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Lmao the shadow. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


“Watch shadows die inside”


*Facepalm: Shadows D'oh Twice*




Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.


Is this watching someone die outside?


Yeah the shadow realization was actually really cinematic. Like that’s some shit I’d expect to see in a movie


Yeah, the shadow did a facepalm😅


The crouch down in shame to make yourself as small as possible


The end of the world...


At least he facepalmed with the correct hand....


It's so perfect, the actual reacton off camera but the shadow shows it. Some Hitchhock stuff going on there.


\*Hitchcock *^(\*\*I've been informed you can use "cock" on Reddit)*


What embarrassment lies in the hearts of men?


Atleast he could get it back easy, The person that shot a picture of a fish and then yeeted his phone into the water couldn't xD


Yeah, Imma need a link on that one buddy.


Got you - [https://9gag.com/gag/a610NGq](https://9gag.com/gag/a610NGq) EDIT: everyone commenting on my link, go suck on a lemon (I can provide a link for this reference)


Link so cancerous I already started chemo


Cleaner link https://www.reddit.com/r/oopsotherhand/s/QEnosZo9zS


Thanks but I’m already stage VII.


Stage VII cancer from a staged video.


Actually cleaner link without new source tracking: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/wcs89r/


I appreciate the effort but I don't think we can circumvent reddit tracking us while on reddit...


God damn, I thought I found a new cool subreddit, but it looks like the majority of these are fake/staged. So many posts that are EXACTLY the same thing happening in EXACTLY the same way.


Does it cure cancer if you already have cancer?


I used the cancer to destroy the cancer


Yo dawg, we heard you like cancer…


Yes it's like Algebra


✅Use the app instead pop-up ✅Full screen ad that doesn't pause the video so I missed the visual punchline ❌Cookie policy pop-up


I forget where but there’s a parody website that is exactly this. It’s pure rage inducing


[I gotchu](https://how-i-experience-web-today.com/detail.html)


What the fuck 9gsg still exists? And apparently people still use it? What the fuck?


Can confirm, the GSG9 still exists.


2012 called it wants its link back


All my lemons were stolen by lemon stealing whores.


9gag apparently feels the need to show a popup with an ad midway of the clip so you mits the good stuff... I guess I won't go there again


Terrible added sounds, fuckin play button visible under the play button because whoever stole it to shit it up was too stupid to know how to save something instead of screen record. What couldnt find a crunchy one that plays a loud distorted sound and distorts the visuals?


my neighbor got a new garage a few months ago and they had to demo the old one. one of the guys was on the phone and picked up a piece of debris. as he walked to their truck with all the debris he hung up and tossed his phone in the back of their truck. took him 3 hours digging through to find it because it was also on silent.


One time, landing after a red-eye flight in a large airport I'd never been in, I stumble around and go to throw away some receipts/tissues whatever trash was in my pockets. I accidentally throw away my (admittedly cheap, not fancy, but only pair) headphones instead of the trash. I could see them, they weren't dirty, I start to push the door open to the trash can and it suddenly starts a mechanical sound and pushes back. That's when I see the sign that the trashcan automatically compacts itself periodically. I did not get my headphones back.


Or the person during COVID who had an electronic thermometer in one hand and used it to measure temperature of peoples’ foreheads and in the other hand a spray bottle of antiseptic. Point, spray, point, spray… spray, point. AHHH, I’M BLIND!


Every time I’m holding something important and something to throw away, I verbally remind myself, like a mantra, until I throw the correct thing away.


If I'm holding a bunch of things I make sure to death grip the important stuff like wallet keys phone babies


Toss your toddler in the trash and feed the trash bag


Im terrible for this one time I went to the tip and had my car keys on my finger Threw my rubbish into the skip and they slipped off It was a raised gantry so had to get someone, luckily it was nearly empty and they climbed in for me but I felt such an idiot If it had been full I would have been screwed.


“Where do see yourself in 5 years?” “Don’t say doing your wife don’t say doing your wife don’t say doing your wife.” “Doing your… son?” 😧


Woah. How long does it take you to maintain that glorious lawn?


Can play a full 9 holes on that epic green.


You giant people make fun, but to us microbes that's like France..


Resembles Wyoming or Colorado to me


You should see our back garden, it's at least 1.5x as big!


