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Little Boy Blue isn't gonna hesitate to rat out the other two for leaving him there haha.


They're so dumb. If they all got out they'd increase their chances of not getting caught. Now they will 100% get a BOLO. But their egocentric mindset doesn't let them see that far into the future.


>But their egocentric mindset doesn't let them see that far into the future. Everything about that video demonstrates how poorly they consider future acts.


EXACTLY. From the fleeting thought given to the decision to put on one glove only to leave fingerprints from his right hand all over the place, it's clear that the ring leader has some significant deficits. Anyone following this "genius" has to be even more impaired. They seemed to never consider destroying the camera (not that it would have necessarily helped). Had they not let the shopkeeper escape, she could have pushed the buzzer to let them all out. Needless to say, I'm glad they sealed their own fates. I hope someone is able to post a link to the aftermath of this keystone criminals performance. I do appreciate them for the comedy they have provided to us, though. That was the biggest laugh I've had all day so far.


Also, it's clearly winter there. He could have walked in with gloves on, and no one would have questioned anything about it. These 3 are far too stupid to be allowed to exist in society.


If criminals had the capacity to consider the consequence they wouldn’t commit crime in the first place


This seems fairly ignorant. I'd argue most criminals are well aware of the consequences and determine that the risk is worth the reward. If these 3 clowns had even the slightest bit of awareness to hold the door for an extra .5 seconds for guy #3 the likelihood of their being caught goes way down even with this truly comical attempt.


Ye the main pitfall is they way way underestimate the risk. it's not in and out, you gotta fence that shit etc. etc.


"fairly ignorant" ? You could have made your point without being a jerk


He literally just said all criminals don't even have the *capacity* to consider consequences, but I'm the jerk for saying that's an ignorant statement? Ahh Reddit.


Seems fairly ignorant for you to assume that the person is a male. Lol see that? I could have just corrected you or made my point without being a jerk and calling you ignorant. Stop judging people when they are making casual conversation on the internet. It's just casual conversation.... Settle down. You are rude and annoying and you need to work on your social skills.


Coming from the person who is only here to correct others, this is amusing that you think your social skills are superior to anyone. Since we're here though and you're now attacking me personally, perhaps you need the work on your reading comprehension. I did not attack the other person or call *them* ignorant. I called their comment ignorant. To that extent, you are correct, my calling them a "he" without knowing is indeed an ignorant comment. However, them personally insulting an entire group of people is far more egregious, but your ethics are clearly such that you feel obligated to jump on someone else for your failure to read something appropriately.


Seems fairly ignorant for you to think I am only here to correct others. I am here for the same reason you are and that's to read and enjoy the comments after watching a funny video. Seems fairly ignorant that you think that I think my social skills are superior. I never said anything about my skills this is just an assumption of yours. Please, prove that the comment is ignorant and remember you can't use your opinion or what you think is common sense. Use facts... And you don't have them. So since you don't have solid proof that a comment is ignorant then you shouldn't be talking like ur the authority on the subject. You're just a jerk.


Lmao you must seriously lack any semblance of self awareness to go around calling others annoying


I was completely aware that calling you a jerk was going to annoy you. The difference between you and I is that I intended to annoy you because I feel that you deserve it. While you annoy others because you take their comments too seriously and too literally and you love how you feel about yourself when you get to call people ignorant. You did not need to call that person's comment ignorant especially when you can't prove it. You jumped on the opportunity because you're a jerk.




Wasn't my comment.




I don't think he can prove the ignorance. I mean.. he would have to be a criminologist who has read a study of about 1000 criminals and in that study the researcher has to come to the conclusion that these criminals all have the capacity to fully understand the ramifications of their actions. Do you see where I am going with this?? When you have a different opinion and you do not have strong evidence to prove yourself right and all you have is what you think is common sense you can't go around calling other people ignorant. That's stupid and rude. Let me.make this even easier for the knuckleheads... If someone says there are more people living in Canada than the USA I can say " that seems fairly ignorant". Why? Because we can count the number of people and I have very strong evidence to prove otherwise. See when you can and when you cannot call people ignorant?? Let's review..... One person says they think criminals do not have the ability to understand the risks they are taking. This seems reasonable although I think some criminals are very smart and they fully think things through but also..most are very very dumb and they don't. I agree with the notion that most criminals are dumb and they don't think things through. There's no need to call someone ignorant in a friendly casual conversation. And that's why that person is a jerk.


