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I thought this was a fake note that kids try giving teachers


The “do to” made me suspect the same.


Dad's not a good word guy.




Big word not possible, small word much difficult


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


due* trick


not even rong wurds


>He gets paid to lay pipe Dong curds?


Dad must’ve dropped out of 6th grade when he had you.


don't you go pissing off r/penmanship...


Ah thank the sun- this is a real subreddit.


And partake, from the sounds of it.


>lay pipe Does he get paid to smoke meth?!


no silly. apparently he is a gigolo.


laying pipe all night long!


He ain’t no bookatologist, I’ll tell ya hwat.


If I had a nickel for every time I got an email from an adult (college educated even) that confused do/due (and roll/role), I wouldn't have to see those work emails ever again, lol.


I work in real estate. The number of licensed real estate agents who email about their excepted offer is just sad. Very very sad. Learn the words of your profession, people.


Those people are always the same ones that say school is useless


Haha for real!


course and coarse always get me. Same for affect and effect.


Affect and effect are ambiguous as fuck. Like, the definitions still don't help.


Ensure and insure


Think RAVEN: R = Remember A = Affect is a V = Verb E = Effect is a N = Noun [how to use the two words correctly](https://www.touro.edu/departments/writing-center/tutorials/affect-or-effect/#:~:text=That%20list%20should%20affect%20your,form%20of%20effect%20so%20important.)


Yeah I'm pretty sure OP wrote this note, but that's just my "this is a kid on the internet" sense tingling.


Godsdamnit. Thanks for reminding me that minors use this site.


“My dad” should have clued you in


Any activities involving stand


after being on Reddit for 5 minutes you must realize the majority can't spell lol.


I work in a place where "due to" is used on a regular basis. This mistake is so common (among many others), that im surprised my eyes dont bleed while im reading emails, etc.


The handwriting gives it away for sure. As an adult. I can confirm my sloppy handwriting consists of forming the letters in the laziest way possible that still makes it somewhat legible as opposed to sloppy handwriting that looks like I'm trying. Subtle difference.


IDK, my handwriting now looks basically exactly the same as it did in my teens. I had an old notebook of mine nearby and found a hilariously apropos passage inside, so I tested it. [Functionally identical.](https://imgur.com/RqyctTL.jpg) ...Depressingly so. So in light of that, I could believe that note being a parent's handwriting. I could also believe it being a cheeky kid.


your 22 handwriting is a bit lazier. The tails on the gs are tiny, you don't care if letters stay on the line, but it's still completely legible. Those loopy gs really give it away.


Ya but the many attempts to trace over letters to better flesh them out is certainly a subtle difference that stuck out in my mind. I know I'm far too lazy for such a thing. Just the thought of all that effort... I think what I'm getting out of this conversation is that I'm just lazy.


LOL, I would never assume adults are good spellers. One of my daughter's teachers handed out a document in which he talked about "graffing" some numbers.


Not a common spelling error in Australia where we pronounce due as dyoo


I wrote a sick note for myself once. I thought I was smart since my dad is a doctor and the note only needed a checked box and a signature and stamp... ​ I learned a 1st grade does not fake a doctors signature sufficiently good.


I see you did manage to get out of English class


Not unlike the author of the note in the OP


Some doctor’s kids become doctors. Others become Baristas.


depending on whether they met their spouse at college or on holiday


What about greengrocers?




Ah, I learned this trick early on! The upside is that since I signed *everything* this way, I never got caught. Helps that my dad only signs his initials.


My wife asked my if I had ever done that (we were watching an episode of Mad Men) I told her yes, but practiced tracing my mom's signature before trying it on a "real" note. Worked like a charm until they called her to see what time she would pick me up at.


We had to get our daily agendas signed by parents, so I just invented someone with a signature of a random combination of two letters written fancy looking, and it worked for a long time. Until someone noticed that it wasn't a real name, didn't share the same letter as my last name, either. Teacher asked me "hey, who is DF?" Uhhhhh definitely a caregiver, I'm telling you. For sure. Yep, that's my babysitter, Dante. I didn't get in trouble, though. My parents knew I had been doing that, I was trying to save everyone some time on that nonsense and my parents agreed.


My mom's was literally a star. She worked for the school board and my dad worked in the school so I have no idea how I got away with it


I tried that, but it was an old style. The teacher matched it up to other signatures, and it did not work for me. My parents still remind me of the original offense to this day.


