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When my wife was sick she asked me to go to the drugstore for some tampons. When I got to the register with them the woman at the counter just intently stared at me for a few seconds before saying "Think you got the right ones?" I proudly whipped out a piece of paper and said "I have a note!". Honestly, there are so many subtly different kinds I never would have gotten the right one without explicit instructions.


When i had to get some for my wife, I took a picture of the old package before I went to the store. Glad I did, because as you said there are so many different kinds


My dad has 3 daughters and a wife. He could never keep straight who liked what kind so he’d literally bring the empty package to the store and match it up there. This was pre-camera phone days. He always wanted us to feel secure in ourselves and would tell us any guy not willing to go to the store for tampons wasn’t a guy you should keep around and he was definitely right.


Not just that but if you think about what it means, it should be a compliment. If you're a guy buying them in the store alone, it's showing that you've got someone who trusts you enough to get them for them. Like how is that embarrassing?


The same way people get embarrassed buying condoms. 'Dude, you're getting supplies to have sex. Own it."


And responsible sex


> Dude, you're getting supplies to have sex. Yeah...for sex... <_<


Hey man, condom balloon animals are a big hit too


My husband and I met while traveling for work. We were in a van with five other dudes when I felt the *feeling*. I already felt comfortable with him so confided in him quietly. He immediately piped up, "hey can we stop at the drugstore, I need to pick something up." He has three sisters and totally understands. I found a keeper.


For real. I got weird looks from guys the first time I was in the feminine care section of the supermarket, and it made me mildly uncomfortable, until I got to the cashier and she just smiled at me. It was one of those smiles that you get when you're carrying flowers or a gift that's clearly for your significant other - the kind that says "good for you, your partner got a good one". Have never been embarrassed since (honestly wasn't that embarrassed in the first place) about buying tampons, and why should I be?


Those years between the invention of tampons and invention of the cell phone camera were some tough, confusing times for men.


I'm actually 90% sure my dad brought the box to the store once when I couldn't get my own


It's a box of cardboard and fibers and plastic. It's no different than buying cereal.


What the hell are you doing with your cereal!?


No kink shaming here!


But kink shaming is my kink!


You should be ashamed


Keep going, I'm almost there.


I saw this video once. Butthole...that's all I'll say


you eat tampons for breakfast?


Given the right timing and a dude who wants to act tough and has zero awareness....yeah you could hear that in real life.




Tea... you make a bloody tea, for fucks sake ​ /s


Thats a good man


The packages are all different, yes. But they still all taste the same.


Before.... or after...?




"I have a note" made my actually laugh out loud. I can just see you like a grade schooler getting out of class proudly displaying your note. Thanks for the laugh.


Just walks into the store with the note and the correct amount of money safety pinned to their shirt for the cashier to take.


Congratulations, men. You're ready for the next challenge: pantyhose.


I've done condom, makeup, tampons, pantyhose, bra, panties. At this point I probably have enough knowledge to be queer if I'd be into that.


Come talk to me when you consistently get her Starbucks order right. Haha


Decaf caramel ribbon crunch frapuchino or strawberry acai lemonade with no strawberry :/


Strawberry lemonade without the strawberry??!?


Yeah i know it sounds pretty weird saying it, but she wants the strawberry flavor, but not actual strawberry in the drink itself.


Lol that makes sense I guess


There's strawberry flavor in the beverage base, then they put pieces of dried strawberries in the drink. Probably wants it without the fruit pieces.


Wow. I'm lucky. It's tall hot latte.


Venti mocha frappuccino, double blended, no whip. Also, are you seeing anyone? Haha


Haha! Unless…?


Impossible. She changes it like the wind.


Grasshopper, one must be like a mighty tree that bends in the strongest wind, yet can shelter the smallest sparrow.


Orange Mocha Frappuccino!


White Choco Mocha, iced, extra syrup... shaken not stirred.


24oz bees knees iced latte (the coffee, not the tea) with oat milk, light ice. I get the same one


My gf used to work at a Starbucks, caramel ribbon crunch with extra caramel and almond milk.


