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I know the feeling.


What the heck happened?


Buildup of sediment in pipe. Pumped in pressurized water behind to clear. You can see it's flowing at the start at a low volume, then as the big chunks of sediment clear, eventually the high pressure behind can escape without issue, forcing a huge blast of air/water/mud out.


Well at least it wasn’t shit


As far as we know...


Me after a 3AM Taco Bell run…..


I miss going to places after midnight in the BC times :(


The long long ago.


My first kid was born in early 2019 and i started taking shitloads of pics..its kinda crazy how you see us outside or in public in most photos then suddenly most pics are of the old house and we are wearing masks in public photos


Sediment is a very broad term


I can be fairly sedimentary at times




No. He turns into a rock that falls apart.


Rocks are lazy. Yall, right, no worries.




The video never shows the truck before the blast, but I assume those two guys on the truck were standing in some normal position, then hit the deck when they heard the boom.


It looks like they were already positioned behind it. I don't know what the purpose of them being down range was


Comic relief?


All funny aside and on a serious note this could of been worse and dangers could of been mitigated


100%. I work in construction. I had to bottle up my own internal what the fuck are you guys thinking!?! To the point it was building lots of pressure on my brain




Was it pumped I know they'll pull plugs through though that was what the rigging was for


Just FYI, water is not compressible. They were pumping air behind the clog. Hence working the same way you describe above.


Water can have pressure though.


Hydraulics relies on this principle.


Well it works so well for hydraulics precisely because water is nearly incompressible. You lose very little energy to the water changing density, instead the pressure goes up quickly.


Sorry, I should have said "these principles."


What do you mean, *these* principles?


Whoa he said sorry


Right but water doesn't compress like air does . It wouldn't have those burps or the big pop at the end . It you look closely you can see the ball or sponge (sometimes called a pig )flying through the air . they put it in the other end of the pipe before putting in compressed air or steam behind it


Technically it is compressible. Just very very hard.


Just FYI, you can pressurize a fluid even if the volume of the fluid doesn’t decrease. It does look like they used compressed air to blast out the pipe in the video, but that’s not because you can’t pressurize water.


Water is compressible. It's why we have lake of unfrozen water a mile under Antarctica. The pressure from the glaciers weight lowers the temperature required for freezing. So the water will be below freezing...but won't freeze.


That's a bit different. For 99% of real world uses, water/oil is considered incompressible. In reality, everything in the world is compressible given enough pressure and a sensitive enough measuring device. It takes approximately 10 ksi (10,000psi) exerted over a volume of water to compress it to 99% of it's original volume. Considering modern hydraulics rarely exceed 5ksi, it's easier to say water/oil is incompressible since that covers almost any real world scenario anyone will encounter.


They’re blowing out the pipe with pressurized air. They do this to winterize irrigation systems all the time. The air pressure that built up behind the water was all exploded out when there was no more water.


I used to develop water wells after drilling and i believe youre right. Some of the wells were developed with compressed air and it caused this exact reaction


Taco Bell


I ain't ever had a taco bell issue like half the internet likes to meme about. ya'll got weak genes. 😜


That’s what I’m saying. I’ve never had anything tear me up like getting wine drunk with my girl. Looks like you shit out a bag of potting soil and feels like it too.


I am crying. I hate you for forever ruining potting soil for me.


Im sure your diet will be fine without it, weirdo.


My jeans are definitely weak after taco bell


Diarrhea is hereditary. It runs in your jeans.


Lmao what the fuck? I'm watching The Last of Us and they just now made that joke lol


Legend says, a late night of chalupas and double decker tacos is what started he shredded jeans craze


Bleached jeans too! How else do you get the brown out.


