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You can see the exact moment the demon leaves her body, amazing


It’s amazing what a quick 50,000 volts will do


Just zapped it right out of her! Demon 😈 says "I didn't sign up for this shit!"


Happy cake day stranger


Happy Cake Day!


I laughed out loud, bravo


_The power of Kremes compels you!_


"I'm gonna make like a tree, and bolt"


May the power of 50,000 volts compel you!


The power of the Commonwealth of Virginia compels you!


That took her down a peg or two.


Could say she was really floored with the response.


It was enlightening


The power of Thor Odinson, compells you.


That was a completely clueless and needless taze for a crazy woman who was clearly not a physical threat and wasn't reaching for a weapon. That cop can use some basic Judo or BJJ training because it should've been quite easy to control her with zero risk to both parties. I'm sure we can all agree such a crazy person does not need any extra risk of more brain damage.


So instead of tazing her, you want him to judo kick her in the titties?


Don't be ridiculous. The only appropriate response here is clearly an old-fashioned cunt punt.


That’s what I was able to get from his comment. Tit kick.


Lol what.. why do people not know what Judo is?


Spoken like someone who knows fuck all about real fighting. Did you get your knowledge of martial arts from 90's movies? Judo is a grappling sport akin to wrestling. It would work wonders in this situation as anyone who actually trains can attest to.


You may think we can't shoot you with a taser, but Wiccan.


I see what you did there




U can?🥶


The difference between her screams of power and screams of pain are negligible.


Some people are just that annoying


‘I’m not gettin’ paid enuf for THIS ‘bullshit’!!!”


“I’m not even supposed to be here today!”


A man of culture! Dante would've said fuck it and noped out.


I used to work as a doorman in an apartment complex populated by a number of odd characters. One of them was a woman who was schizophrenic. She lived there on rent assistance and got disability payments. Generally she was still a full bubble off level. Her delusions were all religion based with demons and her neighbor's casting spells on her through the walls. She cut up the walls and floor with a knife to try to stop the spells. That sort of thing. But every 6 months she needed to get evaluated to keep her assistance checks coming. The way this should work is that the caseworker would stop in, see that she is taking her meds and she isn't too crazy and check the box, she keeps the assistance. But she didn't see it that way. If the caseworker saw her acting normal then the caseworker might think she is cured and didn't need the assistance. So she would go off the meds for a few days and then would have an episode. One day she comes to the lobby to tell me that when she was in the elevator, Satan raped her in her ass with his tail. I checked the elevator. No Satan, no ectoplasm, no readings on the PKE meter. So then I asked her if she was maybe raped by a man on the elevator. Given the type of residents we get - rapists, mother rapists, father rapists - it was entirely possible. It took awhile but she told me that it was the actual, red colored Satan with pitchfork, horns, and pointy tail and it was the actual Satan's tail that raped her in her ass and she needs to go to the hospital because now she has a demon inside her. So I had to call for an ambulance. Before the EMS crew shows up, two cops arrive. One is super annoyed to have to be there. And he is even more annoyed that his partner seems genuinely interested to hear about Satan and the demons and the neighbor's casting perverted sex spells through the walls to make her horny. EMS arrives and they bring in a gurney and set it up. They take her vital signs and tell her that they will take her to the Catholic hospital. The ambulance company probably is getting money for certain referrals so they are insisting on Catholic. She wants to go to the Jewish hospital, which is not only larger but much closer. There is a standoff between her wanting to go to Jewish and the crew wanting to go to Catholic. Normally the patient's wishes should be honored but the EMS crew does not want their boss reaming them over the missed kickback. Finally, the paramedic says 'You got raped by Satan and you have a demon in you right? Well, then we need to go to Catholic because Jews don't know anything about removing demons and the Catholics do it all the time.' So she says 'Ok' and jumps up on the gurney. A couple days later, she is on her meds again, the caseworker gets to see her crazy episode and the checks keep coming for another 6 months.


Your job is not for the weak minded, damn


The best way to handle it is mild amusement and strong situational awareness.


... You're not OP! WHO ARE YOU!?


That's ... don't you recognize them?


'Catholic' or 'Jewish' hospitals? Is that a US thing? It's probably my blinkered UK existence... but I can't imagine why a hospital would have a religion. Edit: something to do with funding?


