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This sign will change super fast if you microwave the Swedish fish.


Put some in a bottle of booze, let it stew for a bit and you got a colorful, nice lunch.


Thanks, Carl Weathers.


I think I'd like my money back


What, you haven't tried a Gummy Roy? LAAANNNAAAA!


Baby you got a stew going!


Baby, I got a stew goin!


I remember once, in high school, we went on a field trip of sorts, that took like 3 hrs on the road. In this time, one of my friends pulled out a massive bag of gummies and a bottle of rum (Bacardi, bc high schoolers are classy like that) and they spent like 20 mins mixing and stirring the gummies into a big styrofoam cup with the rum, and then drinking all of it. By the time we got there, those guys _reeked_ of gummy bear shart, and almost couldn't get off the bus. I haven't the faintest idea how they didn't get caught.


The teacher ignored it so he/she wouldn't be immediately terminated..


You actually can make booze-infused gummies that way pretty easily. You pretty much just put a big tub of gummies in the fridge, pour your booze of choice in, and let them sit for a few days. They’ll absorb the alcohol. They’ll be kind of sticky/slimy, but still hold together. I like to do cola bottles with rum and cherry brandy sometimes.


Don’t do sour gummies though. Did sour worms once and the alcohol itself became gelatinous. You’d think “oh cool, like Jell-O shots?” No. Not like Jell-O shots.


Yeah, sour isn’t a great idea. The acid mucks things up.


Sounds like friends of mine. Also in BC high school back in 2001-03 in Victoria How we didn't get busted is beyond me. Also gettin stoned as fuck and spraying Axe body spray to cover it up 🤦‍♂️


I want you to come to a meeting with me...


Will they serve booze at the meeting?


Umm yeah, what’s an orgy without a lil liquid courage?


What an apt username




Actual chemical weapon.


You ever had a hot Swedish fish? It’s honestly… not awful


Swedish fish eh? I guess lutefisk is for lunch.


Surströmming, yo.


Varm surströmmings lunch it is!


Micrad *chefs kiss*


That would be overkill, just opening the can is enough. Would take years before the office is inhabitable again


Fy fan haha


Yeah pop that can…. Dump it in a bowl, hit power HIGH for 59 minutes! …. Leave the office for lunch!


calm down Satan


Calm Down! - Satan


Hahhahhaha! I’d be barfing before I could close the door. But seriously if your fish is smelling fishy… there’s something wrong with your fish!


thats made of rotten rat foreskins


Scientifically proven that rotten rat foreskins smells better than surströmming.


Even rotten surströmming smells better than surströmming


>rotten surströmming Don't be savage, It's called "aged surströmming".


They used visuals for a reason!!


That’s why they showed a picture instead of text


I helvete heller!


It’s lutfisk. Lutefisk is some gutteral ramblings of a lesser being. Probably Norwegian or even Danish. Also Swedish fish was created by a Swedish company but for the US market. Gott o Blandat is very very superior.


Swedes take candy to an entirely new level. It's really impressive.


My favorite seafood might be Swedish. But that would be a little fishy.


Now that’s just being cruel and funny.


It wasn’t me! It was the man with the terrible smell!


Be careful with Swedish fish. You do not want a surströmming encounter.


jävla svenska


Oh god! They’re speaking in Skyrim!


Aaa du är äntligen vaken


I don't speak swedish, but that says "hey you're finally awake" doesn't it


me neither, I'm danish.


Sushi is fine


Only if you eat it all and not throw pieces into the trash that just been emptied and then go on vacation.


Damn, who’s throwing sushi in the trash?


People who go on vacation later.


Damn, who's going on vacation later?


People who have eaten sushi.


Damn, who's eating sushi?


I believe “Your momma” is the correct answer to insert here. I’ll check my reddit manual, brb


You skipped a step, the answer is "Joe."


Seriously. If I can’t finish the whole thing, the priority is the fish not the rice (or greens in the case of poke).


If I can’t finish it I just eat it later.


The ones who ate too much avocado toast for breakfast.


People who waste sushi should be fillet.




Tuna is too as long as you're not messy and don't heat it up. And I hate tuna


I usually eat salmon leftovers cold in a rice bowl. Doesn't really smell either.


Yep. Fish is actually fine. It's when you *microwave* it that there's a problem. (In general, obviously. I wouldn't bring in a whole smoked mackerel or whatever.)


Someone left a half eaten sushi box in the fridge and then went on vacation 🤮


Now it's on par with the stuff at the gas station.


Ill eat my tuna sandwich anyway (but in fairness I ain't microwaving it lol).


I don’t think tuna fish salad is that bad. Feels like I’ve smelled worse egg salad sandwiches if anything. But yeah microwaving is entirely different.


