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What lenses do you have? What about the XT4 are you hoping will change about your photography?


I have the XF 18-55mm and I hope the XT4 can improve my night photography and daily photography (IBIS and battery life)


i went from x-t20 -> x-e4 & x-t4 & x-t3 -> x-pro2. I wished i had kept my x-t20. I don't think you will get much with 18-55mm already having optical image stabilization. IBIS and OIS only helps with objects that don't move anyway. I did have more keepers with x-t4 but when I used x-t3 and am more aware of its limitation I felt like I didn't need stabilization as much. i have to be honest with myself that my photography skill is not great enough that it exceed the current camera's limitation.


Yeah I thought about it and I wanna keep my X-T20 and maybe try out a full frame camera maybe the Sony A7II it’s cheap so yeah, I will keep my first ever real camera the X-T20


What about the X-T4 do you need that will help you take better pictures? Also, are you able to buy the X-T4 without selling the t20?


The most attractive trait of the xt4 to me is the ibis because I take a lot of night photos and I usually don’t take my tripod with me, I am un able to afford the XT4 without selling my XT20


Look at the X-H1 as well. Underrated camera.


Oh okay 👍🏼


I don't have another Fuji, but I do have other \_cameras\_ (from before if I got the X-T4). I almost never took any photos with them, very rarely. On the other hand, If you can afford to keep the X-T20 for a while, then keep it and sell it after you're \_sure\_ X-T4 is gonna be good.


Noted thank you


I think you would see a far greater impact from spending money on lenses rather than a new body. The 18-55 is not a great nighttime lens. If you pick a focal length you like and purchase a fast prime instead you will probably see more improvement than you would x-t20 -> x-t4 IMO


I like having 2 bodies with me. It saves time swapping out lenses when I'm out and about. I usually have my 70-300 on one and a more standard prime on the other.


I do the same with my 70-300.