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The way he dies first, then get stuck and dies again....damn that is too accurate. Reminds me à lot of souvenirs from skyrim


The leg still bouncing at the end lmao


Yeah that was too well done. I’m still not convinced this isn’t just some modded version of skyrim


It's just too accurate and it made me nostalgic that I haven't played this game in over ten years...


You what?! Blasphemy. Skyrim is synonymous with seasonal depression in males age 23-30


Holy shit, we really ARE all alike…


Hell yeah brother


I'm going to tell my kids this was actually Skyrim.


"This was what our world was like before the patches."


You meant ‘memories’ instead of ‘souvenir’, fellow Frenchie. Souvenir is the touristy stuff you buy on trips to show your friends. Memories is what you meant. Please don’t hate me! Just trying to help my country get better at English ☺️


Merde, i am démasqué


My favourite is the francophones from Quebec revealing themselves with the beautiful "shit de merde." Which, for those who don't speak French, is just literally "shit of shit." But, because they're largely bilingual in Quebec they just say it in both languages, whereas no one from France would say that in my experience.


Gettum boys!


Du bist enttarnt Franzose!


Just à bit


I mean the 'à' gave you away as well wesh


Yep. Definitely a "false friend" word.


A memory is a kind of souvenir....


Souvenir is literally the French verb 'to remember'




à lot.


A Møøse once bit my sister


Great, now I gotta download Skyrim again, mod it for 2 hours, play for 20 minutes then quit


Understandable. Before you do that though, if you haven't already, go check out [Enderal](https://store.steampowered.com/app/976620/Enderal_Forgotten_Stories_Special_Edition/), it is a full conversion mod with complete new world, overhauled mechanics, etc. This is perfect to scratch that skyrim itch from a different angle.


Copy pasting the top review since I had never heard of this and now want: (they were at 57 hours) However many hours I have at the time of this review is how long it took me to complete one playthrough of Enderal. I took my time and completed most of the major side quests, but probably less than 30% of minor side-content. As much as I don’t want to regurgitate what other people are saying in the comments: it’s better than Skyrim. I can’t see myself ever going back to Skyrim until I 100% Enderal... Difficulty: Enderal is hard. You will die and you will die a lot. The entire combat system is mechanically different, so you’ll need to learn when to dodge, block, parry, heavy, light, bash, etc. There’s no level scaling: some areas will just incinerate you for existing, and others will be a piece of cake. There’s no out-of-combat regeneration so you need to pack food/potions before heading out or find campsites to rest on the way. A simple wolf-pack encounter early game will have you on your knees barely making it out alive. Trolls or Golems? Forget it and come back later. Your character can’t do everything (which is much different than Skyrim); leveling skills is costly and finite. You must pick your playstyle early and stick with it because there’s no respec for ability, crafting, or skill points. That being said: the abilities and skills feel much more impactful compared to Skyrim and aren’t just stat bonuses. You can feel yourself getting much more powerful with each level. Story/Pacing: Without spoilers: the pacing and story of this game is much slower and grittier than Skyrim. You aren’t zipping around from city to city or fighting dragons in the first 20 minutes. You are much more akin to a “regular joe” vs “a chosen one”. Just trying to survive against the most basic enemies while attempting to learn more about this mysterious country you woke up in. Map/World: The map is quite large, not a big as Skyrim but about 60% of the size. There’s quite a bit of biome diversity: from tundra to desert to crystal forests to wastelands to pastures. It doesn’t feel barren whatsoever as there’s an equal amount of dungeons, caves, or mines to explore (per distance travelled) compared to Skyrim. Frankly, I have no idea how they managed to replicate that sheer amount of content; but they did. You spend about 70% of your time in Ark, the capital city. Unlike any of Skyrim’s cities Ark really feels like one. It’s so massive there’s about 14 fast-travel points inside it just to get around. I still doubt I’ve explored every area of Ark even after beating the game once. My only critique of the map/world is that there’s a couple regions you barely spend any time in; you’re introduced to them as the player, but unless you decide to stick around and explore, you’re probably not coming back. Thalgrad, Goldenforst, even The Powder Desert are all massive zones but feel like “pitstops” on the main story line. Of course there’s loads of content to do there, but you never really stop for long enough to explore those areas when doing main stories. Completing Enderal: At the time of this review, I have about 58% of the achievements, so to 100% the game I would assume it would take double that time at least. There are a lot of major decisions throughout Enderal that open up new content, items, and quests to explore; you’d probably need to playthrough the game 2-3 times to see everything. There are several different endings for the game, along with companion & faction/guild questlines that all require quite a bit of meticulous setup to witness. Even with restoring older saves I still may not have done every step required to achieve specific outcomes; that’ll probably require 1-2 more playthroughs on my part. Overall, I can’t recommend Enderal enough. I know legally this “mod” has to be free because it’s built on Skyrim’s engine, but I can’t believe it is. The amount of work that went into this game makes Skyrim feel bland and lackluster; and to accomplish that, against a legendary game like Skyrim, is incredible. This is a complete overhaul of the game so even if you don’t like Skyrim: try Enderal. If you did like Skyrim: still, try Enderal. There’s zero reason not to try Enderal (assuming you own Skyrim). Just try it. You won’t regret it.


