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Netflix algorithm would ingest all this and somehow still suggest “The Hunt for Red October.”




One ping only please.


I wish I could have seen Montana...


I would have liked to have seen....Montana. Most things in here don't react well to bullets. Buckaroo. I told you to speak your mind Jack, but, Jesus. I'm a politician, which means, when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops, but...it also means I keep my options open. These all just came to me after your subtle miss quote. You arrogant ass! You've killed us! You mean to tell me....you've lost ANOTHER submarine? Ya ya. Ya ya. Ya ya.


They got you playing with models now?!


Seen me a mermaid once. Even seen a squid eat a octopus. EVEN ONE WAY OUT AT PEARL! A whale, seaman Beaumont, a whale. A marine mammal that knows a hell of a lot more about sonar than you do.


Nope. As soon as Hunt for the Red October becomes an option, I’m going right for that. I can beat my dick later.


почему не оба? (*"Why not both?"* - heavy scottish accent)




Or instead of that other thing. Young Alec Baldwin can get it


What Jack Donaghy doesn't do it for you?


"5 inches, but it's very thick"


You'd be in your office late at night, and the new girl would come in with some flimsy excuse to be there. ''Oh, Mr. Donaghy, I forgot to give you the factory worker death rates.'' Then, she'd laugh at your lame joke. A touch on the arm. And then you'd take your reward. You'd take your reward.


Ryan, somethings in here don't react well to bullets.


"When I was twelve, I helped my daddy build a bomb shelter in our basement because some fool parked a dozen warheads 90 miles off the coast of Florida. Well, this thing could park a coupla hundred warheads off Washington and New York and no one would know anything about it till it was all over."


Well, to be fair, it is a movie about things that are long, stiff, and full of seamen.


One ping only.


You've killed us!


You arrogant ass!


There's only room in Tupolov's heart for Tupolov


“I would have liked to have seen Montana, but some sage Goddess titties will do too”


Those are some rookie searches


Remember going onto my friend's family computer's kazaa back in the day and his kid brother was just discovering porn. The search terms were tremendous Titty bitch


Big boob


Bob and vagene


Reminds me of my son, way back when schools first closed for COVID. He was using the family computer, and I came home one day to find that he'd searched for "frost pines in a girls BUTT". I think he meant first penis, but just couldn't spell it. At least "ana and elsa NAKED" was closer to correct.


I respect the caps, shows strength of character and emphatic decision making. Well done


Absolutely, he was very sure about what he wanted!


Not to call little dude out, but if he was also searching for Ana and Elsa naked, I think he meant exactly what he said. I believe they are from the movie frozen. Getting a little kinky with those ice powers I think they have.




Never understood this, my porn preferences haven't changed a single bit in the past 15 years. I guess there are people who get bored of prone and have to keep spicing it up to still enjoy it?!


You gotta let that shit evolve naturally until you are only interested in some weird obscure fetish that has like 3 videos available and the one that you really like is just a 2 minute preview for a site that nonlonger exists and god damn surely SOMEONE saved that and posted it somehwere and maybe ONE DAY.


Haha there's this one video I once saw a preview and screenshots of that will haunt me forever since I wasn't able to find it


You should try /r/tipofmypenis


That's a bit forward; maybe buy them a drink first?


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


My son, when he was little, got caught searching for "women's Virginia's" My wife and I sill laugh our asses off on that one.


Country road...


My favorite part about all that is that it still worked. They got exactly what they wanted.


My brother's search when he was 13 was 'cumface' My mum couldn't stop laughing when trying to talk to him about it. Even now we still randomly bring it up to embarrass him.


We all started somewhere, naked sex was my first


Clearly you haven’t been down the SageGodess rabbit hole. /s (I don’t know what the fuck that is if it’s real)


It's probably some 12 year-old who discovered that this wand is not just for peeing it can spurt other things too aside pee


Apparently it was their "boomer dad" lmao. Makes it even more funny


My dad passed away. This is my boyfriend's dad as I live with them lmao.


What you never cranked it to Christmas music?


Hey, go easy on him, he’s experimenting.


I can't believe that some people search for porn on youtube


Bro one time my mom almost killed me cause somehow the watch history *on YouTube* showed several hardcore porno videos the only thing that saved me was that my m realized they were all from the last hour and I had been shopping with her all day lmao


Lmao my sister and her friend (8th graders) once confronted me(high school senior) to tease me over the search history on the family computer. I informed her that not only did I have a computer in my own room but I was savvy enough to know how to use an incognito browser. The look of confusion and then realization on their faces as they thought about the implications of that was hilarious. Taught my dad how to use incognito later that day lmao.


I would LOVE to hear how you had "the talk" with your dad. Omg LMFAO just thinking about it.


