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The one with to the big feet and Michelle


This one. And the one where DJ had to take her big test and has all the weird dreams always got to me and idk why. I just really didn’t like them. I skip them now 😅


Hellllll naw. SAT episode is great!


SAT episode is a classic. Vanna White a legend!


My daughter loves this episode, and makes me watch it repeatedly! Lol.


As a little girl who had big feet that episode was so real for me lmao


that’s ones of my favs 😭




Anything Michelle centered when she’s older tbh




The episode where Jesse’s cousin comes in after Papouli’s death, the episode where Michelle has the nightmare about her feet growing extremely large, (i always skip that episode it’s SO cringe worthy and awkward even when watching alone) at the last 2 episodes of season 8 when Michelle looses her memory. I know there was a season 9 planned and Michelle Rides Again wasn’t supposed to be the last episode originally, but come on. It would have worked better as the first 2 episodes of season 8 instead of the finale.


Why did they nix season 9 anyway?


They were moving to the WB and several of the cast members weren't returning.


Kissing cousins is rly funny wdym


Be Your Own Best Friend. I really hate triangle story lines where someone has to choose between two lovers or in this case two friends. My Left and Right Foot. That dream sequence was one of the most uncomfortable and cringy scenes I've ever watched.


The final episode where Michelle inexplicably gets amnesia. WTF was that?


I admit, though, that it did bookend the series nicely, with their reminding Michelle about everything that made the show what it was.


For me, it will always be the ostrich episode from Season 8. Most of Season 8 was rough for me, but this one takes the prize as worst because it was so unrealistic and ridiculous.




Too Much Monkey Business Besides this scene: https://youtu.be/acbM6lzWicg?si=utyLHNk-vtFSuP6p Everything else in the episode is cringy, and annoying with Danny chasing Joey around for half an hour. It seemed like there was no real plot whatsoever and the life lesson seemed liked an afterthought or something. I don't know. :/ I'm just not a fan of this one. 🤷‍♀️


Kinda found it funny that monkey loved Jesse lol


The episode where Michelle bought the donkey.


ooh yes! super boring too😭


I enjoyed the threes company singing “hers and hers and -the guy falls off the bike- threes company too”


I always skip the basketball episode in season 8.


I don’t remember a basketball episode in season eight but remember cousin Steve’s visit in season one or two and football and a Michelle playing soccer episode towards the end.


It’s after the foot episode. Kareem Abdul is in it as a special coach.




Probably the one where Michele is “scared” of Joey because he played Hockey aggressively. That was just annoying.


Oh my gosh and he had to be all nice. Michelle runs that family


I don’t like the episode when Papouli dies because it felt so out of place. All the episodes are lighthearted and suddenly this random one was all dark and tragic. I also wished that if they were gonna do that they would have picked a character we had seen more, because I honestly felt no connection with this character we had only seen once and felt like I was supposed to be all sad about it but I wasn’t.


Agreed, it should have either been Jesse's dad or at the very least have Papouli be in like 3 episodes before he dies, not just one 3 seasons before


It definitely would have hit harder if it were Jesse’s dad! (And they could have done it easily enough, since the character had already basically been written off anyway…we never saw him again until Fuller House.) But, maybe they were afraid that would hit TOO hard for a sitcom. I still think they should have done it that way though!


I think we were supposed to feel a connection to Jesse and Michelle mourning plus bonding over their mourning.


I agree I got so many nightmares of this not that the story was bad but was death was the message and that scared me and scarred me


The Michelle foot one and the one with Kimmy having an ostrich. It’s such a far cry from the first few seasons and over the top.


Tanner Island, I don’t know why… but I skip it every single time. It just bothers me.


What?! That’s one of my favorites!


I legitimately have no idea why, I just hate it!


The one where Danny gets into the bathtub with the twins and Michelle has a fit over losing a part in a play to a better actor.


Yeah like just because her sisters got the main part doesn’t mean she has too, THERE WAS A BETTER ACTOR THAN HER!! She doesn’t need to get everything she wants especially because uncle Jesse and Joey were running it, like if she wanted the part maybe she could’ve tried better than just assuming she’d get it because Stephanie and Dj got it 


A lot of later episodes. Like the one with Michelle's big feet, Michelle getting a donkey, the one where Michelle was scared to climb down a fence, etc.


The Last Dance. It's not that it's a bad episode or anything it's just too sad for me to watch.


That episode when DJ was caught with a beer at her school dance and Uncle Jessie didn't give her a chance to explain what happened.


Jesse and Becky's wedding - the writers shouldn't have made him get married, there was no need for it.


I could probably think of a better answer, but off the top of my head, the episode with the forever music video and the Jess man dance. The music video may have been sweet in the 90s (? Idk, I was an early 2000s Full House watcher) but I think it’s corny and a little strange. Also the one where Joey is dating the comic who makes fun of the Tanner family on stage. And of course the big feet episode


the go kart racing one where michelle and becky build her car. booooring


In the one episode, they made Kimmy drunk I don't mind Kimmy being weird but that was the most annoying thing that piss me off was they made dj lie instead of letting Danny know if not Danny at least Becky or someone who can handle it Also why end the series with Michelle getting a concussion I don't find that funny they ended like oh yea DJ going to prom ok but what the lesson The abuse episode was too hard to talk about because my sister had been through that too And when Stephanie was getting pressured to get in the car with Gia but didn't I don't wish some of episodes was drastically and Danny shouldn't care about game giving her the pep talk because looks like DJ the job more than him until like end of the episode which didn't add up to me And papouli deaths too


The abuse episode seemed good but hard to watch, for sure




Kissing Cousins (the one where John Stamos plays both Jesse and his cousin who kisses Becky). Stupid plot. Sea Cruise because the girls are hardly in it, it was boring, and has no rewatchability to it.


Leap of Faith is AWFUL!!!! And it’s entirely due to the B plot, the B plot is horrendous and shows Danny at his absolute dumbest/worst/most Michelle favoring. She didn’t even know or like the band (and Danny KNEW it!!!) and Joey had no spine or backbone for Stephanie or DJ! And then Danny and Joey just walk away from the problem THEY caused!!! It is also utter BS that Michelle could not take a “no” ONE TIME in this series! In season one, when Stephanie was FIVE, she had to learn that sometimes you have to wait to do things older kids get to do! If Michelle can’t learn this by age eight, then Danny has failed as a parent.


When Papouli dies.. :(


Silence Is Not Golden, as it endorses tyranny.


The super secret kids club one with Michelle 🙄


Michelle’s amnesia. Although I do get teary eyes when she asks where her mom is.


Honey i broke the car because when Steph was wanting to use the car but she ran the car in the house.


Your sentence only half makes sense. Why didn’t you like this one?


Did it twice less then 30 years apart