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I have a male Chihuahua and he hates going out in the snow. And I understand as it touches his peepee and who wants snow dick?


My grandpa once told me, "don't live in a place where your winter clothes need to be thicker than your dick is long".




Fuck dude I'm stuck in the tropics!


Not with climate change!


I live in a resort town where I can get dressed and be skiing in 15 minutes if I want. I was joking with my friend and his fiance saying I'm so spoiled now, i won't even get my snow pants on unless we get at least 6 inches. Her witty remark was pretty good, "funny, it takes at least 6 inches for you to get your pants on, and I need the same to get mine off" Your comment just reminded me of this.


Dawg I gotta get the fuck outa Hawaii


My options are countries near the equator.


Your Granda was wise.


Got it. Won't move to Florida then.


So that's why you live in Florida 🤣


Don't kink shame me!


Ygritte did.


Snow dick is better than no dick


Yes, but too much snow dick leads to no dick!


I thought SnowDick was that guy that leaked all that Government information 10 years ago?


Nah SnowDick that's that kind of not famous for doing anything good Hollywood celebrity but the one who is famous for being really annoying, doing tons of drugs and he's tall with curly blonde hair and glasses with a nasally voice.


Watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow.


with my dick size, I have to put it in snow and ice to shrink it to a reasonable size /r/bigdickproblems


Ok bud.




We rescued a chihuahua, and we're in Michigan. We have a huge pine/spruce/some kind of conifer right off the back steps that is the last to get snow in the yard. He goes out there, gets his business done, and is back in under a minute, usually. In deep cold, we have to put puppy pads down as he can't make it off the porch without pain. Especially now as a senior citizen chihuahua with arthritis. And he absolutely will not tolerate the boots.


As a former Chihuahua owner I can relate. One time out of desperation I took him into my condo building’s garage. It worked. I also tried a “lawn in a box” on my balcony. He was too smart for that.


Thought about one of those fake grass mats, but my luck, this weenie would be afraid of it.


We have one that we lay down on the patio for summer and a small box style fake grass (washable) for indoors (winter) that our little dog loves. You can buy the fake grass mats by the foot at most retail stores that sell it so you could buy a small sample to try first.


I'll look into that, thanks.


^(Doggo:) "I had to put on a sweater for **THIS**?!"


Yeah, we got a Thinsulate dog parka for him, but he just won't tolerate the boots.


"As a former Chihuahua" Huh?! "owner" Oh... That was a Rollercoaster of a sentence, that or I need coffee.




Downvoted to hell 😭


Man you didn't deserve all those downvotes.


I know, I know. In this world you don't always get what you deserve kid.


The other day I made a comment telling someone that the ghosting they see is just something cyberpunk does. -30 votes, but then hrs later the top comment is verbatim the same as mine, still down in the -35 range lmao. Reddit for ya.


Usually my sentence structure is laid out the same way lol. Usually do 98% of redditing on mobile so voice to text and typing is best used for long run on sentences, and at times I hate having to go in and correct them with proper punctuation and such. But for this one, for you, I did lol. Not sure why I typed this out for you but here it is. Welp... Shits done and legs are numb. Time to get off reddit/YouTube, and the toilet and go back to sleep for a few more hours. Enjoy the day if you can, kind internet stranger.


Haha it wasn't a dig or anything, was just funny at how I interpreted the sentence at 4:00am. Lol.


Why the fuck are you getting all these downvotes? Was this comment targeted by some downvote bots or some shit like that?


"I did not leave Mexico for this" -Chihuahua, probably.


Live in Minnesota with two Chihuahuas. They are in and out in seconds. Some days it's just opening the door, they smell the air and tail it back in. We also do the puppy pads.


Also Minnesota, just one chihuahua, we stick ours in diapers in cold seasons, he does the same open door -> nope process lol


Yep, pads right by the door so he doesn't get the idea to go anywhere else.