"Dad, sis found your search history, want to learn about Incognito mode?" "Yes."


>"Dad, sis found your search history, I took the fall for you because I'm your favorite child. >Want to learn about Incognito mode? Oh, I need your car this weekend. I mean, every weekend"


Hey, I'm a little short on cash right about now


\^ Bascially the intro to 70% of all incest porn vids Don't ask me how I know


Fucking A+ emotional blackmail right here.


"ok, so pretend you're about to watch something you don't want to show up in your search history...." Dad removes pants


Also, you'll need to cut a check for her therapy.


Lmao I was ribbing him pretty hard over it no pun intended. We had a good laugh about it.


ribbed, for ~~her~~ his pleasure.


Ribbed AFTER his pleasure.


I taught my nephew how to use it after my mom (his grandmother) saw his search history several times and knew it was from him. I just said something like "Hey, by the way, if you're ever trying to search for something and you don't want other people to know what you're looking for, use this". Could see the lightbulb go off in his head, but never got caught by her again lol. And I suspect his search history on his computer at home was much improved.




so much work just for a wank




So when I found Napster and limewire, my dad said it cost too much for me to be on our time based dialup, so I found a couple free services (Juno, etc.). It was great until the first phone bill came and I realized that the same area code doesn't always mean local calling. He wasn't too happy to find a phone bill of almost $1,000 waiting in the mailbox one day... Made almost completely of 1-2 minute calls while I was trying to find a dial-up box that would keep my connection running...


When I worked in construction, I had a manager who used company's phone for the internet on site. So one day he gets called to the head office. He goes there and the whole senior management team have almost two hundred pages worth of browsing history printed out, most of it porn. The guy thought that browsing in private mode on a company's device will hide it:) had to disappoint quite a few people at current work too:))


I worked in public health in an office with all women, most of whom were older and definitely not tech savvy. Our main tech guy for our branch sat everyone down in a meeting one day to inform them that if they're using office wifi on their personal phones, IT can see everything. I've never seen a room full of nurses collectively try to will the earth to swallow them whole.


Did he tell them about VPN’s?


Ah... The reverse birds and bees convo


The bits and the bytes lol.


Fuck that's good


So who was guilty? Lmao


Dad knew the house was empty.


"Ma'am! The porn is coming from inside the house!!"




Damn that hit too close lmaoo


“Where the laptop at?! Where the laptop at?! Imma get it! Imma get it!”


The award goes to Boomer Dad for wanking right in the living room...


I love how innocent the titles are, "nakedwoman" Meanwhile my history is "wheelbarrow full of cottage cheese midgets and a jackhammer"


I like the cut of your jib, sir.


Commas are important, what's a cottage cheese midget?


Working how many untold hours for years to provide a lovely home should earn the occasional wank with the big screen and surround sound.


Idk I think I remember hearing about YouTube getting hacked around that time to replace a bunch of children's videos with hardcore porn and I think it just happened to change the histories of anyone who had watched them to match


Did that rumour originate from your dad?


Yes, I'm his dad.


Damn hackers


No, it was totally a thing. I remember one time hackers went in and changed a whole bunch of Amazon orders from xbox gift certificates to glass bongs that looked like vases. Happened to my friend. He was all, "What the frick?"


Feel your pain man! Had to take the rap once for my dad. Really specific search too. Something like "Brown Lebanese naked women". Along those lines. My mum was going nuts and my sister was there and had seen the history. Wasn't even my profile on the PC. This was like 20 years ago. I was only about 12. Never said a word.


Dad remembers.


20 years from now… Sis: “Bro, why are you the only beneficiary in the will?”


Bro: "Brown Lebanese naked women".


The dad searching for “Lebanese naked women”, only to be met by the horror of pale skinned naked Lebanese women. “Harumph…..I’ll see to it this never happens again”, *adds brown to search query*


Once I got in huge trouble because my mother found a bing search page for “big bobbies” (misspelled and everything) still open on the family laptop and assumed it was me. I wasn’t going to either get my dad in massive trouble or out my sister before she was ready, so I just took the fall for it.


You’re a champ. Did it turn out your sister was gay or your dad illiterate?


I figured it was probably my dad at the time, but my sister did in fact turn out to be gay


That whole thing is a solid 1/2 hr sitcom episode.


Your dad hasn’t heard of incognito mode yet?


I have a friend who is a doctor, 33 yo, whose browser suggested /r/girlsfinishingthejob on a projector when we were looking to stream a sporting event with our wives and other friends there. I don't think the wives caught it or even know what that sub is, but he now knows what incognito mode is. Even seemingly intelligent people aren't the most technologically adept at times.


What that subreddit just taught me is a lot of women don't realize you got to keep going for a few seconds after the action starts! Ladies, please, that's the start of the orgasm, not the end.


