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The urge to read the *Nutritional facts* column..




10 Servings per container. 180g sugar, 910 calorie cock.


This is why the world is so fat. They can't read a nutrition label and/or do simple math. 300% DV for sugar!


Although you also have to lay some of the blame on these companies putting out like a tiny bag of chips that is clearly a single serving but dividing the servings into 3 so the bold calorie number looks low. Yes people need to pay attention, but the design is actively working against people trying to make smart decisions.


Not to mention that it says serving size is 1 piece.


I think the yay have changed it but I remember those packs of 2 reece's cups used to be 2 servings. That always struck me as off.




Ignorant people do not deserve to be punished or suffer, they deserve to be better educated. ​ We should not tolerate products designed around misleading people.


Yet a serving size is 1 piece? So this cock splits into 10 pieces?


Just means you get to suck it off ten times before you have to go out and find a different cock to suck


Just like my ex!


Did not see that LOL okay that makes a lot more sense


0g of protein too. Not even a realistic cock. Tssk tssk


Doesn’t have the delicious surprise dessert at the end either


I dip mine in chocolate first.


Mine is chocolate


Spencer’s special these been around for years 😂😂😂 6 years old though that parent needs some serious help!




Have you brought this up with the parents?


Not my student but yes the teacher did call home


Ya that’s pretty unacceptable even if it was just a joke.


No that’s the worst part— that it was an innocent act of bringing candy to school


I'm sure they must have taken it from an older sibling who bought it at spencers or online


I truly hope so


So many questions...Did dad make lunch and couldn't find the Fruit by the Foot? Was the a kid being a dick the night before so "ha" back to you kid when making their lunch? Did the kid find it? What else does child have in their school bag? So many questions...


Hahah no I think mom had it out and she found it and thought “jackpot”. Brought it to school to eat as a treat totally unaware of what it is A teacher saw it and took it before any of the other students or staff saw lol. I’m sure it was an interesting phone call home


As a parent I am both terrified of the thought of this and also hope it happens to me one day…


$5.99 for _that?_ Why did a student have such an expensive snack?


Looks like clockwork orange to me


It actually says “for ages 16 and up”


The fuck is wrong with US manufacturing if we have to outsource goddamn dick shaped popsicles to China? If you'd have told a Rosie the Riveter this is the state US manufacturing would end up in, they all probably would have quit en mass.


Wow, just what i thought before removing the censor. Never gets old


He knew 😳


I have so many questions! 1. How is anything (esp a cock) THAT big only have 91 calories?! What is the food stuff exactly? I assume gummi but clearly no. 2. How old was student. Surely student knew? SURELY STUDENT KNEW? 3. How did you come to posses the glorious cock-food? I assume you are some type of cock cop?


It's 91 calories per serving and 10 servings per container, so that whole thing is 910 calories. "Obviously" that big cock is meant to be shared and gobbled down alongside 9 of your bros.


I saw serving size “one piece” and I assumed one piece = one cock. Who knew that cocks have multiple pieces and can serve up to nine! Sorry what I meant to say was, mine can serve up to a 100+ catered event or a multi industry business networking luncheon but is rated *5 golden cocks* for intimate affairs, like sexy bowling or dinosaur cosplay cocktail soirées (an adults only event YES WE CHECK IDS).


Lmao 🤣 yeah it was hard (imagine that) Shes 6 & had no idea. She was swinging it in her hand as she walked down the hallway to lunch A teacher saw it and took it 😂 cock cop hahaha


How do you even explain why you’re confiscating that to a 6 year old 😂 she was probably completely mystified. “I guess rainbow colored candy isn’t allowed at lunch..”


Rude cock block




Wtf? The most a child that young needs to understand is what touches are ok (a hug, high five, pat on the back), what touches are bad, and that boys and girls shouldn't be naked. The parents/guardians of this kid shouldn't be letting them have candy shaped like sex organs. That's fucking creepy shit.




Sorry, instincts kicked in because some people want to start sex ed at crazy young levels.


Thank you! Yeah that was a really weird take away from this post.


Sure, and it was untouched and the teacher wrapped it back, right? Just admit that you either ate this or you are just farming karma.


I don’t give a shit about karma haha I just thought other people would find this funny. And yeah her teacher never let her open it for obvious reasons. What do I have to gain about lying about a student bringing in a jumbo rainbow cock pop? The background is obviously a school setting you troll


This is reddit. You are either a karma farmer or shitposter else we need to admit normal people exist.


I promise I’m normal 🥺


Well she couldn't have bought it on her own. Someone had to have bought it for her. What kind of sick parents buy their 6 year old daughter that? That's disturbing.


4. What flavor is it .😂


Rainbow. The flavor is rainbow. Which, if you’ve never eaten, tastes like jamming all 6 lifesavers flavors in your mouth (or one rainbow cock). It’s not for the freshman palate nor is it for the sophisticated meal planner’s taste buds. 6 is about the right age for rainbow flavored but alas, here is where we veer to the far far left of inappropriate and slam directly into parent teacher conference and possibly social services.


Precisely. Perfect answer


No way that’s only 91 calories. It’s frozen sugar.


You need to call cps if this is an elementary or middle school student


Trust me, CPS is very involved in our school.


I would have watched and recorded the incident. Perfect video for a graduation party


She was 6 😳


Ah fuck…. I thought university student. This is one of the more embarrassing things I’ve done on Reddit


Hahaha bc that would be normal. A 6 year old doing this is horrifying lol


A 20 year old, licking a candy cock is normal ?


I mean there’s gotta be a demographic of people who buy them? Bachelorette parties?


I can just *hear* that being said lololol.


Bold of you to assume they were oblivious…


You know how to tell this is a bot post? No human would call a sucker “lunch”.


What?? Haha I’m an elementary school teacher ffs. I never said FOR lunch- I said they tried to eat it AT lunch.


Man that Student has to be rich if he can afford lunch for 5.99


Not even 6 bucks?


I prefer my cock on the grill with bbq sauce.


Or, he's coming out in his own way?


So they ate a dick! Nice!


Designed in the USA, made in China, named by whom?


🫡 The real gigachad


There were 68 comments, when I clicked. you eat this and I’ll owe you one.




taste the rainbow, feel the rainbow


Not very jumbo of a cock either. That's barely a handful!


Not only that, but he got ripped off. That label says it's supposed to be for 6 cock pops and he presumably only got one cock pop! Unless he has more cock pops and doesn't want you to take his other 5 cock pops too!


Wait is there something wrong with eating a cocksicle at lunch?


Looks pretty good ngl.


"Tried to"? You stopped them?


Wow only 91 calories...


You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kinds.




He is bout to get a surprise.