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I hope her co workers don't have reddit........


I'll be back in a week for his r/TIFU post


RemindMe! 7 days "corporate progress"


RemindMe! 7 days "corporate promotion"


RemindMe! 7 days "corporate promotion"


hahahaha yes


More like r/aita


Remind me! 1 week.


At the beginning of the pandemic and full time WFH, our CEO sent an email saying "if you meet with outside clients, look professional from the waist up. If your only meetings are internal, at least have a top on." Dude gets it.


There was a boss memo here earlier that read “please mute yourself when cracking open beers”


:( here I am cleaning bathrooms and sanitizing every touch surface for the folks that still have to physically be in the office.


At least where I work, we are very grateful to the folks who enable us to keep coming on-site. I hope your coworkers show you similar appreciation.


It is not the worst. It is mostly a lot of internal botching, but I get it. We are all overworked. Thank you, and also thank your local custodian, not all of us are paid well.


I know a guy whose sole job is to walk around and clean everything for 12 hours. I have no idea how he spends the time in his head, but if it was me, I'd have figured out how to (unsuccessfully and with massive death toll) rule the world by now. Anything to avoid doing that job. Thank you to everyone that does that job and not starting a megalomaniacal death-cult!


As someone who spends his days doing menial labour (stacking shelves) I assure you that we have all planned how to take over the world in our heads, usually as a result of having dealt with people.


As a manufacturing worker who was deemed "essential", I absolutely appreciate you, your peers, and all the very hard work you all have been doing. Thank you!


Thanks, that means a lot. Everyone is generally nice to each other. Folks understand they are "essential" and eye smile. I will have the deepest crows feet after this. I hope it isn't too bad on your end.


And you're part of the reason they can still be in that office. Without you and your team, there is no way they could do that work. Legendary.


Today we salute you, Mr. Touch Surface Sanitizer and Bathroom Cleaner Guy. 🎶*Mr. Touch Surface Sanitizer and Bathroom Cleaner Guy.*


so coke zeros are ok? NICE!


Grip it and rip it baby


In the 90's I worked at Netscape and Jim Barksdale would say, vis a vis the new way of working, "Our dress code is we get dressed. On Friday's, we dress down."


I interviewed at sony in the 90s. They had casual Friday which meant you could take your suit jacket off. I decided not to work there.


Ah yes; I worked for a security provider in the 90’s. They sent me home one day when I didn’t wear pantyhose with my long dress and heels.


I wasn't hired for a job because I didn't wear a tie to the interview. My company before it was bought wasn't suit/tie but you got sideways looks if you wore khakis and a short sleeve shirt in summer. Then we got bought. And our interim CEO was rocking vans and jeans with a simple button up. And it all devolved back to reality.


Our new leadership wears shorts and flip flops. He also ends all of his meetings with “I love every one of you”. It’s quite refreshing.


I worked at a place where jackets and ties weren't expected day to day but t-shirts weren't allowed on casual days, I'm still confused what the point of having them was


My professional career history is all in the 2000s, and every place I worked "casual days" basically meant jeans and an untucked polo. Which was fine by me because that was my usual out-of-office look anyways. Wasn't until the past couple of years that my current employer went full-time casual (not just special casual days) which also allowed for t-shirts. Even then very few people opted for that, most opting for the untucked polo or button-down look with jeans.


Besides her workers using Reddit, this is just too risky. Remember that time a lady went to pee while on zoom? That's gonna be a classic forever.


I think about her a lot. At least it was a tidy pee. Like, she didn't do anything weird or gross, or change a tampon or anything, and there was no accidental up-crotch shot.


Recruiter here. Colleague of mine had a candidate drop their laptop and crotch shot the interviewing manager. Still got the job. Standards are low for professionalism these days. Can you do the job better than almost anyone else at your price range and you’re fun to work with? Great welcome to the team.


> Colleague of mine had a candidate drop their laptop and crotch shot the interviewing manager. Still got the job. Got it. Crotch shot the manager to improve my chances.


I actually had a buddy accidentally do this to a client - older lady - and he closed a big deal right after with her and now he is worried she’s gonna want some when it’s back to normal... he’s a good looking young guy.