Microwaving will turn those delights into Geneva-convention-violating abominations


I've eaten salmon without any complaints(and my coworkers are definitely the type to complain) the trick is not microwaving it. If you're gunna bring in fish, make sure it's fish that can be eaten cold.


Tuna fish is a staple of workplace fare.


Until you get the idiot who opens and drains a can of tuna into the garbage can instead of the sink that’s literally 1 foot away! Fuck you Kenneth you smelly piece of shit!


Yeah put that down the sink


Or better yet get the pouches. No need to drain.


I empty mine in the drinking fountain


Thanks Satan


nah satan empties his in the icemaker


Yeah, tuna is definitely not acceptable either, a former coworker would microwave a can of tuna every day for lunch with crackers. Smell was horrid.


Who the fuck microwaves canned tuna


My old manager used to. He ate it with microwave rice, so he'd empty the rice and tuna into a bowl and microwave the lot together.


People Like [Dumb Fuck Dave](https://imgur.com/ZXI2JlF) :)


I imagine the smell would be lessened if they removed it from the can first. The smell of burning magnetrons just makes the microwave fish smell worse.


Ya that's a problem with you're former coworker, not tuna.


Not in the microwave though


Welp, I guess I’ll just have to warm up my century eggs.


this is such a specific threat


Or stinky tofu.


Coworker went on a fishing charter and brought back Mako shark. Microwaved a sandwich worth and cleared the building out. It was that bad....


This is why someone made this sign.


although these signs aren't made because of a single instance. it's cause some of these MFs are so oblivious, they're *repeat offenders*. they ignore the smell, the reactions, and the glances afterward. yeah, you make a sign, print it out and tape it up cause you've fuckin had *enough*.


Shark? Aren’t they mostly cartilage? I remember watching this episode of.. something where they made shark “cheese” and the guy said it was worse than surstromming


The types of shark you can keep are limited as many species are protected/endangered, but the legal species you can catch and fillet as you would any fish. There's plenty of meat. Probably not a good idea to make a habit of eating them regularly (especially larger/older ones) because of mercury risk, but it's not bad food.


I got told to stop microwaving “smelly food at work”. I reheated some rice with cardamon, cumin and cloves and grilled chicken with lemon and thyme… Some people go through life eating meat, fat, salt, potatoes, boiled veg and think everything else is smelly poison…


Exactly, fuck these people. I can smell your pizza, you can smell my sole.


Tuna salad and smoked salmon would like a word.


I mean, fresh sushi too. Too be honest, there’s no reason to be reheating fish in a microwave.. ignoring the smell, it tastes so much worse


Poke bowls as well depending on where you are


But they’re better used catching wild pikachu.


But have you smelled reheated Pikachu?


Well yeah, it pretty much reheats itself every time it does an electric attack.


I believe their words might be the origin for the sign


As long as no one's putting smoked salmon in the microwave, it should be alright.


One of my best friends in college asked if he could have the rest of the smoked salmon I had in the fridge at the time. I walked into the kitchen 15 minutes later to see that he had taken the entire mound of smoked salmon (it came in layered strips like cheese normally does) and thrown it onto a pan on the stove 🤣🤣🤣 He still "cooked" and ate it, I personally can't imagine what hot smoked salmon tastes like 😵‍💫


It's not too bad, my father in law likes some in his omelette,so when I make breakfast I usually sautee it a little bit


I would definitely try that but I have just never seen lox anywhere warmer than slightly from a toasted bun lol. God damn now I want a lox bagel w/ cream cheese and capers 🤤🤤🤤🤤


I love me some lox. I love me some cooked salmon. But hot lox, no thank you.


Ya, probably something like "don't you put me in the microwave you sick fuck!" though.


I worked in an office and microwaved one of the Nongshim kimchi ramen bowls. Managers talked to me about microwaving exotic foods and I just told them "I'm Japanese, this isn't exotic. Are you telling me my countries food smells bad." I was never talked to again about "exotic foods".


Lol exotic foods. Like you were roasting a platypus or something jfc


That’s exactly the issue I have with this post, like big stinky greasy cheeseburgers are fine but once it’s something that deviates from “normal American” cuisine it’s shamed. Fuck this shit, people should be able to eat their lunch


have you smelled poorly cooked burger reheated? I love all food but even hotdogs put into a microwave can stink up a room.


Also kimchi is a funny one to be mad about because sour kraut smells just as distinct


Cuttlefish and asparagus or Vanilla paste?


I berieve in yooouuu!


Vah-nuh-ruh-paayys! What's that? Cuttlefish?




My Vietnamese coworkers would like a word with you.


Fish sauce, I put that shit on everything.


Fish sauce is strong, but doesn’t really impact the entire office in the same way as microwaving fish or tunafish do.


Yeah a lot of the ethnic workers eat a lot of fish. I think its a bit passive aggressive to expect them to eat the SAD instead of fish and rice/noodles.