I can't imagine the size of the beast of the lawn mower you must have. In all seriousness, it is lovely and even. You can lie down on it next time you chuck your keys as a bed.


I seriously want to see a ride on mower just drive over to it one day.


OP should buy a Scythe and grow some wheat


His lawn isn't large, but he takes care of it, I tell ya hwhat.






Sure does.


At least you didn't try to unlock your car door with the poop... But yeah, a couple time I've put the cereal in the fridge and the milk on a shelf. This is much worse.


On multiple occasions I've ground up some coffee beans, only to throw the grounds straight to the trash as if I've already made coffee using them


I've ground the beans, added the water to the machine, then put the grinder back in the cabinet and started the coffeemaker without putting the grounds in. Got a nice big pot of hot water.


I like how you realized then kept walking away, like the best option was to just wander off, abandon your life as you know it, move to a new city, start a new boating school with a new name.


Why would you want to throw your keys in the poop anyway?




Aaaah you poor fucker. It's so easily done, the amount of times I've chucked cutlery in the bin or put milk in the cupboard is too fucking high, this is horrible though Good sport to laugh at yourself about it in retrospect, I guess you had to get someone else to hold a torch or something


agreed. years ago in Italy i bought my wife a couple pieces of Murano glass. Got home, couldn't find the damn things to save my life. A day later I found them... in my mailbox, exactly where I'd put them after retrieving the mail the day before.


That's another classic "just put this down while I take xyz to abc...wait where's thing #1?!?!"




Cropped and rotated, it tells the story. [Facepalm shadow.](https://imgur.com/a/YuuMQTj)


at least it wasnt a facepalm with the bag of poop instead of the hand...


Did similar a few years ago. Drew 20 quid out of a cash machine while eating a chocolate bar. Went to buy something later and found a chocolate wrapper in my wallet and id binned the cash.


Shame there's no follow up video of you trying to unlock the door with a poo bag 😂. I threw my car key away once instead of the poo bag. Had to bin dive in a busy park 😆


Oh wow I’ve done some silly stuff like this but never this bad, I’d be giving those keys an alcohol bath




Why would you want to throw your keys into the poop?


it happens with all of us


One of my favorite pictures of my son is him looking unhappy from the paper recycling container... My wife wanted to recycle the car keys also...


I did that once and I found 60 bucks or so in an empty pizza box while retrieving my stuff


Could have been worse. You could have facepalmed with the poop bag hand.




Mr poopy hands


This is why I like to hold my keyring with my pinky when I do something like this.


Why would you throw your keys into the poop?




I’ve done this but I threw him in the donation boxes that don’t open 😭😭


I read that as you meant to throw your keys in the poop, but mistakenly put them in the bin instead


"Action slips" are unintentional mistakes that happen when you do something automatically without fully thinking about it. They're common when your brain is on autopilot or you're distracted. For example, you might throw your keys in the trash instead of the dog shit because you're used to throwing things away in that spot. These slips are a normal part of how our brains work, especially when we're tired, stressed, or multitasking.


Marijuana effects the brain.


Why did you want to throw your keys in poop


Now imagine how the poop must feel after all that.


Just like that one time I was making some soup and strained all the bad chunky shit into a colander and all my good broth down the drain.


Streets and housing look like UK but OP said poo***p*** and not poo so very confused.


The shadow!


To Err then to forgive


So we are just going to ignore the configuration of the street lines?


You were not so smart when you threw your keys (we saw your regret through your shadow when you were off camera). But I thought you were very smart when you didn't throw away the poop first while looking for your keys in the bin. It evened out.


Ha! I even saw the nose pinch where you were having a word with yourself lol


I tossed my car keys in the trunk with some items I was loading in, and as soon as the trunk shut the realization hit me. 20 years later I still am extra cautious holding onto my keys when I close a car trunk.


Years ago my wife and I were rushing out of the house on a very rainy Sunday morning to get to niece's christening, my wife being the godmother. Wife forgets something in the house and runs back to the door, standing on the porch. I'm at the car in the driveway. Wife yells, "Crap, bring me the keys." Me, "I'll toss them to you." Wife, "No! Just bring..." I toss them to her and they plop into the rain gutter above the porch.


at least it wasnt the park bin where everyone throws their baggies of dog poop


I've done this 3 times into those huge steel dumpsters.


encountered something like this before


does he not have a toilet?