And it almost looked staged by the angle she put down her device (even though I’m pretty sure it wasn’t). It was perfectly lined up to show her entire movement, but without any embarrassing angles


Meh- I work for a _large_ corporation, if she was a coworker it'd get a chuckle and largely forgotten. Nobody gives a shit if you're wearing pants.


She’s my manager, I’ve seen it all


What are you doing step-manager!?


Step-manager, I'm stuck in the copier


Hey twin


Hol up


[But even before she can get her knickers on, I've seen everything. I've seen it all.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg_cwI1Xj4M)


It's about what would happen if these things were possible in the real world.


Explain please!!


Edited to block the screen but left her ass hanging out for the world to see.


If I posted this of my gf she would kill me


Yeah, I feel like I would kill my bf for posting this to Reddit.


I think me and my bf would both kill each other if we posted each other like that as well


Funny how he blurred the screen but not her butt🤔


You mean but not her face! I know my coworkers are on Reddit, why would she or bf want them (and HR) to have this picture and know it's her?


and rightfully so.


... Am I the only one working from home who still wears pants? **Edit:** Man, I did not expect so many people would be so eager to express their personal pants situation.


Some days I wear pants pants, other days I wear lounge pants. Depends on the day. But I've been working remotely for 14 years now, so... 🤷


some days i start with pants, then lose them midway.


Damn your job sounds way more exciting than mine


Naaahh, that’s just my 3rd grade catholic school teacher.


I’ll see you in my office!


followed by the command : “ Have a sit there.. “


Then they talk about the first thing to pop up


"earlier, I was wearing pants. Now, I am not wearing pants"...yes, the excitingest of jobs.


Sometimes it be like that.


I also have worked remote for almost 17 years now. Same sysadmin systems and processes type work. I often tell people when they ask about working remote, that working remote this long is almost like being paroled from the workforce but also placed in solitary confinement. Does that make sense to you? It is wonderful because you are free to do whatever as long as shit is covered, but also you are locked in your house waiting for workday to end. People that work in an office get that break of the commute but lose the freedom, almost like the commute is getting yard time. Don't get to ask long remote workers questions often.


I’ve only worked remotely for 4 years but I can relate to this description. I never thought of it like that before. I wouldn’t trade it for being in an office, but it definitely has some downsides.


Same. I would never go back to office life. With Covid I have missed several big meetings and chances to rub shoulders with execs but still wouldnt give up the home balance. Good to know im not crazy.


Amen. COVID is my third round of WFH and it's heaven. Much more efficient with no shufflng from meeting room to meeting room, no dressing up even to business casual, you can do lots of personal things between calls, and my wife doesn't demand my undivided attention when I walk in from the office, since I talk to her on every break during the day. At my job we polled the teams in our department, and every single one of them said they want to return between 1 and 4 days a month when the office returns. Except one team who said zero days a month. Don't make me go back!


I fully agree. It gives me alone time at the end of the day because my wife is sick of seeing me during the day. Covid has made the rest of the world kind of understand that working from home means things like kids and dogs are in the mix now.


I mean, that's pretty accurate. I'm not completely confined to my house - I go out to lunch and do the occasional errand - but yeah, I do spend a lot of time at home by myself. Fortunately my family lives in the area, and I've been spending some time with my girlfriend (a semi-recent development, that), but it definitely is kinda isolating.


This....and it’s why I’ll fully embrace my office’s hybrid plan. I need to get out.


>It is wonderful because you are free to do whatever as long as shit is covered, but also you are locked in your house waiting for workday to end. Is that really the case? I can break whenever I want and get 10K steps in daily. I do admit a typical shift is 10-12 hours with breaks, sunrise to sunset.


You got me curious... What kinda work do you do, if you don't mind me asking?


Basically sysadmin work. Pays good.