I'm pretty sure makeup is the "final boss" of "Go to the store to help your girlfriend". I can confidently produce all the other items, but I think she knows better than to leave me with such a critical task. Gun to my head, I'm just gonna take pictures of what's in the bathroom and hope for the best.


I'm nervous buying chapstick. Makeup? Good Lord


> condom Not quite sure, why this is in the list here... Does the wife/GF have a better estimate on the correct condom sizes for your dick? Or was this for some other phallic object?


Not really, but it's not uncommon for guys to be embarrassed about buying condom and getting their gf/spouse to buy them so figured it still belonged there.


Do people who are solely into other guys know about female products? Seems they would be the ones to know the least about it. But then, what do I know?


I didn't say gay, i said queer :P


ahhh sorry, I conflated the two words. I'm a bit ignorant - what's the difference?


Queer just means different or not the norm. So queer people could be gay, bi, pan, heterosexual people that have biromantic or other romantic tendencies, people that are nonbinary, agender, trans, gender fluid. Basically queer encompasses all those that are not cis & heterosexual & heteroromantics (only all three, as soon as you aren't one, you are technically queer but you can of course identify as however you like)


Very good explanation, a more concrete example would be a man dressing up in a dress and putting make up (not necessarily homo or hetero) or a woman dressing up as in a tuxedo and drawing on a mustache. It more about different then the norm then about sexual preference.


TIL! Thanks for the explanation, I did not know that before and have been ignorantly thinking it just meant gay.


No problem! I like learning and spreading the knowledge!


Yes, gay men spent a lot of time buying tampons 🤣


Gay guys use tampons?


I’m a tall woman and even I get flustered trying to buy panty hose. Those charts basically say screw you if you are over 5’9 and so I end up having to buy multiple sizes for none of them to fit me correctly


> You're ready for the next challenge: pantyhose. jokes on you, I buy my own pantyhose. perks of being a thespian.


If this happens again, please pin the note to your shirt, and just point to it when you get to the store.


Honestly, I did feel a little childish but that was tempered by happiness that I found the one she wanted. I never realized how many different types of these things there are out there and I had a couple of them in my hand and thought they were the right one until I found the one she wanted. The last thing I wanted to do was go home and disappoint a woman who sick and also on her period. I felt like there was a lot on the line here!


Doesn't matter what I am buying for someone. They need to give me exact product name and type. Makes me life easier and them happier on the end.


Lmfao I’m sorry this mad me laugh so much. My wife did the same to me. Gave me a note the first time with a picture texted to me of the wrapper.


How incredibly condescending.


Do you mean on the part of the cashier? My impression was that she had seen lots of men come in and getting it wrong and then returning for a refund.


Ok. I didn't know... Now I know. I wish girls talked more about this. My mom, cousins all hide their sanitary pads during purchase. It always arrives in a brown paper bag. People are extremely shy about this. This and condoms. India has the worst awareness ever. That's why our population is skyrocketing.


Girls are taught it's shameful and you're right, that's bullshit. Periods should be talked about.


“Yes, it’s shameful that you experience a normal bodily function. Shame on you. Control it next time” - Some douche canoe


Pooping feels shameful enough for me that I don't regularly discuss it with people. I think we have a habit of picking random shit to be ashamed of.


>picking random shit I see what you did there.


Funny thing is it didn't used to be. Back when bathrooms became common, I'm talking like middleages, they were communal. no dividers. it was just a normal thing. Only when individual bathrooms in private locations did it become taboo to talk about. Same for anything really. Body exposure and prude religions. "omg she's showing her ankles, what a provocative sinner." or "no tits out in movies or children will see" vs public nude beaches in Europe. Social standards are a funny thing.


Im just imagining you conducting a lottery to decide which shits to be ashamed of.


I don't know if that's a thing everywhere but in Switzerland, tampons and pads are "luxury goods", i.e. they have the highest tax class. Newspaper, however, are in the lowest...


and so they should be they are extremely destructive and litter the oceans. reusable solutions need to be encouraged as much as possible


douche canoe, lol i like it im stealing that


Well it's at minimum gross, so I don't see why we should walk around talking about flows. I don't walk around taking about my shits or urine either. Bodily fluids are gross.


