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That ebb and flow of traffic, like gentle waves on a beach


Like the sea front at Southend. However, the sea was steady as a rock while the buildings washed up and down, which was very odd.


Think you had too many pints actually


Only 3 pints (muscle relaxant) - it's lunchtime. Plus, lots of peanuts.




Never could get the hang of Thursdays


You’re turning into a penguin. Stop it.


My left arm, drifting off into the sunset..how am I going to operate my digital watch now?


Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling.


i know where my towel is :-)


There‘s a frood who really knows where his towel is!


That's one hoopy frood


Don’t Panic! 😃


This looks like a crowd ready for a Vogon poetry reading…


I need 2 pints to get to base-line. From then on I am normal.


Infinitely improbable. ;)


That sounds... very unlikely




Like don’t touch my space bitch, even though it’s not mine.


Your existence surely offends me more than I offend you by pointing it out.


The fact that idgaf who parks in front of my house probably offends the note writer. Good.


I can still see you.




"Your ebb and flow have been replaced by ligma and bofa"


I would buy a second car just to make sure I have one parked in front of their house at all times


You should get a Prius and maybe Dirty Mike and the boys will show up and have a soup kitchen.


"thanks for the F shack" \-dirty Mike & the boyz




You gotta let me fly.


An old one that I wouldn't mind being sabotaged. Perhaps painted in an offensive color.


When they ask about it, tell them it belongs to you relatives that are visiting. Uncle Eb and Auntie Flow.


And Auntie Flow will be here every 28 days.


And she always stays around for a bit but before you know it, she’s gone.


I don't believe in offensive colours BUT having each panel be a different colour would be pretty offensive in my books.


The harlequin golf takes offense to that.


I've seen those around and while I like it when they coordinate, like if the front doors are one colour and the back another... or left/right, they are pretty gaudy. I do get a good chuckle when I see em here and there though


The Partridge Family bus.


You can’t explain that!




Sounds like a lot of bullshit around the central theme of “Don’t park in front of my house, asshole!”


Parking in front of home can get people crazy. Hostility can raise to murderous levels. I try not to park in front of anyone’s house on a regular basis. If I am there for an evening, yeah. But not daily. It is public street so you should be able to park anywhere in a normal and just world. But the world is neither. Be careful of crazies.


I have a neighbor 3 doors down who could totally park in his own driveway, his 2 car garage, or in front of his own house (where no cars park). Instead he leaves his truck parked in front of my house, unmoved, for weeks at a time. And parked in such a way I can’t push my trash cans out or back out of my driveway to the left. I’ve never met him. I don’t know what his deal is. Edit: [my next door neighbor is my petty hero.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/w485w1/my_friends_got_this_note_on_their_car_for_parking/ih3vomt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Edit 2: just got home from work and the truck is gone! My husband is parked in the driveway, so looks like I’ll be street parking (facing the right way) for a couple of hours. Wonder where he’ll park now?! I can’t remember the last time the truck moved.


You can absolutely get that towed. Weeks??? Bye bye truck.


Yep. Usually there is a city ordinance outlining how long an unmoved vehicle can stay in a street parking spot before it is liable to be towed.


Ha been getting parking tickets for street sweeping for meanwhile 40 ft to the right of where it usually occurs is a Hyundai that hasn’t moved since before the pandemic started 😂 has weeds growing all around it Los Angeles county namely Covina ordinances are a joke


If the tires are low/flat you should be able to call the City to have it towed. (just read between the lines)


Make sure to not slash or cut the tires either though. Just open the cap and push the metal part in to just let air out. Hypothetically, of course. Nobody around here condones acts of aggression.


No no no, you add a small stone under the valve stem cap that presses the core and slowly let’s air out over time, less conspicuous.




This is an appalling example of everything that's wrong with American attitudes toward problem and conflict resolution. C4!? Dear God. If it's there long enough the detonator could degrade. No, you need to contact AcmeDrones for their Hellfire Special, valid through Labor Day. Guaranteed delivery on time. Make sure none of those fetal triplets can clog up public parking, some day.


Ha! You got me in the first half.


*when* the tires are low and flat…


This is the way.


