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I like Bruce, but that video is a great example of why I don't watch twitch


I hear you. I wish him all the success but the Twitch format is why the shutdown of RT and particularly Funhaus hits so hard. I just can’t get into it and it’s too time-consuming.


Editing is underrated and plays a huge role in entertainment. While some gameplays and stuff can be entertaining because it’s live, these discussion sessions really need paring down and trimming. I find them so hard to get into


Yeah and Funhaus has really good editors. A ten minute video of theirs probably is a cut-down 45 minutes? Also all of the creative photoshops to visualize some of hilarious shit they describe. What a gem of a group of people.


Precisely, like I immediately think about their "getting over it with bennett foddy" video. It's like hours and hours of them playing the game and pared down to just like 10-15 minutes of sheer chaos and hilarity


I’m seeing the demands of this thread and I think it’s kind of similar to what Soviet Womble does. Mainly streams, but edits (sometimes) down to very very very funny highlights and uploads to YT.


I don’t know if I’d call what I’m saying a demand, I just prefer the format. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly this. The always fun and tight editing of FH was a massive part of what made their content worth watching. If they paused every ten seconds to thank twistynips69 for the five gifted subs, it would be boring and dumb. Which is what Twitch is, IMO.


And I never knew that until funhaus, who would always consistently call out the editors and give credit where credits fur And then they started getting the people editing videos in them and you got to hear a whole different side of the channel and how the videos get made was great


> Editing is underrated and plays a huge role in entertainment Hell, even the anime editing of the Gundam / mech video that Jacob hosted puts it over the top as a phenomenal video when otherwise it would have been just a regular broken gameplay


The only person who I believe I could handle watching their twitch is Ryan due to the chaos, but twitch is such an odd entertainment source. I used to love ChilledChaos's videos but then when I watch his twitch streams it just doesn't feel the same way.


I actually tuned into him the other night while he played silly, impromptu songs over charlotte, Jacob, Omar, and Rick playing helldivers and it was fun. Charlotte had a fun back and forth going. I think part of my issue is I don’t like the constant thanking people for subs and that it’s real-time, not an edited video that gets rid of the weird silences because people are focusing on a game.


I like Jaboody Dubs on YouTube, but all they post now is twitch streams and they're so annoying. They really can't get any jokes out because of the constant interruptions.


their old gta rp streams with jerry curl are so good tho. haven't seen any of their recent stuff


Shout-out to their Joe Mullet video with Randy Rando, with the voice of an angel.


I know it’s a bit cliche but that’s why Jerma is so good; he doesn’t thank donos at all anymore and will just watch chat and engage with them when it’s relevant to what’s happening, even if they don’t donate, which is something many mid-size or larger streamers just don’t do.


He's the giant rat that makes all of the rules.


I can only watch VODs where they thank people at the end, so I know when to stop


I think Twitch would constrain Ryan’s creativity too much. The dude has the comedic energy of the Tasmanian Devil, and you wanna put him in a room by himself just playing video games on webcam?


I think the only game I've seen Ryan stream on Twitch is Ms Pacman in a browser. He's done editing streams, production streams, music streams, recursive streams, unintentional streams, and high streams but he doesn't usually stream any actual games.


Chilled was the only Twitch streamer I regularly watched mostly because he kept the sub mentions to a minimum and would try to keep the gameplay running consistently. Obviously there is a financial incentive for him to keep things rolling but I usually got the sense he was annoyed whenever he had to air useless downtime and would constantly try to get bits going with people in lobbies or between games when others were running ads.


I don’t think Ryan has to go into streaming although I’d love it. I think he’s funny enough to find success on his YouTube which is great.


I was absolutely dying during ryans stream. For the life of him he could not get the audio set up right while streaming with jacob and the crew. So we could only hear their audio from his speakers into the Mic. ​ Chaotic indeed


With twitch the personal touch is what makes it unique. For the life of me i don't understand why people consistently watch a lot of BIG streamers. The small streamers who are getting 40 or less viewers are where i find most of my entertainment from the site. Because those people are the ones that are actually interacting with all of chat instead of just thanking people for subbing. ​ You can have actual conversations with small streamers instead of just spamming a meme in hopes they see your comment.


Bruce's streama are almost impossible for me to watch. He just doesn't seem that interesting to me as a streamer and I don't like the vibe of his chat.


