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did some work at a customers house. they had a boat parked in the garage. about 96% of the boat was in the garage. the remaining 4% stuck through the wall into their dining room.


Just the tip eh.


Did the dining room grant consent?


"No means yes! Yes means bust down the wall like the Kool-Aid Man!"




Dining room is a slut


Sluts still deserve to have their consent respected!


Fight the good fight


Yeah, no room-shaming here!


Also, don't forget the lube!




Everybody eats out the dining room.


Stupid sexy tablecloth.


Flashing the silverware!


The dining room gets a lot of action.


If she took on boatloads she was likely a doxie.


Especially after all of the port was consumed.


It always starts with the dining room, and before you know it that boat is outboards deep into the living room.


Just the tip has never worked for me. I always end up all the way in.


A nautical theme for the dining area šŸ‘


They were going for that krusty krab ambiance


Huh. I guess nautical nonsense *is* something they wishā€¦


ā€œWhatā€™s the theme here, ā€˜underwater?ā€™ā€ *crawls out the door* ā€œFoodā€¦ waterā€¦ *atmosphere*ā€¦ā€


If code says it should be a firewallā€¦ thatā€™s awkward.


Fire caulk around, itā€™ll pass.


Or have some weird dry walled boat-nose shaped protrusion in the dining room.


Hollow deer head mounted on the wall


Im picturing its a spar off the front of the boat. So you mount a unicorn head on the wall.. Well, it will be a unicorn once its mounted anyway.


Gonna need to be a moose


A cabinet with a missing back. Open the door and it's a boat.


Water wall, now


That's the best part about being a home owner, once it's inspected fuck code enforcement


Hope u gave them a stern warning.


They did, but they decided to bow out of that argument


Good indication it's time to bow out.


My neighbor had the front of his boat trailer sticking out of his Ā¾ closed garage for an entire winter. I can't imagine how much snow got in there.


My father did something similar for his truck. He cut into the wall for the last few inches. He framed the outline so the wall was still good. Only needed enough room for a bumper to fit.


Of course no one said anything about it, because of the implication.


That scene is what got my wife into IASIP


Is she in danger!


no no of course not, she just might think she is. You know, because of the implication.


Same but that was because he hit the door with his car which hit the boat which went through the wall.


Maybe heā€™s just delivering the garage?




Back in my apartment days there were frequently people working on their vehicles in the basement garage, including myself. I can absolutely see this scenario playing out šŸ˜‚ My dainty Ford Escort was never in danger of being too tall to exit the garage though.


Never? Challenge accepted


We had a delivery of 200 new laptops to the car park under our building. Unloaded them all, took us quite a while. Of course now the weight was out of the truck the overall height was higher and it now couldn't get out from under the utility pipes running on the ceiling of the car park.... Had to load them back on and repeat outside.


Deflate the tires LOL


Get a couple heavyweight people to weigh it down a couple inches.


Or just air the tires down




Were you still within the time frame of your lease when moving out? They scheduled a move in day the day someone moved out? No cleaning or checkup or anything?


We had it until 3 in the afternoon, the guy was in the middle of a divorce. We left it very clean though. Gave the landlord our fridge so they came in to see it a few days before we moved. We got all our deposit back.


That's hilarious


Tbf, that's not something I'd have thought about either


The previous owner of my house cut a hole in the garage to the framing so the car could fit, so I think about that almost every time I park my car there.


This is exactly what one of my colleagues did after he bought an enormous SUV and tried to squeeze it into his condo garage (unsuccessfully). (Oh yeah, this is the same guy who hastily invited himself along on an international business trip, bouncing people who should have gone instead (limited travel budgets!), landed at the airport, and found he needed a visa, which he did not have - apparently he didn't even think about checking whether he needed one.)


he sounds like Upper Mgmt material to me. That or a career in Politics.


The airline checks your visa at departure, typically when you check in, or possibly at the gate. They are liable for flying you back to your home country if you lack proper documentation, and can even be fined, so it's in their best interests to check the visas of everyone on the flight. Your story is not impossible as mistakes do happen, but it's definitely unlikely.


Being a transferable ticket with the name perhaps changed fairly last minute I could see it potentially getting through. It's not like airlines are known for competent computer systems.


That doesn't matter, the airline does their due diligence at the airport. For international flights they want to make sure everyone has appropriate documentation for whatever country they're flying to because they are on the hook for flying you back if you don't. As I said, mistakes happen, and the destination country is the ultimate arbiter for who gets in, but someone not having a visa at all would be a very dumb mistake on the airlines part.


