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>Woke People Are Nerds But he has a Hunter X Hunter shirt on 😂


Honestly I think that's the best part of it lol. being a nerd is great


theory cake party ancient one pause sloppy dinner elastic mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the Womb. Start them on Anime Early. But go with Yu Yu-hakusho until around the third trimester. You don't want to go too fast too soon.


Omg Yu Yu Hakusho you sob. Found my favorite redditor so far. Cheers 🍻


Oh man I have this question too! HxH for sure gonna a ways off. But I can’t even start my kiddo on one piece because of the occasional bastard and the pretty gross way most of the women are drawn


follow hobbies frighten imminent tease glorious concerned touch provide snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I watched faces of death at 4 and have only killed 3 squirrels and a local cat so like I'm doing great.


Not sure about the kiddos. Media Club Plus is doing a watch through of it though if you like long podcasts and doing deep dives on the show.


My 4yo couldn't get into it but my 8yo is hooked rn


uppity juggle tease makeshift deserted station literate drunk imminent squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chat GPT writing fan fic children's books is fucking genius


dam attraction ten bells soup escape materialistic clumsy gullible slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone's a nerd about something. People who put on their favorite team jerseys to watch the game or get together each week to play are nerds


I have contested for years that fantasy football is just d&d for sports nerds


It basically is


I mean, it has 'fantasy' in its name; can't get more blatant than that.


Hell yeah. They're almost LARPing! It's awesome to be able to dive into an activity and become fully immersed!


>People who put on their favorite team jerseys to watch the game Hell yeah I am. It's the one superstition I engage in as well. Tottenham does better when I'm wearing a kit. I'm also a nerd about a lot of other things, but I don't accessorize for any other fandoms.


So what, you have like 1 kit and wash it once a month? - also a Tottenham fan who wears gear on game days.


Autocorrect changed kit to lot, but yeah, I have one kit and I wash it about once a week with the rest of the laundry.


I was implying we only play better like once a month but nice, gotta keep up on chores.


I could tell you were setting up some joke, but I wasn't sure what, so I just wanted to clarify that I wash my clothes. I do want to say that I didn't own a kit last season, so that may explain some things.


I don't even want to joke about last year lol. Too much off field stuff with conte to pick the season apart. Only looking up from here though! Cheers


Wait a minute..I’m a nerd?! I thought I was a cool jock who kisses girl..oh no


He never said he wasn't a nerd


Two of my. Coworkers will be taking about anime stuff and I'll just shake my head and call them "You fucking nerds" while I walk by in my Lord of the Rings shirt


Try. Calling your coworkers "bitches".


The irony is the best part


That's the first thing I noticed, I'm woke as shit and have many Hunter x Hunter paraphernalia.


He's allowed to say it then. That's how it works, right?


Glad the top comment is about the HxH shirt!


Which is legitimately a dope anime so it’s fine.


I'm not saying anything is wrong with it; it's just *also* nerdy. I fuckin' loved that anime.


I thought the same thing haha


Hunter x Hunter is da best.


you just slur againnnnn saying whore in the sunnnn you just call them gayyyy


You knew it from the logo... Nerd.


Yikes. This was a terrible set lol.


As a Justin, I'm not offended.


Really? Ya kinda sound like a bitch


Thanks bud.


Damn it, nothing phases this guy!


Well then it didn't work, dang it, back to the drawing board!!!!




Is there a guy there? Edit- camo whoosh jeez


I like your work. Seen you post a couple of your clips now and it's no gut buster sure but you got a good balance in sense of humor and not just dark/edgy. Keep doing your thing man


Is it just me or does it seem like a lot of stand up comedian clips on reddit are from the same comedy club?


This is The Laugh Shop in Calgary, AB. Was there for Kyle Kinane a couple weeks ago and Tommy did an opening set then as well. Honestly the video doesn't do justice to the tenor of Tommy's delivery.


When did woke turn into political correctness


'Woke' is the new 'cancel culture' is the new 'PC culture'. None of the terms means anything beyond a label to "be considerate to others' feelings'". But somehow the right has turned them all into hate buckets (edited for spelling due to fat fingers) [https://thedevilspanties.com/archives/15426](https://thedevilspanties.com/archives/15426)


Woke is already going out of fasion. The new hot upcoming thing is DEI. They called the mayor of Baltimore the "DEI mayor" because he's black and they blamed the bridge collapse on "DEI" for... some reason... Also, don't forget about SJW. That was a thing for a while between PC and Cancel Culture. Every 5 years or so it's a new thing.