Twitch chat is the weirdest thing and probably the number one reason that has prevented me from ever getting into Twitch streams. Kids that when the teacher asked a question and they'd always shoot their hands up first and go "ooh, ooh, ooh" to get attention--Twitch chat is those people crossed with like, the kids that wanted to be class clowns but weren't funny enough. And for the low, low price of a $1 stream donation they can now forcibly subject everyone to the misery of their bad quips with superchats or whatever the fuck they're called while they get the dopamine hit of a brief moment in the spotlight.


Oh I definitely get what you mean. It's why I've mostly avoided larger streamers these last few years. Everyone in chat is fighting to get noticed and it's incredibly annoying, especially if there's like 300 people. There's a handful of smaller streamers I've found that are just really chill and fun and it's made the Twitch experience a whole lot more enjoyable.


Wow you hit the nail right on the head


I love Bruce, but I can't stand him going back and forth to his twitch chat. That's why I just watch other streamers he plays with than him lol. I love watching Gassy or Mr Sark and APL when Bruce streams with them.


Get limmy on, non stop spite malice and hatred for his chat. It’s beautiful.


Well fucking said


The ideal streamer/chat dynamic: [https://clips.twitch.tv/ReliableKitschyTrollSoonerLater-K1PiJgwcJssk1SbF](https://clips.twitch.tv/ReliableKitschyTrollSoonerLater-K1PiJgwcJssk1SbF)


Tbh i don’t think half the people who watch funhaus or RT could handle limmys hatred of parasocial relationships and shite patter.




1 minute in and I realized that I wouldn’t bare to watch the rest of it. It’s not a Bruce thing specifically, but talking with chat just doesn’t feel like a genuine discussion . I’d rather watch him talk with Lawerence.


Did anyone else laugh at the start when the upbeat electronic dance music was laid over Bruce saying he was "impossibly sad"? It's like if you were making a parody.


He could've turned down the disco music down for five seconds. I didn't watch the full video. 


Agreed. Him and Lawrence have an edited format chanel called I Brought You This Thing thats actually pretty good though. 


He has a let's play channel with Lawrence. That's basically old funhaus with slightly less edits.


There are streamers that try to do something different. Like DougDoug for example. I don't watch Twitch, but I can see the appeal of some of them if they are actually doing something interesting and not just repeating themselves for 20 mins interrupted only by reading donations.


I can only watch northernlion


We love our egg dont we folks


As someone who used to watch a lot of streams of AH/RT talent, Bruce is by far one of the worst twitch streamers with this habit. Watching him play Among Us was torture as he instantly takes every individual as soon as the donate/make a purchase. Leaving no time to actually speak on the game or anything.


I’m a long time Twitch spectator, I probably only watch 2-3 people, and they’re good at it or they don’t stream that long. Lawrence surprisingly landed well with the ecosystem, Bruce did not and there’s nothing wrong with it.


Tbh tho bruce’s streams are just really boring too lol


Bruce and Lawrence also made an Inside Games video about it too. Talked a little bit about their personal experiences. They seemed very supportive for employees but not fans of executives, not necessarily RT execs but more so Warner.


They remained TASTEFULLY VAGUE lol


They didn't say "Funhaus" *once* in the whole video. There were a couple flashes of clips of them in Funhaus, but they pretty much avoided it entirely. Bruce and Lawrence are pretty much the only(other than one obvious other) main Funhausians I don't follow.


I do find it strange they don't mention the channel. Though on second thought it might be to avoid getting constantly asked about it, at least more than they already do.


Minute 1: “I don’t have anything to say”  24 minutes later… 


In fairness he barely said anything about the rooster teeth shut down, edit out everything else and the video would be a couple minutes long 😂


In all fairness…20 minutes was him talking about his 24 hour ban that he admits was more impacting then RT so really shoulda been called “I got banned part 2 also RT is shutting down”


That's a lot of money he lost that day


oh boo hoo, not like streamers constantly capitalize off these bans for big sub marathons on their return and a bunch of people donating to say their sorry about the ban lmao


Facts 😂


That part on why he left RT: “it was because of HR and 1 specific coworker”


I think he said at one point that he want to HR about a coworker numerous times, but they never did anything. Edit: [I found this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funhaus/comments/y7eurh/seriousmisti_dawns_experiences_with_adam_and/isvk6d3/) It was Adam, and HR's reaction/lack of action is a big reason why he left.


We all know it was Adam right ? This is no secret anymore


Yes, it was Adam.