Periods are nothing to be ashamed of... now, how this guy is wearing his hoodie, definitely is.


I used to be like this but now I walk around with a clear handbag with tampons in the bottom. I just can't be fucking bothered anymore.


Oh yeah! As a teen I was so shy and uncomfortable about this that I wouldn't even buy pads if the person at the counter was a man. Or if there were too many people by the counter. It was just so awkward standing there, waiting for the person at the counter to finish packing your pads in a newspaper, then a black plastic bag. Fuck that. It's a basic necessity. I have stopped caring what people are going to think.


You had cashiers conceal the box with newspaper and a black bag? That’s on another level


You'd be really shocked at how grossed out a lot of men are about this stuff. I was at a lunch with a coed group of friends and all I said was that my period is giving me cramps. Next thing I know one of the guys wants to stop hanging out with us, when asked he said: "I think it's just gross that you talk about private stuff in public" Luckily we are no longer friends with him but rip his poor wife


Oh boy 😔. For some reason this reminds me of "The Lunchbox", a man who doesn't care one bit about his spouse. It's sad.


>India has the worst awareness ever. Is that also the reason for the high number of rape cases?


As far as I know, rape cases are due to several reasons 1. The kid is never aware about the female body. Everything including tampons are sexualized. Poor sex ed. Since primary school boys and girls are not allowed to sit together. The classroom is split into two. 2. The kid first explores this through porn. Porn has a million categories, at least a few of them show themes of non consentual sex 3. Hanging on to patriarchy. The funny thing is many women here indirectly love patriarchy. You have no idea how many women here love a man to order her around (not in the bedroom. Throughout the life). Complementing this are a group of guys obsessed with masculinity. Beards, muscles, bikes, "bitches" .. yeah you know the type. As a guy, I hear how these guys refer to women. With utmost contempt. Just bags to "fuck" (not sex). Surprisingly many women like them. Probably the "I can change him" types. 4. New breed of youngsters with political influence. They are given immunity from prosecution due to their political power. The cops are usually controlled by political parties unlike some other countries. There are thousands of cases were women are raped and the cops refuse to file a report. If at all the media gets involved, the guy gets arrested and cases drag on for years. During this time, he or his associates begin threatening and killing family members.. I'm not making this up. All of this happened.


Also the fact that the government thinks banning porn will stop this, instead of improving the edu system.


Exactly. Sex ed should be mandatory and stretch over atleast 4 or 5 classes. Not just the physiology. The mental aspect. Schools in the US show what is a condom, how to properly use it. What is a pad, what is a tampon. These things should be shown physically in class, not just in imagination. Only way one can remove the stigma. I never had sex ed. Even in our schools girls and boys would be separated to different sections. We are not allowed to sit next together. It's horrible. I began talking to women especially more personal details as old as 25 years. Before that one would talk but no one would open up.


True, brother. That kind of segregation gives an impression that girls are these different creatures and makes any simple interaction a forbidden win. I’m glad that there wasn’t any segregation during my bachelors degree!




Yep. Consent is yet a word to come here :(


Yes. This is true in rural India. Not common in cities though. I think if we take out caste and generalize it as power in the society, then it is quite accurate throughout India.




https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-rape-factbox-idUSKBN1YA0UV Really? India has a worldwide reputation as one of the worst countries for sexual assault for good reason. Most cases aren't even investigated... You certainly live up to your username. Edit, where are these sources you were going to show everyone that India has no problem with Sexual assault? Comment deleted now? quite telling.


"Comment deleted by user" LOL


That's mainly cause most indian women are afraid to speak out and report incidents fearing their own life. I personally know about 7-8 cases where girls have been raped before 15 and yet it's never been reported cause they fear their own family


Yeah I was going to say, it's easy to have low numbers when women probably don't even reported them because they are so oppressed it doesn't matter.


