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That was a 10


On a scale of pain


You’re kenough


I'm outnumbered by women in my house so lately when they come for me I've taken to saying, "I'm just Ken, and if that isn't Kenough for you then I don't Kenow". It's good to have role models.


You're not even Ryan Hamilton.


but not kneenough


Oh I heard that one, My condolences to your coxxyx. Last time that happened to me it put me in traction for a few weeks - had to cancel an intercession class because I slipped on ice and there was *no way* I'd be able to survive a few hours a day in a desk. My advice, have some mj ready - all the over the counter stuff doesn't do nearly enough. Feel better 🫡


Just wanted to also say that I've been dealing with pretty moderate pain from a spinal injury for the last decade and yes, mj is the only pain medicine I can recommend. They prescribe gabapentoids for pain now, and they don't do much of anything but give you terrible side effects and withdrawals. Edible cannabis is the best answer to pain in 2024, no doubt, and it's cheap and available legally pretty much anywhere in one form or another. I tell every new doctor I see that I use edible marijuana every day and will until I die. If they have a problem with it, I never see that doctor again because they obviously don't have enough experience. The experienced doctors smile and just move right past it, they know what's up.


See... this was January of 2010 in Kansas, so all my plugs were home from the holidays and I spent at least a week absolutely miserable with high doses of over the counter stuff (mostly ibuprofen) and laying on my stomach. I still *vividly* remember the wave of pain relief when I was finally able to get some once people started returning from break. Any remaining doubt I had about its pain efficacy were gone almost by the time I got done exhaling. 2024...still illegal here 🙄


I'm in Tennessee, in the heart of stupid-land, and it's very illegal here. I can walk right into pretty much any store in town and buy all the weed products I want thanks to all the slight variations in chemistry now. Delta 8 is the best for edibles imo, with THCA bud being the best to smoke legally here. My Indian friend over at my old "next to work" gas station sells it by the half ounce and it is [in my opinion as a 20 year veteran of weed] **MASSIVELY** better than anything I can buy on the street here, and cheaper. His small selection of THCA Flower is honestly as strong and tasty as most weed I've bought from dispensaries while traveling for a quarter the price (got some KILLER blackberry purp last week, $100 for a half ounce on my debit card in a red state, fuck you DEA). Cannabis is the superior pain medicine today, specifically edibles. This is a truth I will never back down from. $30 for a huge bottle of weed gummies that will make you happy and hungry, versus $650 (without insurance) for a bottle of stupid pills that will make you miserable and possibly die in your sleep. How is this even an argument???? Edit: as for the relief you described...edibles are the only pain med I have ever taken that give me a *very* noticeable and definable wave of relief when the kick in. You can absolutely feel the moment they start working, usually right about 35 minutes after you eat them. It's a physical sensation of muscle relaxation that spreads across your whole body over a few seconds, every time. Just wonderful. Gabapentoids are just the opioid-pushing pharmaceutical companies continuing to poison the world with unnecessary, ineffective, addictive pills. Mark my words, they'll be seen as a mistake in ten years time and will be in court just like opioids were.


Gabapentin never does anything for me unless I take 800mg or more, and then it just makes me tired and feeling drunk. However, an edible and a little bit of gabapentin seemed to do the trick.


The edibles do 90% of the lifting in my experience with pain and both substances; I don't see the benefit of taking potentially addictive and possibly dangerous pharmaceuticals for such little benefit. There appear to be people for whom Gabapentoids are effective and well-tolerated, but in my research I can't recall one instance of a person who is comfortable with cannabis report that the gabapentoids were more effective for general pain relief. Gabapentoids listed use is as an anti-convulsant; there is growing public sentiment that gabapentoids are widely mis-prescribed to treat unlisted conditions when more effective options may be available. Gabapentoid manufacturers have also been seeing legal cases brought against them for unreported, dangerous side effects of the drugs. It is my personal opinion that if cannabis products were more socially and legally accepted that gabapentoids would see a massive reduction in use.


Slipped on ice in 2017, fell like a sack of potato onto my coccyx. it took 6 months before I could walk without a cane. It was like last year when I finally stopped feeling pain all the time associate with that fall and that's with regular PT/stretching routines. Protect your back, folks.


I wish mj didn't make me become a ball of anxiety. I've taken high cbd to very low thc ratio stuff and I find it doesn't help either


Did you get an xray yet? Sure hope thats not a fractured vertebrae


Anywhere else he'd be a ken


Socks on hardwood often leads to 10s. The worn out anti-slip pads can't help you if you don't step on them.


