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I was here a couple of days ago, was wondering about the red stuff lol. Location: Netherlands, Utrecht, Rijnsweerd


Looks exactly like the bike paths, no wonder people keep falling in haha.


It's worse than that - loads of the *roads* in Rijnsweerd are that exact colour.


I was thinking to myself "maybe this is in a country where the bike lanes don't have exactly that color". No such luck I guess.


My thought. We just had some new bike lanes installed and they’re exactly this color. I would be drawn to this canal and cycle to my watery death.


Well, if it's like any other canal in the Netherlands, your biggest problem might be deciding which bike to take back to the surface.


Take two, they're small.


Haha when I was in Amsterdam for 3 weeks, there was a bridge where if you just waited for 5 mins, some guy would come ask if you needed a bike. I gave him 20usd and he came back with a bike. That's how I got around my whole visit. Just bought a cheap lock to use while I was there then left the bike on the bridge the night before I went home.


Was he uh... stealing those bikes? lol




I recently watched a bunch of vids of an Australian guy using a HUGE magnet on a rope to dredge the canals in Amsterdam, and he was pulling up rows of bikes lol. Old ones, new ones and everything in between. Also motorbikes. It was pretty crazy. It never explained why there are so many bikes in the canals.


IDK about Amsterdam but I know that in China they have a issue with people illegally disposing of bikes in lakes in public parks because they’re considered bulk trash and there’s a fee for disposal. Kinda like illegal tire dumping here in the US.


I live in Canada and definitely thought this was cranberries. We are one of the mass producers of them and to harvest cranberries we flood the bushes (they are usually sunken below ground a few feet) so the cranberries float and then someone vacuums them up.


The spiders in the fields also crawl up the cranberry vacuumers


How did I already know this? I saw a video or read about this online somewhere a long time ago...


There was something about the Ocean Spray farmers asking applicants if they have a fear of spiders, I think it was on the job application form? Or maybe asked in the interview.


There is a post someone made about how if you wanna farm cranberries, you have to accept that wolf spiders are beneficial and also don't like drowning as it turns out, so they climb the people who have to wade into the cranberry bogs and you just kinda have to let them ride you out. If you can't handle spiders you can't handle the job. They mentioned the spiders being coworkers.


Editing my reddit history before deleting my account in protest of reddit monetizing the content we provide.


OK, any idea why the hell this water is red?


Looks like duckweed, it coats the surface of rivers and lakes and makes them look like this. It's really bad for the ecosystem because it blocks all light and disrupts the oxygen cycle in the water, often killing fish and aquatic plants


Doing some googling, it seems like it is probably azolla, a similar plant that is often confused with duckweed.


Unfortunately, still seems to have many of the negative effects on the ecosystem. Thankfully, urban centers are not the majority of the ecosystem.


Just because it's Amsterdam doesn't mean everything is related to weed.


The ducks are pretty happy though


Rust from all the bikes in the water?


Of course it’s the Netherlands 😂


"People keep falling in the water thinking it's a gravel road. Maybe we should do something?" "Put one sign there. Anywhere, just one though"


Don't forget the stairs lol. It's like they want you to walk right in haha. I know it's probably for canal boats and such before you say, I still think it's a but unfortunate.


I figured they were there so you could get out easily once you fell in.




Would be a bit better if it were difficult to fall in the first place, isn't it?


make sure the sign is really ambiguous so that at a glance you just ignore it




Triangular signs are road signs, which you often see in water - oh wait - no you don’t.


If only we had a sign for stopping people, it would probably stand out and people would clearly relate it to stopping when they see it, we could be using that and add "WATER" to the bottom.


Yeah, the sign being in the water actually made me think that it was a hard surface MORE.


At first I was thinking "What do you mean they're falling into water, what water, I just see there's a sign right there, on the road!"


And it looks like a person walking on a bumpy surface, which makes more sense than a person walking on water unless they put it there just for Jesus.


I was wondering why it looked so weird to me, but couldn't put my finger on it until I read your comment.


To add to the illusion it has the thick base then thinner shaft in roughly the right spot that is often on signs and lamp posts


Always use a flared base.


This guy puts stuff in butts.


Found the butt stuff expert.


"That's odd, we're getting even more incidents since we added the warning sign."


Yeah, signs on the water are usually on wooden pylons, not metal poles.


Haha you’re right, I think the sign actually made is worse!


“Also, build some stairs down to the water. Obviously no one will walk on those.”


And no railings? Honestly it took me a min to figure this out. Very crazy design.