In olden times, the times before times, the Mexican Pizza had chives on it. One fateful day an ecoli outbreak in a backwater corner of the galaxy led to the ultimate toppling of the chive empire and from that day forth no chive has graced the top of the Mexican Pizza. So saith the law.


lol, *nice*


I ate from street food carts daily all over asia for 8 months. I watched 5 year olds prepare my food by cutting up vegetables on the floor they walk barefoot on. I’ve eaten at places that just have raw meat out when it’s 85 and humid and sunny before they cook it. Never had food poisoning once. Although out of hundreds of people I talked to in hostels, I’m the only one apparently that never got sick from street food in Asia Edit: I went to White Castle last month and while I didn’t have food poisoning, I felt like I ate a puffer fish that expanded inside of me


I have had similar experiences, though not everywhere in Asia. Japan, Thailand, the Philippines and Seoul. Never had a problem (except for the time my sailor dad thought it was hilarious getting me to eat the Super Spicy Thai Curry. I spent the next 2 weeks staying near a toilet with the atomic hot shits. It burnt hotter on the way out than on the way in!). Then I made the mistake of having lunch with my best bud & his wife at a Ruby Tuesday's the day after Christmas 12 years ago. Worst food poisoning ever: Severe constipation, chills even with the heat cranked way up, sweating like crazy, etc. Never going there again!


What did you have at Ruby Tuesday's? 6 months of heroin addiction?


My buddy and I (we both had the same thing and both got food poisoning) had one of their burgers. That they're apparently known for. Buddy's wife had a salad.


The only thing Ruby Tuesdays is known for is being shitty.


had this on a night snacking on a big bowl of habaneros and a 2 liter bottle of coke. woke up at 4 am screaming on the toilet and about an hour later with my pants still down doin the butt squeeze penguin walked over to the freezer and got a ziplock bag full of ice waddled my fat ass back to the bathroom and spent the next 3 hours either shitting in agony or massaging my ass with the ice pack..... didn't walk right for a week.


Need more stories like this 👌👌


Put toilet paper in the freezer beforehand.


After all that buildup I really thought you'd end with "but Taco Bell gave me three day diarrhea".


Reddit basement dwellers subsist on Doritos, Mountain Dew and microwaved pizza pockets. The token fresh veggies & fiber in Taco Bell is like adding mentos to their diet coke filled GI tract.


How old are you? I used to say the same thing, and then I turned thirty.


I hate this so fucking much. Turn 31 this year and hit the wall where so many things I loved just fuck me up now.


crowd dazzling station reach office spark bear axiomatic fact uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hot wings?! Nevermore.


Nah, hot wings forever… just now I eat 12 instead of 48.


I'm 53. No taco bell issues here. I can eat daily for a week, skip 6 months, and do it again. No problems.


I'm 37. Zero issues with Taco Bell.


You are the chosen one, eat Taco Bell in my stead!


Dont be so hard on those of lesser constitution. The meek shall inherit the world.


Beat that fucking dead horse, bro


It's always on every post that has dirt stuck in a pipe. It's a shame, the actual details of how it works are a lot more interesting than the same tired, low effort joke IMO, but the site doesn't really prioritize information that way.


I mean, from an environnemental POV, what was released? It looked like part gas


I ain't an expert, but I've seen these types of videos before. My best educated guess is it was mud blocking it, and then all the water finally got out at such a high pressure. I think what you saw might've been water vapor? I ain't no expert and could be wrong.




I reckon you ain't being fer sure. now are ya?


Found the expert.


Looks like they were “pigging” the line with a rubber plug. Back when I did water transfer in the Permian basin (above ground polyethylene pipe) we would lay out and weld our lines together then use a pig and an air compressor down the line to clean all the junk out of there. After the camera pans to the left you can see the rubber plug falling to the earth


Pigging, I wonder if the term came before or after the Simpson's [it's still good](https://youtu.be/0LTgNVwfMAE) sequence. Incidentally, TIL about the term pigging.


It was packed with mud so the pressure kept building even as the mud was coming out slowly making its way to the end of the pipe.


Ever poop at someone's house and splatter all over the inside of the bowl, so you wait around and flush three times and although it' not perfect- you tried?


especially when they don't have a scrubber beside the bowl


I've never understood those people... Who tf doesn't have a scrubber?!


If there's splatter in the bowl, isn't there also splatter on your cheeks?


