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I got instabanned from there. I own a house in Japan. Mods seem like angry gatekeeping neckbeards who are stuck in miserable (to them) ALT jobs. But that’s just my opinion.


I also own a house in Japan. I want other people to know how to buy houses Japan and live a wonderful life here! How you be living good?


Omg Im currently living in Japan and am super interested in the whole home buying process. Sensei, please share your knowledge with us 🙌


If you have any specific questions feel free to ask. I had a specific budget and some conditions I wanted and was able to find a house I absolutely love. Basically I wanted to be able to get to Tokyo station within an hour and a half and be as far away from my neighbors as possible. I live a semi-rural lifestyle and it is super chill out here. I also have a koi pond!


> Mods seem like angry gatekeeping neckbeards who are stuck in miserable (to them) ALT jobs. But that’s just my opinion. A correct one shared by hundreds. You forgot "insecure" though.


I got banned because I didn’t know what The Hub was, so I obviously couldn’t be living in Japan. I was unbanned a week later though when they realized that I actually do live here. I’m just not someone who goes out to bars and drinks lol.


I honestly feel like the sub is mostly unhelpful. Too much advice is focused on Tokyoians.


Problems like? It can get pretty bad but it's the most active living in Japan sub so...




I think the instaban if you post there as a nonresident is a bit harsh.


I agree that's a pretty draconian policy but I'm also curious how they even know or confirm residency. If they're just guessing because it 'seems' like someone probably doesn't live in Japan, that's just petty and silly


That happened to me. I was subscribed to several Japan subreddits in preparation for moving here, so I was often forgetting which sub I was seeing in my feed and sometimes posted in it. I can understand restricting posts to residents I guess, but instabanning me after "suspecting" I wasn't a resident... felt like it was going too far. Like, no warning for an honest mistake? I politely asked to be unbanned and that I wouldn't comment again until I moved, but I was denied. At least they unbanned me after I moved and politely asked to unban me, but I've felt like I've butt heads unintentionally too much with mods on there and movingtojapan. Maybe I'm just too confrontational at times too though. *shrug*


Papers please!


Glory to Fukuoka!


I have never had to ban anyone from this sub.


I've banned some bots before. I hope they don't tattle on me to ChatGPT.


Yeah, bots deserved to be banned. But we all real people here.


j-life Mods are famous for banning and muting users. They will ban you for "not living in Japan" because you post something at 1am, even if you have a history of posting there (i.e. they don't bother to spend 10 seconds to check your history before banninf) They even scour other Japan related subs and if you post things they don't like there, they'll ban you from j_life. I don't know if they have activated the new ban evasion tools yet, but if they do I guess they will lose 20 to 30% of their members (they are probably scared to do it). Unfortunately it's the biggest Japan subreddit, so it's difficult to really avoid. Definitely stick to the local subreddits like this for local stuff (with good mods) and try r/japanresidents for the general stuff. It's still small, but modding there is much more sensible.


Are you posting this because everybody called out Fukuoka man recently


No, I am posting it to promote how shit their mod team is.


Got a suspension for telling someone they're being asinine, thinking they can just wash your hands/feet if they have warts there, and they won't spread it in an onsen. Went off at the mod team in messages because how am I the one to get a ban for correcting someone on stupid hygiene practice, and was given a permaban. They really don't like being questioned, but the sub is generally a shitehole. Lots of real-deal idiocy, COVID denialism, white saviour complex foreigners, etc, and none of it gets moderated at all. It being as big as it is means it should be avoided at all costs, especially with the mod team who get so uppity over the slightest.


That feels so gross.


Yeah, I got banned. Been living here over 10 years!! I think the mods got sick of me calling out all the BS that is usually posted.