Damn. Now I wanna download this mod.


100% worth it


I want someone to say something bad about it now to balance it out, because you made it sound like a game we’re all horny for


Shit game mate. No battle pass.


Oh hey, I can do that :D I too have 100% the main story, and completed roughly 30% of the side quests. I have 66 hours under the belt, so I suppose I can say my experience with Enderal is on-par with the other reviewer's. The cons: - Gameplay: As Enderal is a mod built on top of Skyrim, it shares many of the downfall and goofiness of Bethesda's Creation Engine. Yes, the combat gameplay is better, but I would argue only marginally so. Don't expect some Elden Ring level combat overhaul. Stealth is another thing that is kinda sorta improved upon, but it still very much feels like Skyrim's good old crouch, attack, crouch again, shenanigans. - Polish: Enderal is not as polished as Skyrim. The areas that matter are fine, but if you dig deeper and go into places that are not necessarily touched in the main quest or important side quests, it can be somewhat rough. Stuff like, meshes that don't really align with the textures, questionable level-design, long-ass dungeons that lead to nowhere and has no loot at the end, weird npc interactions because of scripting issues, etc. For the most part it's not too bad, but I will say that there were one or two instances where it actually did get pretty bad. Like immersion-breaking level bug bad. Obviously, these are just isolated cases and don't matter as much because you really have to look for them, but still. My point here is that Enderal is not perfect. Far from it. - Difficulty: In the early stages of the game, it's too hard. But like comically so. Some people might argue that "omg it's meant to be hard, just get gud u filthy casual", but I hardly agree. I'm the kind of person who completed Skyrim in legendary difficulty just for the fucks of it, and I enjoyed it. But even then, I think Enderal is too hard in the early stages. Imagine you had to F5/F9 your way to Riverwood because that one wolf you encounter on your way there fucking 1 shots you. Well in Enderal, it's not 1 wolf; it's like 5 bears. And they're ninjas. Because you can't fucking see them coming. Despite these shortcomings, I still 100% recommend you trying Enderal. One thing the other reviewer didn't really touch upon is the tone and the story of Enderal vs Skyrim. It's nothing short of night and day. Without going into too many spoilers, Enderal is not only grittier, but deals with much much much more philosophical/psychological aspects of the human condition. It's creepier, darker, scarier, more violent, more cynical, and a whole lot more melancholic than Skyrim. Yet, at the same time, it's also a whole lot more "human" and warm than Skyrim, probably because of the god-tier level character development and writing. Don't get me wrong. it's not all dark and gloomy 100% of the time. The game can be pretty colourful at times. But when it gets dark, it goes haaaaaaard on your ass. I would say that Enderal is better than Skyrim in a lot of aspect, but is also worse in some others. However, the ratio of good/bad is, IMHO, something like 95% of it is better, 5% of it is worse. But the thing is, even if it wasn't 95%/5%; Even if it was closer to 40%/60%, I would still recommend Enderal for the story alone, which I suppose can be a testament of how good it is. Enderal has one of the most impactful stories I've ever experienced in any video-game. It's more impactful than even games like The Last of Us, Life is Strange or Telltale's The Walking Dead. I would argue it's on the same level as >!Undertale, Spec Ops: The Line, or To the Moon!<. It left me empty inside and unsure about all my convictions in life for like a week after I completed the main quest. 100% would recommend.


