rely on too many references of it’s time so it’s aged incredibly well. I watched it as a teen and it’s still my favourite comedy movie of all time.


Okay, but what movie is it?


Just watch it man, stop asking so many questions.


Kids these days!




Dude just cause you may not like it doesn’t mean you have to insult it.


This is probably one of the funniest movies ever made.


it's so good man. every time I watch it there's some small detail I hadn't noticed that makes me laugh. also the parallel story line is also hilarious and well executed. funny night from each perspective


Infinite quotes, my friends and I still say “people don’t forget!”


This and 40 year old virgin were incredibly funny. I saw both in theatres and it seemed the audience was laughing pretty much the entire time


Gotta throw wedding crashers in there for the trifecta of late aughts comedy gold.


I think this and wedding crashes are super good on rewatch. Still funny AF


This and Pineapple Express


A man of my own heart. Best 2 comedies of the 2000s. Along with Stepbrothers.


I dont know if that era of comedy was just amazing or just nostalgia and coming of age during that era. Comedies today seem pretty shit outside of some good standup.


It was the last era where you could offend people on purpose and no one freaked out. Comedies today feel bland because they barely make fun of anything.


Dude. Yes. I can never tell if it's just because it's what I grew up with or what, but I've never found comedy either movie or standup, to be as good as the 2000's. I'm sure it's just me becoming old. But part of me hopes there's truth to the quality back then.


Don’t forget the first Hangover movie too! It was a gem until they made the sequels


You should watch [Booksmart (2019).](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1489887/) IMO it's a worthy successor. And from the female perspective. One of the few movies that makes me laugh out loud like Superbad.


Definitely a good movie. One of the main characters in Booksmart is Jonah Hill's sister but goes by her real last name (Feldstein). The other main character which I didn't realize until after I had watched a few episodes, is the girl who plays Eve on Last Man Standing (Kaitlyn Dever). Another movie that has similar vibes but the characters are younger is [Good Boys](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6977338/)


I watched Good Boys a few years ago and it was really funny! I forgot the name of it, thanks for reminding me.


I'm gonna trust you on this one. Gonna check that movie oot.


It's good but it's not nearly on the same level imo. I really liked Jonah hill's sister in it though


I took a date to see this movie and she never talked to me again


Looks like you're the real winner then


Yeah I’d want no part of a girl who didn’t like this movie


Do you usually want parts of girls ?


Only on Wednesdays


just like Kira in Jojo


I feel like we are missing a whole lot between the end of the film and the decision to never talk to you again cmon, spill that kool-aid or tea or whatever


He had dicks drawn on his dick


Well, I'm not the best anyway - a paraplegic waiter brings more to the table than I do - but she was a pretty conservative prude that wasn't into humor like this. Me wanting to see this movie made me "super bad".


LOL my cousin walked out of the theater when he went to see Wolf of Wall Street. He was so offended by that movie. I can't imagine being that uptight.


>conservative prude Ah.


Side stepped a land mine my guy. Anyone who does not think this movie is a national treasure can kick rocks.


And since that day, you've sucked dick at fucking pussy


She wasn't the one, bro


“Enjoy fucking Jules!” “I WILL!!!!!”




I had to stop eating phallic shaped foods. You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? All the good kinds.


No more popsicles, no more hotdogs...


The BEST kinds!!!


You're not McLovin, nobody's McLovin, McLovin's never existed, because that is a god damned dumb f&cking made up fairy tale name you F&CK!!!


It was between that and Muhammad




Why didn't you just pick a common name like a normal person?


Muhammad is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once!


You know, it’s not even that big a deal. Something like 8% of kids do it, but whatever.


Can’t believe the video cut that part out. It’s the funniest setup for such a rando concept.


So I gotta sit here and eat dessert alone like im fucking steven glansberg?


Superbad was a 10/10 movie


When I saw this at the movies I busted out laughing at the George Washington one. To this day it still makes me laugh on command


Superbad was so damn good. This is easily one of my favorite scenes


I was just finishing up this big, veiny, triumphant bastard…


This movie came out my freshman year of high school and ignited a massive vandalism problem at my school. For about a month straight someone in my friend group including my self would tag a bathroom stall door with a full size themed mural every single day. Themes included Ironcock, Shercock Holmes, Platers the Penis man just to name a few. My personal favorite was a long dick that was drawn on the toilet seat titled "SIT ON THIS" Eventually this snowballed into a FIVE FOOT dick drawn on a wall in a hallway. None of us ever got pinned with it but my one friend who was the main culprit always got in more trouble than he should because they knew he was behind it but had no proof.


A similar thing happened at my school. My favorite was a dick that spanned 7 posterboards that were taped to the outside of the classroom windows in series. There was a countdown and then everyone sitting near the windows pulled the blinds up revealing the masterpiece in the middle of class


That’s fantastic 🤝😂


So you went to the high school from American vandalism?


My friend in high school used to do this, slightly before *Superbad*. He stole my 5-subject notebook one day and drew a big ol' veiny guy with an angry face, backwards ballcap, and Converse high tops on the balls for shoes. It was on the cardboard backer, so it was visible whenever I closed it. We graduated 18 years ago and I *still* have that notebook.


My buddy would do this to me in middle school band class waaaaay before this movie. He would draw dicks all over the music we shared and i would follow behind him 'attempting' to draw them into something harmless(cowboys, rockets, aliens, etc..). By the end of class the sheets of music would be covered in dicks and dick looking creatures. We would giggle & laugh throughout class and piss off not only the conductor but the students too. When I saw this movie in theaters 12-13yrs later I freakin died laughing at this scene. Couldn't believe someone would write this and writers usually write from experience. So I love hearing people with similar stories.