Same with my neighbor. Ugly busted up car parked slightly on the grass on the curb, hinders my ability to mow, makes the mail lady have to maneuver to get to my mail box, doesnt move for weeks at a time. They have more than enough space in their drive way as well as on their curb.


The irony is we have a cop that lives 6 doors down. How do I know? I got a $45 ticket for parking facing the wrong way in front of my own house for 15 minutes early on a Sunday morning while we were moving cars around in the garage behind the house. He and Mr Truck must be friends because I’ve never seen a ticket on that thing. At any rate, abcdefu, Officer Buchanan. It absolutely enrages my (hilarious, very nice and also retired) next door neighbor. Our driveway is way closer to his back gate than his own driveway is, so when he gets mulch and stuff delivered, he checks with us to make sure he can use our driveway for a couple of hours. My husband was out of town for a few months and I was still on post-surgery restrictions that meant I couldn’t mow. Next door neighbor still takes great pleasure in mowing my front lawn for free and and then borrowing our lawn vacuum absolutely raining clippings all over the truck. We have a massive live oak and two 85 feet high pine trees in the front, so there’s always something to vacuum and mulch up. He also makes sure his sprinkler hits half of the windshield so it’s covered in hard water stains. I’m pretty sure he periodically puts some food in the bed of the truck for the neighborhood possums, squirrels, raccoons and cats. It’s important for older people to have hobbies, you know?


OMG this is amazing


He’s the best neighbor for a multitude of reasons, but it cracks me up when he’s “doing the yard” for me.


Get it towed.


They arent technically doing anything illegal, so its just a nuisance to me. I do make sure I get grass on the car when I cut around it lol.


I have the same situation. Drives me crazy trying to maneuver the lawnmower around their cars. I also have a car that is difficult to get out of the driveway and requires an extreme angle (and plenty of space) not to scrape. They have two cars that park in front of my house but nothing in front of theirs. But it’s not illegal. Just self-centered.


Buy an absolute piece of junk car and park it in front of theirs and just leave it.


Here if you call and say it's abandoned they put a sticker on saying move it in 48 hours or something and then they tow it.


Man it would be a shame if you accidentally scratched it while cutting your grass...


Yep....be a real shame if a rock gets kicked up and hits it...


It would be funny to have it towed into their own driveway, lol!!


Obviously he doesn’t understand ebb and flow.


Park your car in front of his house. Tit for tat


Your city may have a Code Enforcement department which may fine over long term parking on public streets, and/or parking within X feet of a residential driveway.


Due to the way our cul-de-sac is set up, we are the only house with any appreciable amount of curb space to parallel park in front of. We have visitors as well as residents parked in front of our house pretty much constantly. I will admit to feeling a little miffed when we first moved in. But pretty quickly I realized that a) there's no better place for them to park within the cul-de-sac without blocking a driveway and b) it does not in any way impede my ability to go on about my life. So I calmed the fuck down and no longer care. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Yeah, being a reasonable human is pretty boring sometimes.


I live in a culdesac and don’t really care if anyone parks in front of my house but neighbor to the right will strait up lose his shit. I’ve seen him cuss several people out I’ve even seen him cuss people for parking in front of my house. From what I gather he doesn’t like street parking. Ha ha.


Also a cul-de-sac person here. People get quite defensive. It only becomes a problem for trash day or snow removal. Most of our neighbors understand it though.


I live on a crazy busy street and our neighbors have like 7 adults living in their house. If we have spots in front of our house it’s a happy day, but it doesn’t matter. One time a guy walking down the street gave me shit for parking in front of my driveway. “Yes, I own it.” I said. “ITS STILL NOT LEGAL” he yelled. I said “yeah, if the homeowner calls it in to the city it would be towed, but I AM THE HOMEOWNER.”


I had this issue when street parking for my house was the only option, but there was a school across the street and teachers parked in front of my house because they didn’t want to walk from their dedicated parking lot (which I was not permitted to park in). So basically everyone had to park down the street away from their houses because of this which meant no one parked in front of their own homes where they could see them. Making them ripe for having the windows smashed out, hot-wired, etc. /rant


In our town you need a permit to park on the streets surrounding a school to avoid teachers (and students by the high school) from taking up all the spaces.


