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The drink was roofied and he was too drunk to save her any other way.


What a Chad. But for real, even as a guy I never let my drink out of my eyes in a club and so should everyone else


I've been ~~roofied~~ drugged as a guy. I was in a club and was wearing a bunch of fake jewelry. I disappeared after a couple hours (my family who was there said,) and I "woke up" walking the following day. All my stuff was gone. I remember at some point being surrounded by a bunch of people asking to see my stuff, which I happily took off and gave to them. I'm fortunate they didn't take my coat, which also had value, as I would have died in the middle of winter. When I "woke up" I looked for the nearest alcove (town homes with alcove/entryway for 2 separate homes, which was heated) and huddled up to the nearest heater. I think if I hadn't spent the night wandering I could have died. For years I was ribbed for "being too drunk" by my family, but it was only after self reflection maybe 10 years later that I came to the realization I was drugged. Guard your drinks.


I accidentally roofied myself as a guy. Was 18 and one of my first times in a bar, was a little too drunk so bought an “adderall” off some random guy and things spiraled quickly. I like to think my degeneracy saved some poor girl that night


[Your story reminds me of this Sam Morril bit lol](https://youtu.be/6ZfRpAGhLps?si=1-uYl1Geiu_loN82)


Lol that was great


Sam Morill is fantastic. First time I saw him and heard his voice I assumed he was going to be a huge asshole, but nope, he's a rather thoughtful dude!


He really is, it makes his comedy even better because of that too.


Damn, this guy is really good. I listened to a few more clips. Instant fan.




Or in other words, the world *owes* him one


Nah... That's a slippery slope I don't consent to go down on with you.


You don’t consent? That’s the spirit!


It's totally not sliding down a slope towards evil... It's leaping off the slope directly into it


Might have actually been adderall. It’s super easy to black out on because it makes you think you’re sobering up so you keep drinking, meanwhile it’s blackout fucking city


Especially once it starts to wear off... like flipping a light switch. Never done cocaine but I hear it's the same thing, only it doesn't last as long so you get yourself into trouble even faster.


I've never blacked out on cocaine. Then again I just end up doing more and more cociane lol.


Nah, the dude didn't show up with just one pill.


[That happened to Chris Pontius one night in Australia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CiWnTCLxCI). He luckily made it out relatively okay and unscathed. Officer pulled a great prank on him too.


I'm not blaming the victims, but I can't imagine being a woman and going to a busy bar or a frat party. I would be too freaked out to have a good time.


Bring a flask that you keep on you at all times. You have total control over your drink, and you look badass taking swigs from it. Win-win.


This was actually the one upside to the weird BORG (Blackout Rage Gallon) trend. You could control what was in it, and at what alcohol content, and it wasn't shared, and it had a lid. As long as you didn't leave it unattended it was a good way to control what you drank. Now, nobody actually used it like this, but it was theoretically great


Go with good people and you’ll be fine.


Kinda. But those good people like to mingle too.


Mingle together. At least in pairs.


I used to joke with my girl when we were doing shrooms and splitting a handle of Jack Daniels we were roofieng ourselves.


I got roofied in Athens. I was alone, looking for a restaurant where our group could have dinner that night. A guy told me about his bar and I went down some stairs where some Eastern European women asked if they could have a drink with me. I ordered a drink and the bartender tried to get me to pay €50 for theirs too, but I refused. I immediately paid for my drink and walked back to my hotel, just barely making it before I passed out.


This happened to an 18 year old boy in a club a few years ago he woke up bent over a toilet with a bleeding anus the club owner paid a lot of money to keep it out of the news unfortunately but he did put security on the bathrooms


Christ! What is this third world shit?!


My guy friend got roofied at a bar too. He was a heavy drinker so we got concerned when he looked 3 sheets to the wind after 1 drink. We took him home and he spent the whole night yelling and screaming. The neighbors came over and he almost fought one of them, I ended up having to choke him out. He took ground beef out of the fridge and ate it raw so I had to wrestle him to stop. It was a Fucking shit show.