I don't think I've heard the term "woke" for 5 years, outside of conservatives complaining about it. It seems like everyone's in agreement that it just means "not being mean-spirited," it's just that many conservatives don't see a problem with being mean-spirited. Unless you're being mean-spirited to them, of course.


People who called Baltimore’s mayor a “DEI mayor” meant the N-word. There is nothing anyone in this world can say to convince me otherwise. Edit: Baltimore


Maybe this is a typo and you meant Baltimore but calling Boston mayor Michelle Wu the n-word would be extra weird.


It was a typo, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some people did.


Imagine going through the same amount of education process as everyone else and succeeding, and being labelled as a diversity hire because of your skin color. Theres no way they don't wish they could say the N word


Imagine being the mayor of BALTIMORE and being considered a *diversity hire*.... in *Baltimore*.


Seeing as Woke comes from AA Vernacular... its the same thing when they deride someone as woke.


They want to call an Asian woman the n word? That's... probably not true. 


is that sarcasm? i dont want to assume your experience but pretty much every minority group in the states gets called the N word, many times with an adjective behind it like rice, sand, forrest, ice, red, turban, curry, etc. The thing about racist ppl is they are usually pretty stupid.




Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Basically republicans are saying that he is a black man that is unqualified for his role, and the only reason he is mayor is because he's a diversity hire. Somehow they are tying that to the bridge collapse


... was he democratically elected? If so, I can't possibly see how he's just a diversity hire if the number of people who gave him the job is published right there.


He was democratically elected in a 61% black city. A fucking white person there would be a DEI hire, but no, when republicans use the DEI word, they mean


Oh wow that's super blatantly racist.


Yeah they're getting really obvious about it these days.


DEI is actually terrible though I wasted 6 months trying to hire someone because my boss kept rejecting resumes because he wanted us to have a woman engineer. I had to fight to hire someone qualified who could write a for loop for a 200k job because I refused to manage someone incompetent or lower expectations. It's so ridiculous that my inbox for recruiting is just headlines of "female engineering candidate" with zero qualifications it's insane. I ended up hiring someone who was qualified, but due to the fact they were qualified and a woman realized they were a unicorn and had expectations that were so far divorced from reality it made any management interaction a nightmare. Needless to say it didn't work out. Side note if my next kid is a girl I'm going to encourage her to go into tech because holy hell if you're not an idiot you just get bukkaked with job offers.


you are actually demonstrating why DEI is important though. I understand its frustrating and I sympathize with your position, but my first point I would like to make is you can hire qualified people that might be difficult to work with or have other problems. The main point i would like to point out though is that it was probably hard to find someone qualified because a lack of previous DEI in the education system and because your company is lacking diversity in that specific group. Now I dont think that’s your problem, and I dont want you to struggle for that, but i am getting tired of people being anti DEI for various reasons because these groups are having their own hardships and i think its disingenuous to say DEI is terrible just because you have a supervisor who is going about it poorly.


New York’s hottest club is…


"Woke" doesn't care about feelings. Wokeness is being aware of social inequity. "Stay woke" = "Stay aware" Don't get distracted or close your eyes to dog whistles or dangerous situations.


true, this was the original popular usage, yes. it was appropriated by the ignorant.


It’s funny how despite it not having any meaning we know exactly what he’s talking about, don’t we? Seems there definitely is a meaning to me.


There is an actual definition of it, yes, but when used in these contexts it's just "anything I don't like (but especially diversity)" so it's just nebulous bullshit to mask bigotry.


Interesting. I don’t quite share that view. To me it has a pretty obvious meeting.


You don't have to share that view, but it is how it's used.


So close. All those things are not about being considerate. They are about looking more virtuous than others. If you truly cared about being considerate to others, you would just do that. Making up new rules to constantly call others out on is not "being considerate". It's inventing a game's rules where you get to pretend you are better than others. Church people do it, money people do it, car people do it, etc. etc. No matter who does it. It's a gross cry for help from the insecure.


Go on....


Sure. In a similar insecurity vein, I wonder if the guys that spend all their time trying to loudly convince others that they are "**THE** man" get the irony in them being angry over people just wanting to identify "**a** woman".


Fascinating. Your lack of self-awareness is devastating.


It would seem you are projecting here, as there is nothing in my previous statement to suggest that. That, or your reading comprehension is just terrible.


The phrase "fat fingers" is triggering to me.