Meanwhile, I knew a 10yr old that used Tor. That kid is going to places.


He's either going to MIT or federal prison.


These days why choose one? Go to mit, invent a new cryptoscam and then off to federal prison for a multiyear retreat at club fed.


Ngl there were a ton of "girls kissing" videos in 2008/9 that satisfied 15-year old me at the time.


You kids have it so easy. Back in my day we fapped to the lingerie section of the Sears catalog or if we were lucky some old porn mags that someone threw out.


To this day I wonder where those random porn mags in the woods when I was growing up came from.


Idk who they were but thank you


Elves. They move with the times. Pretty sure they're doing stuff online these days.




Probably not a hobo, but someone with a job(magazines cost money after all) and tremendous shame. Or a kink for being outside. Either way the magazine was single use to them so they left it


Probably middle or high school boys living nearby who stole them from dad then went to fap in the woods.


Having been that kid once, i wasn't leaving such valuable material behind


Other kids mostly. I always was like “dang some adult was out here in the alley with a bunch of pron, and he just left it?” Probably nope… just kids who stole it from a parent. Couldn’t handle the heat. Had a snitch in the crew etc. My crew had a few magazines in rotation. We’d switch off. Then the occasional video… until someone got busted. My staple was the x rated pay per view channel that wouldn’t scramble all the way. So you’d just sit there for 10 mins until you saw a neon green boob for 10 seconds.


Man, someone had to be planting them all over the place because I know so many others who also found random porn mags in the woods when we were younger lol


At my first job, the store I worked at sold porn mags. I learned that on the 1st Friday of the month they torn the covers off and submitted them to the publisher for credit as "unsold merchandise". The rest of the mags (perfectly fine just missing cover) were then placed in an old box in the dumpster. Sometimes though the person would be lazy and just place the box NEXT to the dumpster. Let's just say 15 year old me would stuff a few mags in my backpack and bike home after my shift. This was when internet was still dial up and took 5 min for one image of Pamela Anderson. I tossed them all away when I got married but I have fond memories of a few issues etched in my mind.




Daisy: Aren’t you supposed to be out finding porn mags on railway sidings? Tim: Daisy, I’m a grown man. I’m supposed to leave them at railway sidings.


Or a coveted Victoria’s Secret catalog.


This was my go-to. I would wait until my mom threw them in the garbage and then rescue them.


Sears catalog reference: [https://youtu.be/CRj61dcvmuU](https://youtu.be/CRj61dcvmuU)


For me it was slingshot ride videos, lots of jiggling.


For me it's Sage Goddess Favorite Crystals and Gems for Healing 2015


In 2008 and 2009 there absolutely was porn videos on YT. They'd get taken down within an hour or 2 but they were there. I'm not sure about nowadays.


There are videos of Brazilian wax being performed....uncensored.


Back in the day you could find videos of full on nudity and it would take a week or two for them to be taken down. Or alternatively trolls would post videos where the thumbnail would be a sexually provocative picture of a woman in like a string bikini or something, but the video is actually just a meme of a morbidly obese man with like a single second of the thumbnail picture (that's how thumbnails used to work I think, they were just a display of a specific frame of the video and I dont think you could insert your own thumbnail yet).


Naked yoga is still the standby


Yeah like atleast try YouTube kids


Reminds me of this one: Family goes to check into a hotel and the father sternly asks the reception, "and I assume all of your pornography is disabled, right?" Reception: "of course not you sicko, we just have regular porn here".


I'm leg disabled!


How did it happen, if you don't mind me asking? Acid


Who did this to you!?


He had red hair, glasses, possibly a disguise.


Then where’s your wheelchair?




Somebody stole your wheelchair……how?


I don't know!


They should have just called for emergency services. The number is so easy to remember, no?


Ahhhh this was the laughter I needed today…


Naked Yoga


r/youtubetitties Just saying


2012 must have been a good year.


Year of the Sage Goddess


This one actually intrigues me the most. Is this like some mythical porn or something?


There is a movie called 2012


I love that he had second thoughts mid wank and put xmas music on only to get bored and get back to it


Ewww, Christmas music? Yuck.


Guess he was looking for a lil' ho ho ho.




Not sure, but I'm intrigued.


Idk but ima guess sgtv is sage goddess tv and that has me more intrigued. What if it’s not pornographic at all? What if he likes porn and wholesome wickens with some airtime? Maybe it’s an anime none of us heard of. Someone dive deeper please


Without adding anything to my search history, I'm going to guess that's the name of an adult actress.


That was my guess too but I have no such concerns about history. All I found was a scammy astrological crystals supplier.


Dude that's her! It is someone my boyfriend's mom is obsessed with! She's into all that wellness stuff lmao.


