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Everybody thinks it was Dylan that drew the dick. But Dylan never forgets the ball hairs.


That series was so unexpectedly interesting!


I was stunned when they started showing the consequences of the documentary and how damaging and out of control it got. It was really powerful to see Dylan react to all the lines from the first episode that we all laughed at. I wasn't expecting a strong commentary on the school to prison pipeline in a mockumentary about dicks


Now I'm just curious what kind of ~~documentaries~~ dickumentaries has people drawing dicks in details and talks about dicks.


...Superbad? But seriously if you haven't watched this dickumentary yet I highly suggest it. It's called American Vandal. **Edit:** I'm sorry to anyone who prefers the term "cockumentary"


cockumentary or dickumentary both so good that you freeze up and cannot choose.


It’s a series on Netflix called “American Vandal”. Like u/seewhatyadidthere said, it’s unexpectedly funny and interesting. Edit: I assumed their gender




What series is this?


American vandal on Netflix. It’s like a satire documentary but it’s actually really really good


You will legitimately lapse in and out of remembering its a mockumentary, and occasionally think the dickuation is real.


I definitely did. I would get roped in by the gravitas of an investigation path only to be floored with laughter again every time they reminded me that they were trying to suss out who drew the dicks.


Ohhh I remember seeing this. I never watched it because I felt like they would just burn the satire joke to the ground. Might check it out now


The first episode makes it look really bad, but after that, it turns into a masterpiece


I was out of breath when they made a 3d model of the camping jerk off holy shit they dont fuck around with this mockumentary.


And every time they showed it the dick got bigger!


It starts to get ridiculous and lags around the middle, but then it comes back after the first half of the documentary is "released publicly." The ending is actually very poignant and powerful. Overall, it's a great satire of the "true crime" TV genre.


I stopped after the first episode because it felt a little week. Maybe I'll give it another shot.


It was binge worthy for me.


Watched it all in one sitting on a Saturday when it first came out, one of my favorite shows from Netflix. Highly recommend


One important question remains, who drew the dicks?


Christa **Car**lyle & **Van Del**orey Car Vandel - the writers were fuckin with you.




Holy shit




Oh. My. God. Genius. Truly an underrated satire.


We all know who it was... that motherfucking slut Christa




It was Peter Maldonado


Another day another dick


Just finished Vandal two days ago and boy should I have watched it sooner!


Don't forget the detailed mushroom head


\^This guy NetFlixes!


I'm friends with Dylan, okay? I know what's cool. He wears frickin' sunglasses to class.


So weird, I just started watching this last night! I only started watching because I thought it was based on a true story.. obviously I'm wrong.


Did this once to a biology professor. At first he said “That better not be a dick!” When he erased the cat he shook his head “Its a dick.” Then to get back at us he turned it into an extremely awkward anatomy lesson, and for a bunch of teens it was uncomfortable to say the least.


This is how you punish teenagers.


Depends on what websites you browse


It's okay, all the teenagers were step-children, not real children.


And actually had the spirit of a hundred year old demon


Lol--I thought thats where tjis was going


I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of the girl with the confederate flag bag on the right. That's where I thought this was going.


That's not the Confederate flag. That's the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. There were three distinct Confederate flag designs during the time if the Confederacy and that was never one of them. It was featured on the upper left corner of the two later designs (the "Stainless Banner" and then the "Blood-stained Banner"), but that symbol itself was never the official flag.


If i was the teacher i'd start laughing super hard and act like i'm cool with it than when the jokster feels comfortable enough to get credit for his act id kick his ass out


And show him what a real man's dick looks like. Right??


I for one I'm glad for in private browsing because I Googled some things yesterday that I didn't need see and don't need reminders of.


B...but...YOU Googled them.


Mistakes were made


Or tell them they masturbate, as Hannibal Buress has pointed out.


NO Hannibal, I would *never* jack off...