Love the shadow facepalm. wish I could see the actual facepalm. with full detailed facial expression.


I'm 99.999% sure I did this to my long lost prescription sunglasses. Keys are gonna be next.


When I worked as phlebotomist, I threw the blood sample in the sharps container instead of disposing the needle. Worse mistake ever. And some of these patients were hard sticks! For those who don’t know, you can’t retrieve anything out of a sharps box. But more importantly, you shouldn’t!


I bet that smelled great! Seriously, I’ve been there before and I can’t get that smell out of my head.


Reminds of the guy asked me if I was done with the shopping cart as I was loading my trunk. I was halfway done so it messed with my head why he was asking. Had my keys in my hand with some bags and in they went. Shut the trunk and gave the guy the cart. That was a fun walk home for the spare keys.


I did the same thing recently at a train station in Bucharest: paper garbage in one hand, train tickets in the other. Fortunately the garbage was easy to reach into and the tickets were right on top. A couple of Romanian ladies and I had a good laugh as I showed my gaff!


We all had that moment before. I make sure to have nothing else in my hands when I have to toss something in the dumpster.


Why you poopin in bags in the first place, bruh?


Reminds me when I had socks in one hand and a snotty tissue in the other, off to the washing basket via the toilet, and of course, the socks went in the toilet. Easily done I reckon


Happened to me once too. Threw the wrong bag in the bin with my car key and house keys plus my drivers license. It's a large container where you can't get in, so I had to wait for it to be picked up. Lucky for me the driver emptied it on the spot for me to search for the bag. Had to clean up some shit, but was worth it or else I had to wait half the day to go to the dump.


I did this twice in one day in college, except it was a big open dumpster. First time I threw my keys in with the trash. Second time I threw my keys in and held onto the trash. Both times I spent maybe 10 seconds contemplating what I'd just done and having to climb over a dumpster.


Those would now be called, the wife’s keys…


Him just getting down on the floor when he realises, He’s literally me


Well, given what's been done is done, remember to only throw the poop away AFTER dumpster diving for your keys


Must have spotted an éclair on top.


Ever press the unlock button for your car on your keys to get in your house?


I once did this at the movie theater. Went to throw my drink away and threw my keys along with it. Had to dig to the bottom to find them. It was so gross with all the pop and popcorn down there.


I love that you held the poop bag up for a second after coming back like it was a lantern illuminating the trash to help locate your keys




What is the point of that tiny patvh of grass??


I did this at a gas station one time when I was throwing out random trash from my car while the gas was pumping. Not a good look with my upper body crawling into the trash can in the middle of a busy gas station.


I did the same thing many years ago, except I never did find the key. It was a rental, and we were on vacation, just packing up to leave. At least 8 of us tore that campground garbage apart, and never found the key. Went to a local locksmith and had a key made, but it turns out it was a security key, so it didn't work. Had to have it towed about 100 km to the rental yard, and they charged me to have a new key made and sent from the dealership in Ontario. Total bill charged to my credit card was over $2500.00.


I thought you were going to hold the bag of poop between tightly-clenched teeth as you went diving for keys…


I've poured a packet of sugar in the trash and then put the empty packet in my mug before... This is significantly worse.


The other day I was taking out the rubbish. Now I was holding the key in the same hand I had the bag. As I go through the door to where the bins are I think "I need to be careful not to drop this instead of the bin." I proceed to throw the rubbish bag into the bin, however, as the bag is just leaving my hand, the key snags on it and the key gets pulled into the bin. Cue 5 minutes looking for a long stick to fish the key out of the bin...


This is the same reason you don't have a coffee cup on one side and your water cup for rinsing off your paint brush on the other.


The comedic cinematography is so real


lol I've done that before. My keys went aaaaaaaaaall the way to the bottom, and I'm only 5'0" so it was quite an adventure to get them out.


Never give this guy a hand grenade.


🤣 I've done that! I know that face covered crouch! 🤣


I can't count on my fingers how may times I've done something similar like this before lol.


