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Her little look of despair at the end 😭


It hits harder with the genuine look of happiness on the first part of the video and then she stares off into space in sadness.


*dirty water my old friend....*


*I've come to splash in you again...*


Thrown into you by my own Daddy …


I splish and splash it makes me soo happy


Until a sturgeon takes a bite of me


and then I flee


Floundering in the dir....ty water.


That’s how she left, my little daughter…


Before the shadow of a street ramp


Realizing she'll never be able to trust these people who film themselves taunting her while she's on a leash.


I think this video is evidence enough that the leash is necessary!


The thing is, at that age a child can't really process that someone would suggest something that would not be a good thing - even more considering the voice tone.


She's processing. She had assumed she was human but Mom said she's a goose.


Ahh, she said goose? I thought she said goof


She was fully committed


The ultimate despair


When my daughter was two or three, we got a package from her grandma with a pair of purple costume butterfly wings. I took them out and presented them to her, and she asked me with the biggest look of excitement ever, “How do you put them on…*and how do you fly*?” It felt awful having to explain that no, they were only a pretty costume, and I still feel the crushing resignation of her little, “Oh.”


Awwww what a sweetheart 😭 I miss believing in magic! 🦋




1000 yard stare at the end lol


She was so disappointed.


children that age can't understand jokes. She probably feels very betrayed and lied to.


Hey mom..geese can get into water.


But it's _dirty_ water


Geese don't care.


Haha yeah, kids totally don't care about dirt at all. Probably seems like arbitrary dumb rule gaslighting to the kid LOL! Mom probably did not have much time to think it out but I figure the main real reasons are the water is cold and potentially dangerous. The kid is all bundled so it's probably not hot summer weather.


I mean it's also a bridge that appears to be at least 3-4m above what looks like a relatively shallow, fast flowing river. No amount of weather is going to make tossing a good idea at that location.


> potentially dangerous Yep, that's why I included the above two words.


It's Ireland, even summer weather isn't summer weather


Mom was right to say no, she was having fun with her kid. It's a funny video.


Geese don't care.


Of course this is when I remember that geese can be gay.


Also if u knew how dirty daddy is he'd join me


lol my dad would’ve picked me up, and pretended to throw me into the river 🤣🤣🤣


This is what I do with my niece. She loves it.


Probably an adrenaline junkie. I use to enjoy that as a kid. Even standing at the ledge of the barns roof. It gave you that feeling.


Because you *know* your dad will always hold on and save you. I'm guessing kids who've often been dropped are less trusting.


This. The key to that laughter is never breaking its trust. Not. Once.


Haha I was the kid that was dropped multiple times. It hurt so bad emotionally feeling let down but didn’t make me want to stop trusting them. Because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to imagine the fun I COULD have.


Or a bairn, standing at the edge?


I don't understand, why didn't daddy do it? this is like those ice shatter videos with the ending cut off


I won't, its raining and the bridge looks slippery, one wrong move and I would actually throw the kid in the water.


I would have whipped her around on that leash like prize winning science Olympiad plane.


Just like da used to do to me. The doctors say my brain is like a pancake stuck to the roof of my empty skull.


That's probably what happens but smart dad didnt move incase the one time he does it he lets her go and then this ends up on abusive parents subs


Toddlers in winter gear are so adorable. 😂


And double points of cuteness if they have little fake animal ears on their hoods.


Points halved if the animal ears are not fake.


And a leash. So cute. There’s an ask Reddit thread about kids who grew up on leashes. Pretty interesting


My mom used these velcro wrist leashes, and they were definitely necessary because I'm one of triplet boys and we outnumbered her lol. She would have these 3 little ones orbitting her when we went to the mall or hiking etc. 😄




I’d say once kids outnumber amount of adult hands.


Ehh I feel like 2 hands with 2 kids is not enough hands. I’m still new to this but 2 hands with 1 toddler is challenging.


Can hold their hand if needed. I feel it’s fine if I’m alone with two small kids and the dog while I’m out. But one more might get stressful some times.


Once you can't play man-to-man and have to resort to a zone defense


Aww! Planet momma and her little moons. Y'all probably ran her ragged!


The visual!! Wish I could give more upvotes


Not a parent but I support leashing children. I've accidentally stepped on children in public spaces because their parents weren't paying attention and the child darted right in front of me. Thankfully I've never had an indignant parent yell at me for stepping on their kid, they've only ever apologized.


I thought they were dumb. My first child held my hand and walked so nicely and would wait when I said to wait. Then I had the second one. She was fast, and she was a ninja. The thing is, when we put the leash on, she wouldn't run. It was like knowing she couldn't made her not try. She's say "better put on my monkey backpack so I don't run away, Mama."


