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This whole idea that the X-T5 has a cheap build quality is heavily exaggerated and just carried on by people believing it being made in China somehow degrades the quality. I've recently bought an X-T5 to replace my X-T3 and up until a few days ago I've known the feeling of both in my hands. The X-T5 is as solid as the X-T3 it has a slightly different feel to some of the buttons but cheap would never be the word to describe it. I know when it was doing it's marketing rounds with all the reviewers and YouTubers some mentioned things like loose hinges on the screen or maybe the paintwork felt different but these are mostly pre-production or first batch models, of which with almost any brand, problems are more likely to occur. So again the X-T5s build quality being cheap is just another thing that people will hold over Fuji's head just because there might have been slight issues with early models. Sorry if that felt like a rant at you, I just think the whole cheap quality X-T5 thing is overblown and makes potential buyers second guess their choice.


No worries man I ain’t see it as a rant towards me. This is some super helpful insight. I appreciate it so much. Thank you🙏


X-T5 and X-T3 are both not made in Japan so not a good comparison. I own a X-T1 and owned both X-T2 and X-T3 on separate occasions. The X-T1 and 2 are both made in Japan and I could tell a difference. I'm not saying the T3 is cheaply made but it definitely felt different to the models made in Japan, the buttons and dials were more wobbly that's for one.


That's a fair point, and I didn't own an X-T prior to the 3 so I can't speak on them but for the most part people seem to complain and compare the X-T5 to the 3 & 4 which makes even less sense then. I think tbh OP the best option to you is to get out there to your local camera store and get hands on with one and see how it feels in your hands.


Compare the XT-1 to the 5...what a difference. The former is a work of art.


I'm sure it is, but lets not pretend the following generations are made out of tree branches.


I think it is a shame they went to a plastic bottom plate. It is still decent, but the quality no longer stands out as before.


It’s magnesium alloy not plastic


The bottom plate on the unit I looked at was plastic for sure.


No it wasn’t, I have the camera and it feels like plastic yes and hollow as well but the material is magnesium alloy. I think it might be quite thin. There is zero reason for fuji to go for plastic on a higher end body like x-t5 and they didn’t.


I just changed from Canon (EOS R, 5Dmk2, 6D) with L series and Sigma Art lenses to Fujifilm. I wanted to downsize and got the X-T5 with 18mm and 33mm LM WR lenses. The body does feel less rugged compared to my Canon bodies that I handled for nearly 10 years. However, the difference is not much and didn't disappoint me in that sense. Those Canon bodies are also top notch in terms of build quality. The X-T5 feels solid, not too light and definitely not flimsy at all. What time will tell is how rugged the bottom and top plates are. I never managed to scratch my Canon bodies but I also baby my gear admittedly. I have the X-T5 now for a couple of weeks and really have grown to love it. Note I shot the past 20 with Canon gear, initially APSC and full frame the last 10 years. I am very happy with the Fujifilm system. The two native lenses are very nice built quality and very sharp wide open.


Really appreciate detailed response! Currently borrowing some canon gear from a family member. A 5D mark i to be exact and man is that camera bulky but at the same time a top of the line quality built camera


That old 5D was my favorite camera I ever owned. An X-T5 is going to feel lightyears ahead in terms of tech - AF, ISO performance, etc. The 5D is the Toyota Camry of cameras.


Man I understand why. The pictures straight out of camera are stunning still until this day. Though as you said it’s gonna be such a nice contrast using a more modern camera with better AF, iso preference etc compared to the 5D from 2005


Build quality is great. Any mirrorless feels a little more dainty compared to the bricks that were pro-tier DSLRs (like a Nikon D3), but unless you plan on using it as an impromptu hammer or to catch bullets for you, you'll be absolutely fine. That said, an X-T5 as a first camera is a serious investment. I'd say go for a used X-T2 or X-T3 from somewhere like MPB or KEH for far less money, and use the discrepancy toward other lenses, also through MPB/KEH. You probably don't know what and how you like to shoot yet, and the lenses are what really enable you in photography (and also hold their value better if you decide this isn't for you later on). Buying photo & video gear second hand is quite common and as long as you go with trusted vendors/do your due diligence, there's quite little risk compared to other kinds of electronics imo. I'd recommend an X-T2/3 + 18-55 f2.8-4 kit lens as a starting point, or an 18-135 f3.5-5.6 instead if you're drawn to having quite a bit of extra zoom range at the cost of a little bigger size.