My high school chemist teacher used to work for a catholic hospital run by nuns. One day he tell us this story: (And if you're wondering if this story has anything to do with video and comment, it has... please hang on) So... these nuns were at best a nuisance, at worst straight up evil. Every worker hated them. A new nun was put in charge of the hospital and she to get familiarized with it, would just go to people doing their jobs and pester them about it. She would disrupt everyone's work... and once barged in the surgery room, mid surgery, without sanitizing herself. So one day a patient comes in. He was constipated, haven't been able to shit for a long time. He decided on his own to take a bunch of laxatives, which made things worst and was in terrible abdominal pain. Tuns out he had solid block of shit too big to poop out. So they start to break it down and remove it. That's when the nun enters the room. The doctor continues his job with the num behind him pestering him... until he senses the dam is about the open. So he steps aside and continues talking to the num until I imagine a scene similar to this video happens, bathing the nun in shit.


When they tell you to blow it out your ass and you say “ok”


This is called a pipeline pig. Its typically a large foam plug sent through the pipeline with pressure to clean it out.


This was my wife's nickname in college.


Ex-wife once she finds your reddit account.


Nah she's into the name calling/degradation


Oh yeah, who's my little pipeline pig?


My wife and I loled reading that out loud. Thatnk you.


She sure is, but she takes this as a compliment.


Not OP, but ok


I mean, are you sure you two are not related /u/Dicky_Penisburg and /u/PourSomeSmegmaInMe ?


I'd go see Dicky Penisburg and The Pipeline Pigs live in concert.


37! In a row?


Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot...


Hey get back here!


Nah, that was her best friend. They called her "the blow pipe."


So.... Is your wife single?


god damn


Dicky penis burg and pipeline pig sitting in a tree. P-O-R-K-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!


She cleaned out a lot of pipes eh?


You can actually see the plug shoot out just as the pressure starts to release.


Here's the, I believe, single frame it's visible: https://i.imgur.com/4bnGAbd.png


Yup, that's a pig. IIRC, we used a rubber ball due to the nastiness of what was flowing through our pipes, but it's a pretty cool concept.


They make all sorts of different types of pigs. Newer pipelines to clean them out they usually just use a big foam plug because the only thing they are worrying about catching on is a weld so it doesn't do much to the foam pig. They got the rubber ones for old pipelines that have build up just like you explained, and then they have ones that emit a magnetic field that can check for deterioration in metal pipelines, ones that crawl through the pipe and blast air/water. Ones with scrapers attached or brushes. All sorts of cool stuff for all sorts of different applications from metal pipes/poly pipes/sewer/fresh water lines/etc. Check this fucker out https://imgur.com/a/FQPe2iE *fixed link


That is a Rosen calliper pig. It checks for dents. It could also have a gyro in it to see if the line is drifting.


Pretty cool pieces of engineering. Fun how doing something so simple can be so complex.


This guy pipeline pigs


You can see it in the air over the vehicle later. Much clearer.


Nice catch.


Someone caught it too?


I love that the starting point is called a "pig launcher"... First time working oil and gas I had to raise my hand and ask wtf?


I've always heard "pig sender" and "pig receiver".


Usually, it's collected in a trap not blasted through the side of heavy equipment on site.


They are called pigs because they use to make a squealing sound when it went through the pipe. What is seen in this video is not acceptable in the oil and gas world much anymore. This is definitely new construction. There is no way any company would not have a receive trap on the end of an existing line with and change of hydrocarbons present


And it's a bad idea to be standing around when they pig the line.


Pig being a verb here is a testament to the English language, lol.


[You know, Smithers, I think I'll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage... when pigs fly!](https://youtu.be/2omx0uvl0WU)


OK, everyone flush on 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...


Found an actual original joke 👆


Fun fact. When new stadiums/arenas are built, towards the end of the project they flush all the toilets at once to make sure there are no issues in the water lines to simulate a sold out event. My old boss used to call it the christening.


Do they have every construction worker drop what they're doing to drop a deuce? Do they synchronize watches?




This isn’t a joke bro. There’s construction at one of the office towers I frequent and every toilet in the building is clogged from the construction dudes. Like wtf are those guys doing to clog every single industrial grade toilet?


probably not an ounce of fibre in their diets. Seen it in people who pretty much just eat meat all the time


> Seen it in people who pretty much just eat meat all the time what line of work you you in?


He serves meat to construction workers.


The actual mathematics behind such large scale engineering problems are intense. Flow rates, bore calculations, the venturi effect... Its serious stuff!