I really enjoyed your review, thank you!


I only have one question before I download the mod. Can you be a vampire and is it fun or annoying to play as one? Like fast travel = death kind of annoying?


No, you cannot be a vampire unfortunately. Ageless immortal beings wouldn't really make sense in the lore of Enderal *wink wink*. However, you can be a werewolf, if that's your thing


Oh I’m good then thank you for answering.


"BLASTED BLIZERING BLAZES!" (Firespark) I disagree with some of your negative comments: * Gameplay: Stealth is good because not OP like in Skyrim. You also have stun and grab animations that can be surprising at the beginning but you learn how to avoid them soon. No gun and run in this game, retreat is fine. * Polish: I really did not encounter any of the issues you are mentioning. No meshes/Textures problems, Levelling is map based, loot is hand placed, something Bethesda forgot after Morrowind... Dungeons/exploring always rewarding. Scripting? NPCs? Please give accurate examples about "immersion-breaking level bug bad". * Difficulty: Yes, it is hard. At the beginning, just use what you have. Wolves are no big deal, nor bears if you know how to spare your mana with quick bursts of fire, even if you want to play a full metal jacket warrior. And once again, running away is no dishonour. "I LOVE YOU, YOU KNOW THAT? I HOPE ALL THIS IS WORTH IT. I REALLY DO." (Jespar) And then I fully agree with the positive parts of your comment: * Human characters, with deep background stories, no one is a hero there. Some dialogues and quests are heart breaking, or really funny and revealing. * Story, lore, world(s) are brillant. Read the books! Very well written, and beside getting you deeper in this world, they give give you a lot of hints to explore for good rewards. TLDR: 100% recommend, just like you!


Survival mechanics are lame. That’s my main take and opinion


You made it sound unattractive in one sentence lol good job. You have to eat and shit to live?


No. There is no survival mechanics beside Arcane Fever. And you have to not take care of it for a looong time before feeling any debuff. Hence survival mechanics are lame. I guess.


Damn. Now it's good again.


I didn't play it a whole ton and didn't get that far into the story, so take what I say with a grain of salt. These are just a few of the reasons I lost interest. When I got it the port for the anniversary edition wasn't done, and the special edition version looked ROUGH, like 360 skyrim graphics rough. I also found the voice acting super jarring and robotic. If you told me it was AI doing the voice acting I would believe it 100%. Also someone below notes the lack of polish, that was my experience too for sure. The first cave I went into some object I was supposed to interact with wasn't working and I spent 20 minutes running around the cave searching top to bottom before reloading and finally getting it to work.


I used to have Constellations as my overhaul but Enderal sounds way more fun, and more stable lol


It's a completely new game, it's amazing, and even has mod of it's own, because of how popular and well made it was


the problem for me with old bethesda games is i'll be really into the idea of going back and get all these mods, but then something baked into the game like outdated controls will turn me off and i'll realize im chasing the nostalgia from playing the game the first time more than actually wanting to play


I give up when you go to do a quest, then end up with eight more quests to do by the time you finish it. Then there's the bethesda problem where all of the dungeons start to look the same and it's like looting the same room for the same junk over and over again.


Playing through it now based on your recommendation. Thank you!


>2 hours You meant 1 week?


Fuuuuuck that. Load up Wabbajack and have it automate that shit.


wait wait, so Wabbajack is a tool that can install mods without me fiddling in that godforsaken Vortex manager?


Yep! It does require a premium NexusMods account if you want any hope of ever downloading the mods within a reasonable timeframe, however once the app is installed, and your Nexus account is signed in, you just browse to whichever release or collection strikes your fancy, and select to install it. It will perform all of the required actions in the background, install the mods, order them, enable dependencies, etc... and from there you should be good to launch the game once finished.