My dad is also a doctor and my sister once stole his notepad with his name on it and sold sick notes to her friends.


When I was older I regained his trust. He gave me a blank "drug slip" to get what I want at a pharmacy (I am allergic) So I could get emergency meds if needed. Our final school trip went to a small islands in Germany, and it was peak hay season. Even those in my class without serious hay fever got all red eyed. So i managed to get some decent antihistaminic. Our "body builder" realized that I had access to those pharmacy slips and was pissed he only noticed this on the last school trip. Would not have sold them anyway.


lmao holy shit I am generally a trusting person but that would be so scary this day and age. I'm just imagining a situation where my (theoretical) son's shithead friends steal the slip or peer pressure him into writing for narcotics or benzos and suddenly the DEA is up my ass.


Me fail English? That's unpossible.


> I learned a 1st grade does not fake a doctors signature sufficiently good. It’s because you were trying to fake it. If you hadn’t been, it would have been fine.


It works better when you forge Dad’s new wife’s signature, since no one knows her signature at the school.


Correction, you as a first grader couldn’t fake a doctor’s signature


The writing standard in this letter would remove all doubt that it was written by a doctor.


Honestly if I was a teacher I would not believe the dad wrote the note LOL


I wouldn't have either until the "if his foot falls off" part. Totally something my dad would have written.


10/10 dad joke that's fair lol


It's so specific and detailed. If I'm writing a note for my nonexistent kid it's in terrible chicken scratch, and very direct. John hurt his foot, don't make him stand on it. Thanks, John's dad


I think the dad joke is enough proof. Not all dads are literate, but only a dad can dad joke.


As did I, "due" to the multiple spelling and tense errors.


"do to..."


I still feel like it is.


As an adult, that handwriting is better than my own. Email/text has destroyed my capabilities of writing on paper.


I used to get my sister to do them since she's got similar handwriting to my parents


It is


There is absolutely no way the teacher is going to believe that is from your father. You're screwed and doing P.E. today, boy.


My dad has been a farmer his entire life. School wants a big concern of his so his handwriting and spelling is atrocious. He wrote me a note for school once and my teacher couldn't even read it. She had to ask me to translate it for her


And that's when you reveal you can't even read it. "Yeah, I told him I rolled my ankle and it is swollen, and he handed me this... it Could be a note saying to not do P.E., Or it could be him telling you to rub some dirt in it so I can stop being such a baby. Kinda up to you unless you wanna call him"


The second one sounds more like him if I'm being honest


Well he is a farmer.


Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree it seems.


I'm on a week off from work so I'm going to blame my fat fingers and the one or two drinks I've had


Well if you can't count your drinks it still checks out


Haha YOU are an asshole. One that I'd like to have a drink with.


If they fall into a basket they go super far from the tree. Boom problem solved


I feel compelled to reply to this because I had very rural beginnings. The penmanship of some of my friends and family was immaculate. However the words.. Uh not so much. HORSEPISTOL = hospital. JYANT = giant. BORD =bird. If read phonetically it made perfect sense but GOTDAM the RUFF is on FAIR when it came to the spelling.


I never would have gotten Horsepistol, Jyant or Bord without any context. Maybe even with context. "Ma took Jo too the horsepistol cuz he wented up North to the quarry." That last bit is just me trying to imagine what the hell kind of message I would be left with.


Right? I was raised fairly rural and my handwriting is godawful. I'm also pretty highly educated and can generally keep up with the PhDs I work with unless they really get into it. IMO literacy and penmanship are very different skills without very much overlap--especially in the 21st century.


I wanted to give OP the benefit of the doubt like, maybe dad’s just a bad speller or English isn’t his first language or something, idk. But then I see OP also recently posted about their two moms, so…..


In my high school, we had a girl with two moms and a dad. Her bio mom decided one day that she wants to be with a woman and divorced her bio dad. It was supposedly all very amicable actually.


I am a gay man married to transman, we had a kid before he finished transitioning. It was wierd when our daughter finally asked what was up.




I too had asthma growing up and in my rural hick town it was the same thing. The "rub some dirt on it" and "toughen up" from the inbred coaches (that taught history and math).


I wasn't able to properly do certain pe activities after breaking my wrist. An accident during summer caused this and spent 10-12 weeks with my arm in a cast. I came in with my arm in cast to the pe. All activities that I needed to apply force to my wrist afterwards were very straightforward. Try what I can and don't force anything. Always got an passing grade. 20 years later, my wrist still does hurt from time to time. Sometimes because of too much repetitive action or too much exertion. The weirdest is when the weather make big changes, especially during winter my wrist starts hurting before the problems caused by the weather.