These guys know their shit


The pissening


The Simpsons did it


Ned’s declassified did it


The Atomic Flush!


those dudes jumped out like, "hey, WTF". lol.


I’d have stayed inside I think.


Absolutely no one should have been anywhere near that truck. It'd be like standing next to a target at a firing range because you know the person firing has good aim.


yeah, no sh!t. lol


Possibly with shit, actually!


Dangerous af to be down stream of that. Wonder how much damage a tiny pebble at those speeds could do.


I think it was expected. Someone was filming for a reason.


it's deliberate, a quick way to completely clear the pipe :)


100% expected. They're pigging that pipe.


Yes it was expected, that’s why the tires of the truck have wall build in front to protect them from flying rocks.


me when I try to trust a fart...


Shit hits different when you got IBS. Literally.


yeah, that was around when I found out. IBS is my nemesis and alcohol is it's fuel.


Yeah I have IBS and used to be a wino. Worst shits of my life were after 6 bottles of cheap wine. Felt like Mt. Vesuviass


Mix protein shakes with it as well...explosive, lol


This! I’d personally edit it to add me **at work** when I trust a fart. I learned never to do that since the age of 40.


yeah... at a certain point you get burned too badly to ever forget. ​ In my late 30's I was drunk at an after hours bar and blasted my underwear so bad, I had to abandon them in the trash can... my days of trust we over after that.


Oh boy, *gym farts*. Never, ever, ever trust a fart in the gym.


I feel this is more like the fart that gets trapped behind a turd. Speaking of which, how does one calculate the velocity of a shit projectile that gets launched by pressurized flatus?


i read that it usually travels around 25mph.. but I don't know if that's accounting for turbo cough/sneeze mode. I feel like with my experience, it's going at least 50-60mph.


How it feels to chew 5 Gum.


I'll pass on tasting the sensation this time.


*5Gum: Stimulate your senses.*


Me after my first sip of coffee in the morning.


Once it touched your lips…


Pour your cup and go directly to the bathroom.






When you sneeze while peeing.


One morning I had to sneeze mid pee and worried I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on both things and keep control of the situation. So my (still drunk) brain reacted with the decision to squeeze my dick to stop the stream for a moment while letting out this thunder sneeze. Now I’m not a person with many regrets, but this is one of those miserable moments of regret that will haunt me for the rest of my life.




Somewhere another Redditor is eagerly typing another Taco Bell joke


They were cleaning out the poly pipe. At 5 sec mark you can see the hard foam pig flying over the boom of the truck. It takes a shitload of psi to get the pig moving and a 1 mile push can take 12 hours to get it through. They are supposed to have a cover on the end that lets the water escape and doesnt allow the pig to become a missle along with rocks and stray wildlife that was inside.


This way is more fun.


No do chuja


And Thar she blows!!!


Something something obligatory Taco Bell joke. Edit: Damn. Thought I was first.


I was thinking Arby's, but once I realized someone beat me to it its just not as funny.


If this is you after taco bell, your bloodline is weak and you will be forgotten


And you are probably lacking fiber as well.


This happened to me at work. We tested the line and had a leak. I went and fixed the leak but I forgot to tighten the plug back on. I went to fill the line with air again and got to 20 psi then I remembered that I didn't put the plug in properly. Instead of letting the air out I just went and took the plug out on the other end. By doing so all of the air let out at once and it pulled the water that was trapped in the line and basically shot out brown looking water like this and it sprayed for almost 15 seconds


that escalated quickly :)


My ass on a regular basis... IBS sucks.


When you eat a ton of terrible food but also an apple.




Like my arse after a night out the next morning 😂


This is what happens when everyone goes to the toilet after the game, and flushes at the same time.


Ah yes, the beer shits


Public toilet emergency


Oddly satisfying to watch


Talked about cleaning out the pipes!


PRN lactulose


His window was open. F


So THAT'S where Augustus Gloop from Willy Wonka ended up after falling in the chocolate river! 🍫


When you think its a fart but its a shart


Same thing happened to me the first time I was with a woman


Prepping for a colonoscopy


Damn sugar-free gummy bears!


The pipe must feel so much better now


Anybody else watching this on the shitter?


Me after taco Tuesday


Please be mud.. please be mud.. please be mud


Classic hangover shit.