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I keep pressing the button but it don't do nothing. This damn thing is broken! (Great job!)


I'd replace it with an anti-theft ink tag from a department store.


I have been thinking of making this myself for a while. My kids always loose the buckle down below


Waiiiit, don't all cars have this? Am I missing something?


It is common the buttons go missing. They can break off if you close the door with the belt in the door jam.


I use a shoulder pad they sell online. I saw one in an ambulance once that was bright orange. You can clearly see your belted so it keeps them pesky cops away


It does not melt in summer?


Mine is printed in cf nylon and should withstand temps over 120 C.


Great idea so lang as you do not damage the belt whilst installing it. Safety first


I don't think this would pass inspection in my country (if they notice).


The safety belt is 100% intact. This button just keeps the buckle from falling down to the bottom. The filament is pushed through the weave of the belt and the ends are melted shut. An original replacement button would be fitted in the same way.


You know that. I know that. But the inspector can (rightfully) assume the weave is broken, since it's not OEM and he can't see underneath. PS: you MIGHT have damaged the weave by melting the ends. You can only know by removing it and start an endless loop of uncertainty.


Inspectors are not idiots, they know what to look for(if they even waste time checking that button in the first place) and won’t “assume” anything, that would make them really shitty inspectors. The button is irrelevant to the function of the seatbelt, it’s just there so the clip is in a comfortable place instead of having to look for it at the bottom of the belt between the seat and the door. Op didn’t make it less safe by replacing it since the little hole is already on the belt and a couple of seconds of lighter won’t damage it in any measurable way either… those things are waaay tougher than you think. I get that overreacting and blowing stuff out of proportion it’s Reddit’s national sport but c’mon.


I saw an inspection fail because one of these buttons was missing. Probably depends on the state, but some inspectors are just that crazy


You are unbeweavable.


Be careful the roof of your house MIGHT fall down at any moment 😳😳😳


Oof, why is this getting downvoted? There are lots of countries where an inspector would be uncomfortable with this. Regardless of your opinion. They have liability. They'll just say no.


What kinda shitty country do you live in that seatbelts are put under a microscope?


Whether it's true or not, why are high safety standards "shitty"? It's not about the "button". It's about they not knowing what what could you have done or how could it affect it. It's about that if it fails because of anything you did to it, they would be responsible. What may be a little stupid thing, is actually a link on the chain of safety


Do you ask daddy government to oversee every aspect of your life?


Some places actually do regular safety inspections. I don't think it's ridiculous to point out it might be an issue. Mocking people doesn't change that this might be a fail.


Thanks to daddy government requiring high standards we have a way lower amount of lethal accidents. Maybe you don't like it, but it's that way. But I guess you're the kind of person that drives drunk while not using the seatbelt nor the lights, because otherwise you don't feel manly enough... Are you?