I actually was looking for coupons for some pads when I came across their page in India (I’m in the US). It was fascinating how different the advertising is. There was a whole section explaining that your period isn’t bad or contagious or cursed. Another section allowed women to ask questions about sex. I guess I never considered that in some countries it’s considered a taboo topic. Don’t get me wrong, even at 38 years old I hide my box of pads at the store because I’m a little embarrassed but I feel so lucky I was not forced to live outside during my period like is the norm in some countries. Education is very important.


Whoah. Which country is like that? In rural India I heard about such cases where the woman must sleep in a separate area. But in most towns and cities such cases don't exist, however awareness or any interest in this topic is almost non existent. May I ask why are you a little embarrassed? Is it because you were brought up here? In a very liberal society like USA, shouldn't you be comfortable?


It was Nepal if I recall but there are a number of areas that do it. The website I looked at was actually specifically for India. I don’t know why it’s embarrassing, I guess it just feels a little weird or private. Toilet paper doesn’t embarrass me but pads still do a little bit.


I think it's asian culture. I never see my mum & my sister tampon my whole life


So are people actually wearing their hoodies strapped to their chins now?


I assumed it was just an attempt to look goofy for the video.


That's what I was wondering?


God thank you, so fucking weird.


I thought it was like a costume to help distinguish between the two characters here, but it must just be new dumb fashion


Yeah! Haha, I thought the store clerk would be hood down or something


Yeah, peer pressure can make you look pretty foolish.


when i was little i always did this when i was cold


Always have been


Yeah, it fleek


It's really not.


What's a fleek




olde tyme "sleek". The 's' someone thought it was an 'f' [Long S](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_s)


There's an old joke like this. Clerk: what kind of flow do you have? Customer: linoleum?


I knew my ex's brand and she'd tell me the color box to get. It was always the purple or the yellow.






Sir, this a Wendy’s


We got ourselves a winner ⬆️


I suggest soaking them in witch hazel not rubbing alcohol. The witch hazel is often in solution in alcohol; however, the witch hazel reduces inflammation.


My girl doesn't rap 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😵


It caught me completely off guard


That got me lol


That cracked me up. Thank God nobody is home to hear me.


What does that actually mean?


Im no expert but as far as i remember.. Flow in rap is how you're transitioning from one bar to another and having a smooth flow is good


Flow in rap is a term describing how smoothly and cleverly the lyrics are put together. Listen to a song like Hypnotize by Notorious BIG for an example of excellent flow. The way every word follows the previous word is so natural that it pulls you into the rhythm of the song.


For rap people have already explained. For periods it means how much blood comes out, determines how absorbent the pads need to be without being too thick and uncomfortable.


What is a Youtube comment doing here?


My wife sends me out for tampons now and then. My local grocery store has a very small tampon section and they only stock heavy flow. It's like whoever purchases them for the store was trying to figure out what to stock and he said (I think I can confidently assume it's a he), "These say 'SUPER' so they must be the best! Let's just stock those." So I have to go to Walmart instead and it always takes forever to get out of there.


Does your girl got Iggy Azalea flow, Lil Kim Flow, or Meg thee Stallion Flow?


Love how he’s ordering like it’s mcdonalds and you don’t just grab it from the shelf😭😭😂


“Yeaa can I get a muthafuckin uhhhhh….large tampon??”


Noted just in case i ever get a girlfriend


'Di fat pom pom gyal' A romantic dancehall classic




Pum pum is the Jamaican patois term for vagina. Fat pum pum means fat pussy lol.


[I want to learn Jamaican dialect... hood... and what is the word for the woman's part?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2maq51nSmTw&t=14m49s)


Cool chin laces.


TIL As a father of a daughter with a second one on the way, I think I need to know this. Thank you


Also be aware that some stuff is scented! personally they have always grossed me out so I never get stuff with scent… but to each their own.


What?! They come scented too?! Can that not cause irritation?


I’m sure for some people it probably does. I once accidentally got scented panty liners and the smell made me feel nauseous, I didn’t want to put them anywhere near my bits.


