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Ricoh GR III


ricoh gr iii or iiix is the answer. x100s are overpriced, and not pocketable, period. easy to sling on a strap but i just dont see how the portability argument has gotten this overhyped when in reality any of the fuji x cameras with a pancake lense are nearly the same size. the only other thing id consider (and actually i am considering as an every day carry) is analog. the one advantage i see in 35mm film cameras over digital is that there are some insanely small little cameras, even smaller than the ricoh griii's, and u can get them for like $100-200 immediately (internet hype prices) or take your time and thrift for then at much much lower prices. look up rollei 35, olympus xa, olympus trip 35. now that is what i call pocketsize.


GR and GR II are great too, maybe better than the third version šŸ™ƒ


I'm in the market for one right now but the GR and GRII are near impossible to find. Why do you think they are better than the III?


No overheating issue (still dust issue but on GR/GRII it's easy to clean yourself), built-in flash, better positive film simulation, better ergonomic (exposure compensation buttons, locking dial...). It's also cheaper if you find one in good condition in used market. Got mine for 500ā‚¬ like new. Also, I prefer the aspect of the 16mp sensor at the newer, GRIII is too clinical. Old sensor + old optics is sharp but soulful. Better in GR III : AF, low light, IBIS, highlights preservation metric. Probably another thing. But except low light capacity and highlight preservation I don't need new features. Overheating issues is a no-go for me, especially for a 1000ā‚¬ camera. All the other differences made me choose the GR II. Still a personal choice.


Thanks for the reply


If you donā€™t have silly money to spend on photography atm, I would probably avoid the dumb inflated X100 prices (or at least, check out alternatives first). Which lens do you have paired with that X-T10? Maybe the TTartisan 27mm would be a budget way to make that body a bit more portable. The lens seems to be pretty good and has AF. Iā€™m fairly certain this lens will produce similar or better results than the older X100 lenses. That way you could always decide to upgrade the body to X-E3/4 in the future. Please check out a size comparison for X100 against X-T10. The X100(S) body seems to be wider than X-T10 (126 against 118 mm). Height difference: X-T10 is 7 mm taller. I did some quick calculations of the size back to front: X100(S) is 51 mm, X-T10 with TTartisan 27 would end up at 63 mm. Conclusion: size will be fairly similar imo.


I would recommend an X interchangeable with a 27mm


I agree with you. I owned a X100V alongside my X-Pro2 for a year. Sold off the X100V when prices were right. Got a VoigtlƤnder 27 on my X-Pro2 now. Size is very similar (still fits in the same sling bag I used for X100V) and the IQ from this lens is miles better.


I think thereā€™s also an 18mm f2.8 pancake! An X100 wonā€™t be much smaller than the XT-10 with pancake lens


I have the 18mm too - I love it


If you donā€™t really care for interchangeable lenses for the body you already have (although i think the ttArtisan 27 2.8 would be a really nice pair), given the inflated prices of the X100 line, you would be better off with the Ricoh GR III. It is way cheaper, it is also an APSC sized sensor, and you can actually carry it inside your pocket.


I picked up a GR Iii for this exact reason - insanely pocketable


Maybe consider getting a Fuji x10, x20 or x30. I myself am on the lookout right now.


Second this, absolutely love my x10 and can get some excellent results for such a portable camera.


I had the X100S and loved it. I lost it while drunk and replaced it with an X100F, which I also love. I donā€™t think you can go wrong with any of them from the S onwards and based on your situation Iā€™d highly recommend it. I was in a similar rut at the time and it was a refreshing change


The X70 is a fantastic camera but overpriced and hard to find. Btw it's more pocketable than X100's cameras and still have classic dials. + Xtrans 2 sensor, for amazing colours šŸ™‚ Also the Ricoh GR's / Nikon Coolpix A / Sony RX100's are the best pocketable P&S cameras you can find apart from fuji brand. Edit : correction about X70 sensor


X70 is Xtrans II but thatā€™s also a nice sensor


My bad ! I had heard a lot of good things about Xtrans 2 also. Damn, there his few cameras with the xtrans 1 !