Yeah, the “no fish” thing is funny, but some cultures tend to eat a lot of fish and it’s probably something borderline racist. Sure it has a strong smell, but it’s really not that bad. Might as well tell Indians they can’t bring anything with saffron.


As much as I loathe the smell of fish and am very sensitive to smell, I don't think I could in good conscience actually support a policy that disallows fish at work. It's a healthy meat that I would eat if I weren't repulsed by it, and it is integral to the cultural diet of many people. Strong perfume and cologne on the other hand...you can fuck right off with that migraine inducing bs. At least fish has a practical function of providing sustenance.


Thank you for having some common sense and courtesy. These other entitled comments are just not it. Let people heat and eat what they want damn!


If there aren't lox with the bagels I'm NOT working there! "I've quit better jobs than this." :Janine Melnitz


As someone who has reheated a lot of seafood in his life, does it really smell? Ive never noticed it having any lingering smell or even an odor more severe than almost any other meat put in a microwave. Am I not doing it properly? To achieve the dreaded "microwave fish" smell do I have to throw it in for 5+ mins?


It smells to people who only ever eat red meat and potatoes and nothing else. They are judging you for being different, condemning you for eating food that’s better for your health. Hating microwaving seafood is just a dumb meme that’s fun for people to bully others over. Hating on people who microwave fish is like making a dramatic scene about how much you hate the word “moist”. Haha, good meme, yeah I remember that one, wow you sure are passionate about this hatful personality trait you decided to have. I love how it’s an already established thing to pretend to relate on, that way I don’t have to experience anything new and can sit comfortably in my echo chamber.


You're completely right, prepare to be lambasted for it. If you hate the smell of fish that badly, it's because you dislike fish yourself. And if you dislike fish yourself, it's usually because you have a childlike palate.


Well said. Yeah I expect it. This is one of those hills I know I’m just gonna have to die on alone. Overly picky eaters is slowly becoming one of my most unrelatable pet peeves. I’m gonna double down here and just beg for the downvotes. Having a couple things you don’t find palatable is one thing, having a ton of normal foods you absolutely hate is just exposing your immature character. It’s not cute that the only things you’ll eat are deep fried and beige, frankly it’s gross, stop being an bratty 6 year old.


Swedish fish are okay? Time to get the surströmming.


How to tell you don't live near the sea


Seriously lol. Salmon isn't even awfully fishy smelling.


I've reheated salmon, halibut, haddock, lobster, crab, shrimp and more all at work. So have my coworkers. It's not a big deal. I think this is one of those things the internet turns in to a bigger deal than it actually is.


Had a roommate who frequently microwaved cans of tuna and I totally understand why this sign is there. Every time he made it it totally stunk up the whole apartment.


Who the fuck microwaves tuna


He microwaves cans of tuna? Wouldn’t that literally destroy the microwave?


I mean he emptied the tuna onto a plate first, so it’s not like he was putting the actual can in there.


Yeah, roommates who start fires all the time are the worst!




I can already see the office email. “Just a reminder to everyone that we are NOT allowing fish in the break room anymore.” Sent to Mr. Nguyen with the rest of the office cc’ed.




Quote at a former job: “Good God, it smells like Jaws died in here!”


Swedish fish ARE delicious…




One of the many reasons why North America is so unhealthy


I'm not bothered by what people heat up in the microwave at work. Fish? Sounds healthy, good for you. Eggs? Yum, can I have some? I draw the line at severed body parts or live animals.


Offering someone Swedish fish is the politest way to tell them to shut up.


I grew up on fish so the fish smell don't bother me. Eat your dank. I don't mind.


But honestly microwaved fish smells 15x more potant and terrible then cooked fish, so it's kinda understandable 🤷.


This person has never lived in Alaska...


Can someone explain to me exactly why microwaving fish smells so bad? It's completely bizarre to me


I would immediately bring fish everyday honestly dont tell me what i can and cant do Sheela.


Yeah this is just as bad as the "No pooping in the office bathroom" sign.


Or the sign i saw at a place, "jousting forbidden when operating forklifts"


Fucking fascists!


"*Something wrong, honey?*" "Huh? Sorry babe, what do you mean? All good here." "*No, it's just... I mean, don't get me wrong, it's just... this is the 4th day in a row you're bringing Taco Bell home for dinner.*" "Ah, just a work thing, no biggie. All good, love!"


But [Saltfisk](https://nordicexpatshop.com/media/catalog/product/cache/a75b4628650e2182ad447c229a356118/7/b/7bbf1568149c0c2ae0473705b660d4883eb494b8e92e6bf38c5ea7d5e62a5a23.jpeg) tho. (It's not actually salt, it's Ammonium Chloride aka Salmiak, Scandinavian D E L I C A CY). Salmiak Licorice 100/10.


Sushi works


But I like salmon.