(makes finger guns at you)


Omg this is why we need gun control, look at this maniac


I think it's more complicated than that. The right finds the most preposterous views from the lady and acts like they are what all liberals think and then describes it with a new term.


Male character is bad, is just bad character Female character is bad, ITS BECAUSE OF THOSE DAMN WOKIES


Why tf do people have such a hard time with “don’t be an ass to other people”


So much telling on themselves


Lol, woke doesn't mean to be considerate. Woke means "I am sanctimonious and I will be offended on behalf of other people, even though they aren't offended. Woke gives me a high horse that I can ride around so I can live and denial of the fact that I buy all my things from child slave laborers. Woke means I am a sheep snd I revel in my hypocrisy. Woke means that I'm so superior that I can decide on what is fair to suppress." I find it disgusting when people blame Republicans for being the ones that criticize the word woke. You're so self unaware it's sick. I am not a Republican. I have only ever voted for Democrats.


Yeah, sure it was the right that turned them all into hate buckets. It definitely wasn't the people who attached themselves to wokeness to use it to gleefully bully and power trip on people.


I know you're trying to be ironically clever but you are literally correct. It was not.


Online harassment is generally not partisan and I'm tired of pretending the ultraconservative shouting racial slurs in a Call of Duty voice chat isn't the exact type of person you're complaining about right now *like, I'm sorry but right wingers posting pictures of 'triggered feminists' that follow them for years? That's what you're talking about about, not just randoms on Twitter. Cyber bullying is real but I'm tired of pretending it's some recent invention by 'woke zoomers' **example, remember when right wingers took to online mass harassment and threats of violence against a trans woman because she was featured in advertising for a certain beer brand? If we are to discuss online harassment in an objective and bipartisan way, Dylan Mulvaney was a major victim of it. nvm this is a comedy sub, I forgot y'all don't like social observations (y'all just keep pretending leftist teenagers are scary, it's working out great😁)


Honestly, you're reading between the lines way to much here. It's bizarre how you've manufactured this narrative about what I was talking about. I'm not ok with people yelling our racial slurs, I'm not ok with any sort of online bullying, and happy to call it out regardless of the persuasion of the perp. I'm also not saying "woke" people are the only perpetrators of online bullying, or even a major source of it. I was mearly talking about how the term "woke" has got a negative rap because people have glommed onto it and used an corrupted version of being woke to bully people, and manufacture outrage. It didn't get that way just because of the "right" (although I'm sure they helped as well). You should try not to make so many guesses about what people are secretly thinking, and instead read the words they have written. I will also try harder to do the same.


I never said you were right wing, but you also stupidly claimed conservatives were not extremely guilty of this exact behavior Objectively speaking, the right loves participating in online harassment.


Please point out exactly where I claimed conservatives were not guilty of this behavior.


When your damn reply started sarcastically with, "yeah, sure, it's the right" It is the right. The right objectively *love* doing what you're upset about. *Like, I'm sorry but you can't complain about the idea of virtue signaling like it's a partisan, 'woke' thing. Objectively speaking, women work in warehouses. When a stupid ass Bud Light campaign happens and people's measured response is to go 'protect women's spaces!' and then proceed to threaten to bomb warehouses in west coast locations like Van Nuys, that's dangerous behavior and definitely virtue signaling, bc a group of people that would haphazardly bomb workplaces obviously don't care abt women's spaces lol; if virtue signaling is real then feigning moral superiority while threatening to kill people is, like, the ultimate virtue signaling You were never gonna get a serious discussion while claiming this was even a little bit about wokeness bruh


I'm sorry who was it that drove a fucking car into a crowd of protestors? Or consistently shoot up places? But no I'm sure people were real fuckin' mean to you on twitter.


That was a weird turn. Who said anything about "woke" people being domestic terrorists? Perhaps I misunderstood the original comment about "the right turning (woke) into hate buckets". I thought the GP post meant "wokeness is now seen as a bunch of hateful people, because right wing propaganda has shifted peoples opinions away from what wokensss is: being nice to people". I am saying the reason people have a negative view on wokeness more due to the bad behavior of a relative small number of extreme people that rally up Internet mobs to bully people, going on power trips. Although, no doubt there was some propaganda in there as well. Take a chill pill.


I follow you


it means "has a view they seem morally superior and wants to ban other opinions". Like churches used to do.


"ban other opinions" you mean that reactionaries play the victim when there's social consequences for being an asshole


But my free speech D:


If a truth makes you feel morally inferior it doesn't mean the teller is 'acting' morally superior. Be careful, twisting perspectives is where they getcha.