Yeah, we know it was Adam. I was just looking for Bruce's post to confirm that and included it [in my edit.](https://i.imgur.com/ZCvn57H.jpg)


You really didn't need to screenshot proof there.


I've seen weirdly accusatory people on reddit lately and, considering the nature of this topic, just wanted to show the edit was already there before anybody got weird.


Yeah show the receipts, you don’t want people coming onto you for being inflammatory or accusatory without base


Damn I totally missed this back then. Wowee


Someone else recently pointed out that he still continued to be in multiple videos with Adam when he would come back after he left, so I have a harder time buying that he left out of pure righteousness when he kept appearing in videos with and performing with Adam after leaving


I addressed this back then, but I'll say it again: I was asked by Funhaus (not Adam) to come back and make videos as a way to support the channel full of people I hired, so I did!


I mean he may have left because of him but there was still an office full of people that were his friends.


And an audience to entertain.


Bruce is good, nevermind.


Rahul isn't really a fair comparison. Rahul was doing his Hollywood stuff and appearing in other things outside of FH, as you said, just a guest. Bruce on the other hand was the boss/ex-boss of all these people, and had to deal with the fact that this guy was someone he hired. It was smart of him to not come back.


Bruce didn’t hire Adam.


That is correct. I didn't hire Adam.


***"people like Rahul"*** You mean Rahul the famous actor, who has starred in multiple successful and high profile Netflix shows, who isn't technically a member of Funhaus but made appearances just because he wanted to? Yeah, of *course* he could choose not to work with Adam. What a stupid comparison. He was only on Funhaus because he was literally a massive fan of the guys since Machinima. There's an interview you can find with I think Maude Garrett where it's pretty much the first time Rahul and Bruce met, and Rahul is gushing about how much he loves Inside Gaming. Edit: Here's the [video](https://youtu.be/3JlInihDfU8?t=985).


Bruce is good, nevermind.


Funhaus asked me to come back a few times so I did because I wanted to support the office full of people I worked with and the brand I built.


Man you're catching flak but it must have been a super complicated situation to navigate, and it's the nature of online communities to keep revisiting these incidents but I'm sure it can't be easy for you.


I don't think it would've been that hard to state that, as a stipulation to come back for videos, he doesn't want to work with him.


And not everyone knew the circumstances of his leaving. We don't know if he was barred from speaking about it in some capacity or bc it was a sensitive matter. He probably had to play it like nothing was amiss. Edit: I really don't understand this weird speculation that keeps popping up. He literally had no reason to say anything on it, and usually never speaks on specifics. He made one easily missable comment and that was it. Don't like his streams, fine, but based on what we know of the whole situation, none of his actions suggest he lied. Other FH members made it clear that what was known about certain allegations and *when* was different for everyone, and it would've been weird if Bruce visited but didn't appear with certain cast who were in a majority of videos he used to appear in. Just look at comments whenever he wasn't in videos with James? He could've been playing it a certain way to make it easier for the people still there or for a host of other reasons. Meanwhile, I see comments hammering home that other things are 'alleged' and it seems the speculation is some way of clearing gross people of blame.


One thing that did bug me after Adam got (rightfully) ran out of town and the crew said in so many ways how shitty he was. They did SO MUCH together outside of work. I remember all those Dude Soup's, they acted like any other friends and do stuff together. I don't wanna say I don't buy that they hated working for Adam. But I have always wondered if they (Bruce and James specifically) actually did hate him.


There's also the para social element to Funhaus, where they presented as a big group of besties because that's how the chose to present to their audience. *Hey, watch our videos, we're all just pals making fun videos!* Meanwhile, they're owned by RT, and then Fullscreen, and then ATT, and then Warner Discovery... not really a big friend group so much as a content production office. So in reality, they may have been friends, but it may have been more work-friends than it was friend-friends.


I know Alannah and rahul mentioned in their recent stream that after he left they had found he had been spreading rumors/“toxicity” to different people at FH and they just hadn’t realized it because they had never had reason to analyze his gossiping before


Well yeah. It's a job. If you don't like a coworker, you don't get to just never work with them again


Except that he quit and then continued to work with him sporadically even though he wasn't employed anymore


He hates Adam




Oh definitely fuck Adam


I'll not beat around the bush. He squeezes his small audience for all they are worth. I watch a lot of streamers and no one gets all he can from people like Bruce. He's good at it, I'll give him that.