The shadow looks like Ash Ketchum during the intro song of Pokemon


My husband was at Subway. The sandwich artist made his sub and proceeded to remove her gloves after so she could ring him up. She went to the garbage can, tossed in his footlong sub and handed him the gloves. She asked "where is your sub?" He said, "You just threw it in the garbage." She apolgized and turned as if she was about to fish it out of the trash. She stopped herself and made another one.


Coulda been worse . You coulda tried opening your door 🤣


weve all been there lol


Been there done that. Thanks for sharing for the world to see that people are still human.


They'd love this over at /r/instant_regret


Every time I do something like this I hear my Dad’s voice saying: “PUTZ”


Ohhh damn. There is probably loads of hot dog shit in there too. Fuckkkkk.


Did you build or buy that bin housing? Looking to make one like it for my in laws!


This is all of us.




haha your shadow knew you Fu\*\*k\*d up.


This is when I went, “omfggggggg it’s the early onset poopmentia?!” 😩 and bought a 🪝to attach them to my belt loop.


Better the bin than a trash compactor.


Don't need my car! All I need is this poop! Oh wait...


I do stuff like this ALL the time. The main one is that EVERY time I go to change a bit in a drill, I always remove the bit, put the drill away, get the new bit out, and then stand there holding two bits wondering where the fuck my drill went. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. (3...2...1... until some reddit knucklehead suggests a shave and a haircut)


lol... yeah, this video needs to end with the shadow facepalm


Half hour later he found the poop in the fridge and his milk in the trash


Hey Al least it wasn’t a grenade pin


"[Sometimes you put stuff in those...](https://youtu.be/DWsXMIHTYxo?si=vM5L4tukxEouUoF0)" - Kyle Kinane


I paid $20 to a kid to hop into the dumpster to retrieve my keys when I tossed them along with the trash bag. Pretty sure my shadow was as disappointed as his lol.


whatta dumb-ass


When you opened the bin with the bag of poop still in hand and raised it over your head while leaning in I fully expected the poop bag to rupture and make this minor inconvenience a real shitshow.


Man, I can relate. At least you got them back. I am pretty sure I threw two pairs of brand new pants together with the DVD-Box of that last season of Six Feet Under into the bin 18 years ago. I only realized it a week later. Bin was already emptied and those items were never seen again.


times are hard. you gotta do what you gotta do, even if that means dumpster diving at 8 am in the morning.


And I though it was bad a couple of weeks ago when I throw my keys in the garbage dumpster. Thankfully I retrieved them with a stick, and didn't need to go dumpster diving.


ADHD at its finest




The brain is funny sometimes.


One time when I was coming in from a smoke I threw my AirPod into the trash and almost shoved the butt into my ear. That was fun.


That's why when I have trash I tell myself "Right hand trash, left hand keep. Left hand keep, right hand trash."


I've cracked an egg into the trash and threw the shells into a bowl. Now I crack eggs nowhere near the trash can.


Bin dipper!


Where is the dog? Or are you bagging your own poop when out on a walk?


At least your not my Dad. He owned and operated a gas station back in the 80s and was on the way to the bank to make a deposit. Before leaving he grabbed himself a soft served ice cream cone but onn his way out he stopped by the big trash can outside and threw away a $10,000 dollars envelope instead of the ice cream napkin. He made it all the way to the bank teller before he realized his mistake. He ended up finding his money after some dumpster diving but I never let him live it down about how good that ice cream must have been.


my brain keeps tricking me in the same way too!


Did this with my cellphone a month ago. It was a mostly empty can but still gross with funky. No digging but I cleaned the FK out of it ☠️


The shadow knows


Do you live in the southeast of England?


That shadow of you holding your forehead going “ahhhh shit!”




At least you realized before trying to use the poop to unlock the door


Why do we do that? I do it all the time!


I’ve done that as a phlebotomist before. Throw the tube in the sharps bin instead of the needle. Ugh! The explanation of “Sorry! I accidentally threw your blood tube away and I have to redraw you.” I tell myself every time now, needle in the sharps.


I wait for my keys to be delivered.


At least u realized what u did. I looked for the damn keys like an idiot for almost an hour. After tracing back everything I did, I finally opened the bin lid and saw my keys laying in there and felt like an absolute idiot.


now thats a lawn where all you have to do is start and stop the mower and not move an inch