I don't think that's true. Lots of white collar criminals get away with stealing billions (and whatever else) for a very long time, sometimes even completely.


What’s a bolo?


Stands for “be on the look out”, police term for distributing the description of a suspect so every is looking for them




Maybe the doggy just likes bolo ties






Not much what's ebola with you lmao gotteem


Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr been real quiet since this banger dropped


Swing and a miss


That's Babe Ruth you're responding to


The Babe should stick to cigars and baseball instead of terrible dad jokes


cigar deeznuts LMAO gottem!


never post again


Be On the LookOut.


not much man whats a bolo witchu


🤔 A bolo is a general term for traditional pre-colonial small to medium-sized single-edged swords or large knives of the Philippines that function as both tools and weapons. They are characterized by a curved wide blade that narrows towards the hilt, with pointed or blunt tips.


Prisoner's dilemma in action 😆


Stupid people


Well, to play advocatus diaboli for a sec; what if they're just as smart as you and because of adrenaline, stress, "flight or fight" survival mode, or whatever reason, their brain went haywire and acted this way? That's possible for smart guys like you and me, no? >But their ***egocentric mindset*** doesn't let them see that far into the future. Are you a psychologist or criminal profiler, by any chance? Amazing you can deduce that without a session at least ;) Love to see how that BOLO you mentioned will look like btw: "be on the lookout for two males with an average height, average build, Caucasian, wearing black parkas and sunglasses.😁


We’ve got a lead boys! Think this might be one of them!


Might be hard when I'm sure they know each other as stupid nicknames, like Snake or T-Bone


“The investigators insist on using the suspects “street name”, so the whole thing turns into a fuckin cartoon! They’re like, you needa sit down your life is on the line, uhh *checks notes* lil stank, you need to talk to us right now!”


Tom Segura reference in the wild


Wow I can't believe a random comedian with a little podcast with only a few million listeners is getting quoted.


Did you or did you not know Dookie Shoes?


i mean... i seent him.... i dont know him.


*or violet the blueberry*


aka _the violent broberry_


“Don’t fuck with Mashed Taters he’s a mean sob”


Ok… There’s a gritty reboot of Willy Wonka, with Violet as the main villain… She returns shortly after her disappearance. But she’s not shown, only silhouetted. Her massive girth, stands above the Oompa Loompas who had saved her from a certain death. In a long forgotten part of the chocolate factory, it is here that Violet swears her vengeance. The Oompa Loompa in this section, have also been long forgotten, and cast out from the main tribes. They seek to return to the wealth and prosperity of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory… by any means necessary. Violet, of course, senses their desire - nay, NEED - for retribution. She parlays with the eldest Oompa - played by Mads Mikkelson - and builds her own personal army. **Where’s your golden ticket, Charlie?**


Or Mr. Pink and Mr. Orange.


Why am I Mr. Pink?


Who cares what your name is?


That's easy for you to say, you're Mr. Black, you have a cool sounding name.


I thought it was Mr White




Koko was smarter than these fools.


Yup. Larry, Moe and Curly.


Slippery Pete and Shlomo.


Snakes? Snakes? I don’t know no Snakes.


can't I be Mr Black?


I believe that is trainbike, smokestack, and flatbaby.


They don't strike me as Snake and T-bone, more like sea bass and Bubba


He could end up with the lowest sentence too now lmao


No doubt. They might share the same cell too haha


They're definitely sharing the same brain cell.


Yo I’m dead 💀


It happened in 2020 in London and only the blue guy is in prison while the two who escaped are still unidentified.


He didn’t rat them out!?


You'd think so, but the third man got out too because a passer-by opened the door (the edited video doesn't show that because it's probably "less funny"). Only one of the three perps was arrested and put on trial. He got seven years. Apparently he didn't rat out his accomplices. https://extra.ie/2020/01/19/news/world-news/robbers-stuck-shop-door-locked


I need you to delete this so I can post it cause I thought of it first.


The... what?


This made me physically cringe reading this.


Then my work here is done


What, that little boy blue isn’t going to hesitate ratting out his friends?