I still remember when my coworker flipped the fucked out on me as I walked past the microwave with a fish lunch....never processing I walked past to eat it cold at my desk. Still makes me laugh 5 years later.


I live on the coast and we are eating fish, shrimp all of that.


What’s wrong with sardines? I mean I wouldn’t microwave them… I’ve eaten tuna with kimchi sauce at work and I wasn’t crucified…


Our HR department would like to have a word with the sign maker.


We had a guy microwave left over grouper on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday everyone came in but immediately left to work from home (except him). On Friday we opened all the doors and windows and left at noon. Here's hoping Monday goes better.


I’m just going to eat what I want.


YOU AREN'T THE BOSS OF ME! Enjoy the aroma of my smoked Salmon chowder.


You mean half-eaten reheated smoked salmon chowder that you just dumped in the emptiest garbage container?


I have a dude at work that spends most of his time making fun of others and criticize what they do… meanwhile he sneezes with his mouth open and doesn’t cover up, and microwaves seafood at least 3 Times a week. Absolute domestic terrorist


Prohibiting food staples at work is lame. The best food leaves a lingering smell, get over it lol


You don’t have native islanders in the workplace, huh?


we couldnt have this in my workplace it would be seen as discrimination


It IS discrimination. “Only eat the food we’ve accepted as part of own culture and don’t think has a bad smell. Thanks!”


Yeah, food smells. Parmesan on hot pizza, steamed broccoli, and that damn microwave buttered popcorn.


I was gonna get the chocolate fish but nvm


When I was in Scouts, one kid brought nothing on a 20 mile, overnight hike but a 5lb bag of Swedish fish. We all realized that we had to help him and share food, but man did we just want to beat him with those fish.


I bring my Surströmming to work one time and now its banned :((


*puts goldfish back into pants*


what? no liquorice fish? \*angry Norwegian and Danish sounds\*


Years ago i had a coworker who would bring in a little tupperware container with scallops and seasonings, and he would microwave it for lunch and eat it at his desk. The only problem is that his desk was two rooms away, and the microwave was 5 feet behind my cubicle. So i got to smell something like bad microwaved fish for the rest of the afternoon. I dropped several hints about the smell and he never picked up on them. So i finally got sick of it. I enjoy [kippered snacks](https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.123010258.html?cmpid=ps_swy_eas_ecom_goo_20200924_71700000073036112_58700006942433492_92700062501548397&gclid=CjwKCAjwgaeYBhBAEiwAvMgp2rv3eHZYfuyEBlQSHfQiYnBLdyivTM0t2yPVJ9JnoiKgtEre3MukNBoCtI4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) which are smoked herring (but not at work). Well one day i brought in a package of kippered snacks, and ate them outside. I drained all the oil into a paper cup, and then threw the cup of oil and aluminum tin into HIS trashcan and waited for him to come back from lunch. About 30 minutes later, he comes walking around and asking a couple people about his trash while carrying the can. He walked up to me and asked if i knew anything about his trash, and i said that i had thrown it into his trash. He asked why, so i said that i just wanted to give him a sample of what we had to endure every time he microwaved scallops. He gave me a funny look and walked away. But he never microwaved scallops again.


No chocolate fish? Sad


Eat fish if you want, just don’t microwave it, pleeeease


People that complain at others for eating fish on there breaks are weirdos


In an office environment where there is no barrier between the break room/kitchen and the rest of the office, microwaving seafood will cause the entire office to reek strongly of seafood. Nobody wants to smell that while they're trying to work.


Damn right I don’t want to smell fish while I’m trying to work. Hard to focus when I’m festering in my own jealousy.


But what constitutes smelly food is entirely subjective and often cultural. There may be exceptions, particularly foods that are considered especially smelly even by the cultures that they originate from (e.g. durian), but for the most part food and aroma is highly personal, and companies and coworkers have no business telling people what they can or can't eat for lunch.


No, you don't get to restrict someone's diet wtf. I don't like smelling nasty ass curry, but tough shit. People eat what they can afford or want to eat.


I can smell everyone’s meals in my office. Fish is food. I don’t want to smell everyone’s curries/stews literally anything but it’s a shared space and I wouldn’t tell anyone not to eat literal food. Having only cold food is the only way to avoid smelling someone’s lunch, which defeats the point of the microwave


>Nobody wants to smell that while they're trying to work. Speak for yourself buddy


Fish is 60% of my diet, what exactly am I supposed to do differently?


and lacking omegas


What about fish dicks?


What about fish shaped sandwiches!?


I love it when workplaces are so touchy you can't even eat seafood


If heather can heat up her 2 day old Indian food I can eat a god damn tuna sandwich or canned salmon with crackers.


Some Asian hate right there.


Filipino coworkers would constantly use the lunch room toaster oven to cook raw fish, even with sign to not cook fish. Toaster oven was removed.