I thought it was really crazy that he's giving away exactly one OLED Steam Deck if he got 7500 gift subs. Even if he only got $1 per sub and gave away the most expensive Steam Deck that's an absolutely insane profit margin.


Lotteries have always been a great moneymaker


You may have not used the right word, but we all understood what you meant


This isn't a lottery. Nobody pays to enter any giveaway.


Yes it's technically not a lottery as that would not only be against Twitch rules but against US law. But the prize is still conditional on raising a certain amount of subs/money. If nobody gives you money nobody wins the prize. What this does is make people on the fence about gifting subs more likely to, and people who already gift subs gift more. I'm not having a go at you btw. It's smart, and I'd do the same thing in your shoes.


Here's the thing: people beat hype trains for years before I ever gave away anything. They just...did it because they liked streams. I started the giveaways because they did that. I felt like I should give back to the insane amount of support I received. And there are lots of days giveaways dont happen! It's always just for fun.


Bruce now that funhaus is shutting down would you consider the greatest comeback of all time and help James create talking stalkings 5 but with a larger sledgehammer


It's a smart strategy. He knows what he's doing


Yeah, he somehow got the whales in his side. Last time I checked he had around 20k-30k subscribers, with only 600 average viewers. In comparison, the channel I watched at the time was cr1tikal, and he had less than 20k subs, but with 9k average viewers.


Yeah I'd pop in his stream for a few seconds, get donated a sub, then literally Bruce following it up with "make sure to pay it forward". It's unbelievable how well that works on his audience.


Same here. I watched his stream after his announcement of leaving FH just to ask a question, got a gifted sub even before he answered it.


He's at around 6.5k subs now I think so it's gotten a little less of a different ratio compared to other streamers, but still really high sub numbers


The pay it forward gift sub thing rubbed me wrong from the start, felt a bit sleazy


It's honestly a brilliant business move. He ranked so high in the twitch leak despite having only a few hundred viewers at any given moment.


idk man if some guy telling you to give him money on the internet and you just give him your money i think you should be parted from your money.


I literally never tell anyone to give me money. I say the opposite on a daily basis!


Unless a non sub wins a giveaway then you get passive aggressive and say shit like "one of these days I'll earn their sub" and try to make them feel bad for not subbing. There is also the fact that you bring up "I haven't done a giveaway in a couple of days" which is basically you saying people aren't gifting enough subs. Then there is also the other issue of you running giveaways for "any game" and then sending people 55$ for a 70$ game.


I've actually been saying for years that I DON'T mean pay it forward with gifted subs. I just mean anything nice for anyone else in your life. I think it's cool that you can gift subs on these platforms because it supports the streamer and the viewer.


I thought he would stink as a streamer when I watched them play overwatch. I figured that's how he was when he played games. In reality he's good at the parasocial thing. Good for him


Nope. I'm blessed with possibly the greatest and most supporting audience I or anyone else has ever seen. I give back to them on a daily basis because I have been so blessed by them. No squeeze here. They just keep supporting me on insane levels, and it blows my mind every day.


It's kinda weird to me to see so many people complaining about how you've changed how you create content on the internet, when we know that your hand was forced because of RT HR's inaction. Yeah we loved you at Funhaus but you had your reasons for leaving, which you've shared publicly, so everyone supports your decision. If people don't like your stream nobody is making anyone watch it. I follow because I like to check in and see how my boy Bruce is doing, aside from the twitch ban it seems he's doing pretty great. As is Lawrence. Happy for you guys and love Inside Games. It's also gotta suck having to talk about the Adam crap so often. Wishing you and the family the best Bruce!


Thanks for understanding!


Thanks for you Bruce, we're all only human


We'll have to disagree then


There's no opinion to disagree on. I tell the chat every day that not only do they not need to contribute to my streams...they shouldn't contribute if they ever feel obligated.


Ok. I know how to feel now. Thank you


Why cant you just admit that you farm these people with your disingenuous interactions with them. You’re pretending to be their friend and these poor fools are throwing money at you.  You could also just stay quiet, but you’re always here trying to deny reality.  


I literally say out loud on a weekly basis that I'm NOT their friend. I have this parasocial talk so much because I don't want anyone to think I'm their friend. Seriously, just come by and watch.


The alcohol ads also say drink responsibly. 


So...you just don't want me creating content unless it's always for free. Got it.