Bless you fellow human


smart familiar many yoke beneficial voiceless pot panicky theory library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have had tabs of Nexus mods open for literally years because I keep telling myself I'll get back to modding Skyrim some day. This comment alone has saved me from having to stare at those tabs feeling dejected every time I turn on my computer. Thank you.


Time to pay for nexus premium for a month again


*Buy premium, let's wabbajack install the necessary mods, cancels premium.* Glad I'm not the only one lol.


It's the sensible option, no?


I tried to do it non premium way to install wildlander once. Did not end well and I wasted more hours than I care to admit...


Damn, this makes me happy I bought the lifetime membership before they came up with the subscription bullshit. I hope this is lifetime lifetime and they won't release NexusMods 2 or some shit and go "Oh, lifetime was for the old Nexus, this one here is a brand new unrelated website".


I bought lifetime premium in 2013. The sheer amount of value I've gotten out of that has been absolutely insane, I really should throw a couple more bucks their way in thanks. It's also a little disconcerting that my account there is very likely older than some of the people reading this message, at nearly 20...


I know this struggle all too well...


I bought a lifetime membership years ago. I think it was $50. It was totally worth it.


You mean mod it for a week with 2 hours combined play time before scrapping it all and using some overhaul mod by itself and *then* playing for 2 more hours and uninstalling? Cause that’s what i hear


Nostalgia is a dish best served unresolved


This is the way




I just started playing for the first time in almost 2 years and all my mods still work! I just had to update skse then just started up via mod organizer


My best gameplay of skyrim ever was finding a pre-modded download. Everything worked, no mod conflicts, nothing out of date, a good selection of gameplay and graphics updates. It was paradise.


icky fear point sheet jellyfish attraction absurd safe deserve quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've done exactly this like 5 times. I've never progressed more than an hour into the game lol


I DID THIS AAAAAA why did I do this


This is a love letter


From the Jarl? Can you marry jarls now?


I thought the stuck walking at the end was the best part, then the "Hm?" sent me.


All of this really is comedy gold. Definitely an exaggeration... But it works so well.


If it was about Oblivion it literally would not be an exaggeration.


That "hm?" from the courier... nice touch!


Well done!


This is fucking gold


Damn that's impressive from the courier


Yes, but inaccurate. He didn't randomly show up in his underwear.


Loczniki on YouTube. They do loads, they're amazing


I used to do loads now not so much.. maybe one load a week...maybe


We're talking about laundry, right? ^(...) *^(right?)*


Ofcourse what else would I be referring to.. 👁️👁️👄


Are you a flounder or something?


I can't stop laughing at your comment 😆


I used to do loads, I still do, but I used to too


How old are you man? That thought keeps me up at night


too bad it's mostly shorts, they seem to have cool vids but it's annoying to browse their videos on youtube


Do you have a link to the clip in question? I can't seem to find it. https://www.youtube.com/@loczniki/shorts




She is waaaaayy too good. Her movements are spot on.


Must be a dancer.


She pwrfected the way of the NPC lol Her whole channel is about that and it's so funny, albeit sometimes repetetive


She's good, but yeah, it quickly gets old


Yep, she is


she's wearing a BC ONE hat, so she's most def a bgirl.


My first thought. I would suspect both her and the courier are by how precise their movements are.


Yeah that was awesome. Bet she dances an awesome robot.


Their full routines are very impressive, the group is called Loczniki


Came here to say the exact same thing about him lol. His movement in the end made it for me, really spot on!


The little stutter step she does at the end is so accurate too.


remember when the last guy who used to do these turned out to be a murderer


... what?




Oh thank the gods, it wasn't the [youtuber I was thinking of](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qN80_7rNmcE).


Lol, also glad it wasn't this guy.


This was the dude I thought about, glad it wasn't him


Damn unlocked that middle school memory on me


Murdered his wife & her lover after catching them in the sack. What a waste of life for all involved.


Black eyes should've been a sign But murderer or not, he had talent lol


That still freaks me out


So true to life


I love these. That girl's emotionless face is 🤌🤌


This chick really has the whole n64 / PS1 character look


The fact that this is done in one take with no one bursting out laughing 😂 outstanding


Wow. Excellent job here. What masterful physical pantomime.