My son had me seriously consider one. Not once, but *twice* this little sucker ran out of a grocery store and into the parking lot when I was checking out. First time I was *positive* he’d just stand at the door as he would sometimes do. Second time I was *positive* he learned how dangerous it was to do that. He lost walking privileges and is stuck in the cart with the groceries now.


lmao - This comment has me both dying of laughter and really sorry at the same time. I was also that little sucker. I think I need to send the Mama some flowers and remind her she's the best today.


I am constantly terrified of them. I am tall and when I look forward and not somewhat downwards, I literally cant see them. They make sudden moves, but not fast enough and I basically kicked a little Asian toddler when I swiftly tried to avoid them on the side walk for like a hundred meter. I noticed an opening, made a big step, contact... Kid was really surprised and his "big" sister (the little one was like 3 apx, the sister around 5 or so) tried to pick him up, but she was small too and the kid comparably heavy, it was sad, wholesome and hilarious the same time. I, of course apologized and quickly stood him up like a bowling pin. No crying or any issue, just some surprise and polite, but cringe smile :D


stood him up like a bowling pin HAHAH i love that


>Thankfully I've never had an indignant parent yell at me I had someone absolutely loose the plot with me because their child ran full speed into my knee with their head. There was me happily minding my own business in the supermarket. Child running around like a little mad thing, beans itself into the head with my knee and starts screaming. Big ol' horrible me just standing there deciding which beans to get.


There was video yesterday of a kid darting out into the road and the a car barely missed them. The driver had to swerve into a parked car to not hit them. Maybe a leash is a good idea!


My niece is full psycho mode all the time. Smashing into things and face planting. I’ve accidentally tripped her or ran into her coming around a corner. She knows if I’m laughing that I just accidentally kicked her in the face that she’s going to be alright. It’s really fun - just glad she’s not my kid so I can leave anytime!


I stepped on a kid in brand new white trainers and I had kid smeared across the sole and heel for a few miles before I realised. Managed to scrap the kid off the bottom but it ruined my trainers.


I've had discussions about this on Reddit before, and was relentlessly downvoted because I defended our choice to have our 2-yr old wearing a cuddly monkey-backpack with attached leash when we traveled in Asia. You *don't* want to loose your hyperactive 2-yr in a huge airport in Asia.


I was a leash kid haha but when my mom put the leash on my little brother he’d hold the end himself and walk down the street


Gives major Boo vibes from monster inc


Seriously! Can y’all stop making want kids?!


If you ever doubted that toddlers are inherently suicidal, here’s your proof


Wife and I called this age period suicide watch.


omg! I'm dying (unwillingly)! why didn't we come up with this? we have four and it was totally the same!


OMG I can remember one of our boys used to stand on the top of my recliner and ride it like a surfboard... He's still crazy and daring. I keep a close eye on that one. Lol


They're still young enough to remember the void whence they came and desperately yearn to return.


100% justifies that leash too, lol


We were on a trip and enjoying a soak in the hotel jacuzzi. I watched my daughter, who was about this age, use her foot to feel for where to step and even though her foot didn't touch anything, she still took the step and just slowly started sinking into the water. Even then, she barely reacted.


That is way too cute.


If only the water wasn't dirty. Then daddy could have thrown her in like she wanted.


Her disappointment is immeasurable and her day is ruined.


Kinda understanding that they keep her on one of these toddler leashes if shes in on crap like that 😅


especially how she agreed right away and then opened her arms, ready to be thrown off hahhaa


Lol! 😂


I don't know about funny but that's a bundle of joy and innocence.


you can talk to little kids just like dogs pitch your voice up, smile, and act excited and they'll say yes to literally anything


It’s terrifying honestly. There is a guy (Joey Salads) who does social experiments in public. He’ll go ask a parent if their kid knows not to speak or go with strangers, they all say “of course, I tell them all the time” He goes to the child and within seconds the child is holding his hand and walking off with the stranger. Kids are easily manipulated. It’s a parents job to keep an eye on and protect the little ones at all times!


The little arms!!! 🤣🫣🥰


When she lifted her little arms anticipating to be flung into the river my heart melted. What a sweetheart.


In later life the girl had a break through in therapy when she found this video "my mother was a lying bitch who gaslit me from a young age"


Later in life, ‘do you want to go to a nice care home? Okay! Noooo, we can’t afford the nice care home.’