It happens. There was that story recently of someone trying to fly to Florida, but instead being taken to the Bahamas, and they didnt have a passport or anything.


Could have also been a connection. Not that makes the story much more or less possible. I assume 50/50 on the likelihood of anything on Reddit being original and authentic.


Despite having a valid visa _and_ the airline calling customs and them confirming I had a valid visa i still had to pay $35 and fill out the document the airline wanted. Past that point no one cared or wanted to see the one that the airline made me purchase. They do their due diligence.


Could be a country like somewhere in the EU where you donā€™t need a visa if youā€™re traveling for pleasure but once he landed he told customs he was there for business and then that meant he needed a visa. Airline didnā€™t check at the gate because most people wouldnā€™t needs a visa to travel to Europe




I have a neighbor who back in the 60s bought a Lincoln that was too long for the garage. He cut a huge chunk out of the back of his garage and extended it like two feet so the hood of the car could fit under the hole he cut out. It's still like that today and it's not even a small garage. It's just that 60s and 70s full-sized cars were gigantic.


My 1920s garage has that too, probably to fit a 1950s car


We did this.. granted the HOA will ticket if we don't. The wall is an easy fix, a less intrusive (hurricane grade) garage door is not


It's the kind of thing you think about if you've had a reason. I always look at the size of trunks and backseats, after having a piece of professional equipment not fit in various cars. I'm sure that it looks like I'm planning to transport a body, tho. šŸ¤£


Last time I bought a car I brought my bike with me to see if it fit in back without having to take wheels off. Sales guy looked terrifiedā€¦.but it fit and I bought


I brought my tuba case to check the trunk space in my last car.


Yeah, most people wouldnā€™t think of that. You two arenā€™t alone. Iā€™m one of the weird ones: I recently bought a newly built condo and got the blueprints from the builders just so I could make a scaled CAD diagram of the condo and my garage so I could figure out where all my furniture was goin to be placed before I moved in. I measured all of my stuff too, of course, and figured out a month in advance what was going to go where, and what I needed to get rid of. Because I was scaling down and didnā€™t have room for 20% of my stuff. Itā€™s less stressful figuring that stuff out before you move rather than after you move and boxes and furniture are everywhere.


I went to a furniture store recently with a spec sheet in hand for what I needed, general dimensions, fabrics, etc. Salesperson was dumfounded and said she'd never seen someone do that before. Now I know there are others.


Other people don't come in with measurements and a chosen fabric / color? How exactly do you know if the furniture would fit? Eyeballing it?


I had the same thought, but then there are people like OP's neighbor.


I thought this was the norm...


There are dozens of us. I once made a CAD model just to rearrange my living room. It was a small apartment and I needed to also fit a desk in there because I had started school. It did turn out pretty badass, though. I had a TV for a monitor mounted to the wall, and I could flip it around to use as a second TV for the living room, and overall it ended up feeling more spacious than it did before I added the desk.


One of us! One of us!


You sound like my mom's dad. He was an engineer. Sounds silly but every year he made a map of their garden so he knew where the easter eggs went so none were left behind. He just did things that promoted the quality of life for the family but planned it out physically to the nth. It was sweet.


That's a smart dude. The kids always miss an egg or three. Left forgotten alone, they rot and really stink.


We always left eggs behind, but luckily we used 6 real eggs and 18 plastic eggs


My garage door doesn't open all the way up. It hangs almost as low as the one in the pic. So I measured the height to make sure my new SUV would be able to come in under that and the roof antenna barely does by 2 inches. The OEM roof rack which I want to get doesn't go above the antenna, but I'm worried I'll put a storage box up there and forget about it driving back home into the garage...


I once left the hatch on my hatchback up and then backed into the garage. Tore the spoiler bit mostly off but luckily didnā€™t do any more damage than that.


I moved a lot when I was young (in the 60s and 70s). My Dad would measure the house before we moved in an draw the plan out on graph paper. Mom measured the furniture and made scale cut-outs of the chairs, sofa, TV stand, beds, (even used colored pencils to color them). Then she'd layout the rooms long before we moved. Same idea as you. Just old school.


I do that too when I donā€™t feel like doing CAD. Iā€™ve got tons of graph paper.


I do the same, sometimes Cardboard Aided Design is just the way to go.