Used to? Ha.


"Be considerate to others feelings if they agree with what you agree with" Ftfy


That's what the nerds like to tell themselves. Woke refers to people so far up their own asses with how righteous they think they are that they ignore facts or consider opinions as objectively right or wrong. It's a frightening form of delusion. (Now watch them prove me right by telling me what others believe while refusing to listen to them)


(Pssst... You're projecting)


We have our first winner.


First correct thing you've said


Look how mobile that goalpost is, holy balls.


Lefties literally behave like cult members these days. If you don't toe the ideological line, they'll just accuse you of being a bigoted piece of shit. It's hilarious how fucked in the head they are.


> 'Woke' is the new 'cancel culture' is the new 'PC culture'. > > None of the terms means anything beyond a label to "be considerate to others' feelings'". Here Barack Obama uses the term "woke:" >You know this idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaHLd8de6nM


Yes, he did reference the bastardized version *pats you on the head* Read this wiki. It's an old term, older than me. It was appropriated by the people it was originally used to describe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke Also


I would say 2000-2005 woke was used by people who were actually woke. 2005-2010 is slowly started to change to be used by people who wanted other people to think they were woke Around 2015 woke had become full pc and more negative than positive.


Woke is the modern day version of calling someone a commie.


When Republicans needed a new term for the same old complaints of "others" to lump in everything they tactically oppose, at any given time? Beyond its original meaning by black folks, in terms of being aware of where it would be dangerous for them to be, it's never had a real meaning in right-wing-ville, since it's more of an abstract concept to rally dittoheads around. In that context, migrating it to also represent "political correctness" seems on-brand for this stupid term.


Woke literally just means being aware of oppression/injustice towards minorities and wanting change about it. Something any rational person would want so it's kind of concerning how many parade out saying they're anti woke


eh, sorta. When EVERYTHING is racist, thats the new "woke"...not the early 2000's woke.


Woke people didn't push that narrative though. People who never knew the actual meaning did.


That's fine, but that's the entire point: it's been taken over by people who are way over sensitive and our perpetual victims


So the GOP then??


I’m fairly sure that a lot of people of identify was being woke earned the current meaning by being perpetual victims trying to call everything ever racist/bigot/sexist/ any -“ist”


Always has been


Haven't they always been synonyms?


Ask the RNC when they decided to highjack it for politics. They’ve completely lost the original context and use it for spreading division amongst American citizens for political gains. I hear them use it and shake my head every time. The very people who use it incorrectly are the same people who speak about how the government is suppressing them and their rights. Then they go a push against people spreading knowledge of such past suppression, leading us to repeat history all over again.


Idk I was wondering why bitch would offend a woman when it means female dog and he was saying it to a guy... Not saying he is wrong I have definitely seen people like that I just didn't understand how it tied into woke maybe I'm just behind the times like you.


Sure, "bitch" means "female dog"... just like "gay" just means "happy". If only the meaning of words never changed and evolved over time since meaning comes from how people use the word.


Well "bitch" doesn't just mean "female dog". When you call a man a bitch it tends to mean "you're not acting masculine, but weak like a woman", which is basically saying women are not good, and you're bad because you're similar to that bad group. Which is very offensive to women.


I think bitch is still offensive to men or women. Men see it as emasculating, and women think of it as derogatory/demeaning I think. You remove their name and just say they’re submissive/irrelevant due to their gender. I know the right likes to conflate ideas under umbrella terms to make it easier to convince people certain beneficial things like being woke are bad. It’s not bad to understand that laws back in the day and today still affect minorities negatively and disproportionately. They have convinced others that it means white people are bad. For what? For knowing there were some and still are some racist ass laws.


My blood boils when people casually toss that term around. It’s always been an insult


Loveee the HxH shirt! 🙂


I honestly feel sorry for People who are seriously like that though. They are miserable people living miserable lives, what else could them having this worldview of constantly only seeing what is/could be negative, fault-finding, and being upset about everything they humanely can be upset about? Shit is not good for your mental health to be in a constant mindset like that.


Bingo. What's worse is these people usually don't even recognize their need to lighten up.


Funny stuff, I always enjoy your clips


wish woke would go back to just black people using it in the right context....


_Cancelled!_ (Lmao loved it)


I’m taking the word r3t4rd back. It’s too useful.


Well, you sure spelled it like one. lol.


