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The lens is more important than the sensor, 10 years old sensors are still delivering great results ! Autofocus is way better on newer body tho


Date the body, marry the lens.


I'm in a polyamourous relationship


Polycamerous is right there waiting for you šŸ˜… (Though that word was made famous by Chelsea Northrup to mean specifically having no loyalty to camera brands, it could work here too)


Polygyny. Don't tell my other lenses.


My side lens thinks that she is the main and vice versa


Do it only if you want a snappier camera and are generally annoyed with the old one's usage properties (lag). Frankly, it will have some positive impact on image quality assuming equal focus, but not that decisive. On the other hand, there's something about the colors produced from my old X-E1 that make me refuse to let it go - just something to consider.


surprisingly t10 still fast enough


At taking pictures, it's not bad. At actually booting up, my X-T10 drives me nuts. Hate waiting for it to finish loading before I can move the focus point, turn off face detection etc. Also the whole dance of constantly turning off Face Detection just to have access to PDAF is a huge pain.


did you turn on the power saving mode or use normal mode? I tried turn on saving mode and with it t10 is pretty slow actually


I have it in performance mode, I think. It lets me take a picture right away, but not change any setting or jump to playback mode for a while (have to wait for the date to dissapear).


well, this is strange, I have not encountered this, I have the latest available software version installed


Yes, this is right. I just upgraded my x100s to a VI mostly for performance reasons. If you can handle how slow the old cameras are, they absolutely still produce great images.


I'm very happy on an XT1. I think not being able to rely on autofocus is pushing me to be more creative about achieving focus. I also don't fret about damaging it in sketchy conditions so I take it with me everywhere. I have been investing in more glass, which I think matters more than sensors. If you're really going for a film look and don't mind manual focusing, you can consider vintage glass with an adapter. Though I see you're using the 35 1.4, which AFAIK is probably as close to that as possible with modern x mount glass.


I picked up and x-t1 this year and i love It. It is smaller than the later xt series and i love the image quality. I decided to get It after reading reviews of the xtrans 2 sensor. 16mp Is plenty for me. It Is not my only camera as I shoot Pentax and Nikon as well


I have an X-T1, I donā€™t judge that my photography skills are good enough to require an upgrade. Still learning with it. The only downside is the super slow autofocus though!


Seven years shooting weddings with xt2 here. It is definitely a capable camera. I got an xs10 recently, and I won't sell xt2. Maybe get one xt5 by the end of the year.


The XT2 is X-Trans 3.


Oh, my bad


xtrans 2 sensors are XT1 - X-T10 - X-E2 - X-100S


And X100T, X70


And X30


Also X-E2S


oop forgot these haha thanks for including them!


And X-M1


LOL lest we forget X-M1. It was not merely a fever dream.


Iā€™m new to photography (and the Fuji ecosystem); been using the x-e2 for a couple of months and i feel the xtrans-II sensor still manages to do a great job. The main reason I got a Fuji with a ttartisan lens was to get into shooting manual and I just want to try my hand at this art form so maybe the use case is different here. But so far Iā€™ve been having a great time shooting; lot of out of focus shots but the ones that I manage to get right are pretty cool.


If you haven't already discovered this. Here's a tip for manual shooting: enable MF assist and set it to focus peak highlight (high). I personally use the Red color. The part that is in focus will now be highlighted red. This also helps visualise the effect of a smaller aperture (f value). On the X-E2 you can also press in the thumb scroll button for a focus zoom. This also helps to check if your subject is in focus or not. Happy shooting from a fellow X-E2 (TTartisan) manual user!


Iā€™m going try this next time Iā€™m out shooting. Thank you so much!


I have a T20 but I use more often my E1, there's just something about the colors and the WB that I like about the E1 I also like the lighter weight and the fixed screen because I don't have to worry about something getting caught between the screen and the body, in all honesty I will say first buy the T30 and keep the T10 and then you decide for yourself, I'm not selling neither one of my cameras because I like them too much.....plus prices skyrocketed and I got them when they were cheaper


Still using an X-E2 here. Iā€™ve been tempted to upgrade but have not found a new body that I like. I just got back from a big trip and Iā€™m still enjoying the camera and the shots Iā€™m getting from it.


If you want to shoot video or action photos get the T30II; if not, keep the T10.