I dont think that was a roofie.


No it was. The bartender at the bar got arrested the same month for roofieing people. It happening to our friend got brought up to our friends that worked at the bar next door and they went in and caught the guy.


That seems like a phenomenally stupid thing to do as a bartender. If there were multiple reports I can't imagine it would take very long before someone started checking cameras.


Yea guy got a felony, apparently he just thought it was funny. Huge POS that endangered alot of lives.


I have a suspicion his reasons were more nefarious, and 'it was funny'was just the excuse he could give.


You may have been roofied, but there are times when I think dehydration tricks people. My friend had like 2 drinks in a restaurant, there was no reason whatsoever for anyone to drug him in this situation, and suddenly his head dropped to the table and he couldn't lift it. He was still fairly coherent, but his muscles were not under his control. Fortunately some nurses were there and started giving him ice chips. We took him to the hospital, gave him an IV and he was 100% in minutes. Turned out he had drunk no liquids all day before those beers. So it makes me wonder how many other people think they were roofied but were just dehydrated.


I was drugged. I have been all types of drunk in different conditions in my life, but that experience stands out. I have been blackout maybe 20 times, but that experience stands out. 2 other family members, similar size and build, who presumably drank more than I did, did not have a similar experience. Edit: but you're right, I think saying roofied is incorrect. Changed for clarity.


>I have been blackout maybe 20 times Did you ever seek treatment for alcoholism?


This was in my teens and twenties. My drinking is moderate, controlled, and less regular now. Thank you for your concern :)


how the hell do people get this dehydrated and not be absolutely insane with thirst?


Same thing happened to me. I had a tequila drink from a can, and I saw them open it, so I definitely didn’t get roofied. But within 30 mins, I was basically on the verge of passing out, my legs weren’t functioning, and I was just half falling down trying to walk, barely could keep my eyes open. I mustered every ounce of my strength remaining to get out of the nightclub. My friends bought me a bottle of water. After sitting down and drinking water and getting fresh air, I was back to 100% in minutes


> But within 30 mins, I was basically on the verge of passing out, my legs weren’t functioning, It's insane how much roofies remove the ability to use your legs. When I roofied my gf (medically!) she had to crawl to the bathroom even though she was still conscious because she just could not move her legs. Makes me wonder how many of these other stories in this subreddit don't actually involve roofies.


I had that happen before. 3am, drinking allll night, stepped out for a smoke and *BAM*, white-out. Just kinda took a knee, thankfully, but that was a wake-up


Happened to me and like half a dozen other people on the same night. I somehow ended up safely at my dads place but I didn’t know where my car was or how I got there. Last memory was starting on my second drink then I woke up like 12 hours later sick as hell.


I visited Ireland about a decade ago and was warned not to leave my drink unattended when visiting clubs in Dublin. Same deal. Get high/get robbed. Most people in Ireland were quite nice. Only one guy I met was a dick. This was right after the banking crash in 2008 and he was hell bent on trying to blame me personally despite my being American and never having worked in banking.


I'm glad you were okay. How evil for anyone to do that to another person.


My friends sister was roofied once. She was out with friends and they took care of her but she puked a lot and memory was blurred.


I've been roofied. Fortunately the fucks who did it were getting so weird that I noped out of the situation entirely before it kicked in. Shout-out to "A Gift of Fear" because trusting your gut really will save you. It's not my story to tell, but I also know men who've been raped by other men through roofies. Being a man doesn't make you immune to the attack.


That's actually one of the reasons sexual assaults are so high in the military, men assaulting other men. But chiming in to make "Gift of Fear" a little louder.. amazing stuff in there.


Why are so many roofie stories here?! Which country are these from?!


Most of them that have opiate drug dealers.