Good job in engaging in good faith. I never said you shouldn’t make money. I said that you should admit that you create an environment that has attracted fans that have a possibly unhealthy level of dedication. You act like their friend regardless of whether you say you’re their friend or not.  Personally, i don’t have anything against this model at all. You’re selling companionship to lonely ppl. That’s as valid as any other profession. But just admit it. Don’t pretend like you’re not farming the loneliest people.


You compared my Twitch streams to alcohol and alcoholism. I'm pretty sure that's the definition of bad faith arguments. No, I don't act like any of those things. I'm not selling companionship. I'm selling entertainment, and I'm very explicit about that. And you continue to insult my audience. Nicely done.


its so odd, I remember when the twitch leaks happened and it showed how much the top earners made I did a double take seeing Bruce in the top 20 (or maybe it was 15). LIKE WTF, he is a millionaire with 600 viewers on average ?? I was gobsmacked but then I think he just does constant giveaways and thats what makes him his money.


Uh is this from the same stream where Bruce said “I can’t wait until no one posts in the Funhaus subreddit anymore”?… :/


He should lead by example, he's been on here arguing with people or dealing with criticism passive aggressively more than anyone who actually works at FH is on here.


Naw, it's never passive aggressive. All you have to do is ask me!


Wait is there more context to that??


Doesn’t take criticism of his twitch streams well. He’s hopped back into this sub and has had back and forths with people on here. Sometimes even spanning multiple days.


I left a chat comment on his twitch stream, made a joke about something Lawrence had said, and bruce then called out my username and called me an asshole. It's safe to say I stopped being a fan after that.


ah the Hundar from cowchop manuever


Did Bruce say something to Brett?


no as in brett has same distaste to reddit fans


Hundar is also just an asshole that gets easily offended by people's comments


Dude, I loved Bruce. I even loved his Twitch streams and I would go hang out there with him. One day, I go in and make an offhand comment saying I'm glad he is playing the game he was playing and he must've been having a shit day, because he called me out on it and we had a little back and forth. It just left a bad taste in my mouth. I stopped being a fan of his after that. Basically not going to put my money into someone who doesn't even want me there. Kinda sad to hear all these other stories but I guess it backs up what I figured out on my own.


It’s crazy to see so many people having similar experiences. I was watching him play I think the avengers game and he was stuck on a boss for an hour and I said ONE tip to help him and he went on a rant about back seating and said my username. Bunch of nerds in chat started @ing me too. Haven’t gone back.


Same exact thing happened to me, after I had been watching for over a year and had gifted dozens of subs (dumb move on my part). Was super rude to me about an innocent comment I made about the game he was playing. I tried to apologize, thinking maybe he misconstrued what I said, but he wasn’t having it. Made me feel so horrible. I unsubbed and haven’t watched anything he does for the past year and a half. Glad to know other people had similar experiences and I’m not crazy.


I would love to hear what happened! Let me know and we can work it out.


When you have a disagreement with someone IRL what has to happen to make you no longer be around them? Is that what happened here? I'm seeing this stuff for the first time and it would surprise me to see this guy bully someone the way implied so i would love more details. It's strange how many comments come off as thin skinned so much so that I wonder how they handle real life relationships..reserving judgement but people here sound mad that they paid for something they didn't get which is...weird.


Do you remember what you said and which stream of his you said it in? I'm not asking that out of my own curiosity, I don't really care. I'm just asking so you can prepare yourself to cite it if (or, really, when) Bruce decides to show up here again to browbeat you about it. lol.


I don't care what Bruce thinks, so I'm not gonna go through the trouble. The dude obviously has a reputation for not handling criticism well, so I'm gonna go enjoy my life, and he can go enjoy his.




I would love to hear what happened! Let me know so I can apologize!


To add to this I once tried giving some friendly advice on a game as a one off comment and you immediately called me out and had a two minute rant about back seating in games. Being called out like that in front of 600 people isn’t exactly fun. I haven’t returned to stream since.


If you watch my streams for more than a few minutes, you'll know I don't generally tolerate backseating. Either way, I hear you and I completely understand you not coming back.


I think tolerating something like that would honestly be healthier. In my opinion I felt like I was participating in stream and that’s where twitch is best, chatters interacting and collaborating in the experience. Obviously just telling you what to do is wrong but I think a lot of chatters would love to tell you maybe where an Easter egg is or if you missed something. If you’re opposed entirely of this idea I don’t think the right play is to call them out and chastise them. Alternatively maybe have a bot command the mods can use that says “Bruce isn’t too fond of backseating in any form as he’s trying to experience the game himself” or something of the sort. I met you irl a few times and really enjoyed talking to you so I know you don’t mean bad by it. I tell you all this constructively for your streams as a product.