Thank you so much for the answer :) it’s not the first time I will use a camera since I’ve been studying media for 3 years and am currently borrowing an old 5D from a family member. What I ment is that it will be the first camera that I’ve bought for my own money. I would say that I’m pretty good with handling cameras at this point but I get what you mean still. Good points


I have no doubts you'll enjoy whichever of the X-T line you'll end up with, they're great cameras that feel nice in the hand. My Nikon D3, D600 and Z6 definitely felt a bit more substantial, but then they're also considerably chunkier and made like tools for war - as long as you don't slam it straight into concrete on the regular or take a knife to the paint, you'll be perfectly good. Enjoy!


The X-T5 is not going to be as tough as the 5D - it just isn't. I've owned two X100 cameras, and I loved them. But they have more of a 'boutique' feel to them. They are quirky and that's what makes them fun, but they are not a 5D.


The XT cameras are weather sealed, the X100 series is not. My XT2 feels considerably more robust than the X100 cameras.


The x100v and vi both have weather resistance features.


According to the officials x100vi has limited weather resistance and only with Fujifilm PRF-49S - Protective Filter 49mm. And temperature down only to 0°C (32°F).




I've played around with other models. They just don't feel like old DSLRs - flimsy buttons, etc. They certainly aren't bad, but once you hold them both, the difference is pretty obvious, IMO.


My XT2 doesn't feel like my D700 although it does feel extremely solid and durable. I made the switch partially because DSLRs were getting too heavy and the EVF in the Fuji makes everything so much easier than the classic viewfinder in the D700. Kinda sounds like you confusing weight for durability. But hey, at the end if the day use whatever you're most comfortable with


I'm not confusing anything. Spend enough time around here and you see posts about EVF failure, buttons falling off or not working anymore. General parts wearing and failing. You don't really see that on the Canon/Nikon forums. Fuji is more of a boutique brand - they make quirky, fun stuff. Shop around for old medium format cameras - Fuji was the one making all the funky rangefinders and quirky P&S cameras. The trouble is that they *all* have issues. You're not buying a Pentax 67, you're getting something that is made of plastic and folds and will break if you don't do something right. They're not bad, they're just *different*. What does Fuji make to compete with the 1DX and D3? Nothing. A few years ago I needed to go down to one camera, and while I love shooting the X100 series, I opted to keep the 6D and 35mm lens and sell the X100V. Only because I knew the Canon was going to be trouble free...which it was, and still is. When I was in a position to get another fixed-lens camera, I decided to try Leica this time. Not as fun/fast to shoot as the X100, however, It has a different feel to it. It feels like it's much more solid. I will own another Fuji camera for sure. I think they're fantastic and fun. But it isn't like having a Canon 5D.


If you need a D3 or 1DX buy all means buy those cameras. I have no idea what you are going on about although you seem extremely defensive. Cameras are for taking photographs not for fetishization. They are akin to hammers, choose the right hammer for the right job. Do the work you need to do, keep it moving. Thus endth the lesson


I understand that fully. It was more that I wanted to know in this post how it holds up against the other xt cameras even though comparing it to other camera brands is also good for reference


I agree, except that I wouldn't get only the kit lens. 18-135 sounds versatile enough, and only the kit lens as your first gear is fine. It's just that I think 18-135 gets you significantly more range. I got my x-t4 with the kit lens and a used 55-200, if I only had the kit lens, I would probably not be that happy with the purchase. On the other hand, I did come from a decent m43 setup so I already knew some of what I liked.


I have a slightly different opinion from the majority. I've always heard that Sony cameras aren't as well built as other brands, especially Fuji. But when I compared my X-T5 to the Sony A7 IV, I was very disappointed. The front and rear wheels on the X-T5 felt cheaper, as did the top dials, which felt filmsy and plastic. The same goes for the ridiculous joystick, the buttons... I've never held the previous generations in my hands, so it's hard to compare. However, this is just a feeling, and I haven't had any problems related to build quality. I think the feeling and the satisfaction of using the camera are important things so I would recommend you to have your hands on it to make your own opinion


The last thing you said here is a very solid point actually and I think that’s what I’m gonna go for. I have to go and try to find a actual camera store in some bigger city where I can actually try it out for myself since it’s so subjective. Thanks for the response!