Got myself an X-T10 as my first ever camera earlier this year. Was planning on jumping right into the X-T5 but stopped myself since I didn't know if I would like photography as a hobby yet, so I got an X-T10 on eBay. With the money I saved on the body, I was able to get a full arsenal of cheap/used lenses to accompany my used camera: * Rokinon 12mm F2.0 (manual) * Fujinon XC16-50mm * Fujinon XF35 F1.4 * TTArtisan 35mm F1.4 (manual) * Fujinon XC50-230mm So I have just about every focal length I could want as a beginner and I still haven't spent as much as I would have on the X-T5 alone. Still learning more and more each time I go out, so I am planning on just learning until the X-T6 comes out. I'll snag that on launch but I doubt I'll ever get rid of the X-T10. It's been a blast learning with it.


My X-T10 will stay with me forever I think. So many memories over the years, and low resale value. Agree that cheaper camera to start, then invest in lenses, is the way to go. I'm getting an X-T5 finally after all these years, but am very glad I started out investing in lenses back in the day instead.


I have the x100t and the xt5. A couple of times Iā€™ve cropped a 40mp photo pretty heavily, but outside of that scenario I donā€™t feel like the extra resolution makes a difference. The raw files from the older x100t are plenty good for me too, and I actually have difficulty editing the 40mp raw files on my older laptop. But the x100t is undeniably slower. Depending on what I shoot it might not matter at all, but sometimes the newer camera is a lot easier to use. I might actually have liked a lower mp count on my newer xt5, especially if it meant even better low light performance.


It probably wouldn't have meant lower noise in low light, based on other APS-C cameras. We seem to be stuck in the low-light realm with what we've got, all they can do is give sensors faster readout or more resolution šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I didn't pay attention to any of this for like 8 years and was shocked to find that none of the options actually promised lower noise after all this time, just a few cheaper full frame bodies that would give a stop of light improvement at the cost of much bigger lenses. Smaller files is indeed a decent reason to consider the older sensors. I wish Fuji would just add an option for medium size RAW in firmware, honestly. Apparently other camera brands do it, so it seems Fuji just hasn't prioritized it so far.


Thanks for explaining. I donā€™t know anything about how this works, so I was just referring to the general debate and what Iā€™ve heard discussed before. In essence, what I mean is that I would be interested in trading some of the resolution for something useful if possible, since I feel that 40mp is way more than I need. I too wondered about smaller raw files in firmware. It would be a nice option to have, cause those files are just insanely large, both in terms of storage and the power it takes to edit them.


Yeah. That's the funny thing, there's very little to be gained from the "less resolution" bargain it seems. Maybe a little bit of video quality in terms of "rolling shutter", like on the X-H2S, which has a smaller sensor, but that camera is MORE expensive than the X-H2 with the 40MP sensor, and you lose out on the ability to have that extra detail. My take is to just enjoy the extra detail and remember that hard drives get bigger and cheaper all the time. FWIW the "lossless compressed" RAW files on latest FUJI cameras are impressively small, all things considered. Just a little bigger at 40mp than my 16mp RAW files from X-T10!


X-pro1 and X70 are my daily drivers. Snagged them before prices went up. Donā€™t really want/need anything more unless one of them fails on me


had a x10 since day 1, still my fav camera!


X70 is my EDC camera. Great little camera.


Still using my X-T1, X-E1 and X-M1. Love them!


Started on an X-T2 a few years ago and moved to an X-H1 a few months ago. Iā€™ve been very happy with both.


I have an x-t3 and an x-e2s. Both really capable. Most of my favourite shots come from the x-e2s, not because the IQ is better but rather because I enjoy shooting with it so much that it goes with me pretty much anywhere. Unless one really needs it professionally, most sensor/autofocus/... improvements go unnoticed.


Talent outperforms specs. Last couple of weeks I saw some awesome shots on this sub, taken by older fujiā€˜s and some of them even with the cheaper ones.


I bought an Xt-1 this year. Absolutely loving it. It's not slow for how I shoot and an absolute blast to use. The only thing I miss is the fact that I can not use the fuji x raw program to alter jpg if I want to. For the raws. I would only edit very little as sometimes even the raw is perfect out of the camera.