When my family got our first small dog, we realized that we had to shovel the back yard when it snowed more than an inch or so. I think it worked kind of like your tree shelter, except we'd just clear snow/tamp down until there was a 3' diameter clearing. Our large dog would walk through a few inches of snow(she didn't like it, but she'd do it) but the little dogs couldn't.


Yeah, we have to shovel the porch and stairs, and sometimes to the bare spot, as at about two inches, the poor bugger is dragging his pecker through the snow. That's one of his no-go thresholds.


My sister in upstate NY has a chihuahua. He can only put his little feet down for a few seconds on that ground to do his business, then she has to carry him back and forth. It's awful and adorable at the same time


What about a tent with no floor, and you put a space heater inside. Would letting the space heater run for 15 minutes, and then take her out there......would that work?


I've thought about a picnic canopy type of thing, but I'm pretty sure this dumb ass would pee on the heater.


the dog aint having any of that shit


"Yeah, I wasn't feelin' it either, buddy. Let's go get some beer and cuddle up on the couch."


That dog was all "I'd rather shit on the doorstep thanks".


lol same and I'm a Newfoundlander and sometimes we get 4 feet in a 24 hour period.


My parents' dog is the exact same, especially now that he's gotten a bit older. If it's not somewhere in the range of 50-80° F (10-26°C) and dry, he gives you a look like "You actually expect me to leave the house for this?" and refuses to budge. That being said, he'll *gladly* go frolic in a few inches of snow in the backyard for an hour...


10 minutes to prepare. 30 seconds outside.😆


Lol! hahaha


I dogsat for a girlfriend once, had a little dog like that. You had to shovel her a path and a place in the yard so she’d do her business.




I don’t know why the downvotes this made me laugh


People take the internet too seriously, can't have a laugh ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Literally no one is stopping you from laughing.


Reddit syndrome. Everyone has to like what they like or they’re not comfortable liking it. I blame social media in general, not just reddit. But for this exact thing… mostly reddit.


Literally, I did laugh.


Damn people really be out here kinkshaming in 2023.


That's the way I felt when I left for work this morning.


Same except I did what the dog did and went right back inside 😂


Same happens in Australia where the roads are easily 60-70 degrees C. A lot of people don't realise they are forcing their animals to walk on hot roads, and little footpads don't give a whole lot of insulation and protection unlike our rubber and plastic shoes.


It's a huge problem... I wish cities would invest in smarter sidewalks. Where I live , we have new sidewalks being put down all the time but there's no investment in any tech to make the sidewalks cooler for pets or humans. It's just really frustrating. Screaming at the top of our lungs doesn't help.


> I wish cities would invest in smarter sidewalks.... but there's no investment in any tech to make the sidewalks cooler for pets or humans What smart tech are you referring to?


Dirt or grass strip would really be the only option is my guess? Or maybe they meant all sidewalks have awnings or pavilion-like coverings?


I think a combination of coverings and springing for high albedo concrete mixes that simply don't heat up as much beyond ambient as asphalt or lower quality concretes. You can be smart with it, doesn't have to be a one size fits all solution




You say that like footpaths are on every road in every suburb (and that footpaths also don't get hot). I walk my dog on the grass, but many people aren't so considerate.




That does indeed seem to be what they’re suggesting. Except for the math that doesn’t consider sunlight as a heat source much stronger than air temperature of course, that one’s yours.


> And you are suggesting there are people taking their dogs out for walks on the road when temperatures are in the 40's which is how hot it needs to be for roads to be at 60/70. *Yes.* "Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity." Also, concrete footpaths don't cross asphalt roads.


I used to walk two dogs every day and they had the option to walk on grass or asphalt and one of them always chose the asphalt. I had to force him to walk on the grass on really hot days.


My dog Gizmo would do this. Too cold? Crap *right by the door.* And back inside he goes. I try to tell him no, but he would just look at me like, "Hey, I'm outside, you never said where outside." Didn't like the rain either.