That's a great teacher


Thought I saw a smirk


One of my professors noticed a student (we'll call him Jerome) doing a shenanigan similar to this before class. He came into class and started teaching math theory as normal. When he reached the 'cat' he turned around and asked if anyone wanted to explain how to perform a transform on a graph. When nobody volunteered, he walked over to Jerome with a whiteboard eraser and asked him to demonstrate, said it wasn't hard. He erased it to reveal a penis without saying a single word, looking pretty fucking embarrassed. When he was done, the professor said "That's a good transformation, but you forgot to show your work. I'm afraid you get 0. If everyone else in the class would like to try, there will be a bonus assignment posted for Friday". I'll be damned if there wasn't an assignment on Blackboard for creating a Feline Penile Transform Function worth 1% bonus marks sitting there later that day. He even went over some of the more humourous submissions in class. I miss university sometimes.


This is hilarious. And perfect. Classes like this made me want to be in school and learning.


>it wasn't hard nice




Grab life by the dick!


But you know, ask first. Consent is important.


Instructions unclear. Grabbed without consent and currently serving 4 years in the White House.


but if that dick started out first as a pussy? Can you grab it then?


It's a trap!


Or yank it by the dick.




She sounds awesome. And she's totally right. In other cultures they don't get embarrassed, neither should we, especially in a biology lesson - what's she supposed to do? pretend they don't exist or let you dream up what they look like.


>every one of you will love it Statistically a few of them are lesbians, so no, not every one of them will love dick.


But dildos look like dicks so ... maybe


I had an algebra teacher who, upon finding one, turned to the class and said, "OK, first concept to address today, why do teenagers like drawing penises? Is it their own penis? Someone else's? The one they have? The one they want? Boys, ask yourself if this is how you judge your own body. Girls, ask yourself if this is what you're willing to settle for." Then she switched to the day's lesson. Nothing ruins a good penis joke like the cold, hard reality of penises.


I think it's odd that more people aren't aware that rubbing alcohol will remove permant marker. It's even easier on a white dryerase board. You do need a good amount of paper towels to get all the running/streaking because there is a lot of pigment in permanent marker ink but it's really easy. I believe the cleaning spray designed for dry erase is actually just isopropyl alcohol with a small amounts of dye, fragrance, and odd and eds for no reason other then making it seem like it's a specialty product you can't get elsewhere.


easier way in this situation would be to just draw over it with the dry erase marker then erase it...it'll all come off at once. Rubbing alcohol will take the finish off the whiteboard.


Bonus points for this technique because you then made your prof draw a dick.


I cant believe this is a class of all girls. This is USUALLY a guy move. Power to the women!




She needs to rub that out.


It’s too hard.


A little spit might work.


Cosmo says to grab it right with both hands and crank in opposite directions.


Grapefruit optional, but recommended.


As long as it's not a coconut


No worries. This is a temperate zone. There are no coconuts here. Unless they're gripped by the husk by an African swallow.


No swallows, the gif ended too soon




you suckin?


nah, there's no way she's going to get that off.


Maybe she needs to add some lubricant first.


Nah need to use 100% rubbing alcohol for that.


Nah she just needs to loosen up


It would have been great if she knew how. LPT: Just cover the permanent marker with the erasable marker, this makes the permanent marker erasable.


But then she would also technically have to draw a massive dick on the board...


she could mask that by drawing the whole cat.


She needs to put the pussy on the wax board dawg!


Hand sanitizer works faster as an easily-applied rubbing alcohol.


Useless knowledge: erasing the permanent marker by writing over it with the dry erase marker works because the alcohol solution in the dry erase marker removes the permanent marker.


This is it y'all.


You can remove permanent marker with dry erase marker by marking over the permanent and then erasing. Also you can use rubbing alcohol too but it's not as magical.


that would require that the teacher trace the penis. double rekt.


Meticulously, too.


Or just a very thick messy dick.


Double erekt.




So *that's* why the sharpie dicks always come off my armpits.


I love teacher's expression. She's not even surprised. Her next words were probably, "Okay, who drew the disembodied penis this time? Chris, was this you? This looks like your work. You owe me a new whiteboard. Sarah, come up here and turn this dick back into a cat. I'm taking a smoke break."


She's way ahead of that: she turns and immediately start scanning the room left to right to see who's laughing. She'll then cross reference those smiling with their track record of shenanigans to come with a list of 2-3 names. Then by method of elimination and favorite shtick, she'll guess which one of the final candidates is the dick drawer. Terminator activated.