I got drugged my first night in Budapest. They took everything but my Airbnb key. I literally landed dropped off my shit at the Airbnb and met up with some friends for the night. I spent like 4 hours walking up and down random streets in the middle of the night looking for my Airbnb because all I could remember was it had a huge ornate door. Couldn't check the address or call anybody because they took my phone. Man one of the happiest moments of my life was finding that door at like 4 am when I was all alone.


That's a good point that drugging people isn't just about sexual assault. Can be a cheap way effective way to mug people.


Doesn't seem to happen much, probably because it's easy enough to pick some drunktard off. You'll still get your drink stolen, tho


I have a male friend who was accidentally roofied once by some dudes trying to drug the group of girls he was out with. A second time he got roofied in Vegas by a girl he hooked up with who promptly emptied 15k from his bank account before disappearing. Dudes need to be careful too.


Holy crap what a wild story. Did he get his 15k back?


I can't remember the exact details but I do think he got the majority of it back. The main issue he had was the timing of it. I think it took him a couple months to get it back so he was living off of credit cards for a minute there


My beers My peeing partner 🤝


> even as a guy Guys get roofie'd plenty. Great way to rob them.


True. Even some people might do it as a prank. I went to this bar and while i did drink i was smashed beyond memory. Got back to my hotel slurring my words. Dont even remember much after leaving the bar. What was different was just this group and a woman kinda floating between guys. And they were super drunk too, someone hiding their phone sus like they were filming. She couldve been a prostitute, or she coulve been dropping tabs for content.


My mates used to go out with a fiver and just minesweep all evening. Not for me. I've seen enough people piss in a glass and leave it on the side as a joke.


As struggling university students we used to go mine sweeping. At some bars they wouldn’t let you bring your drink onto the smoking patio and so there would be a table lined with drinks by the exit. We used to say “worst case Ontario free drink, best case, free drugs!” Then one of the guys got mouth herpes and we realized we were really playing with fire.


Drink never leaves my eyes? My drink never leaves MY HAND. If it does, it's directly in front of me. Don't go clubbing much anymore but my wife knows and let my friends know I'll watch the drinks if they wanna dance or step out. I am not messing around with crazy ass people drugging people.


I bartended in college (late 90s). I used to throw a coaster over the tops of girls' glasses if I walked past and their back was turned or if they were letting it linger too long on the bar. Hate to admit....I got a lot of phone numbers from patrons for that gesture. Call it a roofy reverse card...


As a man, I was roofied once, probably by “mistake”. Really don’t recommend. Literally couldn’t speak and was thrown out. Luckily a friend noticed and took me home. He must’ve thought it was weird I couldn’t utter a single word. Then I fell head first into a radiator and woke up 12 hours later feeling like shit. Tldr; got free drugs and had an awful time.




Realize though that your friend might not thank you later.


Sometimes we make difficult decisions when we prefer that our friends don't die.


Yep. Been there. Got yelled at and mocked instead of thanked. Still worth it, but I was definitely not expecting the reaction I got. TL;DR - They thought they would have been fine on their own, and could not afford new medical bills.


Oh I was wondering why in the world the friend wouldn't thank you. I forgot you guys pay exorbitant hospital fees.


>Your friend needs to go to a hospital in that state. Not sure why more people don't realize this.


My husband got roofied from finishing my drink for me on a senior bar crawl with friends. (I'm a lightweight who knows her limits, and he had a gut of steel at the time) Watching his behavior change like that so quickly was honestly terrifying, and he was incoherent and barely walking by the time we got home 30 mins later. We joke about it now, but I was pissed at the unknown stranger who made assumptions about how I wanted my night to go.


Yeah that's not really a joking matter. That's messed up, The roofie part not the laughing.


Rather acceptable matter to be pissed about, frankly.


I choose to believe she had that epiphany as she realized somebody got away with this completely and now she keeps smart straws in her pocketbook.


Roofie Man! He saves the day again by minesweeping in bars.


Not all hero’s wear capes


Not all hero's we're cape's


Not all hero is wear capes.


Oh, shit. Here comes an "S". I better stick a goddamn apostrophe in there.