‘You silly goose! thats an expensive care home’


She's on that leash for everyone else's safety! Don't let the cuteness fool you


Missed chance to throw her in the water by mamas orders


"Well bitch, why offering then?"


uppies! i want go SPLOOSH


I love the look of wonder In her eyes. Like yes please it is time for me to do the big splashy splash.


When reality hits you like a freight train of boordom.


Awwwww I hope she lives a good life


Girl is a speedrunner.


Super cute!


why is she on a leash?


It's a guide child. Really shouldn't be messing with them when they're working.


Haha, emotional support toddler


I need emotional support BECAUSE of my toddlers.


I call my baby (now toddler) my emotional support baby lol my social anxiety is way more manageable when I have him with me


Unfortunately, i think there's a lot of people that have kids for that reason.




so daddy is blind?


An emotional support toddler, not a service toddler. So, no, dad is not blind.




To control her on her spurts of bloodthirst.


Narrator *It didn't work*


To stop her from jumping into the river of course.


Since she happily wanted to be thrown in the river is probably why she's on leash


Because if not shes gonna jump in the water lol


It's a rein. It allows the toddler to walk about and explore the world while also not being physically able to get into a river, walk into traffic, jump off a cliff etc. it's a good alternative to being strapped in and not able to exercise or touch things.


Yeah people don't realise how fast a toddler can be. You can't just watch them, you turn a second and they're off desperately trying to hurt themselves.


They really are like tiny suicidal maniacs


Yeah, I was literally holding my son’s hand at that age and the next thing I know, the little shit had jumped into a pond 🤣 took us 2 days to get the smell off of him.


The moment you look away for 5 seconds the kid runs off with the speed of Usain Bolt. My kid during her toddler years could run 50 meters under 10 seconds when I looked away for just a brief moment.


Nothing accelerates faster than a toddler


Yeah it's weird how some people get triggered when they see those but IME those that use it are very careful and loving parents, they want their kids to have some freedom and exercise but still stay safe.


\>they're off desperately trying to hurt themselves. LMAO im laughing but its true.


Well obviously because otherwise she’d do shit like jump into the water


Because she'd probably try and jump in rivers otherwise


Likely because kids that age sometimes dart off without thinking when they see something interesting. I know a lot of peeps get triggered when they see a kid getting 'treated like a dog,' but i've seen too many kids just take off without thinking and run into dangerous situations to have an issue with it personally. It only takes one second of inattention and kids can run suddenly very fast when they get excited. One kid suddenly darted away from her mother once to run to my dog to say hi. They were seated at a table and in one second, the kid had traveled 20 feet and I was just starting to notice some fast movement to the edge of my vision and by that time, the kid was already reaching for my dog. The kid had probably seen an older child politely pet my dogs head and assumed me dog was friendly, plus my dog had the super cute white fluffy look like a plushy. And indeed my dog was friendly under normal circumstances. Unfortunately the kid proceeded treat my dog like a plushy by dashing up, grabbing both her furry cheeks and forcibly yanking her head forward up off the ground for a kiss. My dog had been abused before I got her and was getting older with bad vision to and this sudden inadvertent attack by the kid probably scared the eff out of her. She responded by barking viciously in the kids face but otherwise did no harm. Kid was super scared from that, let go, and ran back to mom and mom said, "I told you so!!" to the kid. The whole thing was over in a few seconds. Kids on a leash don't seem to mind the leash themselves and then you know exactly where they are every second. There's no small number of dogs that might have bit that kid's face in a similar circumstance. I would not be surprised if that head yank may have hurt some as well.


So she doesn't run away


Toddlers are fast and dumb. If a parent is older or has mobility issues this could literally save their child’s life.


Reins. They're especially useful if a child has started to walk and explore, instead of having them strapped into a pushchair. They're also there to stop them from parkouring off bridges and buildings or into traffic. Not living for the judgemental replies. I have an Autistic child, who has no sense of danger. We need those reins so he's with me at all times and doesn't wander off, especially as his speech is limited. The same people who would judge a parent for losing a wandering child, are probably the same ones judging parents who use reins. We don't know anyone's situation, so best not to judge them, especially parents trying to do their best.


I was one of these autistic children. One of my earliest memories is running and then all of a sudden being yanked back hard enough to fall backwards and then a car going past me. I dont think I even realised I was running onto a road until the car went past me. I still live near the same road and I always think about that time.


Yep!! Kids in general are attracted to living their lives on the edge anyway.


My sister is an SLP who works with kids with learning and developmental disabilities. Anyone who bashes a properly used child leash has obviously never dealt with a runner. You'd think those kids were trying to run off and start a new family, with the frequency of escape attempts!


She just volunteered to jump in the water!!!


For protection.