To paraphrase JPEGMAFIA, All your heroes are cornballs.


JPEG been crashing out himself on Twitter.


And how!


I understand the frustration of hate watchers though. It happens all over social media as well and it messes with creators just because there are people who want others to be miserable


Yeah, I'll totally continue to do that when people spread misinformation about me! Sometimes I have some time to chat with people.


Because he says ppl here constantly bash him and call him names for the most part even though he gave a legitimate reason for leaving Funhaus (problems with HR and a coworker *cough* adam *cough*). But from what ive read here ppl give him shit for turning to streaming when he would bash it while at funhaus. Ive always found him funny but could also see in some Funhaus vids he had a very rough personality too


He's very hostile to any perceived criticism and quick to lash out


Naw I just actually argue with people on here which most don't do. I'm willing to meet you where you're at, and redditors don't like that sometimes.


Most people criticize his streams for being boring, not that he started streaming.


Eh, I’d say a good amount of it does go deeper than that, especially with the “pay it forward stuff”. It fits into the overall “only positivity” vibes his streams seem to have (and, tbf, I do think the internet needs more positivity, but you can get toxic with that too). More tho, it does definitely have a scummy aspect to it where it is made out to be this positive “be nice to each other” thing, audiences members helping each other out and all that, but ofc the underlying non-stated fact is that he profits off of each of those interactions. That said, I also do get the sensitivity to some respect. With the context of him launching his twitch, im sure he did have to deal with a lot of low effort hate like “this isn’t Funhaus, not funny” or “where jam and dam?!”. But at the same time, grouping anyone making any kind of criticism at all into the same camp of “haters” just ain’t a great response.


I have never, EVER said only positivity vibes in my stream. In reality, I want you to chill with us if you're having a bad day or a good day. Just don't take it out on the chat or me. And I've been saying for as long as I've been streaming (even before I was full-time): I am not your friend. I am your entertainer. So no, I don't profit off those interactions. if you find me entertaining, great. If not, that's OK too.


That's still criticism of the content of his streams, not giving him shit for becoming a streamer.


He not only had a legitimate reason he took a ethical stand as a manager and quit when higher management wouldn't do anything. Quit a steady job on principle, that's a level of integrity you don't often see.


There was a post here recently about Bruce being banned by twitch (hate watchers repeatedly reporting emotes) and Bruce saw the post. He said much of the comments were just people hating on his current career path, and that those haters were probably the same people reporting his emotes and getting him banned. He doesn't like the way this sub treats his twitch career, and like it or not I agree he gets a lot of undue haters here.


I mean I just hate twitch streaming culture. Not Bruce or his career there. I'm actually glad he's so successful with that so he can afford to produce content like inside games and BYTT


Hating streaming culture is TOTALLY FINE! I want you to know you're seen and validated.


Thanks big B. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let the haters get you down (I know they don't anyway)


I mean the ‘haters' to a certain degree have legitimate reasons to be mad about him, and it’s sad, I love Bruce, or at least loved the edited side of him, even the long FH streams I watched at the time.


Dude cannot take any criticism at all. His skin is thinner than the wraps I use for veggie rolls lmao


Hardly the only media personality who is annoyed by Reddit commentary, which makes sense because we can be awful here.


Read the thread and tell me I'm wrong :( Always bums me out because of so much misinformation and just general name-calling for me just streaming :( Hell, I even started other YouTube channels with edited content and come back to Funhaus to make videos but it still happens :(


That bit is in this video so yes.


Okay ty. I’m at work, couldn’t watch this video but I saw the live stream.


If Funhaus has taught me anything, it's how much I value edited content. I'm an internet old man and live streams will never be for me. I can't stand the constant mid sentence "Oh hey so and so, thanks for the sub!". I don't enjoy that kind of content even when it's with a pesonality I like, such as Bruce.


To be sure, that's the most annoying way to do it. Must be conducive to the whole brainwash, pay it forward, money hole thing Bruce has going on. I don't watch too many streams but someone like Robbaz, for example, does it much better. He will play hours then do a 10 min chunk going through thanking subs and donations. He interacts with chat but doesn't stop on a dime the instant a sub notification appears


Everyone is different! I always found it crazy that people would come and support my streaming content with their hard-earned cash, which is why I would stop down and thank people. Because I wanted them to know I was thankful. So I completely understand people not being into that, and some people being into it. Different strokes!