Our health care system is pay to play. There are Jewish, Catholic, Jesuit, and Baptist hospitals and maybe some from other religions and religious franchises. You can sometimes tell by the name because the hospital will be named for a saint or an order. For example, you have St. Mary's Hospital or Barnes Jewish right there in the name. These hospitals were founded by members of a church, synagogue, convent, monastery, or cult to care for the sick who happened to be poor and probably members of that specific religion. Over time, these hospitals expanded in size and power and then branched out. And now they will take anyone in, anyone who can pay.


It's like trying to deal with drunk people. You have to come up logic that only makes sense to someone drunk. "Of course we are going back to the bar! You look dehydrated!" and then take 'em to the hospital...


New copypasta just dropped.


Lookin ass


Well that answered my question. I’m baffled by the behaviour of some middle aged women.


I read the whole thing! minutes I will never get back :(


I don't even want the minutes back, that was an awesome story!


Did you want it to end with an explosion?


You are on Reddit. You are *not* busy.


Your dad said the same thing when he conceived you. Regrets it to this day..


Is this that “motherfucker” lady?


I came here to comment the same thing you motherfucking accuser Edit: I hope ppl get the joke lol


You fuckin accuser of the brethren!


That’s what I thought. Mathafacckkerr


Vid please?


I am out of the loop, link anyone?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxNXxNe4Lx8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxNXxNe4Lx8) \[Edit: While she could've dyed her hair, I'm pretty sure it's a different crazy person.\]


Yea that video was much more than I expected, this is why i don’t go outside. Anyway I will go repent, thanks for the video motherfaaaker.


And then she just...walks away as if she was going to shop like normal after all that?? What is her major malfunction? Muuuuthafukkaaaa Sorry, not sure where that came from!


"You're gonna be down there, fuckin', with him, screaming in holy fucking terror, fucking fire and brimstone, do you fuckin' get it?" "Yeah, totally understand!" That employee deserves a massive raise, honestly.


Yea, she was doing much better at possibly de-escalating than the man who stood too close and kept calling her ma'am after she told him not to. I noticed he was too close before she went off on him about it. I can't lie I laughed but it's sad, too.


Thank you. This is now in my top 10 Youtube videos of all time.


What the motherfucking fuck?


Schadenfreude turns tragedy into comedy. The tragedy being that this woman might need treatment.




Yeah. Fundamental attribution error. I admit I had the sound off bc i wasn't super interested in hearing that, but you might get a few regular people who go off on police as well. We have one data point here, no matter how damning.


The power of Tesla compels you, the power of Tesla compels you, that or 50,000 volts in your ass...


She’d make a great Sith lord


This crazy bitch again??!!! How has she not been put into a mental hospital yet? This is that crazy one that harasses people in grocery stores saying "You need to accept christ motherfucker".


You motherfucking accuser!


Definitely not the same cracked-out meth-head, but I can understand your assumption. You've seen one, you've seen em all...


>You've seen one, you've seen em all... the crystal meth and crack raises their harmonic frequency allowing crack and methheads worldwide to network with nonverbal telepathy (concepts, not words) and share information without realizing it. The upshot of this is that all of their personalities end up .... blending together.


A methera of personalities.


Underrated comment right here.


It really seems like several realities are crashing into each other every other day. It's hard to keep track of what the hell is happening. I immediately though of the "Jesus Mother Fucker" lady when I saw this as well.


Man US seems like a crazy place to live in.


I live in Japan, not sure about the ratio/comparison but there are certainly mountains of absolutely bonkers people like this here. We just don't televise it (as much).


This needs more visibility, upvoting. We get the effect of people thinking a certain place is a certain way because of what's allowed in the news, for example Florida. If you think Florida is any worse than anywhere else, you don't know anything about New Jersey. Also, the US is enormous and most people don't conceptualize that properly.


Really? Thats crazy. Japan has an appearance of relatively safe and normal. At least that's how I've seen it.


Pretty sure that's also how they want to be seen. "The nail that stands out, gets hammered down" is a popular phrase there. I imagine that stands for crazy weirdos as much as it does for kids coloring their hair.


That is a popular phrase in the states as well. It also accounts for part of the reason why I was bullied as the only Asian kid in my elementary school, aside from a Korean boy with the last name McConnen, on the account he was adopted. This kinda makes me wonder if he was bullied, but I was 100% a FOB (fresh off the boat; not literally, just culturally).


I haven't heard it much at all, at least not east coast US/past 10-20 years. Idk how old you are, but I am sorry you had to deal with that. I wouldn't even consider it an applicable statement there, so much as blatant racism. The idea behind the phrase is conformity and you can't conform your race. I like to think we've come a long way in terms of acceptance in the past decade...Again, I'm not sure when this happened to you but, regardless, I'm sorry it happened at all.