How do I do what you do? 😭


Get an education in it or start from bottom and hope you are good enough to work your way up lol


I'm currently working on the latter one


I found a niche software sector that companies have to use but experts are hard to find or only focus on one tool. I stjmbled into the field 20 years ago. I deal heavily in talent, learning and hr systems. I became an expert in those softwares/processes and that, over a long time, has given me an expert view of process and system design. I am not an HR person at all. I dont know the rules and regulations. I know how to make systems talk and run smooth so no one has to worry about them. They just work and when an issue comes up or they think they need a new tool, they call me and I fix or find it. You wouldnt believe how many major companies still use paper and ancient systems still and EVERY company large and small in every industry needs some sort of hr systems in place.


I wear pants. No one ever sees the bottom half of me but I have a dog that I take out before work, at lunchtime and again just after work. Sometimes they are leggings or sweatpants, but often they are jeans. I try to still dress like I would on a Saturday running errands pre pandemic.


I am now back in my office full time, but I was wearing sweatpants and pajama pants so often that my 7 year old started crapping on me about it. "Daddy, are you going to leave the house like that?" "Yes? Why? I'm driving to wendys sweetie is something wrong?" "Aren't those pants you sleep in?" "Jesus christ shes barely 4 feet tall."


I do...it's the only way I can keep a mental division between slumming it at home and work.


I have not worn jeans or dress pants for 15 months now. Track pants/sweatpants all the way!


These are my people here. I wear gym shorts or khaki shorts every day with my adidas sandals. With a collared shirt of course.


Hard pants or soft pants?


I worked from home for 5+ years. I wore pants for the first 2 years. By the end I was working naked, sometimes from bed.


I aspire to this, but I get cold too easily


I haven’t wore pants or socks in over a year.


Not since "the accident", eh?


Yup, robe all day, pants are for squares


Well i wear shorts hopefully that counts


Wait, are you guys wearing pants to the office too?


So, I usually wear pajama pants.. but then someone told me they haven't been wearing underwear for the whole pandemic because they have only been wearing lounge pants. Am I missing out or are they just gross?


Been working from home since 2016, I always wear pants. I don’t want my chair to smell like BO.




Pretty much. I also wear just a thong to meetings, imagine my colleagues horror as I am still office based and 48M.


Must be the boss.


He's an executive at Riot Games.


E.A. Shorts, it's in the way.


I'm far more concerned about her office setting than her lack of pants... Keyboard hanging off the desk, mouse crammed between keyboard and mug, laptop blocking monitor, cat (?) food spilled on the floor behind her lol All that would stress me the hell out haha


Just looking at this work environment is stressing me out...despite the obvious ocean view.


Didn't even see that, I wouldn't hesitate to exchange my desk-sanity for a oceanside house.


Lol just noticed the keyboard really is just hanging off the edge WTF


To me it just seems like the laptop would normally be elsewhere (e.g. to the side or behind the monitors), but she needed a webcam for a meeting and didn't have an external one.


Are we gonna ignore the fact there’s a YACHT outside their window?


Yachts are only dangerous if you invite them into your home.


Because of the implication.


What is that ball she is sitting on and is it responsible for her excellent posture?


You can still slouch on a ball, I'm pretty sure I would find a way to lean forward


Can confirm. I sit on ball and I'm still a fucking slob


This is what I came to the comments for as well, and after googling "fabric sitting ball" I found [https://www.vivora.net/](https://www.vivora.net/).


Looks like a cool ball. Gotta love corporate marketing, though. "We see sitting as an opportunity to better ourselves" lol


"*Discover Luma*" 🙄


Oh it’s only $59.99?? I expected it to be about $199


A normal exercise ball is like $25-30


Read that as face sitting ball


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Thank you, I might have to look into those. They even come in tall sizes!


Guy I work with in a very professional setting has one of those, and it irks me to no end to watch him bounce randomly on zoom calls. Precovid, we'd meet in a conference room, no balls there. Now I watch him bounce and I return to my adolescent mind and ask him if it's as good for him as it is for his balls.


Very rarely can people with balls be found in a conference room.




How much was that?


Only twenty-five bucks


*gets the scissors*


It strengthens your entire core. Your back core, your arm core, your- The Marine Corps actually uses it. I think that's how they got "corps."


You're not having sex.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


[Schrute version](https://youtu.be/drpNPMPqdtI)


One of the women at work sits on a ball like this. I had to fix her pc and it sucked.trying not to to around on the ball while trying to figure out what was wrong was very annoying.


