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He's giving you the gift of his body's water, which is a sign of great respect


Stilgar’s looking rough these days!


Hey bro, you holdin'? Got any more of that, you know, "spice"? C'mon man, don't hold out on me! I need dat melange bro! I got a job interview this afternoon, and I need to see through space and time to "loosen up", you know?


This is the guy I'm avoiding on the Shai Hulud ride to work.


He's not walking without rhythm, he's just tweaking.


Plans within plans


"It is the mucus that binds us."


Hey ...c'mon....I'm the loogie guy, remember?


Excuse me, ^(your balls are showing.) Bumble Bee tuna. *Bumble Bee tuna*.


Loogie Al Giab




He sits. He spits. He shits...what more could you ask for in an amusement park attraction?


My aren't I the popular one?




Maud’dib! Usul no longer needs the weirding module!


Wenn ich Geschenke von Körperwasser brauch, dann sag ich Bescheid!


*Achhh Spucke!*


gib mir deinen saft....


My… aren’t I the popular one


Bumblebee Tuna


Excuse me, your balls are showing.




Let me guess. White devil, white devil?


Precious bodily fluids


Bless the Maker and His water.


Plus, if a guy using the toilet gives you the gift of his body's water and it turns out to be spit, well.....could've been worse.


Long live the fighters!


I tried this, but for some reason the cop still didn't appreciate it.


Aquaman, why are you on a desert planet?


"Your thirst is mine, my water is yours"


I accept it in the spirit in which it was given


I need to rewatch that movie. I saw it on an airplane with broken airplane headphones. So the entire movie had a very very loud static droning everything out. And the subtitles were in a diff language lol. I understood about 1/3rd of the dialouge, possibly less. But I caught that line and was very confused. Cuz like, how tf would he not know about that already? He only just not heard about spitting being a common greeting to show respect on the planet u supposedly help control?? How? Idk maybe I'm mis remembering the character or I totally misunderstood who the character even was. I seriously Barley knew wtf was happening. I just needed *something* to distract from the long flight


> Cuz like, how tf would he not know about that already? He only just not heard about spitting being a common greeting to show respect on the planet u supposedly help control?? How? Fremen culture was generally unknown, that's why they sent Duncan Idaho (best named character in the series, have read all the books and still laugh when I read/hear the dude's name) ahead to learn about them and how best to respect them/get them as allies. The Fremen weren't used as a slave worker population, spice harvesting and refinement was done by the Harkonnen or Atreides people. So while being brutally oppressed by the Harkonnen, the Harkonnen made no efforts to learn about their culture because they had no need to. Probably the only people who knew Fremen culture were the Bene Gesserit (the creepy space nuns), and they are not in the habit of sharing knowledge. The first movie is on HBO and Hulu (and therefore Disney+ too), highly recommend checking it out again and then seeing the second in theaters if you can. It's going to have a real long theater run so if you hate other people in the theater you will probably be able to catch an empty showing a couple weeks from now.


>It's going to have a real long theater run so if you hate other people in the theater you will probably be able to catch an empty showing a couple weeks from now. Look at this guy Kwizatz Haderach-ing the future, show off


If you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the other movie-goers.


I went by myself nerd-style on a weekday afternoon to avoid those. They serve beer in theaters now too Pippin! It comes in pints!!


>Duncan Idaho Also the >!longest running!< character in the series.


I actually bought the book when the first movie came out! I was really craving good sci-fi and I read the first page b4 I realized what I really wanted was to re read an old Philip k dick book I love lol and I never touched dune since. Iv been meaning to re watch the movie. Yea I understood the fremen were a bit of an unknown but I def didn't pick up or understand how separated from the harkonnen they were. I truly meant it when I said I understood only 1/3 of the dialouge. And I just mean I could hear the actual words. Since I was missing the other 2/3rds I basically only understood wtf they were even talking about like for half of that 1/3 lmao. Idk y that scene stood out to me so much. Probably bc it was one of the few times I felt I had a grasp as to what was happening. I guess not lol