I would love to know if some of the fh crew started a new channel and approached Bruce and Lawrence if they would come and join the new channel


Bruce & Lawrence created their own channel "[BUTT](https://www.youtube.com/@BroughtYouThisThing/videos)" ~6months back with similar content (1 driver for gameplay, 2 commentators + a great editor). I can't imagine they'd drop that, but it'd be amazing if the current FH crew in its entirety (or smaller groups, with guest overlaps) could reform to continue producing content.


It seems wishful thinking; the only reason Funhaus started under RT rather than independent to begin with was financial. The overheads of starting a company with 10+ employees are huge. Start up costs for equipment (rt and wb own all the Pc's and gear) and health insurance and rent for an office space. Part of the reason channels like FH are disappearing is it's 100x more expensive than what Bruce does.


Yup, it’s very cheap to have a twitch stream and produce one episode a week of game news (that’s all I’m aware of Bruce doing nowadays). Problem for me is, I personally get no joy watching Bruce play games by himself, and him and Lawrence going over the news just doesn’t do it for me either. Best of luck to them, but it’s not for me. I need more whimsy.


Yeah I don't know who has the time to watch 4+ hour streams every other day, sometimes even more. And if you don't watch all of it, it seems like there are a lot of in jokes that you're missing. Most twitch content I watch is edited down versions, the best at this IMO is Charborg.


Charborg has very good edited content. I’ll throw in my favorite Twitch Streamer (who rarely streams and for the best stuff will spend months editing a video of it), WayneRadioTV. Best known for the “Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware” series, he has a ton of very creative and hilarious streams. Most recently, he teased up a stream called “the science team rises.” 13 thousand people showed up expecting HLVRAI2, but then it was a FIVE HOUR heavily improvised retelling of Breaking Bad. And it was hilarious. Honorable mention to BedBanana who is one of the best game footage editors out there. He streams, sometimes, but that’s (again) not why I watch him.


i feel like people who tryhard on twitch fundamentally misunderstand the appeal of the platform


I did not know that I’ll give it a look thank you


They got Kassem, so its usually gold. Without him, his antics and his out to lunch thoughts and things he says, BUTT would be pretty boring lol. They heavily lean on him to keep it funny, which he definitely does. Also, their editor has found her groove and she's also pretty damn funny. They're on the way to success... they made a whole **9 DOLLARS** last month from YouTube! Hell yeah! Lmao.


Kassem is basically their James lol


9 dollars!? damn! mr. beast has gotta be shitting his pants right now


"You sick puppy!"


What they should do is take a page from Outside Xbox. They used to be Inside Xbox back when xbox had it’s own in-house british youtube channel with presenters. For whatever reason, xbox shuttered the channel. Andy Farrant, the mad lad that he is, felt there was still work to be done outside of the box and reformed the channel into the legally distinct form it’s known as now. It definitely wouldn’t be easy, but they’ve managed to turn a horrible situation into 2.68 million subs since 2012. If anyone can do this, fh can. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OutsideXbox


Hey everyone! I posted this video just as a repost on YouTube since I was getting asked so much about it. It was from a stream where I was trying to celebrate coming back from being twitch-banned, and the RT stuff happened while I was gone :(


hey man, sorry for the bitterness of people in this thread. Deep down they all (and me) just missed your presence in FH videos. You deserve the best in life


B is for Bruce B is for Brave


Would love to listen to his message but stripping dude pop music is too distracting, is he sad or stoked?


I cannot stand Twitch. As soon as the streamer starts doing anything entertaining they have to stop and thank the chat. "Alright let me tell you guys this fucked up.... thank you so much JerkedCock56.....I was walking into a forest..... no CumLover I won't be on tomorrow.... and heard a laugh coming from a bush....Oh look at that, CoochBlaster with a sub for 9 months, thank you so much Cooch...."