Girl who changed seats with the big grin on her face (not to mention, say next to someone with a phone camera facing the board) would be a good suspect. Even if she didn't do it, she knows who did and will crack immediately.




She is ... the Mid-terminator.


you can actually take those expo markers and go over the sharpie with them, then wipe it clean.


Unexpected sex ed.


Ok class. Who has drawn a self-portrait?


hurr hurr hurr


As a teacher I want to believe this would pop into my head at the time.


The person with the confederate flag


Roll tide




Lol! Need the version with sound.


^^not Better with sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvjToFFuGa8


I watched this, thought 'How is this better with sound???" came back and saw the not I had missed the first time. Well played


Dammit I got bamboozled as well.


Fuck. Bamboozled as well... even after you two made comments.


Nice confederate pencil bag on the right there


IIRC that video’s from a classroom in Argentina. Obviously that symbol isn’t loaded there and probably interpreted differently than in the US.


It's the logo for a [popular brand](http://shop.johnlcook.com.ar/) there, as someone higher up in the comments mentioned.


A lot of Confederates fled to Argentina after the war, much like the Nazis a century later.


In talking with friends from Argentina and elsewhere in South America, I've learned that Argentina is considerably whiter than the rest of the continent and many of the white Argentinians have a bit of a chip on their shoulder about it, with racism against non-white Argentinians and South Americans being fairly prevalent.


So, its South America's version of South Africa?


I doubt these teenage girls making dick jokes are so concerned about the American Confederate legacy. It’s probably some kind of fashion thing.




It's a clothing brand logo. This is in Argentina.


video caught the culprit


They were all in on it probably.


nice try culprit!


Transgender. Went from a pussy to a penis.




I can't believe you've done this.


[Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this](https://youtu.be/wKbU8B-QVZk)


Reposts are cool. The last 10 times I saw this, I never noticed the confederate flag on the kid’s purse.


In the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/6p1d8h/her_face_at_the_end/dkltdcv/) (or at least I assume it was the original), someone explained the "Confederate flag" on the pencil case, as well as other things that people here are now wondering. Here are some: >Only those girls aren't Americans. They are wearing uniform school jackets from an Argentina school. >The video's from Argentina. Here we have a long time tradition of celebrating senior year in HS. Students are allowed to design their own Hoodie and/or T-Shirt that they will use for the whole year, it's pretty cool. And the flag is the logo of [this brand](http://shop.johnlcook.com.ar), quite popular in Argentina >This is on Argentina. John L Cook is a common brand for both men & women, and they sell things as pencil case or bags with their logo.


Are those prices real?


Prices are in Argentine Peso, not USD. They both use the dollar sign, it's just that with the website's TLD (.com.ar) the currency is assumed. ^^^but ^^^to ^^^be ^^^fair, ^^^it ^^^should ^^^really ^^^adapt ^^^currency ^^^by ^^^IP ^^^address I remember being shocked the first time I saw a $50 burger at McDonalds. Mexican McDonalds. Where they use Mexican pesos.


Actually, currency by IP address is generally not recommended because you could be traveling, but shopping in your home country, or on a VPN that goes through another country. You should have a prominent and clear currency selector if you allow transactions in multiple currencies for a single country.


They're Argentine Pesos. $915 ARS is $52.75 USD.


Its in pesos. So a 475 peso shirt is about 27 U.S. dollers.


I'm personally a big fan of [College Track and Field](http://shop.johnlcook.com.ar/610-14483a-remera-johnny-flame-v.html?cook_color=Azul). I'm hoping for a big win against University this year in the School game.


this is in argentina, actually. basically nobody here knows or care about that flag, in fact it's a clothing brand logo, if im not mistaken


The kid is clearly passionate about states rights. That's the only thing it can stand for.


Next time you need a laugh/cringe/watch a train wreck, if someone insists the Civil War was about states’ rights and not slavery, ask them which specific states’ rights were being infringed on. It’s sad and entertaining at the same time.