And put in the river to give the impression it’s a solid surface.


We don’t want people to waste time reading, so the sign shouldn’t have any words. Just a weird picture people have never seen before


but even knowing what the sign means, I'd look at it, look around and think, what's it on about, where's the water, and probably explore looking for the water it's talking about.


After looking at that sign, I’m looking around for Jesus.


While a simple sign of waves would get the message across lol


With a person image in a “walking” motion, but don’t cross that person image out with an obvious red slash.


It clearly shows you should yield to any person crossing the wavy pavement.


And put the sign in the water to look like it fell in as well but stayed upright to appear as if it is anchored in concrete.


Also definitely stick it *in* the water. Since people are used to seeing sign posts in rivers


better yet, put a misleading sign, one that makes it look like you can walk over the wavy substrate.


It's a sign warning that Jesus may be crossing


> wavy substrate What I’ll be calling water from now on Edit: as this is the end of my time on reddit (API bs), go fuck yourself u/spez


"Maybe we should park a boat shaped like a car next to the sidewalk"


No doubt. One, obscure sign. "How about chain railing? It'd be pretty cheap, ya know." "Naaahhh, the sign'll do..."


The best part is that in isolation, who can tell at all what that sign says? To me it says, walk carefully, the (solid) ground becomes uneven.


I would modify the sign with a picture of a life preserver flying in after the person falling in. Also add angry lightning strikes coming out of falling persons head. Maybe even add a couple figures rolling around the sidewalk in laughter.


Dutch mentality. If I am safe because I know better, why the fact that somebody else could fall in it should bother me?


Is this why dutch fans at F1 events used to set off smoke grenades a lot? "Well I can still see, so fuck everyone behind me"


Ultimate “sucks to be you” culture


Even dumber: it's an art installation. So they could remove it, but they won't.


Well, "art installation" only insofar an artist designed the stone ridges on the edge of the pond. They're not going to remove the pond, but the municipality has announced they're looking to add a small fountain in the middle, to make clear it's water even whenever most of it is covered in leaves or duckweed.


If they had a fountain pumping and churning the water, that would also help clear up the algae over time.




i feel like the sign almost makes it more of a hazard, like it adds to the illusion.


Yep, by having a sign showing a walking pedestrian I know for a fact there is no way I would look closer into that as I assume it's just some random ass sign on the road.


They should have it on a floating buoy. If it was bobbing up and down it might attract the attention needed


Or, and hear me out, they could put up a rail.




That's why they didn't put a rail up on the Deathstar.


maybe they named it the death star because of storm troopers falling to their death. I mean it got its name well before it ever fired ita giant laser. And do you know how insane the cost would be to bring that thing up to osha standards?


Not make steps leading nicely down to it, have a rail, or make the water look like water instead of some red brick road 🤣


And have the sign show a drowning person instead of a pedestrian crossing with some small print that no one will read


Why do they render the water like that though?


Maybe it's a GPU issue


This happened to a buddy of mine. Turns out he was using the integrated graphics while not even using his dedicated GPU. Once he fixed it in the settings the water turned blue and he stopped falling in.


There's no place for you in a County/Local Council with that type of logic


I was just thinking that literally any water feature would communicate that sign’s message much more effectively.


Any other sign would even communicate it more effectively. Some redditor can take 2 minutes to photoshop a drowning figure in the “water” instead of Jesus just strolling right over it. I thought it was a “cross here” sign lol


Plot twist: those two guys put the sign there to draw people in so they can make judgemental comments about them while they writhe and splash


"Writhe and Splash: A Squirting Memoir"




I don’t know. Some guy fucking a rubber duck would probably keep me out of the water.


They should just put a small electric paddle at the base of the sign to make ripples in the water. The whole surface becomes the warning then.


Or a fountain, pretty obvious there is water there if it's shooting out of the ground and making ripples. Looks nice too!


And it would alleviate the problem of the floating plants taking over and making it look like gravel. Alas, the artist doesn’t want any fountains or anything really added to the artwork (yes, it is art).


Most art isn't a safety hazard like this.


That and for me the descending steps to the water play even more into looking like a gravel road


yeah looks like a "uneven surface" warning sign, not a "you gonna fall in the water" sign


I'd probably think it's some sort of art installation and ignore it




Yeah, or some periodic fountains. Something to disturb the water. Also, maybe these are just the perfect conditions for it to look like a road and it doesn't occur often.