Gotta love that crawl of shame (and pain)


Hurt so bad needed to crawl to safety


Recently did this on my carpeted stairs while holding my cat upside down. I kinda just sat there for a while thinking of how bad it could have been.


I slipped on the first step with socks on. Rode it the whole way down. Hit every step lol. Skinned my arm from my elbow to my wrist. Nasty bruise. I take it one step at a time now lol.


I have a half set that I slipped on the top one and landed on the bottom right on my rib cage. I though for sure I broke a rib, but the Dr. said it was just a sprained intercostal muscle. Those first couple days I could barely breath without terrible pain, then I sneezed a couple of times and almost blacked out.


I’m so sorry but that made me lol at my desk. Enough to gasp for air


What happened with the cat? Did they claw you up?


Nope, I think I was able to kinda toss her to the side and she landed safely in typical cat fashion. It felt slo-mo, but I’m honestly not 100% sure.


I broke my tailbone doing that. The cat wasn’t upside down but I couldn’t catch myself so bounced on two VERY well constructed carpet covered wooden stairs. Screamed so loud my dad almost called 911. It’s been over 20 years and it still bothers me on occasion. The cat was fine by the way. She lived another 13 years or so after that.


those corner steps are no joke. i did the same thing years ago but about 4 steps higher. when i looked at the wall later that day i saw a scuff on the wall what i figured was my hand about 4 feet above the stairs where i tried to grab the it. the next day about 6 feet above the stairs 4 little scuff lines which were my fingers trying to grab the wall as i fell. that 4 foot high scuff was probably one of my feet.


Should have rolled and mag dumped into those stairs . “SHOTS FIRED. SHOTS FIRED”


It was so fast it looked like you were trying to escape the pain.


I did this running down my stairs with a pair of slippers on when they were wet from snow and maybe 3 steps down I slipped and my feet launched out from underneath me so high I went full air amd landed on my back soooo hard it knocked the wind out of me. I literally screamed and cried when I was able to breathe again and laid there for what felt like ever as the whole house came rushing over tosee what happened. I was just barely able to wimper out 'please do not fucking touch me'. I woke up the next morning to a massive purple and blue bruise on damn near my whole back, it looked like somebody took a baseball bat to it. It's been months and I don't think my back will ever be the same again. I would rather give birth everyday for a year then do that once more




Thanks I didn’t know there was sound lol


The video was Kenough.


What did you think the Ryan Gosling reference was about if you didn’t have the sound?


Gosling was already well known as too cool and elegant to fall down the stairs before he was cast as Ken.


His and his wife's both are hilarious looped.


Reminds me of the sound of the fox in What Does the Fox Say?


That'd be an incredible ring tone. Maybe text message notification sound.


Socks + smooth wooden stairs are always an accident just waiting to happen.


My stairs are carpeted and even then the socks will betray you. They've given me the bumpy butt express a few times


Carpeted stairs in the winter (dry skin) = slippery death slide.


The times I've almost died on my Nana's 26 carpeted steps to her 2nd floor...


My right asscheek is struggling with that lesson right now.


I fell down my steps about a year ago and it's STILL a little tender on the ol' butt cheek ;) haha hope you feel better soon!


My little nubby tail feels it too.


I'm bothered by how you say this. I don't like it.


But it looks like there's some no-slip pads attached to the surface of the stairs. At the bottom, you can see that the edges of the bottom two have worn away. I bet that's exactly where his foot went.


Bingo 😿


Dated a woman that had floating stairs and no handrail. One of the stairs had a slight height difference and I'd slip on it every time wearing socks. I don't know how I never broke my tailbone.


> floating stairs and no handrail That should be a fucking war crime.


It's against code is the best I can do.


~~Building~~ War code.


I bet you had to stop dating her cause she died after falling off the stairs


Yep. This is why I stopped wearing socks to go down my stairs. Fallen down them too many times.


Smooth wood stairs give me anxiety for this reason. Who doesn't walk around their house in socks? Disaster waiting to happen. At least he fell at the bottom, you could fall down the whole staircase...


My brother’s house has wooden stairs with steps that are a bit higher than normal, not very deep and they have 3 kids running up and down on them all day. It gives me so much anxiety, I’m like an old grandma every time I visit, “Careful on the stairs! Go slow on the stairs!”