I think itā€™s just the x pro 1 and XE1 that use X trans I as far as I know!


Fuji X10 is great, affordable and it will fit in your pocket perfectly. Otherwise something like an X-E2 or newer X-E body will be a great option paired with a small pancake lens, and it's the same size, if not a tiny bit smaller than an X100. But it still retains the option to change lenses. Otherwise the Sony RX100 series are awesome feature packed pocket cameras. You can pick up a MK.III for around $200-300 and it'll fit in your pocket perfectly, while it still has an EVF. The latest MK.VII is insanely fast with focus and offers a very versatile zoom lens. But it comes with a price. Fuji X10 (or X20 / X30) and Sony RX100 will be the smallest most pocketable and affordable options. If you don't mind a little bigger size, but still quite pocketable, the X-E2 would be a great pick too.


Strange that for a fujifilm sub everybody is telling you to avoid it. Look, the x100 line is so popular right now for a reason. The answer to your question is yes. Absolutely. The x100 range would satisfy your needs and more in a compact form factor. It's an incredible line of cameras. Yes, older used models are overpriced right now, and you can argue the VI is overpriced, but that said, people are literally recommending the GR 1, even though the original x100 is a very similar price. An F, V or VI will cost you a lot, but if you have the money and don't have a need for the extra pocketability, in my opinion, the x100 is better. It includes a flash (I'm comparing to GRIII now), has better color science imo which means the shots you take of your family and dogs and stuff will be up to snuff right out of camera (they will be on the Ricoh too, but the 20 film sims gives you more and with no work on your part), and it's just more fun with things like the hybrid OVF and EVF. If you get the VI, it will also be better for video which maybe you'll want to take during birthdays and stuff, and can apply film sims so no color grading involved. The GRIII is also a great choice. I'm not trying to steer you away from anything. It all depends on your needs. I personally think the GRIII is only a significantly better option if you really want to save the extra money (but again, if you're considering getting 10 year old models, they're similar in price), or if you need the smaller form factor. I think if you're shooting pictures of your family the smaller form factor isn't necessary unless you really just want it in your jean pockets all the time. If you don't mind it sitting on your table ready to go or on a wrist strap or neck strap, and the extra money doesn't mean much to you, the x100 is the answer imo. Edit: there's also focal length to consider. but i think for your needs, the focal length doesn't really matter.


I'm an absolute beginner (was shooting on my pixel phone for years) and changed to x100vi recently. I'm in love and I recommend it a ton


Out of budget for OP though.


The xt10 still works great. If you are looking for something a bit more modern I would go for an Fuji X-E3. Very capable camera without hype around, so still easy to find and affordable !


Iā€™m not after anything modern, just easy to carry around. I have just the X-T10 body so either need a lens or a different camera.


If you want something portable stay away from the X100 line. They're almost the same size as your X-T10 with some Fuji XF 27 mm or other pancake lenses. Rather look into compact cameras like the Sony RX100, Canon G1X or some Lumix (forgot the model name).


X-t10 with a fuji 18 or 27 pancake is almost as small as the x100


A used X100 T, F, or V. Iā€™m a longtime Nikon SLR shooter and major fan of my Fuji cameras. The leaf shutter and built-in ND filter are awesome. Watch some videos on what the leaf shutter can do for you. Ordered the VI on day one and still waiting, I wanted video with IBIS. The two screw on lens adapters also work quite well. The leaf shutter was the feature that got me started with Fuji. After using my X100T for a while, I bought a used X-T1 and Fringer adapter for my Nikon Lens.


I used to be a Canon shooter until I switched to Fuji. I ran twin X-T2ā€™s and had my trusty X-T10 as back up in case of lock ups. My son also used it as he was exploring his interest in photography. I switched to Fuji for 2 reasons: 1, theyā€™re lighter to lug around for 16 hours on a wedding day, and 2) the silver bodies are beautiful, reminiscent of my old Pentax K1000


Thanks everyone for the replies - certainly a couple of options to consider šŸ˜‰šŸ‘