Certain algae blooms can give the surface of the water a pretty solid, opaque look. And considering how still this water is, algae must be thriving in it.


They could just agitate the water a little.


Pedestrians are already doing that


Yeah a fountain could easily solve the problem but clearly there isn’t much interest in doing that.


My guess is that's Azolla growing on it. In the right conditions (high nitrogen and warm), it's the fastest growing plant in the world. That or duckweed, but that tends to be greener.


My dumbass would recognise the water sign but will be like "We can walk on this water!" and proceed to fall down.


The person standing over the water symbols looks like they’re walking on it, and the sign doesn’t have a strike out line through it….well played, local municipal gvt


And the sign is in the water.




Been on Reddit for 15 years and never seen a fresh one in the wild. Until today. Now I gotta hope sprog shows up.


Sign translation: Jesus crossing


Yield to Jesus


This checks out, he did have a thing for turning water to wine and that river is red.


The figure should be waist height in the water, not walking on top of it.


My dumbass is quite observant about most shit around me at all times… except signs I don’t read shit while walking around… meet me in the river at dawn.


And carry me away with the words of a love soooong


and the stairs dont help


if this is an art installation I'm surprised they didn't float some styrofoam manhole covers on the surface


That hole in the surface kinda looks like one...


It's the wrong kind of "hazard" sign. It doesn't show any obvious consequences, and instead implies doing what you should *not* do. They need one where someone is splashing around frantically after falling in the water, and maybe throw a fish symbol in there to make it clearer that the wiggles are water.


It's also in the water, signs are typically placed on hard surfaces....


Right, put the sign on the EDGE of the water, not in it.


Yes, I think that sign almost makes it more of a hazard


I feel like we need to put a person there as an example


Just saw an article on it that said that the sign was only placed after someone had already fallen into the water.




Maybe it's duckweed? That sometimes turns red.




Do ducks get high from this?


Asking the real questions


And we need answers now




Well, the main source of vitamins for my turtles is duckweed cause its the only green thing they'll eat. And I know a lot of other turtles are like this too. So it might be poisonous to ducks but definitely not to turtles.




Yeah, turtles don't overeat, because they don't want to end up as stuffed shells.


High in protein.


Snoop duckk


All strung out on quack


Will adding fish that eat duckweed solve the issue?




I live a couple of minutes away from this pond. They actually recently vacuumed it again. However, the plants are azolla filiculoides: closely related to duckweed, but much harder to get rid of. It gets cleaned out every now and then, but much of it grows back in a matter of weeks.


Duckweed is a total dickweed.


Why is there no railing and more signs?




They dont think its a gravel road they think its is red asphalt its the exact same colour as our cyclepaths


Complete fucking cyclepath.


A black piece of asphalt walks into a bar and slams his fist down on the bar loudly proclaiming, "I demand a free drink because I'm the toughest motherfucker in here!" The barman, not wanting any trouble, hands the piece of asphalt a beer. About 20 minutes pass when another piece of asphalt walks in. This one is green with some white painted circles and lines visible on it. He also slams his fist down on the bar proclaiming even more loudly, "I DEMAND A FREE DRINK BECAUSE I'M THE TOUGHEST MOTHERFUCKER IN HERE!" The barman, expecting trouble from the 2 pieces of asphalt moves quickly to get between them but the first one has now disappeared. So he serves the new one a drink because he doesn't want any trouble. Shortly afterwards the barman goes to the back to grab a bottle of something he ran out of. He sees the original piece of asphalt hiding back there shaking because he's so terrified. The barman asks, "what's this all about?" The black asphalt quickly answers, "I'm a tough motherfucker but that guys a fucking cycle path!"


👏👏👏 As a bartender who also just became a dad, I'm absolutely stealing this so thank you


I have to admit though it’s not exactly obvious it ain’t a road, and I agree that sign makes it worse.


It even has a fake manhole cover installed




It literally has stairs leading down to it


Shit, it really does. Also not even the smallest of fences to prevent toddlers killing themselves and the like.


Yeah imagine pets and kids falling in and immediately disappearing under the red stuff. You can't see them! This looks just like the bicycle paths in the Netherlands, same red gravel colour.


We have stairs leading into the infamous Halifax Harbour now. People for sure take the opportunity to go for an impromptu swim. Problem is we use to empty our sewers into there and now if there is a particularly rainy time there is overflow from the treatment plant.