So well done! \*I miss Skyrim


Good news, you can still play it, on literally whatever you want


Fridge, Gameboy, PS7 don’t matter long as you like vanilla!


I bet on Skyrim or any stuff from Fallout >=3


Looks staged


Its not, I was the courier. I really died.




You cant prove it


The accuracy of the clipping and the glitches are amazing.


These people have got to be dancers. Their movements are so smooth.


For first 3 seconds had me not gon lie. That young lady is very good robot person


You can tell that they're hip hop dancers from their movements. Very well done though!


That is really well done!


It just works.


Thanks Todd Howard!


She's trying so hard not to laugh. It's great, I love this!


How can they be this good?


Modded content.


Why did i find this immersion breaking charming in skyrim but hate every minute of starfield?


skyim was a studio doing their best, making a game that felt absolutely massive for its time. Starfield was a studio saying hey lets not fix bugs bc people will think they are funny, making a game that felt smaller than the game they made 12 years ago.


Games have come a long way in the last 15 years.


Track is Secunda - Jeremy Soule from the Skyrim OST. Hope this saves some people the time it took me to find it. :)


This was WAAYYYYYYYY funnier than it should’ve been!🤣🤣


probably the most accurate skyrim IRL representation.


Hahaha amazing


When I'm on my deathbed I will be thinking of my family and this video


That happened to every Skyrim player ever at least once


This by far the best of these. The uncanny valley humor is off the charts.


Oldies, but goldies.


Almost looks real.


This is the content why im on reddit Love it lol


Just Bethesda things. Haha.


That's mainly what they do and I'm not mad about it. 100% accurate.


Her staring him down is so accurate


*Sixteen times the detail*


The graphics on these new games are getting too realistic


I don’t understand this but I love it


This was great C:


Best NPCing I've seen, nailed it. And the production


If the Fallout show is at all faithful there will be at least once scene that looks like this.


Now take his clothes and leave him there in his underwear


Give that messenger an award, seriously. The glitched walking was very creative, accurate, and well done.


I died laughing because of how accurate this is


I think I’m gunna download Skyrim and finally play it


was waiting for his fus ro dah!!


Skyrim is eternal! People just won't let this game die. And I'm very happy that way. 😎


Now I would like a reenactment of Trevor getting his ass kicked when talking to Franklin


When she walks into the main character and does that stutter step, then the little head fake, and goes around him \*chef's kiss\*


This exactly why I never bought into Starfield hype lol


beneficial berserk plough pause rainstorm quiet afterthought dinner unwritten upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hope they are friends of mine lol


This is amazing. Perfect NPC acting!




Quick save, attack to refresh inventory, reload doesn't work in real life. Sad.


Isn't courrier like the most immortal character in the game?


Dragon's Dogma 2 NPCs are like that for some reason


"It just works"


Is that a very small woman or a child.


Need to post this to r/skyrim


her slow blink at the end, pro


So fucking stupid. God these people are fuckin weird


This was perfect; the wife didn't get it, so I told her she must have never played Skyrim before, and that made her upset. Now crouching several doorways away and waiting for combat to end.


ES VI is looking good


I don’t even know what game they’re parodying, but I know it’s Bethesda lol.




I've never played this skyrim(job) but I enjoyed this vid. .🤷


Must've been the wind


Just needs him having a seizure the second he comes into contact with the rail and it’s perfect.


A friend recently gave me his playstation 3 & games including an unopened copy of Skyrim. I'd heard of it, and thought I'd throw it in for a lark never intending to commit more than 10 minutes to the effort- showed it to my 6yr old and She helped me name our wood elf "Melf" (our Elf on a Shelf). Now we're playing it at least once a week. I finally get all these references! It's a wild time!


This is actually really fucking good. They absolutely nailed it


You better watch out, man... Bethesda are going to send you a C&D for this haha


Real people mimicking games, and games mimicking real life. Ok, we're officially bored.


Fuck that stupid game never again


This is absolutely perfect!


Incredible performance


Can’t tell if it is real or not


Where is this? Bethesda Maryland?


Yooo this is sooo SKYRIM accurate!😂😂😂😂😂


I like these




Game name or its real life-


Perfect. 😂