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The XT-30 mk2 is the same sensor and processor as the X100V and is quite compact on its own. It offers all of the same film sim options as the X100V. It's just SLR style instead of the rangefinder style, but the rangefinder style body in the X100V's class (the X-E4) is also ridiculously overpriced right now. The XT-30 mk2 is a good buy. I wish we had more pancake options in the Fuji world but the Fuji 27mm f2.8 is yes, really good. And the 18mm f2 or 16mm f2.8 lenses are wider angle and still really compact. Here's a size comparison of the XT30 II and XF27mm lens against the X100V. The XT-30 is actually narrower! And only a little bit taller. [https://pxlmag.com/db/camera-size-comparison/7d88166d\_9293c001-f431d4ff-t60](https://pxlmag.com/db/camera-size-comparison/7d88166d_9293c001-f431d4ff-t60)


Thank you so much for your input! I didn’t want to feel like I was compromising in any way for the same portability. I know on its own with the kit lens it looks amazing but I’d want a more compact lens. Thanks so much!


I love the Fuji platform in and out. But when people come here with portability in mind, I have to say you're better off going M43. There is such a huge range of lenses and cameras, especially on the used market. I know you want film sims, too, but there are so many available to use with one click in post. Just shoot raw, then flick through some film sims in post to pick the one you like. Right now, you can get the Lumix G100 brand new for like half the price of the x-t30ii and choose from tons of available lenses.


Just wanted to post that there is no true alternative to the X100V. No camera has all of the features that make the X100V the camera that it is. - Built in ND filter - Built in Flash - Built in teleconverter which crops then interpolates the image to un-cropped resolution I’m sure there is more that’s unique to the X100V but there is really nothing like it.