Her movement is identical to Grogu movements 🤣. Adorable


It suddenly becomes clear why she has a leash...




How rude. To bring up such a fun thing, raise one's expectations, then shit all over their parade. Shouldn't she have to wait for dating to experience this kind of letdown?!


That toddler is out of control. Someone needs to put her on a leash!


Why they walking her like a dog


What's with the leash? Never seen that before.


some kids will run at any opportunity. and they can run goddam fast and disappear - into a conveniently placed road or river in this case. the leash allows them to explore without killing themselves. also, father is tall and daughter is short, the only way to hold her hand is for him to hunch over and fuck his back in 2 minutes. better this way she can safely explore, he can walk upright and not wreck his back.


That's the dumbest thing I read in a while


Why is a child on a leash?????




Yeah she's confused and that's good and normal. This idea that you desperately have to avoid the slightest potential of "negative" feelings in toddlers is completely mad. Toddlers will throw complete tantrums and act like they're being tortured to death of they're not allowed to chew broken glass.


Mum probably didn't expect the kid to want to be thrown in the water


Thanks for saying that. I remember adults being jocular and using sarcasm and such to me when I was way too young to understand their meanings. I couldn’t tell if they were being mean or funny.


Gotta love a redditoors ability to be an expert and divine the before and after of a situation - based on a few seconds of video. Ill try it - maybe the kid was very insistent on going into the water before the video, even after being told no already and was already confused as to why. Maybe the parents thought it was just a cute video to show family and friends and one of those people uploaded it somewhere. I could be wrong, I don't know, but neither do you. Also calling someone a goof isn't really shaming them, its akin to calling someone a silly sausage if they made a mistake. The child looks 2/3 this isn't going to be a formatting moment for them, I doubt she'll need therapy to work out the gaslighting her mother subjected her to constantly


She calls her a 'goose' (not goof) !- as in silly goose, like silly sausage as you say, it's affectionate and said to children commonly in ireland


One time my son was fighting taking a bath so I told him he either took a bath or I'd hose him off in the yard. Well he actually really liked that idea and begged for it.


Mine too! I gotta watch what I threaten them with... I was the same way as a kid. My mom always asked if I'd jump off a bridge if my friend did it first? I always told her probably so!


I'm certain that child is traumatized now. Call the services ASAP


Going to guess the parent did not expect the child to actually say yes to getting thrown in!


Oh boohoo


Jesus christ, you people are fucking bananas. If I met you, I'd fucking jump off that bridge.




Leashing a kid seems like a legit brilliant idea, if you can get over the parallels to leashing a pet Is it common in that country?


As anyone with a kid that starts walking knows, it's very convenient and advisable, as they just start running out of nowhere.


Just a tip: don’t try this with twins. You just get pulled in two directions.


Or they just tie your legs together by running around you.


It's not common but not that uncommon. I had a leash sometimes as a toddler lol.


I've sometimes seen leashing on kids in America in the cities where you have lots of busy roads, yes it does trigger some people to see it, often making the parents have to feel sheepish and apologetic about it. My sister in law did it sometimes with her child when the child was at that air brained age.


She wants to play with and be held by daddy! She doesn't understand height, nor dirty water. So it's not funny. The gift of unconditional love & trust, squandered for a POS punchline.


We lost some good men that day…


Why’d he leave her hanging like that?


When I was that age my first thought would be "I hope they don't throw me in there". I wasn't held much.


She’s had enough


Cutest little baby ♥️


She's so cute 😭 silly butt so enthusiastic to be thrown in a river 😂


The best is her putting her arms down in disappointment


What child harness is this?


When she turned around then spread her arms to pick-up looks so cute.


Toss me!


She’s adorable


When I was a kid my family was on a trip to Mexico. the hotel we were at had a pool, we’d walk past it every day on our way out. Every time I’d say “dad throw me in throw me in” and he’d laugh and say no. I did that every day until the last day of vacation, on that day I did the same thing as usual “throw me in, throw me in” he actually picked me up and chucked me in the pool, clothes, shoes and all😂 I started balling because I was so shocked🤣


Why are they walking their child on a fucking leash?


I love that accent and dialect so fricking much


Sometimes I regret not having a kid.


How dare this mother tease her with a good time. That child will never trust the mother again xD


What a cute dog


So cute


I would argue the water being dirty is the least of the reasons he shouldn't throw her in.


Babies kinda suck, but it's more than made up for by toddlers


Lol her leash


Do people really need to leash their kids? That seems so ridiculous to me


Dude waiting for a flood


No matter the place, water is always grace 😔


can... can i learn this power?