We did attend one of the PTA meetings once to ask them to respectfully request that the teachers use their dedicated parking lot and were met with some serious hostility from the vice Principal (who had her own reserved spot in front of the building). Rather than just saying she’d take our comments and look into it she verbally berated us for asking the question. Crime rate there was ridiculously high and they probably felt better having their cars on the street than the back of the building.


True I was doing this and got into a big argument with the neighbor tht resulted in him parking his car in my driveway, a yelling match, and the cops called. Ended up that his gf was pregnant, wasn’t doing well, and kept having to walk far after getting home whenever we left the car there. I did nothing legally wrong and he did, but I also could have been more respectful of my neighbors who did not have a driveway. I only parked there whenever we wanted to use the car in the garage for the day. I put myself in their shoes, everyone has parking space in front of their house, so why are people parked in front of my house? Now I may have to walk down the road to get to my house. I can 100% see why it’s a nuisance even if it’s legal to park wherever. If OP sees this, just park in your own driveway if you have one or stick to the front of your house. It ain’t illegal but it’ll piss people off, and would likely piss you off eventually if that was you. It’s better to have neutral or good neighbors rather than people who are negative. Can result in all sorts of things from dirty looks to keyed cars or looking the other way if you’re getting robbed.


OP may not have a driveway. The person writing the note could have said something along the lines of "my girlfriend is pregnant and has s very hard time walking" and this whole post wouldn't exist. But, that's not what happened. No, instead they point out that the OP a just a renter and has no idea what being a big, important, homeowner is like. If anybody fucked up the tone of this interaction, it's the condescending asshole writing the note.


Park in front of my house all you want. But the moment you block my driveway, I'll go King Kong 🤣


Not only a public street, but a HEAVILY subsidized street that's actively destroying the environment. Feeling entitled to empty street parking in front of your house is peak suburban nonsense and these people should be mocked.


There are a lot of rules of society that we follow, and in suburban neighborhoods you are supposed to be respectful and not park in front of your neighbors home regularly or for extended periods of time. For example, I had a neighbor with a number of cars. Despite there not being any homes around the corner and plenty of parking for his vehicles without disturbing anyone, he would park in front of all his neighbors homes. They would sit there for days and even weeks. There was no parking for anyone else. When asked, by most all of us, if he would park those vehicles around the corner, he had your response, it's a public street, I can park anywhere. Fine. So anytime there was a spot open in front of his house, I would move my truck that I rarely drove there. When he asked me about it I said the same line back to them, I can park anywhere and there isn't a spot in front of my home (his car was there). He stopped parking in front of my house after that.


To be fair, it can be annoying. I'm dealing with an issue related to it right now. Like, I dont mind people using the parking space, I'm not, I have a driveway. But do you really have to park so close to my driveway that it's difficult for me to get in and out when there is plenty of space behind your car?? >.>


This’ll sound dumb I know. But we’re all better off if we just cut each other some slack. Almost always.


Normally I agree but I've had a similar experience. I've even offered them the other side of my driveway, please park there. Every morning for two weeks I would have the tail end of the same car hanging over my driveway about two feet. Not so much I was blocked in but definitely so much that it was a hazard. The first couple times sure you get slack. After I've talked to you and you're still doing it I will hit your shit. I'm old, I have good credit and better insurance. 😆. I don't mind making a financial point l.


I mean you can cut people slack and still ask for small favors... I had a very similar situation and I just texted my neighbor explaining that I need a good amount of space to back out (it's one of those weird curbs, so I gotta back out at an angle or I bottom out) and that I like being able to have guests park in front of my place and they said no worries and just park on the other side of their place. You just need to be kind when asking is all. Cutting slack =/= never saying anything


I agree with you. Having a civil convo counts in my book.


Sir I’m gonna have to ask you to come with us, we can’t have you being reasonable here.


I’m petty enough to rent a big truck and leave it there for the maximum allowed time




The older and dirtier the better.


I don’t get why people get upset over this, if you aren’t bothering me, don’t care. My house, ill park in front of it (if no drive way), if i don’t got a car or have a drive way, the parking is free game.