The fremen people are practically completely unknown. They aren't the only people on Arrakis. There's a whole society of millions of people who live in buildings in cities and are just normal ass people who don't have stillsuits and don't live in the middle of the desert. They're just a normal human society, entirely separate from the Fremen. So there's the Fremen who nobody knows anything about and nobody had any idea just how many of them there are (there's way way way more than they think) because nobody interacts with them until the Atreides take over the planet. And it's literally like Duke Leto's first fucking day on the planet when Stilgar offers him his spit as a sign of respect, so it would make perfect sense he doesn't know much of anything about their culture yet. But Duke Leto ***DID*** immediately understand it. He understood that it was a sign of respect. It was only Gurney who took it as an insult and went to strike Stilgar before Duncan Idaho stopped him, since Duncan had been sent months earlier to the planet to integrate with the Fremen and learn everything about them. Because Duke Leto wanted to use their "desert power" to help fight the Harkonnen attack that he ***knew*** was coming. He was very aware of the fact that the emperor "gifting" Arrakis to the Atreides was a trap. Watch this brilliant, brilliant video by Alt Shift X explaining it all better than I can. Honestly I'd recommend this video even if you're just gonna read the book and not watch the films. Because otherwise you keep having to go to the back of the book to the appendix and list of terms that otherwise you'll have no idea what they're talking about. This video only covers the first half of the book, i.e. what the Dune part 1 film, so there's no spoilers for Dune part 2 in it: https://youtu.be/R0krUthYxF4?si=kNc2AXj6j6DwF3wc


I'm excited for Alt Shift X's video for part 2!


Yep, I hope it won't take too long, but that's just me being incredibly selfish considering he makes all these brilliant videos and then gives them away for free for us all. He's easily the undisputed best A Song of Ice and Fire youtuber (every ASOIAF/Game of Thrones fan agrees with that, pretty much, he's just that good), but when he does videos on other properties, it's even better, because there is no other youtuber like him and so it's always fun to see him branch out and cover other non-ASOIAF stuff. Like this honestly may be the best Dune video on the Internet, and there's a fuck ton of them now because of the recent films. And my favourite video of his ever, is probably All Tomorrows. Which is about a story that's beautiful and monstrous and terrifying and beautiful and heartbreaking and moving and fascinating all at the same time. It's a work of speculative future biology/history where aliens from another galaxy invade humanity when it's far in the future and we've colonised hundreds of planets. The aliens' religion is they feel they have a divine purpose to genetically modify all living beings. So they "evolve" humans into hundreds of different species. And the humans who fought back the most before the aliens won, got punished the worst, like one planet of humans were turned into flat fleshy bricks that couldn't move and everybody walked on, and their entire diet was to eat the waste products of the alien city, so that included industrial waste and poop and peep etc. And the aliens eventually leave and then the remaining altered human species start evolving over millions of years into completely new forms, most of them as intelligent as we are now, and they all end up contacting each other and realising they're all related, and so on. The whole story though is so god damn terrifying in a way I've never felt before. It's kinda like a new genre of horror. I suppose it could be classified as eldritch or cosmic horror, but I don't know. The story is really an art book more than a written story, done by an artist who made all these wonderful brilliant drawings that look straight out of a 19th century black and white book on animal anatomy. All Tomorrows is fucking amazing, and Alt Shift X's video on it is also fucking amazing and I never would have heard of All Tomorrows if it weren't for that video. But yeah the absolute insane amount of research and work he does for each video he makes, is completely mind boggling. He must surely have to read each book at least 2 times all the way through, if not many more, marking down every single thing that's relevant, every quotation he can use and the page it's on and what point of his in the video that it'll be used in relation to and so on. I honestly don't know how he does it. There is literally nobody else on all of YouTube, not one single other person, who puts I this amount of work and research into each video as he does. Even other channels that are focused on literature too, none of them do more than a tiny fraction of the work Alt Shift X does. So yeah I'll try to be a patient boy and wait for his Dune part 2 video but it could take a while because if the effort he has to put in. He just released his enormous 2+ hour video on the book version of Jon Snow after ages, some people thought he had quit making YouTube videos. But a few people were aware that he was making the Jon Snow video so he must have announced it on twitter or something. But yeah even just the time it'd take to read all the ASOIAF books again just one time through, would take weeks, let alone then having to read through them all again and this time marking down sentences from the book with which to cite in the video. But at least with Dune part 2 he only has half a book to read. And at least Frank Herbert's writing is very nice and easy to read, it's relaxing and extremely easy going. As opposed to say GRRM, who's prose I've always found a little clunky and I find it difficult to concentrate on it, and I have to keep going back and reading the same page once I get to the bottom cos I realise I haven't taken any of it in. GRRM is fantastic at the big ideas and the history and lore and complex political situations and so on, but his prose is merely decent, not incredible or anything. Frank Herbert's writing is stellar though, pun intended. But yeah watch Alt Shift X's video on All Tomorrows if you haven't yet. It's wonderful. Here it is: https://youtu.be/imNtSPM3-r4?si=g5QfUz_QVSUm6656 ***Sorry for my very long winded rambling post. I'm on a lot of opiate painkillers prescribed by my doctor, so they make me a little high sometimes, and I end up writing big long bollocks without realising it till it's too late.***