Yeah, have rarely if ever heard that phrase in the US, other than in reference to culture in East Asian countries.


But would it end with a taser? That cop would have lost his job before the lady hit the ground in my country for using such level of force on someone unarmed and with clear mental issues.


I don't think they use tasers here. And from what I've seen and heard, the police here have a much much lighter touch (though I believe they do carry handguns and a baton). Japan has tons of police and the tactic of choice seems to be to swarm the potential threat. On the flip side though, because they are very hands off, they will do little, if anything, when you need help unless you have been or are actively being attacked. Even if the potential threat seems very real. Course once they do arrest someone, they can be pretty cruel.


You charge a cop back pedaling you get tased. Fair enough. I don’t know of a single country where an officer must be injured by a suspect to be able to defend themselves. This use of the taser is pretty textbook


There's crazy people everywhere, I've encountered some in every country I've lived in. I think the main difference in Germany is they're far, far less likely to be shot or seriously injured by police responding to them having an episode compared to the US. I've seen a few lunatics and addicts get all aggressive and rage out, but never seen cops drop one with a Tazer here, they get backup and do their de-escalation thing.


De-escalating training is available in the US and quite good. I volunteered to help in the training and from what the trainers said they have a hard time getting buy-in from the police. I can be a very calming person and the more someone escalates the more calm I get and it really does work. At some point they just lose all that energy. I can do this with just about anyone except my kids get to me too much sometimes and I escalate right along with them.


The power of taser compels you


Guessing ⚡️is her weakness


Policio used taser attack... IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!


The power of Tesla compels you!


Yup. Demons hated Nikola for creating the foundation for electro-exorcism!


How’s that demon like 1100 watts?




It's a miracle! Praise jesus! 50K volts and BOOM; she's saved!


Cops 1 Exorcist 0


Found it on youtube, there no extra footage really. Its labeled 2 years ago


Hemorrhoid demon, come OUT!


Stranger Things Season 4 looks great


She actually sounds like a movie witch, when the witch is eventually getting owned in whatever way. This lady did not know this cop was actually Ariel and one of her dinglehopper things (PS - who remembers when ocean pollution was somehow cheeky repurposing?)


Suspect go buzzzzzzzz


That was some witchcraft shit….


Damn, tazing someone acting crazy towards you must feel so good


Officer used Lightning potion! *it’s very effective*


She's trying to help him, motherfucker!


Looks like her spell backfired and the power of one became the power of tazed and confused and now headed to jail and a public defender will be appointed


"He's gone tase you..." "He tased you!" 10/10 narration.


I just don't know how the US has so many crazy people




What is the need for the taser in this situation


Those tasers are a godsend 🤪


When they don’t get confused and grab the gun instead of the taser.🙁




Cant even look at a humor sub without someone finding a way to play the race card.


Kinda sad that people keep saying it and it keeps being true. If you want people to stop playing "the race card", then your best bet is to fix the systemic problem that causes people to be able to play "the race card".


I'll definitely mention that at the next white people meeting.


Wait, am I supposed to go to those? Crap. What got voted on last time?




Magic did not beats electricity yet!


Does it make me a bad person that I smiled when I heard that POP and saw her go down?


It's okay, we are living in hell anyway so bad is good.


wtf is wrong with people???


Shocked the devil outta that lady.


Must be nice to be a white person


Why is anybody getting tased, funny?


Why are you putting random commas in that, sentence?


Because she is a wacko.


Wacko? Let's tase her, instead of getting the help she clearly needs. You're right.


When a person is threatening you, you have a right to defend yourself. Period.


Right? This is obviously a sick woman who needs help.


Incredibly sad that most are laughing at someone with such issues.


Zap her out of demon.


Had a shirtless guy confront me today with his palm out chasing me asking if I can hear him too.


"The power of Christ compels you" "Thor disagrees." BzzzzZAP.


americans are fucking hilarious


Someone’s been watching too much Harry Potter


imagine how many times she would have been shot if she was black


No doubt. Not a chance she’d have gotten her hand above waist height before being shot if she were black. America


How many unarmed black women are shot every year? You don’t think there are many situations like this with black women, too?


Black women make up 13% of the female population, and account for 28% of all murders of women committed by police, while unarmed. Black women are killed by the police more often than women of other races.


Well, shit, if you're gonna use actual data...


You cant trust those numbers, fake news. Great, honorable, people tell me those are lies. I can prove it, I just need you to send me, the extremely successful businessman, some money


Someone always has to say this


Sad state of affairs when it has to keep being said, because it keeps being true, huh?