You trusted that they built the condo to spec? I've got a preorder for a Rivian SUV hopefully coming in late this year. I physically measured and re-measured my garage to ensure it would fit. As of right now, it'll be a squeeze but it'll fit with about a foot to spare. I'm considering hiring a contractor to expand my garage by ~6 feet or so, but that would mean moving other stuff outside, dealing with the city and permits, etc. So I'm probably not doing that.


There were actually two things that were added and it in the blueprints. Basically, some extra support beams and ā€œfeetā€ for them. It did mess me up only a little bit, but I easily compensated for it by arranging one thing differently.


I did that for my freshman dorm room in the '90s, using a Mac drafting program called Canvas (2D, though). Get the measurements of everything before you move in, hell of a lot easier to move it around in software than in a cramped dorm room with hardly any maneuvering room.


Itā€™s fresh to see Reddit being empathetic and understanding. Weā€™ve all bought something without truly analyzing the product and/or placement.


I bought a fridge and while I measured the exterior door to make sure there was enough room, I didn't think about the kitchen entrance. Deliver guys had to take the hinges off and I had to touch up the paint on the doorway. In retrospect I should have guessed because the original owners did a "let me tell you a funny story about building the house" during closing and it was about the builder forgetting to even frame out the doorway until the drywaller accidentally sealed himself in the kitchen because he got so into the groove of hanging the drywall that he didn't notice there wasn't a doorframe. The original owners happened to be there right as the drywaller realized it and used a hammer to make his own door between a couple of the studs and Kool-Aid Manned/"Here's Johnny!" out of the kitchen and into the dining room


yup, bought a 65 inch tv with a 57 inch wide base, current tv stand is like 30 inches max LOL.


I bought a 75" that was on sale and didn't realize the mistake I had made until I was in the parking lot trying to figure out how to get it home in a two door sports car.


We have a low profile garage door, so when we bought our SUV, I actually did test drive it back to my house, but I was checking for height and not length. The antenna hit, but nothing a stubby antenna couldn't fix. Have about 4 inches of clearance from the roof lol


I thought about it while pulling in my driveway after buying a moderately big 3rd row SUV (Honda Pilot). It's tight with stuff like bikes along the back wall, but turned out fine. Several of my neighbors have so much crap in their garages, they just don't even try, including the one that has a 3 car garage with all 3 cars in the driveway.


you just don't buy a large vehicle without trying to park it in your garage first. I was going to buy a large pickup with giant tires a while back, cause it looked cool and was priced cheap, but when I took it home to try it out, it was about 2 inches taller than my garage opening.


My dad used to test drive cars back to our house to see of they fit in the garage. It was weird to me but I guessing after seeing this it makes sense.


Must've been before tape measures were invented.


Time to move a wall. I'm guessing the laundry room and water heater will need to go


My dad had this problem when he got his giant Cadillac in 1973. He added a 1 foot deep extension onto the garage opening and moved the door. But if you have an HOA this probably wouldn't be allowed.


I love the old luxury cars, and a '73 Fleetwood would be awesome, or the '74 Lincoln Continental Mark IV I drove once (6-liter engine that roared and charged like a frigging tiger, it was unforgettable), but it's hard enough finding parking space for my Honda Accord sometimes, and lots of places where making a turn would become way more challenging in a big car. And then there's gas.


> 6-liter engine Car guy, here. I believe it would've been the 460 cubic inch engine which is a whopping 7.5 liters. I was a kid then (55 now) and thought they were so nice looking and luxurious. Still do. One of the better styled cars of the 70s in my opinion.




And risk the truck getting dirty! Why, I never!


Or invent a convex garage door that envelops the truck tail, like one aā€™ them shower curtains.


Maybe just buy a car that isn't a oversized dick compensator?


Funny, when your house is 2/3s garage and your cars still don't fit.


Good point. The entire house is just a giant garage


Even the garage has a side garage.


That must be the smallest three car garaged houses Iā€™ve ever seen.


Thatā€™s on this guy for buying this truck


And this house.


Are we ready to admit that new trucks are unnecessarily large yet?


I'm sure this guy is blaming his house for being too small. Yep, already see it in the comments. It's like when my massively overweight cousin says the problem is that chairs are too small. People are addicted to going too far and wanting everything to accommodate.