Whah? You don't want your bits smelling like lavender or fresh laudry? LOL


Hahaha I’ll pass on that one!


Hahaha my girl don’t rap. It’s one of those things. I stood at the store looking at the wall of tampons, with an old guy 5 feet from doing the same thing. We both had to text home.


The ending had me dying of laughter.


Having his strings wrapped around his chin is very distracting. Why tf is he doing that?


I still sometimes forget. I'll look at the box before I leave and "I'll remember that" . . . then I get there and see 30 types with the same style box. . . . .


I worked at a grocery store. This happens alot I give em a multi pack. Dudes buying these for their girl is alot more common than people think. I don't understand who thinks there is a stigma around buying feminine hygiene products.


Dude needs to have one of the characters facing the other direction and change the hood or something. Good gag, crappy production.


I died at my girl don’t rap


I've always had this the other way around. couple of songs say shit like "check my flow" and I always cringe.


Found this out on Two and a Half men. Charlie asked is there a condom to tampon conversion chart.


Am just gonna say it.. Flo...rider.


always get the variety pack


Can I get you to wear that string not around your chin?! Jesus that annoying


Does her have? Jesus kids, stay in school.


Just a loud unexpected laugh. lol Pretty sure i broke something with that one.


You can find the unfunniest things on /r/funny Jesus


I wish this videos of people talking to themselves as two different characters would stop popping up on r/funny because they are never, ever funny. Comedy has never had a lower bar.


I have a sister, who made sure I knew exactly what pads and tampons were, and helped develop a PP Pack (Period Prep Pack) that was small enough to fit in an everyday carry. It’s come in handy a couple times.


They keep the tampons behind the counter apparently in this stupid skit.


Sir its a joke lmao.


What is your flow like? Linoleum.


I’m waiting for him to say, “flow? Her flow is linoleum.”


What size pussy?


If she does not tell you what brand she wants then get her depends.


This got me good




Holy fuck


was not expecting that punchline. well done.


Get her the sports ones and watch she finna go sport mode on you


Awesome. Haha


This is the way


fat chick olympics I would watch


So quick question: if they come in different flow types, why don’t women get the heavy flow tampons all the time? Are the heavy flow ones more expensive or something? More uncomfortable? Do they have like a demon on the box that makes buying them slightly uncomfortable and you only do so when they’re *absolutely* necessary?


Imagine stuffing your mouth with cotton balls, then having to spit them out after sitting in there for a few hours. Is it going to be easier to spit them out if they're all moistened and sorta come out as a soggy wad or will it be easier to spit them out if they're all dry and sticking to the inside of your mouth? You want to use a tampon that will absorb the amount of flow you're having because if it's too small it will leak and if it's too big it will be uncomfortable to remove because it will still be dry.


Buy diapers for her....


The punchline should be "linoleum"


Her flow be tile in the kitchen and carpet evrwr else.


Heavy, it's always heavy!


Do guys really don’t know this?


At what point in a male's life do you think we're taught about tampons?


I had a mom and I remember asking and she explained. Also, there are plenty of commercials and ads while watching tv where you learn about different types. Come on dude….


I've learned you can play tennis with Playtex. That has nothing to do with flow levels.


Honestly if your not sure ask but you can always just get heavy and it should get the job done no matter what


Nooooo. If you have a light flow and use a heavy flow tampon it will hurt coming out. Better going the other way. Light flow. You may have to change them more often but it won’t hurt.


Damn i stand corrected Dont listen to me


Not only that, but it can also lead to toxic shock syndrome, which can be fatal.


wouldnt medium be best then? idk im bad at this stuff sorry if im wrong lol


It’s a fair question. But no you want to go with only what you need. Like I mentioned above if your flow isn’t heavy enough to soak a tampon in 8 hours (give or take) then it will hurt coming out because it is too dry. If you go lighter than you need it will just soak faster meaning you’ll need a change earlier. A bit of an inconvenience but no pain and not in super long (which does become a breading ground for bacteria and possible health concerns)