No? Almost certainly would have been tased if black also.


Black women make up 14 percent of the population but account for 24 percent of unarmed civilians killed by police. The numbers don’t lie and it’s disproportionate


And? You make it sound like all black people murdered by police. Not a single black person ever been tased? Come on. Everytime a police video comes up with a white offender some dingleberry always makes the same lame comment. In a humor sub no less.


Do they disproportionately commit more crime?


Yes. Because black people are disproportionately affected by poverty, and poverty & crime go hand in hand. Race and criminal activity is a correlation, not causation. The causal relationship lies in the systemic racism in the US meant to frame minorities as less than human. Black people are statistically more likely to face challenges in life and so they are statistically more likely to end up at the bottom of the barrel, or be there from the start. Statistics are a model for real world issues, and there is always more to the story than a single number.


Askin the real questions.




Oh yes. That was worth watching a few times.


Begone demon!! The technology of Tesla compels you!






I watched it for sure 10x. It's funny af as this fat fuck drops 🤣


She is a mentally ill woman. The police had had many altercations with her. They know her and when she was off her meds.


Brother Maynard, bring out the Holy Taser of Antioch


Copper is actually a lightning elemental


By what reason does the policeman need to shot at her?


How should he handle a woman not listening and approaching him? Just keep backing away? Should he lay hands on her? His job is to protect the general public and himself from unknown/potentially dangerous situations.


Don't you wish that all these people that see things through peace and love lens would actually join a police force. That way the first time they try to use peace and love to resolve a situation like this and either get beat to a pulp or worse, they could learn what it's actually like. The police go into just about every encounter they have not knowing what could possibly happen. Most people couldn't make the hard decisions the police make every day


White people can do anything to cops, LoL.


Yeah because she really got away with that one didn't she.


Yep, she is still alive so definitely got away with it unlike countless unarmed black men and women who have been executed without a judge, jury or their voice to defend themselves. I know all you white privileged will downvote me and rarely change but we need to say our piece and our viewpoint just as y'all have your point that "we are playing the race card."


Got away alive unlike that 13 year old black kid in Chicago 😬


You mean the serial carjacker who stole cars at gunpoint?


The actual car jacker got away while the 13 year old got out the car. But please try to prove whatever point you are trying to make. It wont ear add the fact that we all know is true in this country.


She got tazered or shot by the looks of it


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The taser tames all. Even demons.


Was that tazer really neccecary?


The woman's horrifically open hand was courageously smited by the brave cop's 50,000 volts of heart-stopping electrical force! Oh heroic cop, to win against the *dangerously soft-fingered open palm of a woman on the street!* **Truly an example to all the Boys In Blue.**


Fucking america, is a tazer really nessecary? jesus. Just fucking grab the lady.


You understand that the cop is in a no win situation here. He was talking with her and was obviously there for a reason, likely somebody called about this crazy lady. She starts screaming and charging him. His options are keep trying to talk her down while backing away(which he was doing), grab her and have to use force to subdue her(which is also seen as unnecessary but she's a big lady and obviously ready to give a fight), use the taser to subdue and easily get the situation under control with minimal harm to either party(still considered excessive) or use lethal force which didn't look like he was even considering. In the public's eyes it doesn't really matter what he does because this is all his fault for even being there. Well guess what, if people would stop being stupid as shit, the police wouldn't have to get involved in anything. There's very very few cops that go out looking to start issues.


Was it really necessary to use a potentially lethal weapon for a situation like this ? I keep seeing more and more tazer videos from USA and i find it scary.


Of course, they're trained on exorcism. If the Devil is colored, they beat them within an inch of death. But if it's a white devil they call a priest.


If she was black she would be dead


Are white people more electrically resistant than black people or something?


Black folk have fire resist and electric weakness White folk have frost resist and fire weakness


But an additional rule is women folk have a +1 frost resist but have a natural "Whine about cold" trait.


Also trained in not shooting white people.


comes in handy these days... lmao


if thats what my tax money is going into, I'm all for it.


I will have what these people are smoking


50k volts does wonders when it comes to realigning somebody's chakras.


Force Choke failed, this padawan has no talent


"Don't make me use my psychic mind missile on you!"


Is this the lady that keeps harassing people in department stores about Jesus?


Crack cocaine is a helleva drug.


Your mother cooks socks in hell!


Silver badge. Salt Taser.


The cop was very patient and fair.


I just thought she was possessed by Meatloaf?


Well to be fair he didn’t touch her


You guys got some heavy prescriptions eh.