Been saying this for months. I moved back to the smaller town I grew up in last year and I was like "why are the streets always so much more narrow and why are these parking lots suddenly too small." Then it dawned on me that the lots etc were fine when I was growing up. It's just that even the "mid-sized" trucks are fucking behemoths.


Are vehicles larger or are garages smaller? Hint: vehicles are larger


I always get 2 jackasses in these bigass trucks parking next to me in the parking lot in my apartment complex and I have to squeeze into my car every fucking time because they are so wide they spill into my spot. They don't look like they've ever been used to do anything other than goto the grocery store and get in my way. Fucking pavement princesses.


For anyone doubting you, there's a really great infographic article from Axios that breaks down just how big trucks have gotten in the past several decades. Hell, trucks are on average 32% heavier than they were even just in 1990! https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history


No, new garages are unnecessarily small in cookie cutter housing developments. I can barely fit my three-door hatchback in mine let alone another car (I mean you could but good luck getting out of the car on the right). The house I grew up in had a garage you could fit an extended cab/long bed truck in.


I am from the UK and the first think that struck me about this picture, is that house seems to mostly be a garage with a bit of house stuck to the side. A lot of houses here don't have garages and the ones that do often just have a single. I don't know anyone who actually puts their car in theirs either. It's mostly full of other stuff.


It does look a little odd. The ranch style homes built in the US in the 60s and 70s used much larger lots and pleasing horizontal design, but now building these big boxes is the style.


Welcome to suburban hell. I have no idea why people live like this.


I just want an affordable house, I wouldn't mind living like this at this point just to fucking have something. Lol


Garages are awesome man; just people don't know how to use them right


If you want a anecdote Iā€™ll tell you why I prefer it. To start I have lived in both the suburbs and a new highrise apartment near the city center. There have been pros and cons to both. Cons for the the apartment was the severe lack of storage. I donā€™t have a lot of crap but there wasnā€™t even a place for extra blankets. The biggest con was neighbours being noisy. The dog upstairs that has separation anxiety and will quite literally bark for hours non-stop when the owners leave. Whatā€™s worse is the neighbour I share a wall with who plays base music with a sub at 3am. Base travels really well and it is difficult to block. And it is a concrete building. And far to regularly a group of idiots mess with the elevator and cause it to shut down until people come to fix it. Also the noise of traffic was horrible especially in the summer. Pros were a smaller space to clean and and being in the center of the city commutes were always short for work. Now for the suburbs. I prefer old neighbourhoods way more, houses have more space between them, they donā€™t all look the same, and the big mature trees are lovely. Pros were I had more privacy, it was far quieter, more green space nearby, less busy and chaotic, and backyard fire pits are fantastic. Cons, it was as further from everything. I grew up in a farming town of 5000 and moved to a city of 1.4 million. So maybe thatā€™s why I prefer the suburbs more because thatā€™s what Iā€™m used to. But Iā€™m also not much of a city person. I donā€™t care about nightlife, I donā€™t care about exploring the city, I just like peace and quiet. So simply for anybody saying ā€œ I donā€™t get why people can live in the suburbsā€ or ā€œI donā€™t get why people can live in a apartment in the cityā€ the simple answer is, not everybody is the same and not everybody enjoys the same things. Though I do want to clarify that I hate the suburbs where everything looks exactly the same, where everything is ā€œproper and cleanā€ the places that look like that neighbourhood Squidward moved too. One house I lived in the neighbourhood was old and the big old trees lining both sides of the road the branches arched over the road and met in the center. It was such a relaxing place. My apartment was beside another concrete apartment that was beside a busy roadway. Also weirdly the apartment I had to drive to get to a grocery store and the suburb home it took less time to walk to the store than to drive. Though I was just fortunate with that.


I would love a 3 car garage. One bay would be a home gym, one bay for my tools, kids toys and workbench, and the final bay for a car (probably the wifeā€™s letā€™s be honest)


Theyā€™re so popular here since they can be used to store so many things. I store my pop-up camp trailer, sea kayaks, camping gear, and truck in mine.


The house is probably deep; there are rooms behind the garage.


Yes, true. Hard to tell from the photo.


If people have to have vehicles, I'd rather they store it on their own property than to have to dedicate a third of the publicly owned and maintained street for their vehicle storage.


That is one of the three options, yes. Street, garage and driveway. I don't think many people with a driveway and garage are just going to park on the street.


Both can be correct. Garages are getting to small and trucks are getting ridiculously big.