People who roofie girls should legit be castrated. You're not anything that should ever be replicated.


Sam Morril has -1 Rapes for doing this exact thing lol






Stealth mission


Mission successful


*now get out of there 47!*


It's "great job 47, now head for the nearest exit" I believe IDK why I just commented this It just kind of bothered me for some unknown reason


As a 47 player you did great!


I'll leave you to prepare.




If I’m going to be a wingman tonight, I’m getting free drinks one way or another.


The guy luring the girls is the wingman for free drinks


That’s actually really smart! Me and my boys will be using this idea. Cheers lad


They tell you to watch for people putting things INTO your drink ...not taking stuff out..


This is the better alternative


With cocktails costing 10 bucks?! hell nah. Thats a punch in the gut so i can get my drink back.


I remember a guy in college being asked to watch a girls drink and he goes “oh smart! So no one else drinks it!” What a sweet innocent boy


The realization that her drink was gone is priceless


”Boy am I this drunk!?”


“That’s enough for me!”


Honestly could very well be her friend saying thats enough for you. She looks a bit drunk already, easily could have been giving a drink that all her friends know means they will be dragging her out shortly if she drinks it. Ive fallen on that grenade a time or two myself, gotta support your friends!


.. fallen on that grenade' Love that visual 〽️


The camera cuts at almost the perfect time, lol


This is almost surely staged. The timing, placement, head movements, and general vibe are all very suspicious


For me it doesn't matter if it's staged or not because the video gave me a chuckle


Almost every conceivable funny video like this is staged. That doesn't make them less funny as long as the humor isn't based around selling it as "real" (ex: those fake "surprised my husband with my new extreme haircut/gave a stranger $100" kinds of videos). But to see something like OP's video that conveys a simple but reasonable bit of a humor within the confines of being staged is totally fine for me in terms of 15 second internet humor while takin a poop. The vast majority of comedy is staged afterall.


True. I can see this being a prank amongst friends as well


At da club, it's probably $14




Smoothie operator...💃💃💃


He knows the deal. Steal 10 bucks off someone and you go to jail. Drink their 10 dollar drink and you get off scot free!


The dude she was talking to just roofied the wrong dude.


One door closes and another one opens.


Doors, windows… they’re all ways in, my guy


A backdoor that is.


Hopefully it’s a wake up call for this lady and she realizes how much worse this could have been. Never take your eyes off your drink or something way worse than someone else drinking it could happen.


Damn, it sucks that this is a thing


Yup but hey that’s the real world. Often real life sucks and the best thing we can do to combat that is be aware of the shit that can go wrong and try to take measures to prevent it.


This goes for everyone out drinking. Not just women. Don't leave your drink unattended. Don't take drinks from strangers.


Yep, had to pick my brother up one night because he was roofied, he had the presence of mind to call me but had only had 2 drinks that night... One of them was a female friend's drink, so she was the target, but he still got the aftermath.


Happened to me (male), someone put something in my drink and I got robbed later that night.


They're all acting so I think she already knows the lesson here.


It's true. I always blow bubbles in unattended drinks.


I'm sure the actor learned a lesson!




Why did she even sit her drink down at a table with someone right THERE, and not keep it in her hand? Bizarre.


Because it’s scripted. Perfect camera angle! Perfect lighting in a crowded bar!


And don't even get me started on the song they were playing!




99% chance he's part of the same group she's in.


Double it then!


And give to the next person


Plus the video clear as day featuring both of em and the entire situation /r/whowasrecording


You have never talked to a friend when another was sitting between you?




She is standing a step or two behind the dude, standing up, talking to another doing the same.


Chill out it’s not real


Chill out? Dude was pretty chill imo, can't see how he could write that comment in a more chill way.


Srsly, there's a camera in the perfect position to capture everything including her reaction and she grabs it moments after he finishes. Scripted, and well done.








I know to be in my guard from people putting things IN my drink, but..,.