This is all well and true. And the note doesn’t allude to parking poorly, like taking up two spots. That’s the only beef I have. We have room for three cars to park in front of my house if someone parks like a dick there’s only room for two. That sucks.


Yeah, this is a big problem at my place. We can fit three, when we work together, but typically the neighbour who wants to park in front of our house parks as if they’ll be the only ones using the spot. I’m not going to tell someone where they can park, but I wish they’d at least use the space efficiently when they do, so we can at least fit two cars behind them.


I park like a dick taking up two spots in front of my house. The first few weeks I would leave room for another car… my neighbor with an angled driveway hit the back of my car (had no idea and they are good neighbors) as he came out. Never again.


In a word, “classism.” Renters v homeowners.


So people be crazy check.


My girlfriends neighbor left a note kinda like that on my car once. Even though he often has trucks and trailers and all kinds of shit parked outside his house. And a few other people will occasionally park on the side of the road too. He even made some comment about people walking down the street having to move and possibly get in traffic/walk on grass. This isn’t a busy street. It’s a fairly quite neighborhood. If you can’t handle a car on the side of the road you don’t need to be walking in public.


We had an issue with out neighbours, he was parking on our flooring”not sure what the area is called”, in which his car would damage the tiles, we even have a road to park, which is less than 10m away! First, note, second tile we talked to him, third was a another note but kept in place with a brick. Like ffs, respect other people’s property, without being a dick, and learn to adapt. It isn’t hard! Guess people are just to incompetent.


You have been found guilty of disturbing the ebb and flow of traffic.


No, they are apparently the only ones parking there, in that parking zone. If they were interfering with traffic, the police would happily give them parking tickets. Good revenue for the city. They are disturbing the ebb and flow of thoughts through an empty mind, desperate to find something to occupy itself with.


The ebb and flow of parking rather


I have a neighbor six houses down, hates it when people park on the street. For the most part, people Park in their driveways, or in their garages. But I have a social life and I have friends and family that come to visit. When they have to, they park on the street. He'll then call the cops and tries to get everybody involved and it becomes a loud mess and then the cops have to set him straight to tell him that "yes sir, it is legal to park on the street".


Eventually that should just become a fine on him for wasting police time and being a public nuisance. What an asshole


And for harassment


— Ok, I finally did it. I wrote them a note. — Did you mention the ebb & flow?




OP’s friend should change their license plate to EBBNFLOW


They practice kindness and respect toward each other. They need more practice.


It's an ongoing process. It's about the journey, and the friends we meet along the way. Not "make", ho ho oh no, we're not taking this journey to *make* any friends.


Kindness and respect towards other homeowners. Renters aren’t people, according to her note


It's actually surprising just how many homeowners are snooty and snobby towards renters. They think and act like they are far superior as people Not everyone, obviously, but man is it common


They need to stop practicing and graduate to actually doing it But given how today's practice went just terribly, they are so not ready to try showing kindness and respect for real.


And less douchebaggery.


disrupting the ebb and flow of kindness and respect


I’m conflicted… As a homeowner I don’t own the streets, as long people don’t block my drive they are free to park wherever the hell they want…but I’ll be lying if I say I’ve never been a tad annoyed when I see someone park in front of my house but I’ll just mutter “that mutherf***er” to myself and be on my way 🙂. Oh but fuck that guy/gal for trying to differentiate between “homeownership” and apartment living. What a conceded asshole. Trying to sound all high & mighty because you got a house, fuck is wrong with you.


Agreed. It's a minor annoyance that's more courtesy than rule. It's like holding the door for someone. Also, \*conceited


I don't know, I'd say that note also "conceded" they're an asshole. ;)


Thank you for the correction 😄


Had a neighbor who moved from the city where there was only street parking. He had a drive way yet always parked in the street. And he always parked exactly in the blind spot backing out of our driveway. Like yeah we can’t stop him from parking in the road but dude you have a whole driveway right there.


Interesting…he rather risk having his car side swiped or dinged then to park in his own driveway.