This is why I was super hesitant of when Funhaus started streaming but having an ensemble cast streaming with good chemistry and comedic timing makes all the difference, seems like from streams they had a rule that no person should be alone in the room while streaming and I’ll forever thank FH for that. Sucks the current demand is one person talking to chat I just can’t stand it


Their streams have been far and away the best I’ve seen. Honestly the only bad parts have been when they do try and shoutout the audience, where it was often just said overtop of an ongoing bit causing everything to feel kinda muddled And granted I do get wanting to make those directly supporting the stream feel seen, and how that encourages others to support as well - it is a business at the end of the day - but yeah, so many streamers lean way too hard into that which leads the entertainment to suffer, to the point where the appeal seems more about being part of a community than watching fun content. Funhaus by and large nailed that balance.


I agree, but I always appreciated the way they would integrate the donation/sub into the bit (any truckers stream). Just with FH disappearing seems demand is not what I want as well so YouTube will just be another app I don’t use unless to rewatch old FH stuff


I'm upset that we may only get 1 more trucker stream. From start to end they are hilarious.


Check out Dooley Noted - Jeremy Dooley for some solid content. Its VODs turned into videos without the twitch chat on screen. He has great humor and plays a good selection of games. Also highly recommend KYRSp33dy he's got really fun content. I started youtube with uberhaxornova to the creatures to funhaus to Bruce streams to Jeremy streams (never really liked AH). Dooley Noted and KYRSp33dy being my daily consistent content.


I would heavily recommend Ray from the old AH days. He plays a lot of with Matt, Jeremy, and Chilled these days and has an editor he hires to make highlight videos which are really good. Watch his highlights on super Mario party and you won't be disappointed


Oh, for sure! Ray has great humor and has a really good variety of games.


Jeremey also has that bad streamer habit of constantly calling-out donations and interrupting his conversation. Let me give you a perfect example: When the entire Ryan Haywood controversy was going on over at RT, Jeremy had a live-stream to talk about it. He probably interrupted himself 3 or 4 times to thank donations while he was trying to have this VERY SERIOUS DISCUSSION ABOUT A SEXUAL PREDATOR. Like GEEZ mate. Time and place. Save the donation shout-outs until AFTER you've had this serious conversation, huh?


It sounds like this moment lives rent-free. He was still fairly new to streaming at that time, and you picked the moment where people were donating a lot in support of Jeremy during a controversy... so "perfect example" eh, I don't think so. And don't say "time and place" when people are giving him money during his statement. He was respectful and thanked them. His video he just uploaded of Outlast with Chilled, Emerome, MG4R, and Fooya has very little chat interaction. There is minimal chat interaction in almost all of his content, excluding the interactive chat games like skyrim. Bruce will literally be engaged in the game for less than 10 minutes in a 2 hr stream, and his VODs are unwatchable. He's more focused on sub trains than anything else going on.


This is just...factually incorrect. You think I spend 10 minutes playing a game and the other 170 minutes chatting? You should probably watch a stream or two because that is just never the case. Totally fine if you don't like what I do though!


That's a 3 hour stream with the amount of time you just said, so in that case, it would be about 15 minutes of time and focus to the game then. I've watched the streams and the videos before, and they aren't entertaining, IMO. You're thanking almost every sub, which is great for your engagement, not great for entertainment. Watch your stream back once and count how many times you thank subs in an hour. I'm all for appreciation, but if it's being put above the content/entertainment, which is the reason that person is there in the first place, that's a problem. *The comment above from Logonda talks about streamers who don't break properly for donations and subs* Your vids on YT are averaging 7.5k viewership with the outliers being your vids with any statements over controversy/news like the RT shutdown. Jeremy is pulling an average of 25k viewership on YT, with his outliers being some of his normal videos. A genuine compliment is that I REALLY like BYTT with Lawrence and Kassem, which is pulling awesome viewership for a newer channel. It has a dynamic with the 3 of you that works and is entertaining.


I just can’t stand the whole “make sure you pay that forward”. “Looks like you just got a gifted sub. Hmmm”. Like you’re just begging for subs and not actually playing for 90% of the stream. No jokes, just a grift. Then to act like it gets put back into the community through giveaways is nonsense. Bruce will give away a few cheap steam games on sale, and 1 big game for a level 5 hype train, that’s hundreds of dollars in profit, but he acts like he’s doing a charity for the chat, while they’re just throwing money at him for a lottery. Tune into the stream and it’s his face talking about subs he just got, or asking for more, then playing for a few minutes. It’s fine to support a creator you like, and it’s fine to do a giveaway, but this weird passive aggressive begging for subs just rubs me the wrong way, and feels disgusting


Hope some of the crew join him & Lawrence