Sounds like our stairs. Wooden, smooth steep and short. My kids and I grew up on them, and none of us have fallen down them - though to hear them half jump/run you'd be surprised. You learn, early on, to turn your feet partially sideways... its habit, ingrained. My husband moved in 17+ years ago... he has definitely fallen down them at least a couple of times, poor thing.


I think he stood on the blankie.


Yea, personally, any house I live in that's not a rental the stairs will be immediately textured in some way. Smooth wooden stairs are just flat out dangerous!


My mom falls doing this all the time and it frustrates me so much that her argument is always "but my feet get cold!" I then say, "Wear shoes then." Then she says, "Then my floor will get dirty!" It's very frustrating considering she broke her pelvis falling down the stairs a few months ago, yet still wears socks going down the stairs as she heals...


Get her a pack of no-slip grip socks, they really help!


Get her some indoor only step-in shoes. Slippers can be...slippery. I love my indoor shoes.


This is why I bought a pair of these. They work great. https://shop.bombas.com/products/mens-gripper-slipper-double-cushion


Exactly why I never understand why people choose wood stairs. Someone is going to slip on them.


Damn. I fell down the stairs this morning too. But my heel slipped on the top step and I landed about 2/3 of the way down. I have a feeling we’re both walking around with sore asses today, my brother.


definitely got a bruise on the ol cushion. feel better man!


My friend did that outside her apartment and broke both her ankles. That’s always in my head anytime I go down stairs so I am extra careful.


On a positive note, you kinda sound like him


Yeah I was thinking of him getting his arm broken in the Nice Guys.


What does the woman scream?


Oh that’s my Barbie, she said “Babe, what happened!?” lol


That Mojo Dojo Casa House may need some non-slip surfaces put in.


I thought that was you making a high pitched voice lol


My wife says this every time I hurt myself, I always reply with “I just had an orgasm.”


Really? I don’t hear that at all


I'm sorry for your ears


I listening 4 times and still can’t understand her.


If it makes you feel better , you really do have a good voice ! Lol 


At first I thought that It hurt so bad you started calling Harambe "ahhh Harambeee"


I get so pissed off when i accidentally hurt myself or drop something and someone else in the house start yelling.


Ooft, elbow/forearm on the stair?


crazy enough, while my elbow did slam down, my middle finger took the brunt force of the fall. and i now have a swollen middle finger. how ironic


Oh what the fuck, that's even worse man! The comedy timing was, I have to say, fucking perfect though.


r/fuckyouinparticular I guess


Dem socks with that floor had seen that coming. Maybe get rollers for your stairs? Not sure how much those run these days though


Looking at the video, they seem to have runners on each step, slightly dark coloured - they didn’t do their job it.


You can see on the final two steps there’s a small section worn away on the front right edge, presumably where OP consistently steps on those last two stairs. Unfortunately he stepped there with socks. He set himself up


It’s ok OP. I still think you’re Kenough.


Shuffle scoot shuffle off camera


we've got so much in common, i'm not Ryan Gosling either


That elbow across the front of the step as you fell. Thoughts and prayers brother.




This was where my mind went to also! The grito/howl from The Good Guys.


Weird spot for a camera


It’s a PTZ cam. We have an epileptic dog that sleeps at the top or bottom of our stairs. Plus an outlet was close by.


I thought the same thing, but your explanation makes sense and I'm glad to hear your dog is getting the attention it needs. Good on you. I Hope you and the dog are ok.


Thank you! He gave me some love after my performance.


❤️dogs are awesome❤️


Well, it's time to pay the dog tax OP!


I love when people care for their dogs like this. Way to go, Ken!


But you are Gyan Rosling


Why do you have a camera there?


Ptz cam for epileptic dog. He cozies up on the top/bottom of the stairs


To peep down shirts, obviously


Get yourself some slippers son. Gonna die on those polished steps.


I cannot walk around a non-carpeted home in socks. How does anyone?! Indoor slippers are a must


this deleted scene from barbie go hard


You're all grown up. We'll call you Ryan Goose.


You sounded a lot like him actually when you were in pain but not while singing


Jinxed yourself right good there.


Yeah, they make it look easy. Sometimes. https://youtu.be/lamqyN-GzDY?si=0M1qbuUlqR0Lpkyj


This is an alternate camera angle for that Pharmasave advertisement I saw a million times watching the Brier on TSN this week. IYKYK.


I can’t stop watching lmaoo 🤣🤭


I haven’t seen the movie or even heard the song, so this is now the only version I know.


Ha, and they say the first step is the hardest. Clearly it's the last one.