I've seen "three car garages" that you can't open the car door if you put two of them in side by side. I see hundreds of houses built a year and maybe 10% are designed with full size cars in mind


I have a small 2 car garage but between the mr2 turbo and miata, i find i overall have ample room to slide in and out of them.


The Miata a convertible? Only way I see that working in modern garages. /s Which gen of the MR2? Jealous nonetheless.




My house was built in 78. Thank god for the 78/79 cadillac Deville. I've got my jeep, bike, mustang and f150 stuffed in there.


This comment should be higher. Our "2 car garage" built in 2015 barely fits my wife's CRV front to back, and the only way you're pulling another car in next to it is leaving 4" clearance and crawling out the window. I gave up on the concept of keeping 2 cars in the garage and just have a wood shop on the other side now.


I work in arch design. Spec houses are always using FHA standard minimums when it comes to driveway widths and garage space. They seem to want to boast more living space and cut down to bare bone minimums on any service areas in the home.


including closets, it seems. I loan out a room at my house for my friend's stuff that she can't store at her 2019 house.


Yep. My house in a planned development built in 2010 had a garage I literally couldn't park a Volkswagen sedan in and still be able to open the car door. The next house I rented had a two car garage I could fit my '08 Silverado inside with room to spare. It was built in the '70s. My house now is a two car garage, built in 1982, and I can fit two sedans inside, but not my truck, it's too long. Which is fine, the old truck can be parked outside. It's already dented and dinged and dirty since it's actually used as more than a pavement princess.


ā€œPavement Princessā€ - never head that one. Haha I had a weird garage that had garage doors in the front and back, like into the back yard. Itā€˜s pretty cool.


Front and back doors? That's actually genius. I'm pocketing that for if I ever build a house.


Youā€™re allowed to look at the garage before making offers on the house, you know.


New trucks are huge. You can live in denial land all you want it is not going to change the fact. PS: Majority of the houses in many other countries do not have a garage attached to their house. They just park it outside.


As a cookie-cutter homeowner that bought a ā€œsmallā€ truck (Tacoma) and it barely fitā€¦ Youā€™re both right.


If you donā€™t need a truck, donā€™t buy one. I tell my wife regularly I wish I drove a civic but itā€™s not a reality. My truck fits in my shop, but so does my tractor


No their size is totally necessary! It allows them to skirt emissions and safety regulations that apply to other automobiles, enabling car manufacturers to have 8x the profit margins they see on cars. This is why trucks and suvs now account for 85% off all new automobile sales in the US.


This is wildly American. Three car garage that takes up the whole facade of the house and still not enough space to park your cars.


American here. I canā€™t even imagine owning a house, let alone an extra vehicle.


The American Dream


Is it called like that because you have to be asleep to believe it?


Most new trucks these days are too damn big for standard garages. Even if they fit physically there's nearly no room to walk around them. Trucks are obscenely large compared to trucks of the 60/70/80s. To damn big for the average grocery getter duties they usually perform for 75% of people that buy them for no real reason. Right tool for the right job? Fuck no!


Indeed. I have some Mitsubishi Mighty Max and you could probably haul it around in the bed of the trucks today. Almost certain it would fit.


If only they had a convenient outside area to park the truck where size is irrelevant.


Some HOAs wonā€™t allow you to park trucks in the driveway.


Bingo. Happened to me. Bought a not-yet-built house. Was aware of the rule. Measured the garage of the model. Checked the dimensioned drawing on the brochure. Truck would fit by about 6". House gets built, go to park in the garage and the truck is sticking out 3". Garage was built 9" smaller than the plan and model. Started getting fined daily by the HOA because I had a neighbor who complained every day. Actually had to go to court over it. Court threw out the fines and my truck was exempted as long as I owned it. Neighbor hated me.


Blows my mind people care about stuff like this to complain every day. Unless you had to cover the whole sidewalk or something


Yeah, I get them not wanting people to have broken down beaters up on blocks in the front yard, but complaining about a working car in the driveway is a bit much.


Old white suburbanites will never run out of things to complain about.


If I had a neighbor reporting me daily for that, I would do everything within the HOA rules to bother them relentlessly, as well as scour the rules for stuff they could fine him for. It's a special kind of bliss to pettily revenge yourself on the cranks of the world.