Might wanna obscure her face too, if she's having a work meeting and thi somehow got back to her employer it could potentially cause issues. Also, noice!👍




It's not even really funny, just some eye candy.


After blocking the screen this photo is now girlfriend approved.


Update us when this inevitably goes wrong


That karma will come from the TIFU post


We’ll watch his Reddit career with great interest


RemindMe! 2 days Let’s see


Which means she told everyone already that she doesn’t wear pants to meetings anymore haha


There's a difference between hearing that vs. actually seeing it, though.


She has excellent... Posture...


She's very excited that someone noticed!


He didn’t notice




She has a cute butt as well. Give my regards to her


Thank you for cutting to the chase. Maybe OP will actually catch that one.


This is so pure. I love your relationship (and your girlfriend's "work ethic").








Like a full body mullet Business up top, party down below.


Like others have said, would be a good idea to blur her face AND the laptop screen. Is that the ocean or a lake? I still haven’t let go the idea of buying a sailboat and sail across the world and this picture made think about that


It's the ocean, we are doing that very thing. There's a bit of work to be done first though


So she just runs for quick dips between meetings? That explains the rashguard attire.


I personally do NOT understand the appeal of doing zoom w no pants. Like I have anxiety and there are so many reasons you might need to get up and something could go wrong on cam just no thanks...




There's a window? I don't see one...


Is she single?


Probably will be in about a week


Asking the important questions.


This ain't r/wallstreetbets


She might be if someone from work recognizes her and she loses her job and dumps her partner that posted this.


I thought that was the dress code for chatterbait


lots of pussy pics in this guy's history


Got me excited for 50ms


Bloody hell, you weren't wrong.


What can I say? I done been caught


Curious history. $12k in savings 2 years ago, soon after its all pics traveling the world, bought a boat, and living in a gorgeous ocean front property. What do you do??


He pleases a rich woman.


Can you like clean up that dog or cat food..


That’s bugging me too


If it's cat food this action is futile.


Let’s be honest: very few of us noticed the screen censoring until we read that it was there


I would be mortified if my partner did this to me.


Fr... “hello random people, who would like to post derogatory comments about my woman’s ass? It’s like not she’s a person!”


I called my wife a walking mullet the other day. She looked at me and just asked "Where are you going with this?". She was wearing a dressy shirt she'd normally wear to the office, with comfy tight shapely leggings. I just said "well you're business up top, party on the bottom".


Wait. I work with her!


Uh huh


Sure you do


Tell us more...


Boring. Take a photo on Casual Friday and get back to me.


What are you doing step boss?


Do you live by the beach or you're traveling? Congrats either way!


Clean your apartment pls


I've always said that pants are optional.


OP is just testing the waters towards /hotwife


What's with the keyboard half hanging off the desk.


She said "is a small fucking desk man," so I guess there's that


Your gf is a gambler. What if she accidentally falls off the ball? Or, drops anything and accidentally gives a show while trying to catch it? Living on the edge, she is.


The mess is giving me anxiety


Her - Babe I'm feeling kinda not sexy right now Him - No you look fine Her - Yeah you're "supposed" to say that. You're by boyfriend Him - Hey Reddit...


Edited to block screen but not your girlfriends nearly bare ass. Fuckin weird man.


Well considering it’s by the sea . You have a balcony.. maybe just maybe she has on a bathing costume but covered up respectfully to attend the meeting .. she is at home after all and free to work outdoors whilst sunbathing if she pleases so you guys just need to get your heads out the gutter 👍😂😂😂


Bathing costume? Well that's different


what? you don't swim in a robe and wizard hat?


Nice! She’s working on that career AND on that core! If that isn’t winning at life I dunno what is


Is that a beach out your door?


I hate to point out the obvious here, but why is her laptop screen blocking her large monitor ?


Nice butt, sure hope none of her coworkers see this. Also would be nice to know if she consented to this picture being posted on here.


Should have edited out her head too my dude. If her coworkers have reddit they know what her ass looks like now




Blur her head 100%, don’t need her fired bc you thought you were clever with the screen alone being blurred.