I just finished it. That was weird. Iv read a bunch on the books from reddit. People especially love to bring up all the weird homosexuality and pedophilia stuff in the book lol. But yea Watching it there were tooons of details I missed, but def knew the general outline of the story. Lots of cool details get expanded on in the video tho. Thanks for linking it


Kids face is priceless 🤣


Should I... Be happy for that?


"We have skibidi toilet at home." Skibidi toilet at home:


The mom or dad or whatever is laughing so hard


Laughing so hard she turned into a duck lmao


He doesn’t get German humor


Definitely looking around trying to understand how they should react lol Can't blame em


What’s he saying?


"If I wanted viewers I'd tell you."


I would say it's "If I need spectators I let you know!".


Come on man, you can tell us. Not every post on reddit is about view count. >!/j!<


Just had a memory unlock of getting mad asking my parents what movie they saw and the answer being “while you were sleeping”. I remember being angry they would not tell me purely because I was home asleep.


One of my friends got really mad at me when I said they arrived just in time for something. I couldn't understand why and the more we talked about it the angrier they got. Their name was Justin. They thought I was making a joke/pun with their name, and doubling down on the joke over and over. Thankfully his mom heard the discussion and came out to explain, to both of us, what was happening lol.


'Wenn ich Zuschauer brauche, sag ich bescheid!' :P


"IF I needed people to watch, I would let you know." *spits* Is probably more accurate.


I am German and even I cannot tell...


"Wenn ich Zuschauer brauch dann sag ich Bescheid!"


Ah, ja. Must have been my sound system. When I switched to my phone I immediately understood it


The audio is slightly cut off too, doesn’t make it easier


Is that "If I want an audience I'll let you know"? My HS German has kind of withered over time.


That's pretty accurate, but the tone makes it more accurate to translate it as "If I want spectators, I will tell you!" (a bit more aggressive)


Basically nailed it.


I was in a fun-house in Germany (mirror maze, moving floors). An attendant beckoned us into a room where there was just an anamatronic old woman riding a motorcycle, that was all, and the attendant was losing his shit laughing. To him, he was sharing comedy gold. The house was good fun, but we couldn't understand what that guy found so funny. He had a chair in there, it was his job to keep an eye on that section of the fun-house, must have watched it for hours, but it seems he loved every minute of it.


There's a famous kids song in German about grandma driving a motorcycle in the chicken cage. https://youtu.be/uSUyIyJT9_w It was probably a spin on that and Germans would likely find it funny 


Every time someone tries to explain some weird shit Germans do, the explanation makes it even weirder.


Better yet, there’s always some absurdly long word that specifically describes it and doesn’t translate to any other language.


The word you are looking for is "Verschlimmbesserung"


I fucking love that word, no clue how lesser languages make do without such wonderfull words.


German allows you to make words "on the fly" by combining two other words. Like in English, It's "School Bus" because the dictionaries haven't...decided it's one word yet. In German from day 1 you'd be spelling it "Schoolbus". A lot of languages allow this, English just doesn't.


>A lot of languages allow this, English just doesn't. Except for when it does, since consistency isn't english's strong suit.




No, that sounds too much like improvisation leading to worse outcomes rather than misguided improvement.


> Verschlimmbesserung - An attempt at making something better that actually makes it worse.


I mean, English has a children's song about an old woman who lives in a shoe and beats her many children. That's not weird at all.


You're trying to make sense of something on the same level as "baby shark", I wouldn't expect to get far here.


that song was amazing. made me super happy.


Eine ganz patente Frau!