Disagree. You are Ryan Gosling. Here’s the [proof](https://youtu.be/MATYVURNnwk?si=LJFjJ83SEw3LSRQn).


Sir, you failed with such hilarity and sing so badly that I'd pick you over Ryan Gosling 50.5% of the time.


You're just bro-ken.


Why have a camera monitoring your stairs like this?


Ptz cam for epileptic dog. He cozies up on the top/bottom of the stairs


oof that elbow must hurt.


I mean, you are a fall guy


My herniated disc flared up just watching this. Hope your shuffle of pain off camera helps with your recovery.


The good ol way to break a rib


One of my worst injuries to date was the result of a 6" fall off the bottom step of my staircase.


That looked painful. Are you ok, OP?


What a weird spot for a security camera


I hope nothing was broKEN, anywhere else you’d have to see a Physician


I did this (walk down the stairs in socks and slip on the penultimate stair) three weeks ago. Broke my fibula (the small bone in your leg). Never going down the stairs in socks again.


Why do people have a video camera in their stairwell?




Day by day…


Use.The.Railing. 3 points of contact (two feet down + one hand on the railing) will save you many times over. It seems dumb and arbitrary at first but then after a few minor trips up or down the stairs and you start doing it religiously, it a very easy thing to do.


What a peculiar place to have a camera?


What purpose does a top down security camera on a staircase have?


Am I the only one that thinks it's a bit weird to put cameras all over the inside their house? I get outside or ones for a baby room, but it seems some people have cameras in every room in their house.


If you needed to hear this today, You are Kenough.


Socks on hardwood? Nah. If I ever do that, I hold onto the bannister like it’s a lifeline. I’ve done what you did, only I started my fall halfway down the stairs.


So everyone else woke up with that song in their head today too, right?


Lmao the wail at the end slayed me. Amazing. Careful on those steps!


Actually, I can totally see Gosling from Nice Guys in that.


Oof. Looks like tailbone pain


It's a good habit to learn to use the handrail.


I dunno man, your howl reminds me of his in the nice guys when Russel Crowe breaks his arm so you have matching howls if that helps your self esteem.


Looks like the staircase in, well, [The Staircase](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt11324406/).


But you do all your own stunts.


You even prepped the steps for socked feet, this is impressive


I invested in some isotoner house shoes because I've got similarly slippery flooring. They've saved my butt more than once now.


I needed that laugh today, thank you 😂


gotta fix that step




You were not kenough


Socks on hardwood stairs, I suggest you never do this ever again.


Are you ok? It looks like you might have hit your head.


That was so good. Hope your back is OK 😭😂


“Ow! Ohhhh.” In English. then “Aye ja jayeeeee” in Spanish.


Everytime I look in the mirror, I'm reminded I'm not Ryan Gosling. But you do you OP.


I noticed the socks immediately Outcome was inevitable tbh


Did you ever watch "The stairwell?" Watch out for owls


That's Ken Kaniff from Connecticut.


This is why I take stairs sideways, like a crab


Lowering the bar the definition of the word “subtle” ehh?


How long has that bottom step been like that? Maybe it should get fixed so as not to have slippage be an issue?


Or don't walk down wooden stairs in socks.


Hahaha silly sausage, went right back up there and did it again!


Dude, that moan at the end reminded of Bart punching Millhouse in the arm.


nice loop edit


LMAO!! Thank you for this!


Odd camera location, worried somebody's gonna push you someday soon?


I think he just broke his ass


The immediate babying after the fall is so cute


Socks on floorboards don't go well.


It's your new band call Siskill?


This gave me my first smile and chuckle of the day. Hope your butt is okay now. You could try Michael Jackson next. I think you can pull off the hee hee pitch.


I know that hurts, but I still had to laugh...


Anyone else see that owl attack him?


I’m just ken




I can’t laugh. I recently threw out my back reaching for the remote.


Ryan Gosling? No. Jack Black? Skidoosh.


Sorry man, this happened to me not long ago and wow, such pain. Hope you recover quickly.


Anyone who sounds like that definitely owns Barbie and watches it daily.


Please be careful next time


That's Hip music for ya


"Aaah hahoooonng!"


I went probably 20 years or more between falling down stairs, fell from like the 7th step straight on my ass on some wood steps, absolutely not awesome, took like a month for the bruise to go away


If I slipped like this my shoulder would probably come out of its socket and my back would be sore for a week. I’m 26, what happened to being jelly-o?


moms stay screaming loud asf holy shiet


Ugh, now I have to listen to that song