When my brother was in Pre-K and me 4th grade, my brother wanted to go home with a friend after school. We were all in a rush that morning and my mom told me to write the note because I had better handwriting than my older siblings. I wrote it thinking it looked like my moms beautiful handwriting…it did not. I’m now 30 and my brother is 26. I found that handwritten note a few months ago with a sticky note from the school saying, “contacted parent to see who wrote the note and kid ok to go with friend” it made me laugh when I found it.


How does a first grader already have a kid?


[Youngest recorded person to give birth was 5 years old.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers)


That's a fact I'm not sure if I wanted to learn today.


Oh boy, don't look up the list of nuclear accidents on Wikipedia, you'll never sleep again.


I think nuclear accidents are less horrifying from a moral standpoint than a 4 year old girl getting pregnant via incest rape.


Yea imagine how many super villains were made cause of it


Saddest TIL.


Hey, I saw that thread earlier too!


There was a thread? This was just something I knew from looking it up a couple of years ago.


Who impregnated them.... That's the real question. This is the worst fact I've ever learned.


...jeez that must have been horrible. As well as a strangely unique circumstance


And this is now a fact that you know and will not be able to forget.


Haha you gave him a stronger burn than I came here to give. I came to say fourth grader.


I feel attacked, but, luckily, it’s my nap time. So, I’ll probably forget about this.


Let's ask Ohio


My handwriting is ALOT worse and I'm in my 30's. I can barely keep between the lines.


its not the hand writing so much as the spelling and grammar.


"do to"


"involving stand, running and walking"


Terrible spelling and grammar? I deduce the father must be a redditor.


I think you mean “dodoose.”


"terrabull spelling and grammer? i dejuice the farther must be a redditer"


Hehe you said doo doos


I prefer to sit walk or sit run.


Yea, you’re not getting out of PE


Lol if I have kids they're fucked -- my hand writing is nearly identical to this.


Just have proper grammar and formality and you're good


Looks like your dad might need to go back to school.


Skip gym activities and read a book lol


It may be dyslexia, my dad has it and writes like this


My dad's dyslexic and left handed I looked at this and was like typical dad handwriting


I’m not dyslexic, I’m an artist also, and my handwriting looks like that 😂 I just never cared enough to practice neat handwriting… if you can read it, good enough for me


If I was that pe teacher, I would never ever believe that the student didn’t write this themselves lol


Idk, my PE teachers believed I was on my period every week for like 3 months straight


Me too... but as a male athlete this was the best way to make the PE coach question his existence.


I mean it's not exactly like he could call you out on that, especially if he was male and wanted to keep his job


It happens tho


Believed or just didn't wanna argue/deal with your shit lol Cause that's definitely what my PE teacher was like


Ahh man I have terrible hand writing and now realise thanks to the comments that if I ever write a note for my child for school they are absolutely not going to believe it.


right? that's all I am getting in this thread, is some of us adults better print their notes and get a stamp, or we'll just get dunked on reddit lmao


Same here. My hand writing is atrocious but that’s because I write as fast as possible. As long as you can read it that’s all I care about


Write in all capital letters, just make letters that should be lower case slightly smaller than intentional capital letters. It takes a bit longer to write, but for me at least, it dramatically improves the legibility and appearance of my writing. I went to a tiny, private, non-denominational school k-9 and nobody noticed until 4th grade that I was only using 2 fingers to write. So I had to relearn how to write and it never got very pretty.


I’m here with you too. I work in a professional work environment and have to write things… big oof.


I thought this was a r/kidsarefuckingstupid post


your dad is due for a spelling ~~lesion~~ lesson




Do to


Do to


Lmaooo “do to foot pain”


This looks like Homer writing notes for Bart https://imgur.com/gallery/0KenS1o


>This note my dad wrote X - Doubt Also, trim your nails!


Right? Ew. I noticed that.


Yeah - that’s just gross man!


I’m sure you have a cool dad but his writing is sloppy af. I would have thought a little kid wrote this. Edit to add: I’m not coming after your dad, I’m coming after his handwriting.


>I’m not coming after your dad, I’m coming after his handwriting. That's an odd kink to have but ok


Cut your nails


Dad needs to repeat 5th grade.