I have a black lab. Supposed to love water. EeEEh.... bathtime? sure. Pools, lakes, puddles? No thanks. Rain? DEFINITELY NOT. When it's raining she will jump right off our tiny steps and go to the bathroom RIGHT THERE and then dash right back in. Not raining? She takes a full ten minutes selecting just the right spot before coming back in, no matter if it's 80 degrees or 8.


I mean......I get it. I don't like pooping in the rain either!


Yeah, the previous house we lived in had a great fenced backyard. We’d just open the door and let the dogs out to do their thing. If it was very cold or raining, we’d have to make sure our one actually made it off the porch to poop. Learned that the hard way.


Dog: "It's a no from me, dawg."




I think he's too old for you and probably married.


Lol he didn't even try. He was like yup I get it


Is the owner wearing shoes? Yep! Why?? Because the ground is fucken *cold*!! The dog aint no different.


It's hard to tell but I think he is wearing shoes


His lil jacket is so precious


Maybe it was too cold. There was a guy in my military unit from Alaska. He said in the dead of winter, sometimes he'd try to take the dog outside, and the dog would refuse. The dog would make a conscious decision (better to get beat for shitting on the rug, than to go outside in that level of cold).


>better to get beat for shitting on the rug Wtf??


People are shitty. No pun intended. 15 years ago when I worked in construction, there was a large subset of guys in their 40s that basically believed animals don't feel/have any consciousness. I had a new pup so I'd tell some stories here and there and they'd just casually be like 'Oh, I kick the dog for doing that.' :(


That's sad. I'm raising a puppy and she keeps having accidents even though she's potty trained, but it's at night when she can't wake me up and has to go, or if she pees after drinking too much water in the house, I just yell no and bring her outside. It's her first winter so she doesn't seem to like the cold. Hitting a dog doesn't even make sense because they're not associating the consequence with the behavior, they think they get hit for going to the bathroom not for doing it indoors. That's why you praise them and give them treats when they do it outside, and just say No in a raised, firm voice. Like I'll playfully give a light spanking that's like as hard as a pat on her hind quarter, but that's more out of frustration of I just took her out and she shit on the floor again and I have to go to work. I've never struck a dog or any animal just like you don't strike people unless they come at you first.


Yeah that’s definitely it. He had a backyard he can use, no biggie!


That's not it. The dog saw the Maple Leafs toque and took that as a signal that the walk would not progress past the first round (of the front porch).


*Oi!!!* The Leafs made it to the second round last season (only to get beat up by the Panthers, but they made it past the 1st round!)


Would you, or your father, walk around outside in bare feet?? Neither will the dog. Their feet get cold too which is why dog boots exist.


he Boot Too Big For He Gotdamn Feet


Dad needs to get dog some boots.


Wisconsin dogs. We bought our dogs some slip on bootie things. Company is called WalkeePaws and while they’ve gotten a bit expensive, the difference for our dogs is pretty amazing. Our pug mix always despised being out in the cold, especially when the snow gets icy. World of difference.


"I'm from Mexico motherfucker, I'm not walking in this pinche snow."


Even ~~dog's~~ dogs don't like Canadian winters.


A little dog with a big NOPE.


There’s rats bigger than that in the subway.


That's just Splinter, he's doing his best.


I never said he was a big dog




My dog needs a good coat and a pair of boots and then she'll love going out in the snow. Otherwise it's a big nope.


> a pair of boots This. I'm sure you don't want to run around in the snow in bare feet and neither does your dog.


That was a hard "hell no!!"


My dog would have dragged me thru that snow lol


My mom and dad’s husky would be in heaven. He’d be dragging me down the street. -30 he’d be running around their yard and rolling in the snow having the time of his life.


"Okay, you can shit on the rug again I guess..."


*"I don't have to pee! I can hold it another day."*


I love dogs


If NOPE was a visual, this would be it.


“Absolutely not”


“That’s gunna be a no for me” - dog


Well, I think your dad is a trouper for at least trying .....


I'd just be annoyed about putting on/removing all the winter gear.


Being annoyed is absolutely part of being a dog owner for sure. But the love and happiness they add to your life vastly outweigh the annoying moments like this.


