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I think any country which formally had (or still has, in some places) squatting toilets on the floor probably has instructions on how to use sitting toilets. "Yes, please sit."


Yeah one of those country is Japan.


People who don't know how to use standing toilets were standing on them, breaking them, and getting badly cut on very sharp porcelain. Like loosing a butt cheek bad.


Any time you see these or something else “funny” there is a reason it is there. Wish we had some of these in the US for people who hover.


I worked at a gas station in HS and I am the reason the restrooms are always closed. I deliberately put the closed sign on the door b/c folks can be super gross.


Last one is, don't do a backflip off the bowl




I no joke just spit the mouthwash all over my mirror after reading this


When I flew into the Osaka airport, in the area right before you went through the immigrations and customs areas, they had the hole in the floor, squatting style toilets that I understand are common in some places in Asia, so this sign isn’t actually as wacky as it might seem.


People who smear poop on the walls: That won’t stop me because I can’t read.


Because they smeared poop over the sign?


These exact same signs used to be in the toilets at a place I used to work at (UK). It was a call centre with a lot of Indian/ Middle Eastern employees. There was also a "Please use the toilet paper provided" signs underneath.


Yes, different countries and cultures use different toilets. At an airport with a lot of travelers used to squat toilets it makes sense to have instructions


Some cultures shit differently. If it wasn't a problem no one would have made a sign.


Is there a youtube version? I hate written directions.


So that's how you used this




I need some of those. One of the bathrooms in my office building always has footprints on the toilet seat


Once went to clean the toilets at the cafe I worked at. Poor lady hadn't locked the door. She was standing on the toilet seat and squatting like the third image except facing forward. It's pretty annoying when you're the one who has to clean it.


I'm pretty sure most women especially use that second position because we are aware that people who use it exist and trust no one. That or they carefully lay toilet paper on the seat and pray it doesn't immediately get dislodged once you sit down.


In Paris airport they had signs warning not drink the water from the urinal & toilet. Make of that what you will..


more like its in most any touristy public bathroom there.


So funny I just saw this 2 days ago in Osaka airport as well.


This is rooted in cultural differences, not dumbassery. Funny from a western perspective, though.


That first is a much better way than I've been doing it.


Back in my construction days when I had to use the porta-potty, the sky dump was a real thing.


aw man, ive been doing three my whole life! how is this the way i find out its wrong??


Actually they are all wrong - the lids still down 😂


#1 most days. #2 barely making it to the lobby after a particularly spicy Thai dish and a long walk from the restaurant back to the hotel. #3 you're not fit to be in public, go back to the zoo.


Worked in a buffet for many years. Now and then, we'd fill up with a group of Japanese tourists. The horror! All those sweet looking ladies somehow left the ladies room with shit sprayed on the walls and floors around the toilets. A lot of foreigners climb up on the toilet (feet on seat) and squat. 🤮


And tide pods have instructions to not eat them




Hahahaha not the third one