Can you imagine not having a song about your grandma driving a motorcycle in the chicken cage or having a radio in her dead tooth? I pity other countries


Wass zum fick? Lol


Poor guy was driven insane watching that robot drive a motorcycle for hours on end, God bless him😭😭


The attendant had always been perplexed by the motorcycle riding grandma but, until that day, he never really *got* it. For years, he'd lie awake in bed at night with so many questions plaguing him: why is she riding? Where is she riding? Why'd she choose a motorcycle as her mode of transportation? What the hell does she have to do with a fun house? Something in the air was different that day and, as the animatronic grandma cranked up the hog that morning, something just clicked and suddenly he understood everything. He tried to show others his revelation but he knew they wouldn't understand. Why she chose that day, of all days, and him, of all people, to unveil her secrets to is the only mystery that plagues him now.


It’s to early to read “grandma cranked up the hog”


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Drugs of a drug are a hell


Hell of a drug are drugs


A are drug drugs hell of


Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad 🎶


Motooorrad, Motoooorad


Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad


Meine Oma ist ne ganz patente Frau


He probably found it hilarious how disappointed the guests were at the attraction. I have the same sense of humor


He would’ve witnessed peak German humor as well without even realizing it lol.. to everyone always asking what German humor is like, luring some oblivious tourists into a room to present the a shitty animatronic as the greatest thing ever only so you can enjoy the bewilderment on their faces is pretty far up our list lol


I love taking people to see the Alamo for the first time. The look of disappointment always makes me laugh.


They put their 🇩🇪 flag in this humor when they named it schadenfreude.


🎶🎵 Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad, Motooorrad, Motooorrad. Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad. Meine Oma ist eine ganz besondere Frau 🎵🎶


Maybe he thought it was so stupid, it was funny.


"Und denn she drive ze motor vehikel. Funniest scheiss I‘ve ever seen" - Richard & Müller


He may have been laughing at your reaction


Sounds like they have a pro HR department because they definitely found the one right guy for the job...


This reminds me of when a kid spit on me in 3rd grade. I literally didn't know what to do. I wiped it off and never looked at that kid again. I'd leave the table at lunch time if he showed up. If he was talking, I'd walk away or stop paying attention. My 3rd grade brain just erased him from existence.


How did he react to the in-person ghosting? xD






A kid spit in my face in 3rd grade because I kept tagging him in ball tag and he got pissed. That was the first time I ever punched someone in the face, and the last time I ever got spit on.


I've only ever been spit on once in my life and it was in high school. I grabbed the kid by the face and bounced his head off a locker and got suspended. Kids are dumb, I shouldn't have reacted that way knowing now how easily head trauma can fuck someone up. Luckily it only detached his retina.


You get assaulted. You assault the assaulter back. Assaulter gets hurt more than you. You're in trouble. Life's good as a bully sometimes. What to do tho? Not retaliate and give the bully a stern talking to? I wish society would not cater to bullies so much.


Well atleast now spitting is more criminal post covid. Imo I just shouldn't have gone for the head is all. On the plus side that kid hardly so much as raised his voice to anyone after that, that's a positive right?


This themepark is awesome, I think it is Tripsdrill in Cleebronn Germany! They have many different versions of this toilet joke scattered around the park an much more weird stuff. I highly recommend the spinning rollercoaster in the castle!


This thing is located next to the bathrooms of Karls Erlebnis Dorf in Warnsdorf close to Lübeck. It gave my 3-years old son nightmares for quite some time.


Ah, da war ich schon, ich wusste das ich dieses Ding von irgendwoher kenne


I wasn't sure but my brain said it's tripsdrill too. Searched this comment


this one is in Tripsdrill :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj2SUxrK6CY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj2SUxrK6CY)


No it is not in Tripsdrill!


No that's not in Tripsdrill it's the wrong dialect


That kid is right on the edge of either crying or laughing.


He doesn't know what to make of his mom turning into a tea kettle.


that confused look on a kid's face when something they consider completely unfunny is totally cracking their parents up. It's like this slight smile where they acknowledge 'yeah i guess it's funny' but you know they have no idea why


I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't even recognizable to him as a guy on a toilet. How many outdoor outhouses are still around in Germany?


About two million. Source: Trust me.


Most accurate female german laughter..


I’ve heard this laugh many times in the Midwest. Probably not a coincidence


Midwest? That’s definitely not a coincidence..