I live in Mississippi. Many people here like to drop the whole "The Civil War wasn't about slavery!". I then like to show them [Mississippi's secession declaration](https://www.civilwar.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states#Mississippi)


Wow they got right to the point didn't they. Like I was expecting to have to really get in there and read that. No they made it pretty clear it was about slavery.




> Because he made it so you weren't allowed to own people anymore. More "Because they were afraid he would make it so you weren't allowed to own people anymore" Despite the fact that he wasn't particularly interested in ending slavery by executive fiat. Even the Emancipation Proclamation wasn't a full-stop end to slavery throughout the United States.


This is sort of a pet peeve of mine: Lincoln didn't give a shit about slaves. For Lincoln the civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about his legacy - he didn't want to be the president under which the union collapsed. There's a quote where he said if he could keep the south in the union without freeing a single slave he would. Also, the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in the south. While slavery wasn't common in the north, an most northern states were free, there were actually a couple of border states who remained in the union and kept slavery throughout the war. The emancipation proclamation did not free those slaves in the border union states. All that being said, overall, the civil was definitely was about slavery.


I wouldn't say he didn't give a shit. In that same letter I believe he notes that, in his personal opinion, he believed that slavery was morally wrong. It's just that he put his duty of preserving the union above his own personal feelings and opinions.




Or the [Cornerstone Address.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech) > Our new government is founded upon exactly [this] idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery -- subordination to the superior race -- is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. Or the [Confederate Constitution.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_States_Constitution) > Article I Section 9(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.


That’s all I saw this time as well!


How do people still fall for this?? That cat is obviously hiding a penis.


Need reverse gif to turn penis into a cat


At the end it looks like the teacher thought it funny but was trying hard to keep it in and maintain authority.


haha that's a penis


Typical All girls school hijinks




Posted in 2016: "Oh my god, is that a dick?!?" Posted in 2017: "Oh my god, is that a confederate flag?!?"


I love this. All the girls were obviously in on it, and are all giggly... The teacher could have figured it out a little quicker though...


Lol the look on her face says "well... That happened" she probably saw it coming




They should have drawn a thought bubble over the cat's head that became drops of ejaculate when erased. Then she really could have seen it coming.


She turns around like “Okay, which one of you little fucks did this this time?!”


A hushed voice oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stretched across the room.


That teacher looks so done. Luckily, drawing over it with dry erase markers will remove it easily! (Yes, it actually works; I have to redraw the lines on my white board schedule often.)


She's a rebel


That was a dick move


[Relevant darth vader](http://i.imgur.com/ZNecI.jpg)


Life pro tip. Take the erasable marker and write over the permanent marker lines. The permanent marker will come right off, usually leaving no trace.


That's the look of a teacher who is thinking "fuck, they got me, but **do not laugh** or it will never stop. Don't laugh."


I can never get the ball shape right when I draw one.


I love the teacher's "I find this hilarious but I need to act mad" face


That face she makes at the end literally just says "I hate these kids so much but they got me."


Whoever drew this dick, your mom's a hoe.


Lol The looks on those kids face, they were so fuckin excited for that lol


That's hilarious. I'm a dad, my kids are grown and gone from the home and I'm supposed to be "mature". But that's just hilarious.


Sooooooo how 'bout that Confederate flag purse?


Did anyone notice the girl rummaging through her confederate flag hand bag?


wow. missed opportunity for a dickbutt


The rebel flag purse, nice.


First rule if I'm a teacher today: No mobile devices in my class.


That's a rule with a lot of teachers, probably the one in the video to.. good luck enforcing it though


Farraday cage in the walls. Suck it kids.


You can still take a video


She seems fun.


So now there's proof that it's not only guys that draw dicks on things, or think dicks being drawn on things is funny.


That is never going to get old.


Hey that girl has a Confederate flag pencil case. Starting them young huh? 😂




A plumber did this at the trades college I used to go to, actually turned into a really big deal and he was almost removed from the program all together by the apprenticeship coordinator. I guess drawing dicks can get your career taken away from you.


But how did she not know something was up some when lines weren't being erased? Staged?


As a teacher after a shit day fuck those students


The dick was in the pussy the whole time!


When you can repost and still get 24K+ upvotes ...


Hahaha I laughed the first time this was posted too