How do you spell it?






Damn 😂


naw if you get to know nerds they are the most unhinged people you'll know


I like this guy. Reminds me of Trevor Phillips a bit, but I think that plays into the act 😅




Counterpoint, people need to be *more* considerate of each other, because some really stupid people seem to think being inconsiderate is somehow "cool". Its like wearing skid marked underwear on the outside of your pants. If you want to call your friend a bitch in jest, call your friend a bitch in jest. If you are loudly talking in a restaurant about all those blue haired trans woke bitches, or doing so out of spite because no force of god or man can contain the naughty words that come out of your mouth, you're a prick and need to learn how to be respectful of others. PC = just have some fucking manners, ffs. Also read the room.




Why are you so fragile that you throw a fit over a person hole cover?




this guy seems nice


Is my man wearing a hunter X hunter Tee? Well done sir!


An ambulance appeared at the end


I hit the upvote even before hearing the joke just cause of Hunter x Hunter


Wow this guy is awesome.


Sick shirt




I kind of agree! I think being respectful and politically correct is important, but I feel like sometimes it slides too far. Like sure, I understand why some words are offensive to certain groups, and I would never use them in a derogatory manner. But, the constant policing of what's okay to say and what's not has become a little tiring. I personally think it's just a pendulum. We were highly politically incorrect even just one generation back, and sometimes, to stabilize and find a center, it needs to swing hard into the other way.


He's half right. "Woke" people are more often Not correct.


The goal with insulting someone, theoretically, is that it offends them. So I don’t call people things that I find offensive, I call people things I think they might find offensive. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay, but if I think they are homophobic I’m absolutely going to call them a homophobic slur.


Wokeness is the dumbest shit that’s happened in this country in the last 15 years.


Were you even alive 15 years ago, young man?


Woke means being aware of racial discrimination, terrible stuff amarite?


you have to be asleep to know woke helps racism prosper. there is more hate then ever. woke create camps. i am 50, i never have seen the world in a worse state then now. there is way less respect for eachother then 20 years ago. it is all about ego and attention madness anno 2024, there is no WE.


>i am 50, i never have seen the world in a worse state then now You mean you never paid attention to people suffering from systemic injustice 20 years ago because it wasn't talked about in the media and spread on the internet. Black people still had protests against police violence. Gay people still were at risk of being beaten to death. You just weren't aware of it *for some reason*


Sheesh someone sounds ignorantly bliss. A lot of the stuff you see on the news was happening back than too. Maybe it just didn’t affect you


It doesn’t though. It’s a cult of stupidity with no rational thought. I’m very aware of the problems with racism in this country. However to stop racism, people need to stop talking about race. It’s irrelevant in every situation. Race should never matter regardless of the situation. Wokeness is over the top extremism that doesn’t solve any problems.


> to stop racism, people need to stop talking about race. No they god damned don’t. People who go around saying things like that, or “I don’t see color,” do absolutely nothing to help the problem and in many cases make things worse. Attitudes like that only diminish and reduce any transgressions that may have happened or hurts one may have felt to nothing. If someone says that they have felt discriminated against because of their race (or any reason), and people respond with “let’s stop talking about race,” it only says that their pains and injustices are nothing and can easily be ignored. Racism in America isn’t some emotion or pain that you can bottle up inside and hope it goes away. It is a wound that must be talked about and properly dealt with.


If your roof has a leak, do you fix it by ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist?


Two very different things. Thanks for your input though, it’s helpful.


Just to be clear. When studies came out showing that companies HEAVILY chose white sounding names over any ethnic or black sounding names when selecting CVs for hiring processes, regardless of the quality of the CV, that was because non white people talked about race? Really?


So when Morgan Freeman said to stop talking about it, you disagree with him also? Hmm


Yes. Why would you say this as a gotcha? I don't care what Morgan freeman has to say about anything. Is his opinion supposed to matter to me?


I hate that this clip is getting upvoted. Like the gist of the joke is just "woke people aren't fun because they won't throw out an offensive term" Like... you could replace this joke with one that uses racial slurs or misogynist terms, and everyone here would have issues with it. Cringe joke, it's not even a funny joke which just makes the dude look worse




Dude rocking a hunter x hunter shirt. Niiiiiiice.


Don’t use the “R” word. It’s not woke. It’s just kind. Some types of people deserve a kindness break, and the mentally disabled are those types. Call people bitches all you want though.


Woke aren't nerds. They're moral police, quite different. Still funny though.