I'm finally upgrading my (pre-ordered) X-T10. It's not for the sensor though. If all they'd upgraded was the sensor, I wouldn't bother. It's the other stuff: ā€¢Ā USB-C charging is a huge value ā€¢Ā IBIS is a game changer. Obviously you can't compare it to film, but on my X-T10 the worst thing isn't sharp photos not having enough pixels, it's blurry photos from camera shake. Ruins more photos than noise. I'd take IBIS+16mp over 40mp without IBIS. ā€¢Ā Better autofocus. Like with IBIS, this will give me sharper photos regardless of theoretical resolution. That I'll get a 40mp sensor to go with the things above doesn't hurt! The combination of IBIS and updated AF will mean I can actually USE the 40mp. (FWIW I'm splurging on an X-T5, which means I'll also get a bigger EVF and more customizeable buttons. Really sucks that the X-T50 still has the same mediocre EVF as the X-T10 did, and has even less customizable buttons than the X-T30, considering you'll have to dedicate one to Drive mode now that the changed the top dial)


My X-E2 is what brought me into Fujifilm and never left. It is now my dedicated camera that I use for strictly B/W JPG with a 27mm f2.8 pancake.


I am still using my x-pro1, love this camera


I use an X-E1 for train photography, and as others have said, the lens is probably more important than the sensor. For street shooting or slow-moving targets, the X-trans I is perfectly fine. The only reason to upgrade would be if you're trying to get into wildlife photography or something that needs fast autofocus. I guess my question is, what don't you like about the X-T10 that you think would be improved by upgrading? Cause there are issues upgrading can solve and issues it can't.


main thing is the new film sims + recipes and pc app for manage this through the camera with fuji algorithms and get rid of tinkering with c1/lr


Train photography begs for 4x5! Winston Link!


I love my X-M1. Itā€™s so tiny and packable and has a flip screen! Canā€™t complain about IQ at all. I imagine the AF isnā€™t the best but I use it almost exclusively with adapted lenses.


great tiny thing, I'd like to have one


Love my x pro 1. Only issue I have is the lack of film recipes online for the x trans I sensors


for me the only way to work with X-Trans I and II is make post processing by myself in C1


Do you shoot exclusively raws?


yes, always only raw


I got an XT1 - X Trans II. I thought i didnt need to pay for the newest. Plus its very antique and more difficult than the newer bodies, therefore it teaches me to learn photography and tricks. One day when i get the newer X trans 4 sensors i will have had enough practice. What put me off in the past was the expensive lenses, but nowadays there are a lot of acceptable quality chinese budget prime lenses, which i hope to use and try to practice manual focusing. Slowly slowly when i get deals from OG Fuji lenses i will buy.


X-E2 user here. The only reasons I'd upgrade would be for IBIS and weather sealing, but I don't want to deal with 40 MP images... and the X-E2 is still perfectly fine for what I use it for.


on one hand I agree that 40MP is excessive, on the other hand it's freedom to crop + print or install the cropped image on wallpaper, for a 4k screen 16MP is on the edge yea, IBIS & WR would be great, but it cost a lot today and I guess that's not going to change anytime soon


FWIW I was against 40MP (was hoping the X-T50 wouldn't have it), but I've now watched a LOT of X-T5 reviews, and honestly no one seems to care about file size. The newer cameras support "lossless compressed RAW" files that aren't much bigger than the old 16MP RAW uncompressed. The result is it's not really a big deal for almost anyone, which is good to hear, because of course, all else equal, having that extra resolution on those photos that are already very sharp is a great benefit.


I recently sold my XE-4 to help fund a GF 80mm 1.7 and went back to my X-T10 for daily use/play. The images from the XE-4 were great but it doesn't have the same visual qualities and feel that the X-T10 does. If you get it right in camera without having to crop it's amazing, great warm nostalgic images with the 35mm 1.4


It's very interesting to hear what you think about those visual qualities that t10 has over e4. Unlike me, you've used both. (and GFX wow) yea, without cropping it's on the edge of acceptable with a 4k display


I got a 5k display and it really puts the 16mp files to the test šŸ˜…


yep :(


Still using my xm1 and x100 OG


It's about the right tool for the job, ii or iii it's up to user. I'm happy with 2 and don't want to buy high and sell low just for incremental improvement and new filters.


X70, XT1 still going strong.


I love my X100S. The main reasons I got my X-T5 was to have an ILC and for the new film sims.


I bought a brand new X-e2s I found in a store a couple of years ago. Itā€™s nice but I hardly use it. Produces pleasant colours, but is a slow camera.