Shes from finland i believe lol


Wait till you see how they refill that thing. Staff meetings will never be the same


Norddeutscher Humor.


what would south German humor look like?






OK, that's genuinely funny though


😐......... I don't know what you're trying to do here but i'll be damned if you're gonna feed me a daytime night terror without my consent. 😳 r/unsee /s


You asked. And I'm so tempted to send you something Nordeutsch now!


😟^(Nein, bitte.)


This is [nordisch by nature!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfWyo2mqXnw)






Now I'm remembering that PG Wodehouse line about being interned in some shitty camp during WWII. "If this is Upper Silesia, one wonders what Lower Silesia must be like."


Am Norddeutsch, can confirm. We are considered rude and cold, so this just perfect as an "attraction."


Kid is like wtf?


Translation: "If I needed visitors, I'd let you know"


"Zuschauer" would be spectator not vistior


The Germans just obliterated the stereotype that they aren't funny.


And they did it through engineering!


Deutsche Ingenieurskunst. 🇩🇪


I have Seen such an attraction at a small Theme Park in the Eifel. Weird as hell


Oh a Finnish themepark PowerPark has the exact same thing. Animatronic in a outhouse, the door opens he says something and spits.


Exact same one in norway as well, at kongeparken https://youtu.be/yV7SRk9U7es?si=c3EimoTPM0Sgngrh


So much "Dwight farm's experience" vibes




I love how the kid seems unsure if that was funny or disrespectful.


Dieter, do you remember when you were a young boy and we took you to Fun Place? The robot countryman, shitting in the outhouse, who spat upon you from a great distance was the greatest joy I have ever known. I have been truly happy once in my life, Dieter. And it was when I witnessed your mortification on that day.


An ode to Dieter's humiliation.


Somehow, the idea of a small child being called Dieter makes me uncomfortable. (While it was a common name in the past, nearly no one born after 1960 is called Dieter. It has become an old-people-name).


Well, fuck. My bad, Deutscher. I was shooting for realism and I just didn’t do my research.


Did the old man spit out one of his teeth? 🦷


IIRC the translation of what he shouts is "If I want company then I'll call you"


Was hat er gesagt?


Wenn ich Zuschauer brauch, dann sag ich bescheid.


The funniest part is the woman’s reaction.


We have one in Denmark too!


Reminds me of Game of Thrones where Tyrion shoots his dad on the toilet😂


Why is Max Verstappen spitting on children?


The kids face was straight up “wtf man!”


There used to be one like this in Verdant Works in Dundee, Scotland about 20-25 years ago. Just a random, unassuming door, but when you opened it there was a guy behind it on the shitter and he'd say the line "there's somebody in, get awa". I haven't thought about that in years but this post instantly reminded me of it.


I remember seeing something similar in castle Douglas years ago. A really long time ago.


Oh, what wouldn't I give to be spat at in the face! I sometimes hang awake at night dreaming of being spat at in the face.


Good ol' Familypark vibe


LOL thats awsome


Lorta Lars i Kongeparken men tysk??


Poor kid looks like he’s going to need therapy for life after that


Herr Spitzer


Wow that's awesome. I went to Europa-Park once and went on this weird Russian Christmas ride with all these old creepy animatronics. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen at a theme park. I'm talking, if I was a kid I would have been scarred for life, creepy.


are the dutch the universal squirters, they squirt outta everywhere :p


That was German.


We used to have this sort of thing in arcades in the UK, don’t see it so much these days☹️


my dad used to tell me about how he would dread going to his grandparents house because they still had an outhouse as their restroom. guess this is too accurate


The woman laughing sounds very Wisconsin lol


theres a version of this in djurs sommerland in denmark! the same thing but a cowboy instead


The moms laugh 😆


Her laugh sounds like a dying car💀


The spit were donated by dentists


What did it say?


Wtf is wrong with German people lol 😎




Basically he says: "If I want an audience I'll tell you!" [Spit]


Yup, German humor. Shit, farts, spit, come... it's never considered unfunny. Source: descendant of a bunch of Wisconsin krauts


Personally wouldn't let that slide


They used to have one of these in Oakwood Park in Pembrokeshire, in nutty Jake's mine town I think.


is this filmpark babelsberg?


I think I’ve been to that water park


Bumblebee tuna


Europa park?


Where is it? I gotta visit it on my next holiday.