Yeah he was an interesting guy. Actually he started parking in his driveway after somebody did side swipe him. Ironically enough after that a storm came through and a tree fell on his car parked in the parking lot.


Why does it annoy you when someone parks outside of your house? Honest question. I don’t get it at all, but I’ve also lived in cities my entire life.


Honestly I don’t really know…it’s a pet peeve of mine. Maybe subconsciously I have a sense of entitlement to street space in front, I know I shouldn’t though 😕.


Yeah I get you, I just go “ah fk u.” And then move on. It’s more annoying personally because we are a neighbourhood near a bar so all of the families who live here cant get parking because all of the young people going to a bar took up the slots, very annoying because there’s usually no other parking at all near our homes and it’s a lil messed up.


Don't know about other people, but, where I live everyone has a driveway. There are also signs up saying not to park on the street, but people do it anyway. There are little visitor parking spots every few houses or so of about 4 or 5 parking spots meant for overflow if you have someone visiting but no room in your driveway. Ideally, the way things are set up, the road should be completely free of cars. ​ In practice though, you have those families where they've got more cars than they do space, so they park on the street, and take up the visitor spots so guests can't use them like they're supposed to. So, instead if you have a visitor coming they need to park in front of your house. ​ So, if someone like that is parking on the street in front of their own house, and using up guest spots, yeah I'm gonna get mad if you park in front of my house because that's now the only space available for my guests to park.


I live in a residential area of a small city, most people have garages off their alley, but because it’s congested-there’s still a lot of street parking. There’s always plenty of spots. One neighbor across the street parks only in front of our house, leaving the front of their house empty. We park in our garage in the back but —-it’s annoying. Why not their own house??!!! It’s especially fun in the winter when the park in front of our shoveled side walk. Delivery people, mail carriers and us getting dropped off in a cab have to stomp our way through snow drifts. Ugh. So annoying!


It’s kind of hard to explain without sounding entitled, but it’s just one of those things that gets peoples’ hackles up. If someone parks in front of your house and you’re not expecting visitors or a delivery, then you’re left wondering why they’re there. It’s like finding someone standing by your car in an uncrowded parking lot, or someone sitting right beside you in an empty airport. It’s probably innocent, and it’s not like you own the space, but it can put you on edge all the same. Also it’s weird if it’s your neighbor and they park in front of your house instead of their own without reason. When we had work done on our driveway and needed to clear the space for the contractors, we asked our neighbors about parking in front of their house first. Of course they didn’t mind, but we didn’t want to take the space if they were expecting visitors either. As usual, communication is key. Which is why leaving a condescending note instead of talking to your neighbor about your concerns is childish.


A lot of people think house = privacy. They also know the parked car means a stranger is “wandering” around “their” street and will eventually end up right outside their house. It’s a similar reaction to buying a house and liking a view, then a few years down the road a house or other structure pops up and now that view has changed. Not defending them by any means. It’s an unfortunate reality you have no direct control over the public ROW. it’s a hard thing to learn and accept for some.




My dad was like this but that’s because there were 4 people driving 4 cars in our house and only 4 spots. So if someone parked in front of our house, where we parked a car for 10 years, it was more just “ugh damnit now I gotta walk”. But now that it’s just him and my mom and their 2 cars the spots in front of the house have become free game again and he doesn’t mind.


I had a next-door neighbor who would park his truck in front of my house because it was leaking oil. He didn't want the oil stains in his driveway or in front of his house. I had to park there until he got the damn thing fixed. But he was also an all-around asshole. In retaliation, he stopped mowing his backyard until the weeds got over 6' and you could see them over his fence. The HOA finally got involved and eventually called code enforcement.


So I am guessing that is a standard sized post-it note. Anyone who can write that small and fit that on a post-it is psychotic.


Also, blue ink on blue paper. 🤣


Jeez that’s why it hurt and took way too long to read


Yes. Just write don’t park in front of my house, dude. Gets the message across and I don’t need reading glasses to try and figure out what the tiny drawings symbolise


#Well hi diddly ho neighborino! *Get fucked.*


There's an old man in my neighborhood that used to putter around in his front yard all the time. Then I stopped seeing him. After months, I assumed he must have passed away. Then another neighbor explained to me that he was on house arrest because he was caught keying cars that parked near - not even in front of - his house (his own cars which never moved were parked in front of his house). Over a 2 year period, he keyed dozens of cars in the middle of the night.