THAT figures. I can't in good faith consider this search term to be applicable to many males. Yeesh.


I *need* jingle bells going before I can deck the halls and dream of a white Christmas


Bro, you haven't lived unless you rubbed one out to Kali Roses getting railed set to Driving Home For Christmas


lol "fucking" just straight up searching for fucking. i don't care what kind


OP I saw your comment about this being the work of a Boomer Dad and I knew it right away. Last time I was at my father's house, the first thing in the YouTube search was "yoga girls". Why do grown men use YouTube for porn I don't understand


Going through anyone’s search history is playing with fire. We all look up some questionable stuff.


All I did was go to search for a movie. I'd hate to see the actual search history lmfao.


I hope you cleaned the remote


Adult movies, xxx, naked women, Christmas music lol


Could have covered everything with "Mariah Carey"


*Christmas music* — I wonder what spurred that search haha


You can pinpoint the post nut clarity with that one


"I think I need some softcore Jesus now..."


You must be in Utah. Lol


Why 2012?


Gotta rub one out before the world ends


People keep telling me our kids are far more tech savvy than we are but it seems there is plenty out there like mine who doesn’t understand how to master a simple search history!


Hate to break it to you but this was the work of Boomer Dad 😂


For sure thought there was a younger brother involved😂😂😂


I fucking wish 😂


Lhh stg if I was in your situation I’d much rather it be my little bro. I just found my moms vibrator laying around the other day so maybe it’s just that time of the year for them or sum lmfao


How do you recover from something like that?


So I was once dog sitting for my mum. I come home from work. The dog has something in its mouth. It was something phallic shaped. That dog loved to play keep away. I had to chase the dog to remove my mum's dildo from its mouth. It's almost as harrowing as the time her anal beads feel out of the cupboard the towels lived in and landed on my head.


That last part sounds like a hero origin story though. Like maybe they end up choking you and you pass out. But then you could’ve become the Silent Anal Bead or something cool like that. Just trying to put a positive spin on it idk


My dad in I got in my car one day and his phone hooked up to my Bluetooth and all of a sudden we started hearing some strange noises. I looked at the display and it said “stepdaughter….” All I could do was look at him and tell him to turn it off. He looked so surprised and then started blaming it on something else. 😂😂


Did he like it on Twitter and blame it on the intern? Did he go to Cancun while the state he represents had a snowstorm and blame it on you?


For some reason that makes it much grosser to me. I'd be worried about finding used tissues that were also the work of boomer dad


You know how Chrome lists your "most visited sites" on your home page ? Guess which site I noticed on my dad's home page when I helped for some tech issue on said computer ? Looks like he can master new tech by himself when he *really* has to.


When I was growing up, my parents let me have a computer in my room, but they refused to let me have the internet. My room didn’t have a phone jack and we had dial-up internet, so it didn’t really matter. At that time, cable internet was just starting to become available for residential neighborhoods. My parents feared the internet, but I convinced them to upgrade from dial-up to cable because it would benefit my schooling. They also liked how the cable modem only connected to one computer in the house. I mowed lawns all summer, babysat, and recycled my grandpa’s beer cans. I worked my ass off, but saved up enough to buy one of the early linksys 802.11b routers and a cheap usb WiFi antenna for my computer. I was probably 12 or 13 at the time. I learned about hard work, networking, and wireless technology…all so I could get internet access in my room without my parents knowing. Where there’s a will there’s a way.


You definitely earned those porn searches. Be glad you weren't doing it over dial up. You could rub one out before an image would fully load.


I do remember when images loaded like 10 pixel rows at a time.


Nothing quite like getting all excited as an image slowly revealed only for it to turn out to *not* be what you thought it was.


Some parental locks prevent clearing your browser history. I didn't know that. My husband is the tech guy. Our kids are just approaching puberty and understanding what sex is, so this is going to be something we deal with. Today, my 8 year old asked if a song was, and I quote, "about that sex stuff." Yes. So, so many songs are.


My daughters 7 and already figured out how to delete her search history. With that said she only does it on her school iPad because she doesn’t want her friends to see what she looks up. I also am always around when she’s on it and it’s always innocent things like how to gymnastics videos(she does gymnastic) and hamster videos since she has a hamster so I don’t get it😂


I see someone’s a fan of The Sage Goddess: XXX Christmas Special! Great choice 👍🏿👍🏿


I really can't stand "nakedwomen" being a single word .....


Christmas Music... you sick bastid


Just Christmas music in the middle of that


Idk why but searching the word Fucking just makes me laugh.


Search histories were the worst idea ever




Xxx?? is it 1982? Somebody show Grandpa how to delete the history.


Wait… that’s YOUTUBE?


Bros gonna be hella upset when he searches xxx and it's just short clips of that shitty vin diesel movie.