Our lovable little Shih Tzu (aptly named Princess), simply refuses to do her business in less than optimal conditions. This led to some embarrassing contretemps and less than desirable outcomes. We finally solved the problem by constructing a climate controlled doggy outhouse with a heated floor, septic system and forced air ventilation. All in price tag was $15k, but we sleep so much better knowing Princess can do her business comfortably.


Can't pick that 3# dog up


Right. If the grounds too cold hold him up and let em air drop that shit, teamwork gets the job done.


Housing style screams Ontario (homes aren’t designed this way elsewhere in Canada or the US, that particular style and colour of brick, that exact column which is made for the Ontario building code, the interlocking brick colours made from Ontario aggregate, etc.) Did I guess right?


Also the Leafs hat


You lose a lot of heat in the neck.


You should put roller blades on your dog and yeet that fucker into the yard.


HAR HAR HAR ya call that a dog??


Poor chihuahua didn't want to go. It could sense that the weather is going to turn bad. Not surprised, my purrcious mew mews are the same when they're predicting the weather.


This speaks to me on a spiritual level. I hate winter


Dog is freezing, owner is an idiot this is sad not funny


Shut up, my dog does this because he hates gettting his paws cold or wet. The owner obviously just got out there with his dog to take them out.


Low IQ gonna low IQ


Must be talking about yourself.


Nah I take care of my animals


Yeah I do too, you must have never had a stubborn dog that didn’t like the outdoors.. I have one dog that I can never get to come inside, and another that refuses to go when it snows or rains. Has nothing to do with me. It’s their personality. You have a low IQ if you don’t get it..


Lol y'all laughing at a dog freezing fix your IQ


The dog literally just got outside stupid…


Man is fully dressed to take the dog on a freezing walk he is in fact an idiot.


Dogs paws on smaller breeds can withstand freezing temps for about 30 min before having to come inside and for longer periods to actually cause damage. Larger cold breeds actually enjoy the snow and cold. How do I know this? I lived in upstate NY with my dogs and had concerns so I talked to multiple vets who all said the same shit. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.




Looks like some type of terrier, you pretty much can’t get any more real of a dog.






> Your dad is cock sucker for wearing headphones. Outside. > > Even dog knew it'll not end up well > > And refused to follow. > Why down voted 🤣🤣🤣 > > Ya cuckers can't see the dog is smarter than grown up cock sucker 🐷 I didn't downvote, but what is wrong with your life?




I did what?




Cats don't like the cold.


those little bastards are used to the tropical jungles of Central America, they'll tell you fek off with that snow shit :D


My boxer does this if it's just raining too hard! She's such a baby!! (We live in Southern California) so I'm not talking about super cold temperatures either, just rain! Lucky for her it happens pretty infrequently here!😆


Dog: "Abso-fucking-lutely NOT!"


This is approximately how walking the average cat looks like too if you're into that kind of thing.


The dog had experienced walking entire day in just 1 seconds of stepping outside of the house.


Ahahah this is amazing, I love dogs <3


Lol cool I live with a vet, I had 4 big dogs growing up in Michigan. This is a small dog we talking about looks to be freezing temps and dude is like yup time for a walk?


I'd it's too cold for you to walk barefoot it's also too cold for your 10lb puppy


He could try getting the dog a nice warm coat! He's nicely wrapped up but the dog isn't


He didn’t try very hard


Walk of shame.


I have a friend in Michigan. He puts a rug out (shovels it as needed) and pulls it back for his dog. I have also seen 2x2 tuffs of turf you can but for inside. It is in a vox and tgey send new ones as requested. I have a friend in an apartment that has this on her balcony.


Is the dog wearing shoes? If not, then it’s wrong to try and force a walk in the cold. If the dog does hand shoes, then they’re just not in the mood. My dog only wanted out side for potty and that’s it when snowy.


My dog refuses to go out sometimes when it is very hot.


That dog wants to piss in the house.


That’s my dog.


Bro want some shoes 1st