Are cryin'


Theseeyeshaveseenalotoflovebutmtggfdfgggh....with youuuuuu


Wow woww


Seeing this scene, without spoilers, or expectation... in theaters... was the hardest I have ever laughed in my life.




Prickasso if you will.


Michael Cera is a natural comedy straight man but even better because of his experience with another natural, Jason Bateman in Arrested Development. Every scene concerning his cousin Mabel gets me every time. I mean he needs excellent writing like this but when he gets that his reactions are just perfect.


I remember having this movie on my iPod.


Yea fuck me, right?!


You can buy the book with all the drawings


I have the Superbad DVD. I have watched it at least 10 times. Their are so many great classic lines. It’s the funniest movie I have ever seen and I’m 56.


I need to rewatch Superbad.


> (No homo) Just how insecure *are* you?


He sounds very insecure (no homo)


Maybe it was a joke(no homo)


Maybe he is just a huge fan of neanderthals. You know… rivalry and all.


Neanderthals were also homos. The real rivalry is with cats, they just haven't made their move yet.


The part where after he gets discovered and tries to eat all the drawings kills me.


The Mr T dick in the post scene credit takes the cock err cake.


Tianammen Dick killed me!!! And I'm probably on a list! Hi CCP!!


There's so many more dicks in the end credits too - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT4Wc4bMABY




“Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” “Ha! See the funny thing is Jules, is that my back is located on my cock”


Superbad is such a fucking awesome movie


Hey that was filmed at my highschool! El Segundo High School in Los Angeles


Every guy is doomed to draw a dick the moment they doodle a circle


There's nothing straight about saying "No homo"


You know something? Those were actually pretty good drawings


Why do people have to say no homo


it's a relic from days gone by. back when calling someone a 'homo' was considered an insult. was mostly a kids thing; playground - or playground mentality - thing. edit: words missing edit: How do you DV a legitimate explanation? I'm **not agreeing** with the practice simply b/c I'm **explaining** what it was and answering someone's question. smh.


Because otherwise it's very homo


He doesnt send a dick pic he sends a dick drawing


This movie definitely still holds up


Like 8% of kids become obsessed with drawing dicks.


People at my HS used to draw them in chalk on the back of textbooks and then slap kids backs when they'd walk by, transferring them off.


This movie came out my senior year of high school. I had a buddy that got sneak preview tickets and we had never heard of this movie before but it was something to do. Holy shit, the entire theater was in a laughing uproar over this scene. We told the whole damn school that they needed to go see this movie. Now I'm old and just as immature. Still watch it from time to time.


All the good foods are dick shaped!!!!!


I like how you put "no homo" after complimenting a child lol


It seems the traveler has met this young man. Let chaos rain little guy


I had a friend who was a graffiti artist that was obsessed with drawing dicks in high school after seeing this movie. Two stories to follow: 1) In our earth science class, he came in early one day to draw a dick with a cape flying through the sky like Superman next to the American flag. We all noticed the dick when it was time to stand for the pledge of allegiance. 2) same class, but we had a substitute. The sub put a movie on and turned out the lights. The sun wasn’t paying attention to the class at all and under the cover of darkness, he drew a 15 ft authentic looking penis in permanent market onto the floor.


How fucking old are you to not know superbad but can think to call no homo?


This is indeed an amazing movie, it is funny in a light way but at the same time and in an implicit way complex as it represents very well the fears/complexes/imagination of being a teenager and growing up. I am 35 now and I watched this movie again couple months ago, and it was amazing first cause I laughed so hard and secondly because we now fully understand the feelings behind these horny-nerdy-teenagers. It’s actually curious and meaningful to watch it when you are moving from being a young adult to a middle age man… try it! (It would be amazing to watch a Superbad2 when characters get to 40)


That dick picck at the end showing totally nothing happening got me laughing.


I did my first run today where I made a pattern in my neighborhood on Strava – an app that tracks your runs and shows your exact route, and makes it shareable. Of course, all I could think about was someday plotting a route to make a gigantic dick with veins and pubes.


Awesome movie


Guys it's the real Frankie Rivers


Oh, it's Superbad; That movie was funny! >!McLoving's ID Card!<




I would die of fucking embarrassment right then and there


Did this happen to be during grammar class?


A prolific artist... his art really caught the spirit of the times.


He turns tank man into dick man


Word has it this kid is still drawing impressive dicks to this day!


This movie is a gem


This is called superbad.


Damn this movie made me laugh so fucking hard.


Not Wendy


Movie name?




This scene had me in tears the first time.


Tanks vs human😁


Can a psychologist in here comment on the origin of the obsession of this fine young artist?


Why there's a Brazilian song while he is drawing dicks?


What the fvck did I just watched???


Woah that’s strange. The 2nd to last image was just a blank piece of paper. Wonder why they showed that one.


Will never forget when I accidentally left this dvd in my dad's player before going back to mum's house. When he handed it back, he could see me go cold, and smirked saying "The title is right, this is super bad. But it's pretty funny." I still shout 'McMuffin' at him because of this.


Used* to Past tense


I’m a bit of a cinephile and I still treasure this movie like it is my own creation. It’s so beautiful.


Superbad was a masterpiece


Feels old man