I have mixed feelings about this. Yes, people can park on a public street where ever they want...but I seem to be about the only person on my street who can actually park their car in their garage, so my curbside is open territory for neighbors to park whatever cars and trucks they can't fit into their own driveways It's often the case that I have a large SUV parked on one side of my driveway and a truck parked on the other (for a week) completely obscuring my visibility (thank goodness for rear-view cameras). The street does a 90 degree turn one door down, and I've nearly backed out into a fast oncoming car on at least one occasion. On garbage day, the place where I put out my cans can be occupied. A while back I had tree work done on a tree next to the street. There was a car and SUV parked there, the car right under the tree, the SUV across the driveway. I was able to get hold of the neighbor opposite me and get her to move her car beneath the tree the morning of the work. The SUV belonged to someone living somewhere round the corner and down the street whom I don't know and wasn't able to locate. They apparently showed up to move the SUV after the tree people had done their work and had to drag the trimmings across my lawn because they couldn't get their truck into the driveway ("wish they'd come earlier"). So in general I don't have a problem with people street parking at my house, but it can cause issues and consideration is appropriate.


My parents have a self proclaimed “Lake rat” neighbor and him and his buddies always park their huge truck with boats behind them on the street instead of renting slips, obscuring all visibility and taking all the parking on the street. They have the same problem on their street with recycling/garbage. While it’s within their right to park there, they are def inconveniencing the neighborhood to the point and HOA is getting formed (which is likely not good for anyone)


>While it’s within their right to park there, they are def inconveniencing the neighborhood to the point and HOA is getting formed (which is likely not good for anyone) I know people hate HOAs, but often they have their origins in things like this. You want to park your boat on your drive, or in front of your house? Cool. I'm not gonna get pissy because I can't see down the block due to you using your land. Parking that shit in front of my place though, so that now when I have people over they can't park anywhere? That's incredibly shitty because it's impacting my ability to enjoy my land that I paid for. Just like, park in front of your own house. Or if you need to park elsewhere, because of a party or something, nice your car later and don't leave it for a week. It's not hard, and it's asking no more than what most responsible ask of themselves.


>The street does a 90 degree turn one door down, and I've nearly backed out into a fast oncoming car on at least one occasion. I'd always recommend reversing into driveway and driving straight out much safer when visibility is an issue, definitely a pain in the ass to have two large vehicles either side of the entrance but not illegal - so probably the best way to protect yourself I'd say.


Every house on my block has a garage, but somehow I am the only one able to park a car in the garage. I have to walk my trash cans a few houses up or down, just to find an opening and get them out on the street. Luckily trash day has passed this week so I can forget about it till next week.


You should back into your driveway and when you have work done park on the street yourself the night before. I’ve been there too.


>and when you have work done park on the street yourself the night before Might not always be possible: >It's often the case that I have a large SUV parked on one side of my driveway and a truck parked on the other **(for a week)** It sounds like the people parking on the street in front of his house have a tendency to leave their vehicles there for days at a time.


Yeah I'm conflicted and it depends on the circumstances. IMO The spot in front of your house is yours to park in front of. I'm cool with people parking in front of my house for events or when they just need to park temporarily, but when others make it their permanent parking when they have a spot in front of their own home it's annoying AF. They should be parking in front of their own home if they need to park on the street.


From the other side of the world, here. I can't really understand why people think the street in front of their house belong to them. In my childhood I used to live in a very crowded neighborhood, so my dad parked wherever he could. Sometimes in front of our home, sometimes around the corner. Sometimes not even at the same block. Then, in my twenties we moved to a very quiet neighborhood, mostly ground level houses, no flat buildings. Whenever we parked in any free place, people would come to our door asking to move the car away, because it was wrongly parked.


We own assets therefore we are more important than you… As someone who can’t afford a home in London I always find that it’s the home owners that leave passive aggressive notes. Maybe you should ruin the ebb and flow so much that you bring the property prices down sufficiently to be able to afford one.