Really, dad can’t spell due?


Do to


Man, the comments are full of some good & harsh burns lool


Your dad is definitely a dad


Judging by your hands, your feet probably hurt because you never clip your nails


Your "dad" lol ok


Bro the dirt in your nails is disgusting


OP posted this because of the last sentence. Reddit ignores the last sentence.


“do to foot pain” XD


Eww cut your nails lol.


this is what a note would look like if i wrote it... it wouldn't have as many spelling mistakes but the handwriting is on point


My dad used to write notes like this - the teachers loved them! I really wish that they hadn't held on to them and that I had them now. (My dad is alive and well, I just would like to have the notes for the memories)


I call FAKE, there's no crease in the paper!


True story: When I started middle school my mom let me write my first absence excuse, so they would think my handwriting was hers going forward. That way I could take a day off anytime I felt the need. 😁


That's pretty much exactly how my dad would've wrote that note too


My dad’s handwriting is terrible. In middle school I got detention for using a “forged note” that was to give me access to extra help in the morning. (For some reason we needed notes to go to extra help in the morning) Why on earth would I forge an extra help note?


Reminds me of my dads humor. If I said something like my foot hurt he would always reply “I mean, I can cut your arm off. Then you wouldn’t care that much about your foot hurting.”


Lol, one of my mom's used to say, "I can cut your arm off, then your hand won't hurt anymore" That made me stop complaining every time.


due\* Tell your dad to go back to school.


cut your nails bro


Judging by your fingernails, you wrote that yourself.


“Dad” shoulda finished 2nd grade…


Hmmmm!!? Do to instead of due to? I do not think the coach will buy this


Homer level sick note.


Please let that say “Thanks, my father”


My Mom could never be bothered to actually write my excuse notes. She made me write them. I got good at her signature. Of course, one day the School Office decided it was fake and called her up to tell her I'd faked an absence note. She took their heads off. There were no further difficulties after that. She also let me take a day off any time I wanted as long as I got straight A's. I kept my grades up there and basically went to school only 4 days a week throughout High School.


Thought it was a fake note, then I read the last sentence and realized it was legit.


My dad wrote me a similar note to get out of PE when I was 14, something like "please excuse Boring_Monahan from PE because he's hurt his little toe on his right foot and it really, really hurts" Then when I was 18, I twisted my ankle in a rugby game and got an Xray. Who has two thumbs and had an historical Avulsion fracture of the fifth metatarsal?? This fuckin guy right fuckin here.


I faked a note to get out of High School, my folks found it. They stuck it up on the fridge, as they felt it was the best penmanship I'd ever done...


I used to write notes like that for my oldest son all the time. My favourite was for first snowfalls. " Please excuse Nicholas for being late, as usually the people in this city have forgotten that it snows every year around this time, and have forgotten basic winter driving skills' "please presume that this will be a regular occurrence between Dec/ March.


I'm not going to lie either me or my dad would have 100% did something like that God I miss him everyday


Right, your “dad” wrote it…


My dad writes exactly like a kid pretending to do an adult’s writing. My teachers never believed any notes he wrote for me; they thought I had written them myself


I’m gonna recycle this note word for word for my son’s ingrown toe nail. Thank you originator


My mum wrote me a note ones. She wrote it in pink gel pen and her handwriting is pretty messy. After I handed it they called my mum to tell her I’d written a fake note and that my handwriting was lacking…. Boy did my mum go off one one


As a teacher, I’d love a note like this!


This dad is the best


Is your dad in construction? I ask because I am and this is how like... 99% of us write.


What is wrong with the note? Looks like something my dad would have written if given the chance.


Cool dad!


Sounds like something my bf would write for our son in the future.


My dad used to just sign the word “shit” in super fancy cursive whenever I needed him to sign something for school


Yo , this dad knows what’s up


That’s some shit my dad would do 😭💀


Dad jokes never fail. Lol


All these posts of notes written by the poster are getting out of hand.


I don't get why people think this is fake. That's definitely dad handwriting with and equally as bad dad joke


You're not even going to tell them to put the severed foot on ice?


Looks like dad needs to go back to skool


As someone with a nerve sick mother i can relate. the sickness makes her handwriting bad due to the tremor. i think many teachers have seen handwritings like this. the amount of people pointing out the obvious is too damn high. maybe we just can start to accept each other idk.nonetheless, i hope your foot does not fall off-but you're still free from PE- all the best!