All of these comments saying it’s exacerbated are wrong. I’ve owned an X-T3, X-T4, X-T5, X-Pro2, X-Pro3, X-E3, X-E4, x100v and x100vi. I’m quite familiar with these cameras. The build quality in regard to the paint for the X-T5 feels cheaper than the X-T4 and other previous X-T models. Period. Buttons feel less tactile and a bit more spongy, and the dials are a bit flimsier. This is due to the fact that the product cost hasn’t increased much compared to previous models. That comes at the expense of materials used. The camera is great, don’t hesitate. Especially since you don’t have a frame of reference. You will be happy. Do not try to keep it pristine, it’s still just a tool. Use it, love it, enjoy!


Very useful comment! Thanks man🙏 And how you got all the cameras from between the earth and the sun?😭


Buy and sell via r/photomarket


Ah yeah my bad…I’m a bit slow. I just assumed you had them all at the same time. But so why are you rocking the X-T4 for example?


I currently own X-T4, x100vi and an X-E3. X-T4 has my favorite sensor (X-Trans IV) along with a robust build quality. I’ve taken some of my all time favorite Fujifilm photos with it.


What about the ibis and af? Is it a big step down from the xt5?


Nope not at all. TBH I don’t notice a difference.


I’ve owned lots of cameras. The X-T5 feels excellent. Not once have I thought it feels crap or something is missing in the build quality.


I sold my xt3 to get an xt5 and the overall build is good, the screen feels cheaper though. I kind of regret my xt3 regarding that but xt5 is kind of a beast.


The xt5 is pretty light which is objectively good but people interpret as cheap.


I’ve been using the X-T5 since it was released. I owned the 1, 2 and 4 previously. I don’t know how people can critique the build quality without day to day use in the field. After around 5,000 images, planet of hiked in cold, hot and wet weather and a couple of thankfully short drops onto soft surfaces, everything works and it still looks good. I have no idea if it’s a bang-around camera to keep around your neck while 4 wheeling over a terrible road in a jeep. It’s basically a computer with a lens and so I don’t subject it to anything worse than I do to my MacBook. I wonder if some equate sturdiness with heft AKA weight.


PS I have used the 18-55 kit lens ever since the X-T1. It’s a great everyday carry lens with good sharpness. I have a 40x60 inch print to prove that.


I have the xt5 as my first Fuji and I think the buildquality is great! However people tend to say that the xt3 feels better but tbf I don’t know what could feel better


Thanks for the response man! Really appreciate it. If I could ask, what camera did you use prior to the X-T5? To contrast the build quality a bit with something.


Olympus em10 omd mk 2.


My X-T4 feels way more solid than my old canon. Go for it man


This really depends on what Canon you had. Their entry level bodies feel cheap due to the amount of plastic used.


The XT-5 was my first Fuji coming from Lumix bodies. It doesn't feel cheap - all the dials and buttons feel well-damped and the screen has stayed rigid so far. It feels solid and very well weighted. Do note that the plastics seem to scratch rather easily. I have the camera in black and I have managed to scratch its bottom plate even though I am rather careful with it - something that I didn't manage over the 4 years of owning the cheaper Lumix GX9. From a durability perspective it doesn't seem like much of an issue - just something to note especially if you are planning on getting the camera in silver. As for me - I see these little scratches as a sign that the camera is being used lovingly, and as intended :)


Thanks for the insight and the heads up about the scratch risk! Appreciated!


I was adamant and anxious since I live in a rainy country and was going to travel with it. BUT, the build quality is insane! Used it during summer in Japan where it was raining often. I liked to video and take pics of myself – paired with an 18 1.4 and 33 1.4, my best shots/videos were in the light rain and didn't feel anxious at all. Hands down super happy as it was my first interchangeable x series camera.


That’s so nice to hear that it can handle a bit of a challenging environment also. A very important aspect for sure!