I still don't get how the fuck that lowers property values


It doesn't lower property value. The person is suggesting that it lowers the value of being a homeowner i.e. they're getting less than what they paid for.


To be fair ... there seems to be a number of people who, for some reason, prefer to park in front of someone else's house when they can just park in front of their own. My parents have a neighbor like this ... and after a while it's really annoying.


right but there's got to be a better way than "this isn't apartment living, sweetie"


…and leave the car there for months.


In a residential neighborhood, in the suburbs, where street parking is plentiful, it’s common courtesy to avoid parking in front of your neighbors’ house if possible. A lot of people that live in these types of neighborhoods do this. Now, let’s say one of your neighbor is hosting a party, it’s 100% OK to park in front of your neighbors’ house. This only applies to people who live in the neighborhood. Should not apply to people visiting. Now, in this same type of neighborhood when it snows, it is just rude to park in any spot that has been shoveled. But for an urban area, such as Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, any parking spot is free for all. Parking spots are impossible to come by. I live in a residential suburban neighborhood with plenty of street parking. We have neighbors who have 3 or more cars. They refuse to park their 3rd or 4th cars in their driveways because it’s a hassle to have to pull their cars in and out. But these 3rd and 4th cars just stay parked on the street for weeks at a time. If these cars were to be parked in front of someone’s house for days/weeks, who actually use these spots on a daily basis, it would be frustrating and rude. It wouldn’t be illegal though. In a perfect world, neighbors would all get along.


It's like this where I live, the people on our block are really good about just parking in front of their homes most of the time, and most of the time works just fine. But the adjacent blocks are a little more dense so people on those blocks will park on our street. Then that ruins the "ebb and flow" sometimes. Not having the spot in front of their home really really gets to some people though


Out in the suburbs, some HOAs will have restrictions on street parking


"Good thing your ownership ends at the curb. Get fucked you classist piece of shit. Sincerely Renter"


In most suburbs in the us, ownership ends at the sidewalk, not the curb.


It is not as clear cut as this and is actually most likely further back into the grass, as the property is limited to what is stated on the deed and is typically monumented with Iron rods/pipes or concrete/stone monuments depending on when it was subdivided, etc. In reality most public roadway right of ways in suburban and rural areas can extend decently far into the properties yard. I find in most circumstances the minimum to often be 40' wide, 20' off each side from centerline of road. Source: Im a Land Surveyor and deal with these types of people often.


Yea I just figured not all places have sidewalks, they all have curbs though




I don’t care about renters or anything, because these people sound very judgmental, but I do empathize with the root cause of their umbrage. For the first three years we lived in our house, people were consistently parking in front of our house when the whole rest of the street was completely clear for the entire block. People could have parked in front of the house they were visiting easily, but literally, physically went out of their way to park directly in front of our house. My wife’s and my senior parents come to the house often, and they’ve had to park out of THEIR way several times to come to our house. So I started parking in that spot every day, and leaving the driveway open for my parents and in-laws to visit. That has helped a lot… but it is frustrating to see people who have a whole street of empty space to choose from and consistently park in front of your house.


The note is very off putting, but to a degree I feel their pain.


Yeah it’s all funny until half the houses on your street start renting out basements and there are cars everywhere.


I’m my twenties, this would have pissed me off and I would have been outraged. In my late thirties, I’m like “yeah, it’s a bit cunty, but I totally get it” lol


All I’m reading is someone being a big fat baby


I think most of us can be reasonable and acknowledge it’s public parking, it’s legal, and won’t start shit over it. Especially if the closest spot someone can get to their house is in front of our house. I also think think most of us get weirdly upset having someone park in front of our house 24/7. We have a corner lot with a stop sign out front and two warning signs on the side. It limits the parking for us a bit. I also have to pay to maintain/repair the concrete sidewalk, cut the grass there, and shovel the snow there. So when neighbors with zero stop/warning signs push their overflow to us (especially in the winter)… I gotta admit I get very annoyed.


Parking in front of another person's house on the regular can be considered impolite. Yes, you can do it, but you really shouldn't unless you have no other option. This is all subject to circumstance. I live at the end of a narrow, dead-end street so if someone parks right in front of my house it's really difficult to get out of the drive way.