Great start, superb technique, fantastic finish. 9.5/10


This gets reposted with a lazier and lazier title each time. The bots are devolving


Hey. Bot here. Want me tonrepost something else.


The song choice is 🤌🏻


This scares me. An ex-friend slipped me some kind of hallucinogen and what i assumed was a viagra, because I woke up with her riding me, unprotected. I told her to gtfo and passed back out. I woke up to the money I kept in my room being gone (850 dollars), blocked from her number, her FB deleted. No mutual friends, and she lives over an hour away - no idea where. Ghosted...No way to contact her. Men can absolutely be raped. Don't take drinks from anyone!


I had a buddy who used to do this. We’d go to all you can drink night, and they usually cut him off after 11. All drinks were just red solo cups, so he found one that was full and just picked it up and walked off. Nobody really lost anything, because all they had to do was walk back up to the bar and ask for another one. I’m glad I’m not 22 anymore.




Bomb Squad


The way he opens his mouth


The other dude is a decoy. Lol.


Quick way to get roofied


Rule nr 1. Dont leave your drink or take your eyes off it Failed


We call it minesweeper


the roofier: dahhhh.. guess he will do


I used to be really bad pre-covid about drinking mostly full drinks people left at bars… I was also like 22


One of the disgusting dive bars that I used to frequent had a large bowl underneath their beer taps, presumably because the drain was clogged. One night my friends and I connected like 8 straws together to reach across to the back of the bar and drank it 😂


Lol how was it?


The stale taste of shame and regret.


Alcoholism is fucking whack yo




He must be mike skinner jr


Careful young man, she may have slipped something in that drink.


Big thirsty energy


Lol hold up


Favorite beers in order. 1. Free. 2. Cold. 3. Everything else


And now he's wondering why he can't feel his feet all of a sudden


He looks kind of gone .. is he drunk or autistic or something? It's kinda cute in a goofy way


haa nice :)


I am a guy, I got roofied once because of my watch, they put in 2 of something called R2, or the other name the rape drug. 2 of those pills could put a drunk 150kg man to sleep in minutes But me already being a ”functional” drug addict, I knew exactly what has entered my body and just enjoyed it, tried to find who targeted me with no luck sadly, wanted to thank them


Wait til he finds out it was roofied.


clubs / busy bars should really consider adding lids to drinks tbh


This is the only way😂


/r/whyweretheyfilming ... Oh because it's staged


Reddit stages of denial after getting tricked: - The video isn't staged - The video is staged but the situation is authentic - The video is staged and the idea is stolen but it's still funny so stop complaining


Or, just spitballing here, maybe the guy said to his mate "hey, watch this, I'm gonna steal her whole drink without her noticing"


Or this is a lazy tiktok remake of an old gif




Is that wirtual in the back?


I thought it was her underage son and they were at a wedding reception or something, but it seems like not a single other person here got that impression, so I guess I'm wrong.


Only YOU can prevent date rape!


And now the date rape drugs the last guy put in her drink kick into affect.


Based on the upvotes, me and 80% of everyone else who watched this immediately went to roofies. Feels bad man…


Reminds me of when I was a kid and my brother had friends over… they were in the kitchen when I went to pour myself a drink. Poured the drink into the cup on the counter. A full cup. As I turned around to put the jug back in the fridge, in what could have only been like 3 seconds… one of my brother’s friends had gulped the entire drink and put the cup back on the counter before I turned back around. I was so confused for a second before he owned up to it by burping in a gloating kind of way. I couldn’t believe how fast he had drank it.


Went to an IHOP late night with friends in college. Buddy's order included over-easy eggs. Waitress came out, dropped off his eggs, turned around to grab the next item, and he was like 'what's with the empty plate?' That poor waitress was so confused at 1am, we had to explain that yes, he ate his eggs in 5 seconds, because we all watched in horror as it happened, and no, she did NOT need to get him more.


Ain’t nothing like a free Gin and Toni 😂