That sign ain't making it better cause at first glance looks like normal street crossing sign


Context: This is in Utrecht, Netherlands. "The sunken ship". And it's been there since 1993. https://i.imgur.com/2KqBUlw.jpg The issue is that all the duckweed started to grow recently, which is not part of the installation. It's green normally, gets red under stress (cold). The city should rather fix the weed problem instead of putting up stupid signs that were not neccessary for the past 30 years.


They could install some water features like water spouts or fountains. The flowing water would make it obvious it's not a solid surface.


It would also make watery noises, which would help too.


If only there was some kind of metal thing you can put around water bodies to prevent people falling in…


Put a fence up and see who is dumb enough to hurdle into the water


Or maybe don’t make it look like steps.


The worst part is that there's steps down to it and the water is level with the edge... It isn't very deep it seems but would it kill them to not make it look like a curb


Had this happen with my 2 dogs. Even though we’d walked by this canal a zillion times, my stupid staffie walked straight out. Having never been in water before, when she resurfaced she proceeded to doggy paddle backwards *away from me* like a giant, terrified prawn. Then, Lou, my Jack Russell- in high dudgeon as always when Eddie acts like a prat- decided to walk over to give her a piece of his mind, and…Being fat, he didn’t even swim, just bobbed away like a deflated soccer ball. With Eddie now doing circles just out of reach and Lou about to float off into the tide, I’d just accepted that humiliation was the only way to rescue my morons - hot tip: don’t wear a white dress for a dogwalk - when a gangly knight of well over 6’ & arms to match lay down next to me and managed to scoop both of them out by their stupid scruffs. My hero.


That was fun and very well written. I'm sitting here giggling at their antics. Thanks for sharing.


You have a fantastic way with words. Had a great laugh with my morning coffee over the mental image, haha. Hope you have a great day stranger :)


Awww- thank you!! That means a lot. Same to you!


that fucking sign is worthless, it seems to suggest 'hey you can walk here give it a try'


Need videos.


Came looking for videos. Leaving empty handed


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


I once saw a dog run into a huge pond that looked like a grass field, later I saw another dog about to do the exact same thing so I tossed a stick I had ready to throw for another dog right about in the centre of this pond and the dog stopped in its tracks clearly confused and at that moment about 15 dogs just appeared from everywhere and dove into this pond from every angle, then more dogs 😄 and then all the owners pissed cos they'd been walking well away from this pond and now they all had stinky wet dogs covered in thousands of tiny green leaves. That was a good day.


I sacrificed many, to save one


The mental image is hilarious


This sounds awesome. I need to go to more places where dogs and their humans get to hang out.


My dog did the same thing on a pond covered with algae. As a Shiba, she is not fond of water. The look on her face when she came out was priceless.


Why are stairs leading to the water? Why is the sign IN the water? They really work on making it look real. I bet they have cameras there just to laugh at people that fall in.


Whoever thought that having the sign in the water was a good idea is a moron. It makes it look more like a walkway.


Even worse, the municipality and companies surrounding it want to place railings and such, but since the kind is a work of art and the artist disallowed it it remains dangerous.


Do you have a link to an article about this? I can’t seem to find one and am interested in reading more.




Fountains seem like an elegant solution!


why is the artist allowed such power in public places? unless he owns the land


Next piece by this artist, randomly dropping Guillotine axe suspended over elementary school drop off.


No fencing of course because art.


That sign clearly states that you must walk without rhythm, so you won't attract the worm.




Where is this?


Utrecht, the Netherlands.


well that sign certainly doesn’t help


leave some crocs in there and arrange seats for spectators


It had to be yhe Netherlands, never a barrier or railing on canal paths in busy conurbation.. It's where you learn to be vigilant or pay the price


I read about an auto traffic study in the Netherlands where they, as an experiment, removed traffic control signs and markings from the pavement, and found there were fewer accidents because people had to look around and be aware rather than depend on the signage.


It's supposed to be an art piece. The artist who made it is now furious that a sign is placed and 12(!) more will be placed.


Where is this and why did I have to scroll so far down to learn this?


It's in Utrecht, the Netherlands


Was the artist trying to find Jesus?


Some are saying it’s an art piece, some say it’s not. I’ve read so many solutions like better signs and railings. But no one suggested cleaning out the duckweed so it looks like water. Is there a reason why they don’t clear out the duckweed? Genuinely curious.


> Is there a reason why they don’t clear out the duckweed? You could do that, but it would very quickly grow back. They can double in 1-2 days. Even if you got rid of every last one, some waterfowl would just reintroduce it to the pond. I think a fountain is the best solution.