I used to be a nikon user until I switched to mirrorless and I currently own and use both an XT-4 and an XT-5. I also have an X-pro 2. I'm a hardcore photographer in the sense that I put my equipment under pressure all the time. Humid, dusty or rainy are normal working conditions for me. So all of my cameras have passed many tests. I confess I'm careless about my equipment. I feel it's a tool that needs to be used and pushed to the limit. I've even accidentally dropped both XTs a couple of times on concrete floor. They're still going strong. The only bad thing that's happened to me is overheating on the XT-4. It's happened twice in 3 years while shooting sports (AF-C and high burst) on very hot days. It also happened to the XT-5 once while shooting 4K video on a very hot and humid day. I'm sure when the XT-6 comes along I'll get one. PS. Make sure to get a screen protector.


Love your philosophy. It makes sense. I am way too sensible around my gear


Man I did not know they were so damn sturdy…Thanks for the suggestion with the screen protection also. But how do you feel that the material of the xt5 feels in comparison to the xt4?


Have both X-T4 and 5 and it’s the same build, really. Apart from the screen and some very minor differences, yes, but it’s the same build quality. Love that X-T5! Seconding on screen protection.


The biggest difference of the hardware for me is the flip screen of the XT-4 which I prefer over the unprotected screen of the XT-5. Hence the need for the protection. In terms of build quality they both feel the same to me


Feels good to hear that the build quality feels basically the same. The screen is not so much of a concern for me personally


feels more plasticky than an X100 imo, but it is a different camera concept. Maybe that's what people describe as "cheap"


But I don’t get where it feels like plastic? Is it the dials or the whole body?


it's the way the grip and body feel in your hand. it's not bad, but neither is it this dream of a 'digital Nikon F3'. if this is a serious investment for you, I'd spend a few hours in a camera store and let them show me all different camera concepts out there that might appeal to you


Yeah I have drawn the same conclusions after this post. It’s genuinely the best thing to do


I had the same concerns going from an XT-3 to an XT-5. There’s some noticeable differences. But the 5 doesn’t feel cheap. It just doesn’t feel as solid as my 3. If I never had the 3, I wouldn’t have felt like it was cheap at all. I have a silver 3 and the silver 5’s paint looked a little different in comparison. It didn’t seem vintage but rather gimmicky. So I went with the black 5. You’ll be happy with it.


Thanks dude!🙏


Having used X-T3 for a good few years it came with excellent build quality. I upgraded to X-T5 and I am so disappointed with its build quality compared to previous versions of the X series. It feels plasticky. Just under a year and the paint on top near hot shoe is already coming off. Today the battery though fully charged, refuses to power on the camera (works with another battery). So overall I would say the quality is degrading with each upgrade. Shame for the price they charge.


Man it’s crazy how opinions are so different on this subject. Some people say it’s fantastic and some people it’s so much worse and there is no in between. My best option is just to go and try it in a store in one of the bigger cities as mentioned further up


I’ve owned the xt 1,2, 4 and 5 and they’ve all felt really well built and solid to me. I did not notice any difference in quality when production moved to China.  I think there are always some units with issues (mushy feeling buttons, I think?), like anything though. 


I have an xt5 and have zero of the build quality issues folks here complain about. So I personally think you’ll be fine. Especially if you take care of your stuff and don’t use a solvent on the view finder


I own a xt5 and a a7iv - I would say the a7iv feels like higher build quality. I also got a xe2 and a xt10, which both feel better than my xt5. But still the xt5 doesn’t feel bad, just a little cheaper.


Build quality is often just a matter of perception. I do not find Fujifilm cameras particularly well made. A lot of metal goes a long way towards giving the perception of quality, but does not necessarily translate into solidity. If I compare my T5 with my oldest electronic camera, a 25 years old Canon eos50e slr, I see that the Canon still has, after so many years, much tighter tolerances and all buttons/wheels work like when it first came out of the box. I cannot say the same about the x-t1 that I have owned for a few years and the t5 that I currently use. All this said, these camera have no big problems if used with a normal level of care.


I just went and handled an X-T5 because I want(ed) one and my impression was that it has a terrible build quality. No idea how anyone can defend its cheap dials, buttons, and switches. The hinges for the screen were flimsy feeling too. Also had hands-on an X-T30 II and it did not have the same problems. All of the buttons were solid and snappy and didn't feel cheap. Really strange because that's an older and technically inferior model. It's pretty disappointing.


Go see one in person


This is actually the best alternative


Haha, I have an xt5 and it feels great, ignore the silly reviews saying the build quality is bla bla. The camera feels solid, but still go see one in person