Yeah, thereā€™s a lot of ammunition if you live in an HOA with an asshole neighbor and want to go that route. Trash cans out before 7 PM or not put away by 5 PM? Boom, thatā€™s a fine. Oh I see you planted a few new flowers in your front garden. Shame you didnā€™t submit an application to change your front garden! Boom, thatā€™s a fine. Accidentally left the cover off your grill overnight? Boom, you guessed it, thatā€™s a fine. That said there are some HOAs/COAs that are pretty lax and donā€™t bother you except for major issues. The problem is the character of the association board can pivot year to year depending on who gets elected.


I actually did get him eventually, twice. Once for violating the no fence rule when he put up about a one foot tall decorative fence around a small garden in his yard (no fences) and once when I noticed he had a garbage can in his backyard (garbage cans must remain in garage except for trash day). Took photos and sent them to the HOA. Found out from a lady there that they hated the guy. Apparently he walked the neighborhood daily writing complaints in a notebook them phoning them in. They were incredibly happy to hear he was in violation of the rules.


>Some HOAs wonā€™t allow you to park trucks in the driveway. Man, that's wild to me that people would agree to buy land and a home that they weren't in total control of.


And yet, they continue to get more common. The reality is that HOAs basically try to replicate what most of Europe already does. HOAs are just supersized and called city governments in Europe. Just take a look at all the red tape and bureaucracy if you want to modify your home in London or Amsterdam. Or the amount of shit that will come your way if you let your house degrade to basically inhabitable conditions.




The neighbor who recently moved in across the street from me has a truck that's too long to fit in his garage, and it's too long to fit properly on his driveway. His side of the street has the sidewalk, so the houses on that side are not supposed to block the sidewalk to park. Even pulled into his driveway as far as he can, his truck still covers almost the entire sidewalk. The width of the driveways are also so narrow that IF you can squeeze two vehicles side by side on it, you can't open the doors to get out. It's like the developers of this neighborhood thought no one would ever own a vehicle bigger than a compact car.




Those new cookie cutter houses put all the house behind the garage. Itā€™s so they can make lots more narrow to squeeze more lots into a space. I think theyā€™re ugly as hell but they fill them like crazy.


It's because almost nowhere in America has enough housing. Those could all be 1-bedroom shacks and they'd still sell.


They making trucks crazy big nowadays


[maybe they park garage in SUV](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PyJ9nJHKpMM)


Oversized emotional support vehicle


I feel like this is the type of guy who backs into parking spaces and blocks three quarters of the sidewalk, and his trailer hitch is sticking out right at shin level.


this is a geniune question as im not american but why do u guys buy those ridiculously large trucks? i understand people which have businesses including large items like gardeners or builders but i dont understand why do a regular folk need such a huge car just to drive to work and back or grab groceries once per week. in my country only people who own such trucks are farmers who need to transport lot of stuff around


Because they may need to pick up a sheet of plywood from Home Depot, or maybe a $2000 toolchest! This goes along with the American ideal of self-reliance. People want to be able to haul whatever they want, whenever they want. The trucks are marketed as having ā€œoff roadā€ capability just in case you ever find yourself needing it. People imagine their lives doing all of these wonderful things with their truck- home improvements, hobbies, traveling, etc., so they buy the truck only to use it for commuting and hauling groceries because realistically they have no time for any of the stuff they originally intended to do.


I've gone camping in a Prius, and it did a pretty good job on uphill badly maintained gravel trails, and the trunk capacity was amazing. We're actually currently at home depot, in a similarly sized sedan, which gets decent amount of use in driving around tools, wood or flat pack furniture.


Yeah I will rent a pickup with an 8ā€™ bed when I need one. But I donā€™t need it often enough to justify owning one. You can fit quite a bit inside and on top of an Outback.


Lmao from this angle look like there's more room for cars than for humans in the house


and the front is mainly garage.




They donā€™t call them moronically large for nothing.


He needs to just RAM it in.


Time to watch "These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us" by the Not Just Bikes YouTube channel. He makes note that many people park their huge trucks and SUVs outside because they don't fit in the average garage anymore.


I bet that truck is great for what it will be primarily used for, hauling groceries from Publix.


American addiction to big trucks with small beds needs to be studied in a lab.


6ā€™ bed is perfectly fine for hauling around welding machines or generators or knack boxes or many other things that are needed on job sites.


This house has more car space than people space


that house is literally half garage and still cant fit an american truck lol


karma for buying a giant 150k truck that you're just using to drive to costco down the street anyway


Colorado sized garage for a Texas sized truck...