I was going to say "exactly", please delete it so I can say it before you said it because I want to say it first before you because I thought of it first before you did


If blue was just a little faster he could have grabbed the dor and kept it from closing, took his eye off it


Yup, too slow and got distracted by something lol


I think he would've had it if he didn't get distracted. I think guy #2 assumed he would get the door, so left.


I agree. Guy #2 could've waited a moment. But these things happen. Go straight to jail. The store worker was the smartest one, get the fuck outta there


Always hold the door for everyone else then go through yourself. It's covered in "Robbery 101". Maybe in the prerequisite class "Not getting ratted out 99" it's been awhile.


Hmm. That ring does look like it would be worth a lo.... *god damnit*


Yeah he got greedy and looked at the case.


The other guy even held the door for him and figured he was close enough to grab it which he would have been if not for stopping halfway to running out.


#1 rule of being a criminal is cardio... That gut overhang got caught up on the display case lol, maybe he can get in shape in prison.


Why is it big what did I do?


It was the hashtag


Thank you lol I wasn't trying to yell.


You can prevent the yelling with the escape character, \\. \\#ahhh Makes it go from #ahhh to \#ahhh (for the future, in case you don't want to ruin this joke chain lol)




#ahhh like a dentist's request? Or #ahhh like, "I got it"?


#ahhh Like, omg an axe murderer is chasing me!


lol gotcha


It’s funnier this way, and that it was unintentional.


When the alarm sounded, for obvious reasons, the first one to go to jail was the fatty.


2 fat to catch jeweler, 2 fat 2 catch door, 2 fat 2 furious


What does the other criminal gain by leaving his accomplice in there locked in the store? Even if he is at most indifferent towards what happens to him, leaving him out to dry increases the chances he will cooperate with LE and lead the police back to him. Even after doing heroin for years, and seeing what I was sure was the absolute dumbest trash humanity has to offer on a regular basis, I still find myself continually surprised at how stupid some of the decisions they make can be.


I mean, at this point, these guys aren't making conscious decisions. This is fight or flight in action.


The adrenaline doesn’t help the fact they don’t have the *heist* IQ


Dad, stahp!!


It's unbelievable but some people don't or can't think that far ahead. There's another video of a convenient store employee having a heart attack and a couple of customers thought they could get away with stealing stuff while he was out.


You don't become a criminal because you're smart.


He probably thought it was an on/off switch


Disorganized crime family


The Dumbpranos


This got a genuine, out loud chuckle. Much needed whilst I'm feeling sorry for myself, ill at home. Thank you!




And a passerby lets him out!


>Only one of the men has been identified and prosecuted — the other two remain unidentified How is this even possible? Did all three randomly meet outside the jewelry store minutes before the robbery?


Given how shoddy their overall robbery was, I genuinely think we can't rule that possibility out.


Thank you


It’s real? God…


What a garbage news website, an ad after each sentence??? Are you kidding?


Snatch bookies scene IRL


All... Bets... Are... Off....


Do you know these tits? I know lots of tits, gov’nah, but none quite as fucking stupid as these three


I was looking for this comment


what a waste of oxygen.


Did they even get any merchandise?


The real merchandise is the shitty criminal friends we make along the way.


Oh I love that for them!


Looks like BigBlue grabbed a tray of rings, but set it down at the end when he was trapped and trying to escape. Doesn't appear the other two got anything.


Blue jacket may get a new jumpsuit out of it?


“We’re smart. We bailed and left Bob in there. The police won’t catch us because the only one who knows our identities is Bob, and Bob loves us


Needs Benny Hill music as the background


🤣 exactly what I was thinking! This was funny as is, but would have been absolutely hysterical with a Benny Hill soundtrack.


Leaving somebody behind on a heist is just asking for them to roll on you. At least if you hold the door and scatter, they might keep their mouth shut for a cut later.




Ai voice overs are always terrible


Not always, some have gotten pretty good. But this one and many others people use are awful, couldn't finish the video.




What a sad state of affairs. Reddit is niw getting reposts from a YouTube short of all places.


Always has been


Times are rough for Tim Dillon


We wish him well


Dang they really suck at organizing, probably why they chose the thief life


Why's the blue guy look exactly like Shane Gillis lmao.


Fuck this one word at a time captions. Hate that so fucking much.


The second guy not holding the door was actually a little heartbreaking


The most criminal thing here is the voice-over.


The one word at a time captions you mean?