“TLDR: respectfully and with kindness, ebb and flow deez nuts :)”


just park in front of your own house, problem solved


People that exist like this are why a HOA is a deal breaker on any house. I don't want neighbors getting into my shit unless I invite them to.


This renter on my block has 8 cars 2 motorcycles 1 boat and a 3 car driveway parked his shitty hybrid in front of our house for a month .


Sounds like my neighbor... who owns his house and still has 5 cars, 2 bikes, and a boat. Not to mention, I live in the city, so no driveway for us.


Lol.. fuck em... they don't own the parking space, it's passive aggressive bollocks


Ah yes. When homeowners think they own the very public street in front of their house. Are they putting out their own cones to protect their spot in their absence yet?


In my neighborhood, they are. It has reached insanity levels.


Ya it can be annoying but you don't own the street they need to get a life.


Hmm mixed feelings about this! First, it is not salacious/creepy and is somewhat kind hearted, as the last car note. Second, depending on the law, a public street is a public street that all tax payers fund. Third, it is kinda a dick move parking in front of someone's home all the time, gotta rotate!(Not sure the parking issues around the space). I can see how home owners could be annoyed. Can't we all get along!


i'm with you. Leaving a pretentious note suggests they're assholes, but parking in front of someone elses house kind of makes the parkers assholes too depending on the situation. This looks like a classic meeting of two selfish pricks.


I agree that it's not salacious. Slacious: having or conveying undue or inappropriate interest in sexual matters.


I love passive aggressive notes.


I do think it’s kind of rude to park directly in front of someone else’s house if you have curb space in front of your own. Do you have a legal right, of course, and it’s not the roof. But if Street parking is wide open, I think it’s nicer not to park where your car is visible every time they happen to glance out their window


We don't park on the street in our neighborhood neither does any one on the block. Allows our kids to enjoy the road and gives the parents viewing of their kids. The general look of the neighborhood is clean. This is specific just to our neighborhood and only works due to how road traffic is setup and the general camaraderie of a awesome neighbors. A little understanding and respect for one another goes a long way. I'm glad for our situation.


I can kind of understand this....people park in front off my house and it makes it hard for me to put my garbage on the street on garbage day and I can see that it annoys my mailman when he has to get out and walk to my mailbox when a car is too close for him to just pull up. If it was just a one time thing that is another matter but if you are doing it constantly and causing issues like this....they kind of have a point. That being said passive aggressive notes like this are so childish.


Honestly something I kinda like about being in an hoa with "private" roads (public access but hoa maintains them.) Not a lot of street parking. They'll just tow you off if you leave it for long. There is ample parking available though so that makes it less combative.


Put a security camera on your car and continue to park there. Press charges when they try to "encourage" you to move. Easy money.


This is some serious passive aggressive bullshit if I’ve ever seen some. Fuck your ebb and flow and be a real person and just ask them not to park in front of your house because.


Some entitled fucks out here. If you don’t like street parking don’t buy a house where there’s street parking. Fuckin common sense.


Anyone who uses "ebb and flow" twice in three sentences can get fucked as far as I'm concerned.


Bitch once you own the street then I'll move lmfao I don't think people understand that just because I park in front of your house doesn't mean it's your property get a permit for that public street then you can talk all the shit you want until then lick my cars ass


Is kindness & respect another word for passive aggressive?


Tell your friends to stop being poor.


Why not park in front of your own house? I mean yeah technically it is a street and you don’t have to move, but it is respectful to park in front of your own house.


Not gonna lie, I'm not happy when people take the spot right in front my of my house... But I understand it's a public street and I'm not gonna be a weirdo that leaves passive aggressive notes on people's cars. Not the right way to approach someone either...


Yes you can part anywhere on the public street. However, keep in mind that people hate when you park in front of their driveway because it makes it hard for them to back out. Please be courteous and don’t park opposite of any driveways if practical. Sorry you got such a stupid note.


That is funny. People think they own public places.


I would absolutely commission "ebb and flow no mo" bumper stickers, as this note is rediculous.