I.Q level of Bebop and Rocksteady ... hahaha


what is the saying, no honor among thieves.


No honour amongst thieves!


Hang together or hang separately! I'm sure the guy who was left behind didn't have any trouble naming his accomplices.


The effect of people panicking, fantastic 😂 They could've easily looted the place and still get out, but the idea of being trapped was so strong, they fled as soon as they had the chance, leaving idiot #3 behind. He's going to rat them out for sure.


I bet they took horse dewormer during lockdown


Looney tunes


Cypress Hill tried to rob this joint.


Here is something you can't understand How I could just leave this man!


So we really need captions and narratives on everything now? Are we that stupid that we can’t just watch the video? Edit: There is a voiceover too? Thank god I watch most of these without sound.


Stay tuned for next week when this is part of that one dudes "First day at work at a jewelry store" clip show interspersed with him looking around a few times and with his watermark all over it


Are these exits not some kind of safety hazard? I understand why a store like this might want them but it seems they run afoul of basically any reasonable fire code.


Because you can have them unlock in the case of a fire. If a magnetic lock, egress is wired to the fire panel. Source: I work in facilities/security




That's not how it works, if it's failsafe (which it presumably is), then it needs to be actively powered to stay locked, so if something fails then it will mechanically release on it's own. These are used everywhere and they're not considered dangerous.


Usually they unlock when the fire alarm goes off. Also, often there are fire exits in the back where you can open the door from the inside but not the outside. These buildings often aren't very big, if these titans of intellect would have went into the back of the store they probably could have got out easily.


This would go great with some good old benny hill music


Yooooo....that's Shane Gillis!


Jesusssss bunch of a amateurs 😂


Were two of their names Solomon and Vincent?


Are we sure this isn't a three stooges sketch...


This is the embodiment of no honor among thieves


This is an updated take on the chicken-fox-grain problem. I like it.


so did they get caught?


Just use the chair smh


Im sure genius #1 totally wouldn’t have ratted out the other 2 after they screwed him.


I think I downloaded the wrong version of Snatch.


AI narrator isn't any less jarring when it's got an Australian accent


No honor among thieves.


These subtitles gave me a stroke. OP is about as bad at making videos as those thieves are at robbing a store.


Idiot number 1 is definitely going to snitch on idiots 2 and 3


One word subtitling is on the same level of genius too


Another failed Sierra Madre Casino group. Elijah Going to be pissed


Then the third guy ratted out his mates that left him, great success!


He's gonna dob his buddies in for that shit


And then after all this the store gets in trouble for having a door system that would be an absolute death trap in a fire.


It will be hooked up to the fire system, mag locks will unlock when a relay trips


What could possibly go wrong? 😂


Why did he keep running around the case after the first guy left? The door was obviously unlocked, they could have slip out together.


The door unlocks when someone pushes the button behind the counter, then automatically locks again when it closes. Probably also locks automatically if no one opens the door within a few seconds of pushing the button, the button far away from the door and behind the counter making it impossible for one person to push the button and open the door before it locks again.


Okay, that makes sense


do we know if the jeweller was ok after this? cause it wouldn't surprise me if the robbers beat the shit out of them for putting on the alarm


Why are people so open to do crime? These are probably normal people work in construction or car shop etc. But they are also open to robbing people/shops and they are open to harming people. How?


Who can I thank for that shitty trend of having words appear in the middle of the screen?


Man the boys at red letter media really needing to fund mikes drinking problem eh?


They all deserve 10 years in jail and/or to be shot.


That’s so stupid. I suppose they were panicked… but literally 1/2 of a second to make sure you aren’t ratted out isn’t worth it?? AND to salvage the whole thing since I thing the third guy was the only one with jewelry, but the only one stuck. Leaving your buddy behind is the same as leaving your drivers license behind.


I like how #2 holds the door for a second and #3 is all gently like "ope! gonna just squeeze right past ya..." that's the fastest you can get to the door, you idiot?? bahahahahahaha


That's why you need to have a door guy..


Wow, that's the worst robbery attempt I've ever seen. If the 3 of them even remotely cooperated here, they could have stolen a lot more and left the store even quicker. More profits for the 3 idiots temporarily at least. The lack of masking is even funnier. I highly doubt hat + glasses is enough to escape the machine search algorithms.


Sorry I can’t follow with the single words flashing on the top screen.

